

Sunday went by quickly and Monday arrive. For the first time, Mingyu feels happy to go to school on Monday. He'll get to see Wonwoo again. Soonyoung too couldn't help but to feel excited. He wonders what will change between them after the meeting. As usual, the six of them will go to school together. The walk to school fills with laughter for the first time on Monday morning as each of them has their own plan in mind which is unknown to the others. When they arrive at school, Seokmin bids goodbye first as he runs to Jisoo. The others look at them confusedly. Since when those  two became good friends? But no one really ask that out loud as they too has something to do. Mingyu as usual will find Wonwoo at his locker and Soonyoung decided to follow Mingyu. Seungcheol and Jun go to the library while Vernon walk to the cafeteria to find food. 

Mingyu and Soonyoung talk about random things until the reach their lockers. Wonwoo and Jihoon were already there but as soon as the four of them make eye contact, the speaker yells out an announcement. 

"Attention to Choi Seungcheol, Wen Junhui, Kim Mingyu, Lee Seokmin, Hong Jisoo, Vernon, Jeon Wonwoo, Lee Jihoon, Kwon Soonyoung, Boo Seungkwan, Yoon Jeonghan and Xu Minghao, please come to the priciple office right now."

Wonwoo and Jihoon look at each other confusedly while Mingyu and Soonyoung literally bang their heads on the nearby locker. The principle must have known that some of them skipped detention last week. That old man won't stop giving punishments. This time Mingyu is hundred percent sure he's going to ask all of them clean the teacher toilet or maybe find small worms for the fishes in the school pond.

The four of them make their way to the principle office. They meet Jun, Seungcheol, Minghao and Jeonghan halfway and all of them go together while discussing what kind of punishment will they get. Especially for Jihoon and Soonyoung who already have to clean the classroom and do library duty. But somehow, deep in their heart, they both of them don't really mind because they'll get to be together. 

The rest of the big group already waiting for them inside the office. The twelve of them stand quietly as principle Chan rubs his face. He can't believe the boys still didn't get together (not the kind of together, just he wants them to not quarrel anymore. But he definitely will give his blessings if they date). He stands up and face the boys.

"I can't believe you guys even skipped detention. Soonyoung, Jihoon don't think I don't know that you guys didn't clean the class last week. And you haven't even start your library duty. Jeonghan and Seungcheol also skipped detention. What is this guys? Jeonghan you're in the board of prefect and you are a respensible student. And Seungcheol you're the captain of basketball team. So why can't you guys be responsible? You already caused a great shame to the school when you all fight like kids in the cafeteria. Thank god we didn't have visitors that day." Chan nags. He needs to make sure the words enter the boys' heads. All of them hang their head low but he notice something weird at Seokmin and Jiso. Nonetheless he ignore it and continue nagging.

"Therefore I have made my decision. Since you guys want to play hard, I'll join the game. I will make sure after three months, there will be no more fighting. That's my promise. So for now, since you all don't like your partners so much until you skip detention, I will change the partners." As soon as principle Chan said that, Mingyu and Soonyoung's head jolt upwards. No!

"Mingyu today you will attend detention with Jihoon. Wonwoo and Jun will attend detention tomorrow. Soonyoung you will do the charity work with seokmin instead. You still have to do library duty and clean the classroom but i don't want you and Jihoon doing it together. Jihoon will clean the classroom on monday and friday while you clean it on tuesday and thursday. Jihoon, you will do library duty on tuesday and thursday while Soonyoung do it on monday and friday. I let you guys rest on wednesday. Jisoo and Jeonghan you guys will attend detention on wednesday." Principle Chan says then pause his speech. He takes a deep breathe. Seungcheol's ears perk up at the mentioned of Jisoo and Jeonghan. He couldn't really identify what he feels but he definitely know that he didn't like both of them together.

"Seungcheol and Minghao will attend detention on Thursday while Vernon and Seungkwan will attend detention normally which is on friday together. You guys don't seem to make problems like others did so I'll keep you guys together (tch Chan just say you're a huge verkwan shipper)." Without anyone's notice, Vernon actually heaved a sigh of relief. Thank god principle Chan didn't change them. But Soonyoung and Mingyu already cried a bucket by now. Soonyoung knows he should feel happy because he doesn't need to see Jihoon but what principle Chan did was really merciless. He lets him and Jihoon have the exact opposite schedule! Jun bangs his head mentally. He wanted to attend detention but principle chan was the one who separate them. Now he's going to change their partners. just What The Heck is going on?! He's on good terms with Minghao so why change them. Jun swears he's about to change into hulk but unfortunately he's too sad. (A/n - imagine green jun XD)

The principle soon finish his speech and dismiss them. Once outside, Jun straight away bang his head on the wall with Minghao trying to pull him away. Mingyu and Soonyoung hug each other at a corner, mentally crying. Principle Chan just has to make things bad when it's getting better and he claimed that they were making it worst. The rest look at each other akwardly while Vernon has that goofy smile on him. Seungkwan hides his face by leaning to the wall to hide his blush. The events of last weekend suddenly plays in his mind again. He curse himself.

Jihoon clears his throat and excuse himself to the class. He's a bit disappointed but at the bright side, he won't feel awkward with Mingyu. And besides, Mingyu really has changed now. Maybe... it is really better this way?

A/n - Hey guys I'm bacK!! The vacation really exhaust me because me and my friends played at the beach all day long and went to the mall at night. I spent days staying in my room, not moving at all. So when my friends were being hyper, my soul literally left my body. My friends actually scored a boyfriend. Now all my friends have boyfriend. I feel like my life is quite lonely But nahhh~~ as long as I have my laptop and wifi and pizza I don't need anything else. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and OMG I JUST REALIZED I HAVE 235 SUBS AND 8 VOTES. That is too much for me so thank you realllly reallly really much. I'll be back again tmr with double updates. 


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I'm a trash and nothing else. You guys supported me so much but I left you hanging, It's okay I'll let you guys plan the most torturous and painful and slowest ways to die. I'm coming back peeps wait for me.


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Renkurosaki #1
Chapter 47: i need update..
Renkurosaki #2
Renkurosaki #3
Chapter 25: no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Renkurosaki #4
Bubbaboo #5
lol, just found out i have read this before and was wondering why don't i get notified with the updates and yeah...i forgot to subscribeヾ(´A`)ノ゚what!

anyways~ hi?
bibibu #6
Chapter 47: omg i missed this fanfic so much . thank you for updating !!
I really really want to read this story but I cant read it until it tag with COMPLETE !!!!
Chapter 46: Pleeeeease continue!!! I beg you!!!
Chapter 40: Dude I love your little side story of your real life xD aND of course this story (bro i read through it like a thirsty caratshipper)