Spending the day with EXO

My new family

Frida POV
I'm on my way to SM, meeting Heechul first. Last week he said EXO wanted to meet me and I wanted to see them again. You can't blame a fan here. When I got there, dressed in a disguise, Super Juniors manager stood outside, noticing me. He waved me over quickly and hurried us both inside.

When I got inside, a pair of arms hugged me and I looked up to see Heechul. "Oppa, hi." I said, hugging him back. He chuckled and landed a peck on my head. "Hi sweetie. Are you ready to meet EXO again?" He asked and I nodded. "It's gonna be fun. Hope they still wanna meet me though." I said, worry filling my voice slightly. "Don't worry. A giant elf and a shy devil hasn't stopped talking about you." Heechul told me and started pulling me away. 

"Wait." I said and went up to the manager. "Thanks for getting me oppa." I told the man and hugged him. He chuckled and told me not to think about it. He shoved me towards Heechul again who pulled me off to EXOs practice room. As we got closer, I heard music blasting through and it was Monster. I looked at Heechul and smirked.

"Give me two seconds oppa." I said and sneaked inside. Luckily, they didn't notice even with the mirrors on the wall. I stood behind them, following their moves the best I could. After a while I heard a few grunts of annoyance. "Seriously.. Chanyeol, stop missing your steps. And Suho, that goes for you too." Yixing said and the two boys looked at each other. "Hyung, we didn't miss our steps." They both told the older, who frowned at their words.

"Then who is it that did?" He walked to the back, up to me and I grinned. "I guess that would be me but I think I managed pretty well though." I teased as I pulled my beanie off. The boys looked confused and that's when Heechul came inside. "Frida, nice job dancing with them. Almost like a pro." He told me as he went up and hugged me. "Thanks oppa. But Yixing-oppa didn't seem to think so. But we didn't meet the last time I was here so I don't blame him for not really knowing me." I pouted, making the said person flustered.

"No, I'm sorry. It's just as you say though. We haven't really met. I was probably in China..." He tried to explain, but someone cut him off. "Frida, you're here." A giant said and pulled me from Heechul into his arms. "Chanyeol-oppa." I said and snuggled in to his embrace. "Aww, she's adorable." I heard someone say and looked up to see a cute puppy. "Hi Frida." Baekhyun said and I smiled. "Hi oppa. I'm amazed though, that you remember my name. We only met like once." I told him honestly, making him giggle. "I only remember because of two boys in here." He teased and pointed at Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. "Oh, so that was what Heechul-oppa meant." I mumbled out, earning me a laugh from the said man.

"Frida, you gonna be okay here?" Heechul asked me and I nodded. "I'll be fine oppa. I'll text you later. Thanks for coming and getting me." I answered him and pecked his cheek, earning me a ruffle in my hair and then he was gone. The next second I was in someone's arms again. I looked up to see a smiling Kyungsoo. "Hi Frida." He said happily, making me smile.

"Hi oppa." I snuggled into his embrace too, it's too comfy to deny. "Aww, cutie." Someone said and I blushed. That earned me some chuckles and some cooing so I snuggled deeper into Kyungsoos embrace. "Stop teasing her." He told them, his eyes were in DevilSoo mode. "Noona, are you okay?" I heard a voice say and turned to see Kai and Sehun stand next to us.

I nodded, smiling at them both. "I'm fine. But you know you don't have to call me noona, right? Call me Frida." I told the two younger boys, earning me some smiles and nods from them. "What do you wanna do today, Frida?" Xiumin asked me and I blushed a little. He is so damn cute and my bias here. "Are you blushing? That's adorable." Chen cooed and pulled me from Kyungsoo to him. "Oppa!~" I whined, earning me chuckles all around.

"You wanna dance some more?" Yixing asked me, bless him for that, and I nodded, getting out from Chens arms and hugged him instead. "Thanks." I whispered and he smiled that cute dimpled smile at me. "Umm... Can I try doing Growl?" I asked Yixing in Mandarine, earning me a chocked look from him.

"You speak Mandarine?" He asked and I smiled at him." Learning. It's so hard though." I whined in Korean, making him laugh. "I'll help you sometime. Which languages do you know?" He asked me and the others seemed interested too. "Well, I know Swedish, English, Japanese, Korean, German, Italian, Spanish and French. Now I'm learning Mandarine so.. It's nine all together." I said happily, earning me stares from them all. "What? Did I say something wrong?" I asked them, making then shake their heads.

"No, not at all. We are just surprised. That's a lot of languages. How.. I mean... How did you even start?" Suho asked me and I chuckled at him. "Well, I started speaking English when I was seven. It was mandatory in school and I liked speaking another language. So many different roads opened up then. At 12, I started with German, also because of school. After that I learned French, Spanish and Italian, cause they were similar. Then Japanese, cause my addiction to anime and One Piece. Lastly Korean, like three years ago. It wasn't that hard, I just wanted to be able to speak with people so I put my mind to it and here I am." I explained, walking to their stereo and plugged in my phone.

I put on Growl and looked at the confused boys with a smile. I started dancing, not caring what they thought about it. Kai was right next to me in a few seconds, dancing with me. When the song was done, I chuckled at the boys watching us. "Thanks for dancing with me Kai. It was fun." I said happily, making him smile. "You're good. Do you know any more songs?" He asked and I nodded.

"I know some. Many are K-pop but some are Japanese. It's my way of working out. I don't like gyms that much so I do this for a workout. Can I show another one? It'll be fun." I asked, making him nod. "Go for it. These hyungs are like frozen anyway so." Kai answered with a chuckle. I went to my phone again and put on TVXQs Mirotic. The looks I got was hilarious but I started dancing anyway.

When I was done, someone clapped their hands and I turned to see Changmin from TVXQ stand there. I blushed, embarrassed that he saw me dance. "Hyung, what are you doing here?" Suho asked, making Changmin smile. "Well, I heard our song and I know you guys aren't practicing it and it comes from your practice room. I'm amazed though. You're really good. Who are you?" Changmin asked as he walked towards me. 

"Oh, I'm Frida. I'm friends with EXO and Super Junior. I'm here visiting. It's an honor to meet you, Changmin-sshi." I answered him, bowing slightly, making him chuckle at me. "Aren't you the cutest? You're a fan?" He asked and I nodded. "Been that for a while. But your dances have been a challenge to both me and my sister. The latest one we learned was Catch me, and I'll tell you. It took us five hours to get that dance right, Changmin-sshi." I told him and walked over to my phone again.

I put on the said song and pulled him with me. Luckily I learnt Yunhos part and my sister Changmins. I started dancing and Changmin actually followed. We went through it all and when we were done, EXO clapped their hands for us. Changmin pulled me in for a hug and laughed loudly. "Amazing. And you learned this in five hours?" Changmins asked, his face glowing because of that smile of his. I nodded shyly, cause he's still hugging me.

But then someone pulled me from him. I looked up and saw Chanyeol, his eyes never leaving Changmin. "Hyung, don't flirt with her. Not if you want Heechul-hyung after you." He told Changmin and he pouted cutely. "I wasn't flirting. She just seems fun to be around. Call me oppa, okay?" Changmin sad and I nodded at that. "Okay, oppa." I said happily, making him smile too.

"Frida, don't make us jealous. You were gonna be with us today." Chanyeol complained, making me chuckle and pet his head, well, I tried to. I stood on my toes, trying to reach but I didn't. I pouted at that and went to Kyungsoo instead. "You don't make me feel so short." I mumbled as I sat down in his lap, making him smile. He hugged me closer, making the others whine. "Don't hog her to yourself." Suho said and sat down in front of me.

"Hi oppa." He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "That's what you wanted to do to him, right?" He asked and I nodded. "But I'm too short so I got a bit sad about it." I mumbled out. Chanyeol heard me and flew down next to me and put my hand in his hair. "Now you reach." He said happily and I smiled at him while I ruffled his hair. "Soft.." I mumbled and continued to ruffle his hair until it become light . Chanyeol didn't protest, he just closed his eyes and hummed loudly.

"Hehe, like a dog." I chuckled and moved out from Kyungsoos lap and moved Chanyeols head down in my lap. I continued his hair and he just laid there with his eyes closed. "Frida, you're making us jealous here. Just giving Chanyeol the attention." A voice said and I looked up to see Baekhyun in front of me. "Sorry oppa." I said looking down at Chanyeols calm face. "Oh, he fell asleep." I said and Baekhyun sighed. "Yeol! Wake up!" He yelled and he flew up, half asleep.

"Don't fall asleep. We still have practice and then we need to eat." Xiumin lectured him and he pouted. "Yes, hyung." He mumbled as went to the floor again. "Let's do this three more times and then we go and eat." Suho announced and they all nodded. "Are you okay with watching?" Yixing asked and I nodded. "Extra eyes if they slack off." I teased and he grinned. "Good girl." He said while ruffling my hair before he went to the others.

"Frida, I'll have to leave now but I guess we'll probably see each other some other day." Changmin said and I nodded. "Really nice to meet you oppa. Bye." I waved him goodbye as he left through the door. After that I sat and watched them practice but I was tired and somehow, I accidentally fell asleep.

Yixing POV
As we practiced, I saw that Frida had fallen asleep. She's adorable though, and an amazing dancer. The others noticed that I looked at Frida and they cooed at the sight of her. "Aww, what a little angel. She's adorable." Baekhyun cooed and we all nodded at that. "Shall we stop?" I asked and they nodded. Sehun walked and picked her up. 

"Let's go and get Heechul-hyung. Let's ask how we can get her to our dorm without waking her up." Sehun said and walked to the door and Kai opened and followed him out. I grabbed her things and followed with the rest in a tow. As we got out, Sehun stood frozen and we saw our CEO stand there. "Boss." The rest of us bowed but Sehun stood and protectively hugged Frida close to him. 

"Who's she?" He asked, sounding more interested than angry. "Boss. She's our friend and she's also a friend of Super Junior." Suho explained, earning a nod from our CEO. "I saw through the camera how she danced. She's good. And she seemed to make you guys better." He said, looking at Sehun. "Relax. I'm not throwing her out. If SuJu likes her, I'll get Heechul after me if I do anything." He explained and we chuckled at that. "True, boss. But thanks for letting her stay." We all bowed to him and he chuckled before he left.

We went looking for Heechul, but we ran into SHINee instead. "Sunbaes, do you know where Heechul-hyung is?" I asked them, but they shook their heads. "Why?" Key asked but then he looked at Sehun. "Is that Frida?" He asked before getting over to them. "Aww, my little dongseng." He cooed and pecked her cheek. Frida groaned and opened her eyes.

"Key-oppa." She said sleepily and snuggled closer to Sehun. "Comfy." She mumbled out, making Sehun blush at her words but we just smiled at her. Sehun snapped out of his tiny trance and looked down at her. "Frida, time to wake up. We need to eat." He told the sleepy girl and she pouted. "But it's comfy." She whined and Minho chuckled at her. 

He walked up to them and took her from Sehun. Frida clanged on him like a child, but Minho just smiled at her. "Sweetie, are you that tired?" He asked her and she nodded. "I danced too much. And now I'm hungry too. Maybe I should go home." We all pouted at that. "Frida, don't leave." I said and she looked at me with a small smile. "Stay with them sweetie. They seem to like you a lot." Key cooed at her and she chuckled at him, looking at us over Minhos shoulder. 

"Shall we go eat then oppas?" She asked us happily. "Sure. Come here." I said and she went in to my arms instead. She hanged on like a child and she snuggled in to my embrace. "Chanyeol, call the pizzeria. Make them come here and ask our manager to get it when it comes. Let's go back to the practice room, Frida." I said and walked off with her in my arms. She just giggled and hugged me.

The rest of the day, Frida jumped between us and she was just adorable. I helped her with some Mandarine and her pronouncing is really good. She's really talented. When she had to leave, the beagle line whined and tried to make her stay. "Oppas, I'm meeting Henry-oppa tomorrow so I need to rest. We are going to the gym so I need to be well rested. But I'll text you guys, okay?" He said and they smiled at her. "Okay. Bye Frida." She got a hug from all of us and then she left.

"She's so cute. Hope we can see her soon." Kyungsoo said and we nodded at that. "Let's go home. We can practice more tomorrow." Suho said and we followed him back home. I just hope we can meet Frida really soon. She's fun to have around and the other really like her, me included. "Hyung, let's go." Baekhyun said and pulled me out, off to our dorm.

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iluvmaccaron07 #1
ohh this seems like the ultimate FANfic lolol
Chapter 3: So cuteeee I like your style of writing♡
anchelita #3
Eg lika denne. Veldig søt.
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