

Recess was quiet as hell. The cool clique and the hot clique both didn't go to cafe as usual. Everyone (except Vernon and Seungkwan)  are frustrated by Principle's Chan decision. They don't really mind with changing partners but they're starting to have good progress. Now everything is ruined.

As he is walking at the corridor to the library, Mingyu thought that he chance he had  to talk to  Wonwoo normally but no, it won't happen.

As he wander around aimlessly, Jihoon thought that  he's making progress and even if Soonyoung won't be with him anymore after this, he could at least clear the misunderstanding. He could explain everything to him about he and Suga. But damn, he should have knock his head on the wal..

"Ouch!" Damn did he really knocked his head on the wall?

"Hyung? Sorry I really didn't see you." Mingyu says as he holds out his hand to Jihoon. The latter accept it and pull himself to stand up again. He rubs his forehead slowly. Why is Mingyu's chest so hard? He might said he wanted to hit his head but he didn't really mean it. 

"It's okay. What are you doing here? I thought usually you and your friends will be at the cafeteria?" Jihoon asks. 

"I don't have appetite. Besides I need to return the book that I borrowed from library." Mingyu says, showing the book in his hand. Jihoon nods his head but feel awkward after that. He rubs his nape gently. 

"Umm Mingyu. About detention, I - I'm sorry. You  have to be partnered with me instead. I know you really want to be with Won.." Before he could finish, Mingyu cuts him.

"You shouldn't worry about that. I don't mind doing it with you hyung. I'll help you clean the class later okay?" Mingyu says and bend his body to make him eye level with Jihoon. He then ruffle Jihoon's hair.

"W-why? It's my punishment. You shouldn't trouble yourself."

"I prefer to stay with you rather than die of boredom in that room."

"Really? Then thank you. Really. Thank you so much Gyu."

Mingyu smiles. It's nice to hear Jihoon call him Gyu. It feels like whatever tension between them has disappear. Jihoon is noce to him and well, sweet. 

How could Soonyoung leave Jihoon just because of one small misunderstanding? Mingyu really can't understand it. Especially when he is looking at the cute smiling Jihoon in front of him. 

Jihoon is not like anyone else. Somehow, that made Mingyu's heart skip.

A/n - sorry for the short chapter and I have a really important announcement. Apparently, my school is organizing a motivation camp and .. MY NAME IS ON THE LIST LIKE WHAT THE HECK. So no updates for two weeks. Really sorry.

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I'm a trash and nothing else. You guys supported me so much but I left you hanging, It's okay I'll let you guys plan the most torturous and painful and slowest ways to die. I'm coming back peeps wait for me.


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Renkurosaki #1
Chapter 47: i need update..
Renkurosaki #2
Renkurosaki #3
Chapter 25: no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Renkurosaki #4
Bubbaboo #5
lol, just found out i have read this before and was wondering why don't i get notified with the updates and yeah...i forgot to subscribeヾ(´A`)ノ゚what!

anyways~ hi?
bibibu #6
Chapter 47: omg i missed this fanfic so much . thank you for updating !!
I really really want to read this story but I cant read it until it tag with COMPLETE !!!!
Chapter 46: Pleeeeease continue!!! I beg you!!!
Chapter 40: Dude I love your little side story of your real life xD aND of course this story (bro i read through it like a thirsty caratshipper)