The Rain (1)

The rain

After meeting with our group, we started doing our assigned task, we're doing the decorations for our group project. After a few minutes of discussing with Jungkook what we're doing, we started working.

Me: "Kookie, ah, are these enough?"

I showed him the papers I was folding. I was folding to mark what Jungkook should cut.

Jungkook: "I need more. Make more."

He says waving his scissore alittle.

I sighed at his request and made more without hesitating. 

Our group is almost done, the thing that we're doing now are the last touches before we submit it tomorrow. 
Well, tomorrow isn't really the said due date, but due next week. But since our group was aiming for additional points, and since exams are are 3 weeks away, we all agreed to finish it early, so that we could study and earn the additional points.

Jungkook: "Uhm, did you make these? These are nice! I never knew you were an artist."

He praises the small drawings of animals I drew on each corner of a page. The drawings were very detailed and cute. 

I laugh.

Me: "Thanks! I know I'm good in art and all, but praising me won't make me do your job." 

I laughed.

Jungkook: "You're cruel. I wasn't praising you because I wanted to stop working. I was praising because, they were really nice. And cute."

He smiles and continues to go on with his work.

I sighed and turned to the window. I remembered something. The day when I confessed to him. The sky, it looks so calm, and beautiful. It reminds of the day when I— before I could even recall.

Suddenly, Jungkook coughs, cutting me in my thoughts. The cough sounded fake, it sounded like he forced it out. 

Me: "I'm sorry. I was thinking about something. What were you saying?"

I turned to him and bent my head down.

Jungkook: "I wasn't saying anything. Hey, if it still bothers you, we can talk about it. We are friends, aren't we? I know, it feels quite fresh even though it has been 3 months. But if it still hurts, we can talk about it, okay?" 

How did he know I was thinking about Jin?

He says without turning his head. Even though he wasn't facing me, I nodded alittle.

It was quiet for a few minutes, I kinda felt nervous. I tried to break the silence. I looked at my watch to see it was only 5:00 pm. We didn't even last for an hour?! I looked back at the sky, it was getting kind of dark, we should probably finish this at home. 

Me: "Uhm, Jungkook, would you like to finish this at home?" 

Jungkook: "I don't know, I don't want to this at home, when I get home I want to sleep. Lets just crash at yours. Okay?" 

He smiles like nothing happend, like a little boy. 

As we went out the building we met Mr. Liet, the guard the protects our beloved school from harm. (LOL) his last name is read as "Light", which is cool, because his last name is spelled as "L-I-E-T". 

Mr. Liet: "Looks like the two of came up with something."

He laughs.

Jungkook: "WHAT? Mr. Liet, what's going on in that mind of yours? You know, we can report, right?"

Jungkook replies with a laugh.

Me: "Ahh, Mr. Liet, we were just doing a batch project. Keep those kind thoughts to yourself, it might get you in trouble."

I laughed.

Mr. Liet: "Right, again with the excuses. Anyways, don't go doing those kind of stuff other kids do, stay kind and obey your parents. Now, you kids should go on and enjoy your youth. I'll be staying here protecting your second home."

He smiles and waves us goodbye.

We both nod and waved goodbye to him as we walk away. 


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