Chapter Two

Chasing Time

Surprisingly enough, I didn't miss a single note on Jin's exam. After the class was over, he invited me to his apartment, as he did promise me a recording session. 

Besides, he also wanted to introduce me to his roommate, Taehyung. So now, I sit on a couch, across from a large comfy chair that Jin sits in, laptop in his lap. 

"I still can't believe you were able to pick out all of the notes, Alex." He says, grinning up at me, the light from his computer screen lighting up his face. "You really don't disappoint when it comes to music." 

His words bring a small smile to my lips. Coming from him, it must mean a lot, considering how hard everyone in the class tried to ace his exam. 

"Jin, do you believe in anything supernatural?" I ask him, looking down at my shoes. I know its a long shot, but if I can explain this to anyone it would be a lot easier. 

Carrying the burden of such an important power has been driving me crazy and it's only been two hours. I've used it a few times for mostly the small things, insignificant things. 

Warning a girl in the hallway that the door was going to open so that she wouldn't get hit. Stepping out of the way of a brawl so that I wouldn't be shoved into Jin on the way to his apartment. The small things. 

I can't help but wonder what it is I'm supposed to be doing with it though. I know there's got to be a bigger, better reason for suddenly gaining these powers. 

"After today, maybe." He answers, after giving much thought. "A lot has happened. I ran into you once, then we ended up in the same class. Then you continued to impress me with the type of person you are. It's almost like there's some other worldly reason we met. I mean, you're practically the ideal--"

The door clicks open and the sound of loud footsteps echoes through the rooms. "Jin! I'm hungry, what's for dinner?" A voice asks from the front door. 

The sound of footsteps louder before a boy with dark red hair enters the room. "Oh... you didn't tell me we had guests." He says scratching the back of his head. 

"Taehyung, this is Alex. She's the new transfer here, same year as you." Jin says. motioning towards me. 

There's something familiar about that head of hair... It's like I saw it today already. Before I know it, a chuckle escapes my lips before turning into a full blown laugh. 

It's the kid from sight reading class, the one sleeping in the front row. Ms. Choi had to drop a book next to his desk to wake him up. 

I talk within paused chuckles, "Was my performance this morning really that boring?" I ask, covering my grin with the palm of my hand. 

His face turns pink, almost red like his hair. "I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, I was recording with Jin." He sits down next to Jin in another comfy chair. "Besides, it wasn't boring, it was soothing." 

Jin grins and shuts his laptop, "Good, so you two will get along just fine." He stands up and tucks his laptop into his bag. "I need to go out for a second and talk to Mr. Kim. Tae, show her to the studio and get her set up, okay?"

Taehyung nods and stands up, "It's this way," he says, starting to walk away from me. I follow him quickly, staring at his back while he takes me into another room. 

He's a first year like me, I wonder if he knows anything about Jungkook. "So, Taehyung?" 

"Yeah?" He answers, opening a door for me to enter. I walk in and take the seat he directs me to. 

"What do you know about Jungkook? The kid with the black hair?" I ask, watching him turn everything on. 

"What about him? He's a prodigy like you. He's the whole package: singer, dancer, songwriter, actor. There isn't anything he doesn't do well at." He replies a bit bitterly.

"You don't seem to like him much, is he a bad kid?" I watch him as he starts to open up the Protools program. 

He shakes his head and sits down across from me, "No, he used to be awesome. My best friend." 

"What happened?" 

"He got mixed up with the wrong crowd here. Some people say that his talent got to him, but that wasn't it. He was always one of the most humble guys I knew. His attitude started changing when he started hanging out with the 'staccato' club." Taehyung responded, rolling his eyes a bit at the mention of the 'staccato club'.

"What the heck is the staccato club?" I ask. The name sounds stupid, is it a campus club I wonder? 

"Dumb name, right? It's supposed to symbolize standing out sharply amongst a group because staccato notes are played detached from the rest of the notes. It's the name of their clique of powerful performers. I would be careful, they might want to initiate you, or target you." He says, shrugging and leaning back into his chair. 

Target? Maybe that's why that kid went after Jungkook today, maybe he felt threatened. But why would they do that to their own member? It doesn't make any sense. 

"He said he wanted to ask me something later, is he someone that I should stay away from?" I ask, pulling out my water from my bag and drinking from it. My nervous habit, drinking water. I always worry that I'm going to choke when I'm nervous. 

Taehyung shakes his head and rolls his eyes again, "Yeah, no. He wouldn't hurt a single soul. I'm not even sure he's proud of being in the staccato club. He stands out the most amongst all of them." 

Taehyung is interesting, I can't exactly understand what kind of person he is yet. He seems to have quite a bit of attitude, and answers very bluntly. Is he annoyed with me? Or just comfortable? 

Jin walks back in and greets us with a smile, setting down his bag and taking a seat in the main chair. "Ready to start?" 


After the session I thank Jin and start walking back towards my dorm. We got pretty far, but the song is no where near finished. For the first time, I realized I lack the confidence needed to record. 

I was too nervous, and it showed. There were many parts we had to redo, mainly the vocal parts. I was fine when it came to recording the piano and the guitar, but I'm not too sure what happened with the vocals. 

Maybe it was the stress of having Jin record my voice. Knowing how popular and intelligent he is can be kind of intimidating. I wanted to impress him, and all I ended up doing was making a fool out of myself. Let's hope tomorrow is better. 

I walk quickly back to my dorm. It's cold and the path to my building isn't very well lit. I also really need to use the restroom; all of that water is getting to me now. 

I use my key to go into the complex, walking over to the elevator to get to my floor. A boy with a gray hoodie is standing in front of it, waiting for the doors to open. 

His stance seems familiar; he looks over at me and removes is hood, running a hand through his black hair. It's Jungkook. 

"Long day?" I ask, walking over and standing next to him to wait for the elevator. He chuckles halfheartedly and shakes his head. 

"You wouldn't know the half of it." He says, leaning against the wall behind him. "Well, you might." 

I raise a brow and look over at him, he couldn't mean... 

"I know it was you. I ran to the bathroom to thank whoever had saved me, and I saw you running back to class. You looked scared for your life." He grinned softly. 

I lean back against the wall next to him and sigh, "Yeah, but I bet I didn't look as scared as you did." I say, drumming on the wall with my fingers. 

The elevator doors open and he holds the door for me to enter first. I get in followed by him and watch the doors close. 

"Do you remember me at all, Alex?" He asks, pushing the button to our floor and looking back at me. 

There is something familiar about him, but I honestly don't. I've never met anyone named Jungkook with jet black hair and an almost permanent smirk. If I had, I'm sure I would have remembered him by now. I shake my head and shrug my shoulders, "Can't say I do."

He chuckles lightly and watches the number of floors as the elevator takes us up. "Well, I'm not the same brat from middle school that you once called Junggie." 

Junggie? The friend in all of my advanced classes who always made sure to have his mom pack an extra juicebox in his lunch for me? This couldn't be him. The kid I remember had brown hair, dorky habits, and a sweet personality. I always thought he'd become a music teacher when he left to go study music abroad. And what about his glasses?

He grins at me, and I start to recognize him. The goofy grin, the way his eyes smile along with his mouth. It makes sense that he would be considered a 'prodigy' as well, he's always been better than me at almost everything. I remember being jealous of him at all times, he would never fail to impress everyone around him. Something happened over the last four years, his demeanor has changed completely. We used to be inseparable, two musical kids stuck to each other like glue. 

The elevator dings and the door opens, he holds the door for me again as I walk out. "I'm sorry about not telling you by the way, that I was leaving for Sweden." 

That's right, he didn't tell me. He just left without saying goodbye and I had to find out through my mother. I continue to walk down the hall to my dorm, not giving him a glance. "Yeah, a lot has happened in your absence. A lot of very stressful things for me; you left when I needed a friend most." 

He walks along beside me and tries his best to keep up the pace. "I know, I heard. Your mom told my mom." 

I keep walking; seeing my dorm in sight makes me pick up the pace. My arm is lightly pulled back by Jungkook's grasp. I stop and face him, "What is it?"

He releases his hold on my wrist and shoves a hand in his pocket, "Don't you want to exchange numbers? I still need to take you out for lunch as a thank you." 

He pulls his phone out and hands it to me. I take it and punch in my number quickly, "I really should be heading off to bed now, thanks for walking me to my room, Jungkook." I hand it back to him and start walking to my room again." 

"Wait!" he says, grabbing my wrist again. "Do you have a partner for the score assignment?" He asks, releasing my wrist slowly but letting his hand linger there. 

I shake my head, "I was going to do it by myself, I work better alone now." I say, tucking my hands into my sweat pockets. 

A small frown appears on Jungkook's face," Come on, be my partner, like old times." 

Old times, yeah when we were kids. Who says we'll work as well as we did then? It might be different, I can see our personalities have changed a lot since then. 

"Fine, but be prepared to work hard. Now goodnight, Jungkook." I say, turning towards the direction my dorm room is located. 

"I'll text you some ideas when I get back into my room!" He says from behind me. I turn around and wave to him, and he waves back. However, in the process of waving, a door hits me when a girl walks out of the bathroom. 

"Ow.... " 

Almost naturally, my brain's time switch flips into reverse and brings me a few seconds back. I step out of the way of the door and wave to Jungkook, watching him wave back as I hear the bathroom door open from behind me. 

I begin to realize that I could have also used my powers when I was recording with Jin earlier. I'm such an idiot! I could have totally saved him some time by reversing every time I made a mistake. 

Ugh, whatever. I reach my dorm room and unlock the door. I'm glad that I don't share a room with anyone, my room is a mess. I toss my bag down onto my couch and flop down onto my bed. 

Today has been such a long, and odd day. First I discover my powers by saving someone, then it turns out I used to be best friends with them. Today just keeps getting weirder and weirder. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I assume the message is from Jungkook. However, when I unlock my phone, I notice it's from a private number. 

I open it and it reads, 

From: Private Number

11/10/16 10:35pm 

Stay out of other's business, or he won't be the only one in danger.

A chill runs down my spine; is this from that creep that attacked Jungkook earlier today?  Whoever it is, I'll have to make sure to keep my eye out. 

Somehow I feel invincible, after all, I have time on my side. 


Hello and thank you for reading! As always, comment with your honest feedback! I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter, even if it was a little shorter than the last. Subscribe and upvote! Thank you!






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I know its been like a year and some time since I wrote anything, but I think I'm going to pick this up again.


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quality content
yuriftw #2
Chapter 7: I'm glad you're back. I hope everything is going well with you. Also I just realized the connection with Life is Strange which is one of my fave games as well. I'm excited for what's to come in this story. <3
Chapter 6: Now I'm even more curious about what's going on. It seems like Jin was up to something from the start but now I don't know. I'm so excited for the next chapter. <3 <3
Ihershie #5
I FORGOT TO MENTION YESTERDAY! I watched an anime that Taehyung, Junkook and Jin had watched and I'm not sure if you've watched it but it's called the girl who leapt through time. Your story reminds me of that hehe
Ihershie #6
I love discovering gems in the world of aff
Chapter 3: I love it! I wanna know what's going to happen next *~* Please update soon <3