The Rain (3)

The rain

And there we go, playing tag like kids. 

To be honest I was enjoying myself, I felt like I forgot all my problems, like the weight over my shoulder was pushed off.

After playing tag, the rain was still pouring and we were still under it.

Jungkook comes close to me and faces me.

His expression looks like a sad and serious.

Jungkook: "The rain…"

He opens his palm allowing the rain to drip from his hands.

Jungkook: "Somehow, it reminds me of you. It just keeps on falling and slowly becomes drizzle when there is nothing left. Like you, you just keep falling for people, but when you're hurt way too much, you grow weak. Don't pretend to be a strong person when it comes to things like this."

He embraces me.

The rain kept pouring and pouring, and we were under it. I felt the droplets of rain fall on me, slowly sliding down my skin.

I shivered for a moment. Jungkook loosens his embrace alittle. He felt it?

I think I'm feeling a bit cold already.

Me: "Jungkook, I want to go back now, I feel cold."

He lets go of me and nods.

He smiles. 

Jungkook: "C'mon."

He reaches out to me.

I accepted his hand without hesitation.

As my hand reaches his, he squeezes it tightly and dragged me to run with him.

We ran through the rain carefully so that we wouldn't slip.

We ran and ran until we reached our street. As we reached my gate my back accidentally hit a wooden fence as it hits me, I lost my balance while running and slide down to the floor, scraping my knee.

Me: "Agh.."

I look to my knee.

Jungkook hurriedly went down to me. He looks at the wound.

Jungkook: "Can you walk?"

Its just a knee wound, I can still walk. Its not like I broke a bone or something.

I scoffed.

Me: "I'm okay, its ju—"

Suddenly, I could feel myself being lifted up in the air. Jungkook is carrying me. I could feel his arms under my legs and behind my back. I felt uncomfortable to his touch.

Jungkook: "Its okay, you're not that heavy."

Me: "Kookie, I can walk, I don't need to be carried home."

He continues to carry me without listening to me. I think I have no choice but to accept his kindness. 

He carries me through our garden and opens the door. When we arrive inside he put me down. 

Jungkook: "Go and take a shower, you'll get a cold. I'll take one after. Uhm, do you have spare clothes for me?"

Me: "Yeah, but, its quite big, its my dad's."

He nods and sat by the table.

I run off to take a shower.

While I was in the shower, Jungkook's words kept repeating in my mind. 

I sighed to the thought of what Jungkook told me.

I stood in the shower and relaxed. 

After getting dressed, I took out some of my dad's old clothes and placed it on the table where Jungkooks sat by. I looked around, Jungkook isn't here anymore, he went to take a shower already.

 I went back to my room and went to check my knee wound. It looks bad. I should put alcohol on it.

I went to get some cotton and alcohol. 

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