Prologue 2.0

26 Days Of The Alphabet

It was a fine morning, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Rays of light streamed through the little crack of the curtains into a certain university student’s room. She was wrapped up in her blankets, deep in sleep. That is until her ears and brains finally processed the banging on the door.

“Yah! Little princess, wake up already!” Jaehyun yelled, the human cacoon stirred slightly at the voice of her brother, “It’s 8:30am! Classes start at 9:00am!”

Maerin’s eyes shot open at the last sentence. It was the last day of classes before spring break and she was almost late. Maerin sprung up from her bed and was about to make a sprint for the washroom when, she tripped and fell on all fours into a sea of paper balls. She brushed it off and untangled  her feet from the covers then scurried into the bathroom, yelling, “I’m awake, oppa!”

“Hurry up! We’re leaving in 15 minutes,” her brother, a senior at Seoul University, yelled. He drove her to school everyday.

“I’m almost do-” Maerin choked on some toothpaste. She quickly regained her composure and finished brushing her teeth as she was in the shower. She quickly scrubbed her entire body with a loofa making sure not to get her hair wet since she had no time to put on her shower cap.

She hopped out of the shower and wiped herself down at the speed of light. She wrapped herself up in her towel and walked out to her closet and pulled out the first clothes she found. She got dressed in record time, grabbed her purple bag and flung her room door open slamming her toe in the process.

“Ow! Dang it!” Maerin grabbed her foot and began jumping around on one foot.

“Little klutz, put some pressure on your toe so it doesn’t swell.” her brother laughed but he was still concerned about her toe swelling, “Why’d you wake up so late though? This is the latest you’ve ever been.”

“It’s nothi- Oh right, I almost forgot!” Maerin remembered the important little envelope that caused her to be unable to sleep, wake up late and be in such a rush. She grabbed the letter from under her pillow and stuffed it in her bag.

“Let’s go, oppa,” she linked arms with her brother and dragged him to the front door.

Maerin tied the laces of her favourite white high tops before standing up from her spot and adjusting the white sleeveless graphic tee that was tucked in her denim shorts. The siblings made their way out of the house at exactly 8:45am.

“Oppa, should I tie my hair up or leave it down?” Maerin looked at herself in the little pull down mirror, trying to figure out which hairstyle would look best, “Or braid?”

“Anything works,” he answered, to which Maerin rolled her eyes. She could’ve gone without asking. In the end she decided put her violet under dyed hair in a high ponytail.

By the time she perfected her ponytail the car had already come to a stop in the school parking lot and she pranced out, waving bye to her brother. She checked the time on her phone and gasped, 5 minutes till classes start and her class was on the 2nd floor at the end of the block.

She tucked her phone away, grabbed her bag straps tight and made a sprint for her classroom. Maerin hadn’t run this fast or this far in forever. Well, actually she just did it last week. She had to do it pretty often considering she was often late, but she never got used to it.

As she arrived at her classroom door she took a deep breath to ease her panting before stepping inside.

‘Whew, the teacher isn’t here yet.’

Maerin greeted her friends as she made her way to her seat by the window. The school day was rather unproductive as teachers were just giving out grades for their semester examinations and discussing the papers. Maerin had so many things running through her mind, none of which included what was going on in class.

She was so distracted by the envelope in her hands that she didn’t even fuss over her grades as she received them in every class. But considering she was a pretty smart girl who got consistent grades all the time, she still got above average grades.

‘What if I’m rejected? How should I give this to him? What’s the worst case scenario? Would he tear my letter up into pieces? Maybe he’ll say yes? Or not… Aish! First let’s go to his class and catch him before he leaves…’

It was last period and Maerin was tapping her foot impatiently staring at the clock at the front of the class. She had her bag straps on her shoulders and everything kept in place with just that little light purple envelope in her hands, readier than ever to make a sprint for the senior classrooms.

‘Come on, one more minute…’ Maerin thought, feeling herself beginning to sweat from the nerves. She was just waiting for the bell or for her teacher to dismiss the class.

“Alright class is dismi-”

“Thank you, Sir!” Maerin cut her teacher off as she sprung up from her seat and made a beeline for the door. Her feet carried her to the familiar hall of the senior class. Students just began to leave their classrooms, including her brother.

Maerin hid behind a locker so her brother wouldn’t notice her. She wanted to save herself from the interrogation. He definitely did not need to know that his sister had the biggest crush on his classmate.


She ninja-ed her way past her brother and peeped into the classroom where only a few students were left. It didn’t take more than 2 milliseconds for Maerin to set eyes on the person she was looking for. He was shining bright as ever and caught her eyes just like he always did - Lee Taemin.

Now, Taemin and Maerin weren’t the closest of friends but they were more than just acquaintances, considering Taemin was one of Jaehyun’s good friends. Maerin would only ever spend time with him when he went over to their house to do assignments or hang out with her brother. Sometimes they would bump into each other at the school’s dance studio. Which was considerably often because of their love for dance. Taemin would also give Maerin a ride home on days when Jaehyun didn’t have class.

Maerin didn’t know why she liked him so much, she just knew she did. Just looking at him made her heart race and her cheeks flush. Just hearing his name, she would smile uncontrollably and just being around him made her feel like she was floating on cloud nine. She was just curious how she managed to keep her composure when speaking to him.

She gripped the envelope in her hands hard from nervousness, biting her lip in uncertainty of how to start the conversation and how to bring up the confession. Her mind was being filled with a lot of negative scenarios but she pulled herself together and walked into the classroom, hiding the letter behind her back.

“Taemin sunbae,” Maerin called from behind him.

“Oh, Maerin-ah. What’s up?” Taemin smiled as he slung one of his bag straps onto his should, “Your brother left a couple of minutes ago.”

Maerin scratched the top of her head a little, “Well, I wasn’t looking for my brother. I’m actually here to, um... talk to you,” It was the first time she ever came to the senior classroom to speak to him. Normally she was there to meet up with her brother.

“That’s rare,” he chuckled, “What did you wanna talk about?”

“Well you see.. Umm..” Maerin fiddled with the envelope behind her back nervously as she looked around to see if there were people, “I w-wanted to give you something.”

Fortunately, everybody had left. Taemin put out his hands in a receiving motion with a wordless smile. A smile that caused the girl’s heart to skip a beat. She was so captivated that she almost forgot what she was doing right at that moment.

“Aren’t you gonna give it to me?” Taemin’s outstretched hands proceeded to imitate Sistar’s Give It To Me dance which caused Maerin to burst out laughing. She had a habit of moving her hands when she laughed. Be it clapping, covering or in this case, smacking her lap. At the moment she smacked her hands on her lap to steady herself from all the laughing, Taemin pulled the little envelope out of her hand.

“Is this what you wanted to give me?” Taemin raised his brows examining the envelope when he saw ‘To: Taemin sunbae’ on the front.

He opened the envelope and pulled out the letter and read the content as Maerin just covered her face in embarrassment. The longer they stood there, the more the awkwardness chewed away at the shorter girl’s entire being. She cracked her fingers apart to take a peek at Taemin who was reading the content of the letter.


‘Dear, Taemin sunbae.

Hi, this is Maerin. I’m really not sure how I’m supposed to write this.

I like you. A lot. I know it's a little sudden but, wait! Don’t reject me yet.

No matter your answer, I hope you can go through with this.

Spend 26 days with me. Not like living together! Just do stuff with me for 26 days.

If after 26 days you don't want to be with me, I’ll respect that.

Each day, we can take turns to pick something to do in alphabetical order.

You can pick first. I know it’s very corny, but please bear with me! >-<


Love​, Maerin ♡’


Taemin's lips broke into a smile as he read the letter from beginning to the end. He folded the letter, kept it back into its envelope and tucked it nicely into his backpack. Maerin inwardly sobbed into her hands before awkwardly scratching her head while looking everywhere except directly at him.

“A for Agreement,” At the sound of his voice she looked up to him. He smiled his usual bright smile.

Maerin was dazed for a moment before her brain finally processed everything, “Just give me a second.”

Taemin nodded answering with a ‘sure'. Maerin twisted on her heel so her back was facing Taemin. She broke out in a little celebratory dance, jumping a little and pointing her fingers about. Her face was scrunched up in an ecstatic smile. After a good 5 seconds she took a deep breath and turned back around to see Taemin chuckling. She awkwardly straightened out her shirt before proceeding to speak.

Maerin cleared slightly, “A for Agreement?”

Taemin nodded and explained, “Well I get to pick first. So I pick making this agreement as the first activity.”

“How is making an agreement considered an activity?” Maerin pouted slightly, disappointed that one day was going to waste if they were to really spend A on making an agreement. Did he really dislike the idea of spending time with her so much that he'd choose such a useless activity?

Taemin placed a gentle hand on her head and chuckled, “I’m just kidding. A for Aquarium.”

“Ooh! Sunbae, did you know there’s a new section in the aquarium where you can swim with dolphins?” Maerin eyes twinkled at the thought of swimming with dolphins. Her nervousness vanished in that split second and was replaced by pure excitement. She didn’t even notice her phone ringing, instead her ringtone just added as an effect to her bliss.

Taemin looked at her, interested at how she was so focused on dolphins. He waved a hand in front of her face, “Maerin-ah, I think your brother is calling you.”

She finally snapped out of her daze and whipped out her phone, quickly sliding the answer button and putting the gadget to her ear she spoke, “I’ll be right there! Give me 5 minutes.”

“Sunbae, I’ll get going! See you tomorrow!” Maerin stretched her hand out towards him and continuously waved even as she stuffed her phone into her pocket and turned around to leave. But before she could, Taemin grabbed her hand in such a way that their fingers locked.

Maerin could feel the heat radiating off her face as an instant blush of deep red covered her cheeks. She turned to face Taemin again with big eyes that showed a mix of shyness and surprise. Her heart pounded so hard in her chest that she was worried Taemin could hear it.


“I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at 10am. Sound good?” Taemin asked slowly unlacing their fingers.


Maerin blanked for a moment before retracting her hand nervously and nodding like a bobble head.


“See you tomorrow then,”


“See you tomorrow, sunbae,” Maerin said with a dazed smile as Taemin softly pat her head and chuckled, walking towards the door.


You are my destiny, geudae~ You are my destiny-


Maerin scrambled to answer her ringing phone and started running to the school parking lot.



Total word count ; 2588
Author's note ;
This was supposed to be chapter one a.k.a Day A but it was starting to get pretty long so I decided to make it Prologue 2.0 as you can tell xD
I hope its not too boring so far~ ; n ; It was just getting really long xD This is not even half of chapter one. Obvious why I chopped it in half, hahah~
Please look forward to more <3


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Chapter 2: Please continue this story it's sooooooooo cute :3
Kpoperation #2
Chapter 2: I love it so far! Maerin's character is so cute! XD
Chapter 2: kekekekekekekekekekekekekeke
So adorable~
It's beautiful :3 I usually don't like fluffy stories (okay, overly fluffy might make me just a bit sick) but this is just the right kind of fluffy *-*
*vanishes into shadows to stalk someone else*
Chapter 2: Aaaaawwwwwwwww.. This was so sweeettt and so fluffyyy as expected! I love ur writing style okayyy! There's nothing bad with it at all. I can imagine all scenes perfectly in my head! Well done!

I dont know if this is the lame effect. But the part where Maerin never had to sprint for her life to go to class, except for last week... And the days before.. I burst out laughing way harder than i intended xD

And awww Taemin must like her alreadyyyy.. He so coolly agreed to it! That finger holding though.. Ohoooo~~ <3 (i totally wouldnt mind chapters being long actually, since it's u, i'll still read it anyway~)
Chapter 1: ohoho did she send out a letter with a part of the it in strikethrough |:3c
"fell on all fours into a sea of paper balls" it rhymes, but like i'm more excited about the fact that there's literally a sEA OF PAPER BALLS like ha maerin chill ..even if i do the same thing XD
"Taemin grabbed her hand in such a way that their fingers locked." i made a sound at this part it was a half-snort/half-alien sound but it was positive ok
Chapter 1: I didn't even know this one was posted! It is so short... Lol poor girlll... I'm sorry, but all i could thibk of was, i hope the letter didnt get trampled under the pillow xD
I can't wait for Day A Mommae~~~~~
I'm so glad that Taeminnie Appa accepted<3
Chapter 1: it's so good mommae~
taemin appa better accept it!!!!!
Kpoperation #9
This sounds adorable!
Awwwwww it's so cute alreadyyyy!!!!! <33
If Taemin is not gonna accept, I'll hunt him down.. And so will Woohyun.. And Ki Bum!!!