Chapter 28

Boxer and Ballerina

Chapter 28:



"Hold on a minute I used protection. What bull are you guys creating?" Zico spat out. He always wanted a child but the situation right now didn't make sense to him. Last time he remembered having with Hana he had used protection and he also remembers removing it. It wasn't broken or ripped. Zico was clueless as he glanced towards Jiyong who was fuming with anger. Why?


"The protection broke and now Hana is carrying your baby." Youngbae decided to speak up. He knew the others wont plus Zico did sort of deserve to know.


"No it didn't. Look I had with her and I know what happened. She's pregnant? She must be having that s baby then..." Zico nodded his head towards Jiyong. Jiyong however jumped towards Zico giving him 3 blows on the face.


"Jiyong stop it..." Youngbae pushed Jiyong away making sure Seunghyun held onto him. "The DNA of the baby's doesn't match any of the parents. What's your blood type?" Youngbae continued. He headed towards Zico grabbing himself a chair to sit infront of him.


"Blood type O." Zico responded. He was going to lie but there was no point. She was pregnant, this was something you don't joke around with to him.


"The doctor said B..." Jiyong muttered hearing Zico's response. "!" He punched the wall realising what had happened. Everything clicked to him right now.


"What's wrong?" Seunghyun asked confused. Seeing Jiyong's expression he knew something was up or he figured something out.


"That doctor was paid. No wonder we had another doctor and not the usual one. Kwon Mi probably paid her to lie and create a barrier between me and Hana. She isn't carrying Zico's baby but mines...." Jiyong mumbled the ending. He was angry at himself for treating Hana like that. She didn't deserve it. But the news was from a doctor, a person everyone believed no matter what their condition was. "I need to go and see her..."




"Everything seems fine. Your husband didn't come again. Is he still asking you to abort the baby?" The doctor questioned Hana who carefully got off the bed and put on her shirt. She was currently at the doctors for daily check ups, she hasn't been feeling well and kept vomiting in the morning for over an hour.


"Ah. He sort of stopped but it's fine." Hana replied with a sad expression. She wanted someones support especially Jiyongs but it wasn't going to happen soon.


"I shall prescribe you with some medicine which will help reduce the vomit and help you eat more. This is a very special medicine giving to specific patients. You must have one today and then tomorrow, it should be find after that." Hana nodded her head as she waited for the doctor to get her medicine. After taking the medicine Hana left. She decided to shop first before heading home.


"Oh I forgot about the medicine..." Hana mumbled pulling it out of her bag. Her phone started ringing only for her to put it away.


"Jiyong. Hi." A grin appeared onto her face hearing his voice. This was the first time he called after the incident of him finding out about her being pregnant with Zico's baby.


"Where are you?" Jiyong was panting. He ran home only to find no one there. He then headed towards the doctor. Sitting on the bench he called her forgetting she had a phone which was an easier way of contact.


"I'm at the called?" She was really surprised. Hana sat on a table pulling out her bottle of water along with her medicine. Her shoulder held onto her phone along with her ear.


"I need you to come home now. I need to talkkk..." Hana paused whatever she was doing hearing Jiyong's voice stop mid sentence. "Jiyong. Jiyong are you there?" Hana questioned. For some reason her heart was beating faster than before.


"Hold on babes..." Only for it to return back to its usual beats. Jiyong followed the doctor and Kwon Mi into the room hiding behind the door.


"I hope you gave her the slow poison. Either her or the baby dies you hear me. If nothing occurs I'll do something you'll regret." Kwon Mi threatened the doctor who just prescribed the medicine to poor clueless Hana. Kwon Mi knew this was a big step and if anyone found out she'd be in big trouble therefore she made a doctor do it, a doctor who needed the money and was willing to do anything as of the moment.


"I gave her the Arsenic Mrs. It is one of the strongest but slowest It will take 3 days in order for it to work...both her and the baby will die" The doctor explained.


Jiyong's eyes widened hearing them.





Exams have started therefore I won't be updating for a while but I might try.

Thank You for reading.

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I thought its a daragon fanfic... Sorry!
Chapter 30: I've always love your story :')
wow... ds fanfic is super duper amazing!!! Love it!!:)
i just finished chapter 25 and i'm so shocked that kwon mi switched the baby's dna test that i don't even know what to do with myself right now!
why can't she just leave them alone? they love each other, so why isn't that enough?
plus, i'm incredibly nervous about kiko because what if she actually got the surgery to look like hana?

ahhhh, i'm definitely stressing even though i know the story will come to a resolution and everything will be okay within 5 more chapters. xD

i'll be quiet now and finish reading the story ahahha.
Athena21 #6
This seems interesting! Ill read it ^-^ <3
gorgeous poetic ending!
kpoplover4life #8
I loved it so cute Lemons are so mouth tingling
awww this is greatttt :)
its a girl!!! or twins?