Chapter 2

Village Boy

When Jackson woke up the following morning he was sore. The bed he slept on wasn't the most comfortable one...he missed his king size bed.

He stretched out his limbs and then got out of bed. Today was the day when he was going to put his plan to work. He decided to shower before heading out and checking out his surroundings however he noticed that there was no such thing as a bathtub and running water in this place.

-How am I going to survive in this place!- Jackson groaned while heading out the door.

He quickly shut his eyes as the light emitted from the sun was too bright. He had just woken up but Jackson was already becoming irritated. Out in the distance he was able to make out a river with christaline water. He decide to grab a change of clothes from the ones he had bought before going to the village...clothes that made him look simple...poor. He then made his way down to the river. He decided to follow the current until he came across its base where waterfalls marked the fall of the water until it hit the body of water underneath. It was a beautiful view. But what caught Jackson's attention was not the waterfalls and the pool of water they formed upon reaching the bottom. No, what caught Jackson's attention was the boy singing along the edge of the river while filling up the two buckets he carried.

-That must be him...- Jackson thought to himself- he is better looking than I thought- he whispered to himself but shook his thoughts away. He was not into guys.

He stared at him from afar for a while until something ran past him making him lose his balance and consequently making him fall right into the body of water.

He submerged himself up and grabbed on to a rock at the edge of the river. When he shook the water off his face and opened his eyes he almost fell back in. Right in front of him was the boy that seconds ago had been on the other extreme of him. Jackson could only stare in shock.

-Who are you? Are you okay?- the boy said with a confused look on his face.

-Umm...I am...Ka-Yee. Yeah my name is Ka-Yee.- Jackson said nervously hoping that the boy wouldn't recognize him asthe son of one of the most powerful and wealthy men in Asia.

-What are you doing here? I've never seen you before?- Mark said with furrowed eyebrows extending his hand out for Jackson to grab.

-Actually, I just moved in to the flat near yours- he said grabbing on to Mark's hand and coming out of the water.

-How do you know where I live? I haven't even told you my name?- Mark asked confused.

Just then Jackson realized the mistake he had made. He wasn't supposed to know where the home of a person he just met was located at. He had to think of something fast before he could ruin everything.

-Um...well you know...there aren't other flats close to here besides the one where I live and the one close to it so I figured you must live there. Since you're here and all.- the Hong Kong native quickly spitted out.

-Hm... You're right. But how come your here now? How did you find he river?

-You know, you sure ask a lot of questions- said Jackson with a smirk.

-Yeah...I'm just not used to seing new faces around here. Sorry if it bothered you. I have to make sure that those men that came here a week ago are not coming back.

-What men?- Jackson asked although already knowing the answer.

-Some rich fools who wanted to buy this land off of grandpa in order to make some sort of project only to keep on filling their pockets. Don't they get tired of all that money...I mean, yeah money is an important aspect of our lives but its not the most important. There are things money can't buy...and one if those things is happiness. Grandpa and I are happy here. We may not have modern devices or gourmet food but we are able to enjoy what many other people can't...umm sorry I just realized I started ranting about things you probably don't care about- Mark exclaimed shyly after noticing Jackson spacing out.

-Oh no! Its fine. I was just thinking about what you were saying...those people seem terrible- Jackson said trying to put out his best fake sympathetic face - but tell me. What is it that you and your grandpa enjoy that they don't?- Jackson had to get on the good side of this guy. Getting his trust would make his plan easier. The brunette male seemed pathetically nice which could definitely work in his favor.

-Well, to begin with we wake up to the sound of the birds outside our windows and the wind ruffling the branches of the trees. We sleep under a blanket of stars that night by night shine brightly in the sky. We are surrounded by the nature that  gives us tall trees, beautiful flowers, and crystalline waters. Ka-Yee, we are blessed with our surroundings. City people can't have what we money can buy the luxuries that we have.

Jackson was caught off guard by the brunette boy. He spoke so poetically as is he was in love with the life he had although there was barely electricity on his house. Can happiness really be found on simple things like the boy described thought Jackson. No Jackson focus, you came here to complete the plan and that's what you're going to do!

-Ka-Yee? Ka-yee!


-Are you okay? I called your name multiple times but you didn't respond.

-Oh yeah! I'm.... I'm okay I was just thinking.

-Okay then. Well I better get going. My grandfather would begin to wonder where I've gone. See you around, Ka-Yee?

-See you around...wait what? You're leaving?- but by the time Jackson tried to stop Mark the brunette was already far gone.


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Chapter 5: i love it
angelicabq #2
Chapter 5: Omg, finally jackson is accepting his feelings!! Im just wondering how is going to be in the future, because come on everyone know that its going to be a hell of a drama when jackson tells all the true... but why mark was thinking of jackson as jackson? I mean I thought that Mark only knew Jackson for the name of Ka Yee, I think that was in chapter 4 and I just started reading this today so yeah haha. Amazing fic and awesome job authornim!! Fightning
Hananess #3
Chapter 4: *-* please update soon!! <3
Markson2112 #4
Chapter 1: Very nice I enjoyed
Bean_B03 #5
Chapter 1: Can't wait!!!markson!!!
amandha01 #6
can't wait ;;)
XxxMoonAngelxxX #7
Subscribed! Looking forward to reading it. :)
Markson2112 #8
can't wait
zelochingu #9
Sounds interesting.... can't wait for your new chapter....