Chapter 27

Boxer and Ballerina

Chapter 27:



"Jiyong for the nth time I am not aborting the baby!" Hana shouted at her husband who was acting childish. She kept repeating the sentence over and over again but Jiyong never seems to understand the words that left . He always shook his head and responded differently. Hana was upset, she thought Jiyong was mature and would think before asking but she was proven wrong.


"You're going to abort the baby Hana! It's Zico's baby for gawds sake! He ing you!" Jiyong yelled back. He was beyond furious. He hoped Hana would understand. Jiyong never wanted to abort the baby, it was the last option but he couldn't see himself living with a child who wasn't his but one of his greatest enemy.


"But it isn't the baby's fault is it! I'm not going to kill a human being! I'm not going to abort the baby. Please just stop it..." Hana was ready to cry but she wanted to be strong. Crying wasn't going to solve the matter.


"You're going to have to if you want to live with me!" Jiyong snapped harshly grabbing firmly onto her shoulders while shaking her. He wanted her to come back to reality if she wasn't.


"Well fine. I'll go. I'll leave you alone Jiyong." Hana pulled herself out his grasp, biting her lower lip to control herself. This was turning out wrong, Jiyong went through the wrong path. She thought Jiyong would eventually agree but she was wrong once again.


"Hana look..." Before he could even protest what he said Hana cut him off.


"I ruined your life Jiyong! You lost boxing because of me and now this baby is changing everything. I'm not going to abort it. I don't care what you say and do, I just won't. So to save both of us from the hassle I'll leave. You can carry on with boxing and me with my life.." Hana muttered to him.


"The baby is Zicos. I can't live with that." Jiyong combed his fingers through his hair showing Hana how frustrated he was. "I don't want you to leave babes." He cupped her cheek. Hana gazed into his sorrowful eyes.


"I'm not going to abort it..." Hana whispered.


"Fine!" Jiyong headed upstairs slamming the door behind him. Hana however sighed placing herself on the sofa. She was glad he ended the conversation or else she would have gave up. His eyes were filled with so much sorrow, it stabbed Hana through the heart. She couldn't gaze into them any longer or else she would have gave up and obeyed him.


The next few weeks were a blur to the couple. Hana would visit the doctors regularly on her own while Jiyong decided to take over his parents business. He didn't want to but it was the only thing left for him to do.


"Jiyong I'm glad you've finally agreed." Kwon Mi clapped her hands together happily seeing her only child sign the papers away. His father Kwon Suk also had a big smile on his face.


"Son you should bring Hana over someday. She could work here too you know." Kwon Suk spoke as he filed away the papers and bought another bunch for Jiyong to sign. Before Jiyong could even start working in the business industry, he had to go through 1 month training. However when he was young he already practiced therefore it wasn't too much for him.


"Yeah whatever..." Jiyong replied. He wasn't in the mood to talk about Hana. Kwon Mi grinned noticing his expression. Her plan was working.


"Is something wrong with your relationship Jiyong? I told you this wasn't going to last." Kwon Mi muttered placing her hands on her sons shoulder who shrugged it away. He knew him and Hana would last but the baby she was carrying was getting in the way.


"Okay everythings done. I'll send the paperworks over when its done." His dad hugged him.




"That's the ultrasound scan..." Hana smiled seeing the picture. The doctor decided to do an ultrasound to see if the baby was in the right position. It was a great experience for her but would have been better if Jiyong was there to see it.


"Do you know the gender?" Youngbae questioned. His eyes lit up seeing the small baby. He found it quite extrodinary knowing a baby was growing in her stomach.


"I want it to be a surprise..." She grinned. Jiyong glanced at the scene placed infront of him. He coughed a bit to show them someone else was in the room. "Oh..." Hana stood up seeing Jiyong along with Youngbae.


"Hey bro. How did the signing go?" Youngbae questioned heading towards him.


"Signing?" Hana was confused.


"Oh Jiyong didn't tell you. He's taking over his parents business..." She didn't know how to respond so she just nodded her head. Jiyong always wanted to be a boxer so why did he sign the business. She gazed at him but he wasn't making any sort of eye contact.


"And TOP said he has been using Zico as a punch bag. He's going to die in that room soon you know.." Youngbae chuckled sitting down again. Jiyong followed his action not really caring about Zico. Hana headed into the kitchen to make some food for him and Youngbae.


"Let him die." Jiyong mouthed.


"I heard you guys been sleeping in different rooms?" Youngbae patted his bestfriends thigh so he could open his eyes. Youngbae came here to converse with Jiyong only to find Hana alone. She ended up telling how their relationship hasn't been going perfect the past week and it bothered her.


"and?" Jiyong side glanced Youngbae before closing his eyes again. He was tired to even move an inch.


"You know its not her fault. Stop treating her like that..." Youngbae's voice increased but lowered it down realising Hana was few steps away from the living room.


"Look Bae stop intruding into mines and her life...I just can't be bothered to talk about it always. TOP already told Bom and she has been up my for the past week and I had to lie to her saying we're perfectly fine but we're not! We're not going to be anymore because she's ing carring that ers baby in her stomach. I told you I won't be able to look at her or the baby the same way anymore. Either she aborts it or i believe this relationship will be over the minute the baby pops out. I can't take it no more, knowing she's carring that rapists baby. Imagine he finds out whats going to happen then? He'd want his baby back or to be part of it. What's going to happen to me? If you went through the same thing then you'd understand Bae" Jiyong breathed in heavily, letting it out within seconds.


"You're right if I went through the same thing I'd understand more BUT I would never ever leave my wife alone at these times knowing she was carrying someone elses baby. Zico is the type to not want a kid the reason why he used protection. Hana needs you right now. It's hard for her too you know. She's carrying the baby not you!" Youngbae had no idea what was going through his friends mind but he knew the way he was acting, Jiyong's going to make this relationship end.


"I don't ing care nomore. She can do whatever she wants, have the baby or what. I'm just saying this everything between her and me are going to change the minute the baby is out. Trust me." Hana placed the food on the table with a shaky hand. She heard everything Jiyong has said and her heart pained more than anything. The tears escaped her eyes and splashed onto the table. Jiyong noticed and so did Youngbae.


"Answer my questions truthfully okay. Do you love Hana?" Youngbae asked.


"Yes." Jiyong responded as he eyed the girl.


"Then? What's wrong with you? If you love her then what is stopping you?" Youngbae clenched his hands scared he was going to attack his clueless friend.


"THE BABY! HOW MANY TIMES DO I TELL YOU I DON'T WANT THAT GODDAMN BABY!" Jiyong yelled to the top of his lungs. He was fed up from hearing the same questions over and over again.


"It's okay Youngbae. We've discussed this before. You guys should eat." Hana walked away not wanting to stay in the same room as Jiyong.




"Hyung calm down!" Jiyong came down the basement using the tied up Zico as a punch bag also. TOP snickered from the corner seeing how dead Zico looked. He deserved it for everything he has done to cause Hana trouble. Jiyong threw few more punches before giving up and listening to their maknae.


"Give me water.." He asked Daesung, who threw him a bottle. Instead of the water reaching his mouth it fell over his head. He sighed in contentment.


"Why are you doing this to me?"Zico questioned. He hated how everytime they were angry, they'd come and use him to remove their anger. He was being tortured and he wasn't liking it at all. Zico thought Kwon Mi would get him out but that lady was busy doing something else. His dad however probably thought he went out of town.


"You got his wife pregnant!" Seungri responded only to cover his mouth. They weren't supposed to spill the news and now Seungri did this was going to cause more trouble. Jiyong glared at Seungri ready to pounce him alive.


"What?! Hana's pregnant with my child?" Zico was beyond shock. He never expected it. "She's carrying my baby..." A small smile stretched his lips which Jiyong noticed.

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I thought its a daragon fanfic... Sorry!
Chapter 30: I've always love your story :')
wow... ds fanfic is super duper amazing!!! Love it!!:)
i just finished chapter 25 and i'm so shocked that kwon mi switched the baby's dna test that i don't even know what to do with myself right now!
why can't she just leave them alone? they love each other, so why isn't that enough?
plus, i'm incredibly nervous about kiko because what if she actually got the surgery to look like hana?

ahhhh, i'm definitely stressing even though i know the story will come to a resolution and everything will be okay within 5 more chapters. xD

i'll be quiet now and finish reading the story ahahha.
Athena21 #6
This seems interesting! Ill read it ^-^ <3
gorgeous poetic ending!
kpoplover4life #8
I loved it so cute Lemons are so mouth tingling
awww this is greatttt :)
its a girl!!! or twins?