The Rain (5)

The rain

Does he mean those days when were in fourth grade? Those days when we felt the same for each other?

He lets go of me.

Jungkook: "I'm sorry. You should get some rest. I'll do the project."

He stands up and leaves.

I could feel my heart beating really fast. 

I sighed.

What is this I'm feeling? 

I'm confused. 

I've just confessed to Jin. I'm not sure if I have feelings for my friends. 

I feel like a bad person.

I placed my hand on my head.

Me: "Whats happening to me? Why're am I feeling like this? You're such a dummy."

I lay in bed recalling everything that happend today. 

Me: "Should I accept these feelings or deny them?"

Eventually, I passed out.

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