

By the second week of studying with Mina; Tzuyu wondered how exactly she had managed to fall so low. Learning Japanese was not as difficult as it seemed to be when she sat herself down to study. Of course when she studied by herself her thoughts were usually filled with visions of Miss Sana and the way her accent changed when she said certain words. But learning from (and studying with) Mina was a lot easier and she was actually able to understand what she was reading on the worksheets. And of course she tried her best to help Mina out with her Korean, although it seemed as if it was hardly a struggle with how fast she picked it up.


They had been studying after school at the library, distraction free, for two weeks before Mina had forgotten her notebook at home and asked if they could study over at her place; and not wanting to force her to go all the way home and make the travel back, Tzuyu agreed. “Aunt Sana said she was going out with her friend Nayeon,” was all it took Tzuyu to relax and follow Mina cautiously.


The Minatozaki/Myoui apartment was small and cozy with picture frames scattered around displaying photos of Miss Sana growing up in Japan, some photos of Mina with her family, and photos that had obviously been taken recently of Mina and Miss Sana at various tourist spots in Seoul. After a quick tour the two sat down in Mina's room to study.


“I'm definitely going to ace tomorrows quiz!” Tzuyu boasted as she stretched out on the floor. They had been studying for hours and she'd just finished the practice test.


Mina grinned proudly at her, just having graded a her practice sheet, and laid down next to her. “I think you'll manage just well.”


“Hey thanks for helping me out,” Tzuyu thanked gratefully, “I know we've been awkward with each other so it's great that we've gotten a bit closer.”


“Yeah sorry about that, I know I can be a bit awkward. I'm just still a little insecure about my Korean still.” She blushed, ducking her head.


“You're doing fine.” Tzuyu reassured, patting her hand gently, “I still struggle from time to time also, I only got better when I met Dahyun. She forced me to talk.” She chuckled.


“Yeah Dahyun is funny.” She giggled, “I'm glad I met you guys. It's been a bit rough.” She sighed heavily.


“What do you mean?” Tzuyu asked, concerned.


“You like girls right? Chaeng kinda told me and you're not that subtle about it either.” She said biting her lip. “Sorry, please don't get mad her for telling me.”


“It's okay I don't mind.” Tzuyu nodded, “Yeah I like girls.”


“Well I think I like girls too.” She admitted nervously, “I haven't told anyone. Only Aunt Sana knows.”


Tzuyu looked at her sympathetically, she knew what it was like to hold in such a big secret.


I didn't know how my parents would feel about it so I moved here with Aunt Sana because I knew she wouldn't hate me.” She chuckled nervously, “I guess I feel comfortable telling you because you're just like me. I trust you I guess.”


Tzuyu felt guilty, Mina had confessed a big secret to her and here she lay next to her, holding one specifically from her. “I won't tell anyone.” She whispered back.


Mina smiled back at her gratefully and Tzuyu couldn't help smiling back at. Mina looked nothing like Miss Sana but when she smiled, Tzuyu could feel the same warmth radiating from her. It was probably why when Mina started leaning in, she didn't pull back. Tzuyu was certain that Mina didn't have feelings for her and that their kiss was most likely a confirmation for Mina, that she indeed did like girls. Tzuyu didn't mind. She closed her eyes, picturing another pair of lips pressing gently on hers. The angle was weird with them still laying on the floor and with the image of Miss Sana in her head, she couldn't help tangling her hands in Mina's soft short hair and pulling her on top of her. Mina was obviously not as in experienced with kissing; as she responded positively to the action, shifting to make it more comfortable. They were less so kissing and more so making out.


Minari you want to catch a m-”


Mina jumped off of Tzuyu who lay frozen on the floor staring in wide-eyed shock at the equally as shocked Miss Sana who stood in the door way.


Oh, um, Tzuyu's here… I'll just.. go to my room.” She blushed and shut the door.


Tzuyu covered her face as the door closed and groaned, “I can't believe my Intro to Japanese teacher just caught me kissing her niece.”, while in her head she screamed, “MISS SANA JUST CAUGHT ME KISSING MINA!”


Tzuyu I am so sorry, I didn't think she was going to be home this early and I didn't plan on kissing you, oh my god, I can't believe I kissed you.” Mina apologized, pacing in circles around Tzuyu. “I'm sorry if I just made things more awkward.”


Tzuyu finally sat up as she began to cool off- she'll freak out more about Miss Sana seeing her kiss Mina later- and watched Mina paced, “It's okay, although I am a little embarrassed, I didn't mind the kiss, or kissing...” She trailed off. “I should probably get going so you can talk to Miss Sana and stuff.” She said getting up and gathering her stuff.


I'm sorry,” Mina apologized again as she helped her up, “Can we keep this a secret?” She bit her lip nervously.


Tzuyu nodded, “Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.”


Mina relaxed at her words, “Thank you. I'll walk you out.”


The two awkwardly walked out of the room as they made their way to the front door. Fate was not on their side as they ran into Miss Sana about to enter her room.


Oh are you leaving Tzuyuy?” She asked, as if she hadn't just caught her student and niece making out on the floor.


Y-yes M-miss S-sana.” Tzuyu bowed at her.


Would you like for me to give you a ride home? It's pretty late.” She offered kindly.


No no, I'm okay. I need the fresh air. I'll see you tomorrow.” She said to Mina and Miss Sana, quickly walking past Miss Sana and to the front door.


She made it out without being stopped and heaved a heavy sigh as she began to walk home. She didn't realize how much she had been sweating until the cold air hit her and wiped a hand across her forehead. When she was far enough away and half way through the park nearby Mina's house she let out a scream and threw herself on the floor, “Miss Sana saw me kiss Mina oh my god,” she palmed her face, she had the worst of luck. She wasn't sure if she should be glad to be caught or upset. Being caught would make her crush less obvious but if there was a one percent chance that Miss Sana liked her back it had all gone down the drain.


Whatever the case, she hoped Mina hadn't gotten in trouble. She had said Miss Sana was okay with her uality but she didn't know Miss Sana outside the classroom and it was possible she wasn't okay with Mina kissing girls in her room. She'd have to ask Mina tomorrow when they were alone again. They'd also have to talk about their feelings, even though Tzuyu was certain she had no feelings for Mina in any way that wasn't more than friendly, she had to make sure she knew Mina's feelings.


When she was done being dramatic, she stood and made her way home.


The house was empty when she arrived as it usually was; her mother had left to America for a business trip that morning, her last words being, “When I get back I hope to see you have an 'A' in your Japanese class.”, leaving Tzuyu yet again with just those words and a kiss on her cheek.


With her mother gone, Tzuyu allowed herself to eat her hidden ramen and ate in the living room rather then on the expensive glass dining table. After cleaning up her mess she got ready for bed tiredly, texting her mother goodnight before plopping down on bed and readying herself for another night of dreaming of Miss Sana.

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KpopTrash666 #1
Chapter 8: This story is really good so far, I hope you update this soon author nim
Author-nim plss update i beg youu
seulrenedream #3
Chapter 8: This story is so good, I'm sad the author lost interest.
Chapter 8: please update soon :))
Chapter 5: i love thisssssss !
Chapter 8: Author-nim please updatee this is way to good to not update pleasee
SaTzuAlways #7
Chapter 8: Till around the world
Then i met you girl
It's like coming home ....
To a place i known
Ryannereid94 #8
Chapter 8: Aww this was really sweet!
Chapter 8: This update got my teary eyes! I'm happy that tzuyu felt like home inside sana's residency :^)
Marilyntry #10