Chapter 5

By Accident, I Fell In Love. Literally.

Chapter 5


Taeyong was now relaxing. Breath steady and brain functioning as usual. He was now in his native habitat with Taeil and his friends; the nightlife.


The plans for his alleged relationship with the waiter Jaehyun would be discussed tomorrow, after he gets laid that is. Because right now, the main priority of Taeyong was to choose the finest woman amongst the hundreds of girls taking glances at him.


"Look at that chick over there." Taeil points out to a similarly aged woman with slender body and a beautiful face sitting on the bar, much to Taeyong's liking. "Isn't she fine?" Hansol, one of his friends says lustfully. "She's looking at us Taeyong. Better take your prize." Taeil says giddily, shoving Taeyong forward in a joking manner towards the girl who obviously looked expectant.


Taeyong walks with confidence, appeal and charm that nearly everyone he passes looks at him in his now less-formal attire, denim and all. He approaches the lady whose eyes catch Taeyong's figure catching up and she tidies herself up much to Taeyong's desire. He sits on an empty stool beside her and begins working his charm that all the ladies fall all over for.


"Haven't seen you around here? New?" Taeyong says charmingly, hands rested on his side cheek and looking at the lady's face. Taeyong thought the plan was working, seeing as how she was blushing and acting shy .


"Y-yeah I am." the girl says while giggling. 'She's on the palm of my hand tonight' Taeyong thinks greedily, working his thoughts to ensure he was getting it with this girl tonight.


"So, what's your name?"




It didn't take long before Chaeyeon had been taken home by Taeyong for the rest of the night...




Taeyong wakes up with a groan, bright lights and an arm slung across his waist. He is greeted by a face of a pretty girl whom he has no idea the name of. He's been caught up in this process one too many times.


"Hey babe. How's sleep?" the girl mutters, eyes still groggy from the previous night. Taeyong removes the sheets to confirm the suspicion of what occurred the previous night since he's had no memory.


One thing was for sure: he drank a lot, as evidenced by the crazy banging of his head due to hangover.


"U-uh fine I guess. Look y-"


"I'll go get you medication. My baby's been having headache. Poor Taeyong." the girl says, rubbing her eyes and leaving the bed. Taeyong's eyes trail her body and Taeyong now understood why he chose her that night. He may not have remembered a thing but he knee he had a good time and had fine taste in women.


The girl arrives with the bottle Taeyong used to cure hangovers temporarily and water, he consumes the pills and stands up from the bed. He gets surprised as he walks to the kitchen to find the girl clinging to his waist and feeling him up in his boxers.


"Why are you so perfect babe?" the girl mutters dreamily and all he gets from Taeyong is a side-eye.


"Look, what did you think this was gonna become" Taeyong breaks the girl's grip and looks at her with a stoic expression, the girl's eyes wondering in confusion. "But I thought you asked me out?!" the girl's eyes widened, but a Taeyong could do was hold her shoulders in grip.


"Look, all this is is a night. We both had fun and that's it. Your beautiful and all but if your looking for a relationship, I'm not the man to go to." Taeyong explains with such clarity that it sounded nearly scripted and used up. Which, for the record , it was.


The girl cried and muttered words of bitterness at Taeyong, a staple that he's used at. It was part of the process Taeyong told himself.


And soon enough after minutes of tears on the floor the girl who Taeyong now knew as Chaeyeon was out of the door in tears, Taeyong however couldn't care about it since he's seen this exact scene unfold a thousand times in his loft.


"She's more dense that the others, I'll give her that." Taeyong silently applauds, hands on his waist. Eventually he falls back on his lounge chair, remote and phone on both hands he flips through his television as he plays a game on his phone to kill time.


By surprise, someone knocks on his front door. Taeyong walks toward the front door and sees through the peep hole his parents butler; Changmin.


"Sir Taeyong, your parents are requesting your presence in their house later at 12'. And bringing your boyfriend Jaehyun is compulsory." Changmin says robotically, almost as if rehearsed a million times. And Taeyong still wonders how formal these helpers have to be, especially since they all treat him like a part of the Lee family already.


"Yeah Changmin. I get i-w-wait what?!" the words take Taeyong back. How was he gonna contact Jaehyun in the first place without putting suspicion on the validity of their relationship, one that was just made yesterday night.


"Yes sir. You and Jaehyun have to be their for lunch. I presume your parents have a lot of questions regarding your relationship." Changmin says, scruffing his slightly bearded chin.


He bids Changmin goodbye and immediately began the thought of how was he got a contact Jaehyun this early in the morning, the dude was probably stressed out and Taeyong had to understand.


If he went to the restaurant and asked, they'd get busted easily seeing as how no boyfriend doesn't know where their partner lives.


And that was the only way. Unless...


Taeyong shrugged, picking his phone up and calling up some private investigators for his family and instructed them to find out about the Jaehyun who worked at 'Blue Marina', just simply his name and phone number just as to not invade the privacy of his 'employee'


An hour after and the investigators called back to inform him that the guy's name was Jung Jaehyun and that he had a lot of previous relationships with women. He did not need to know that bit since the investigator was a girl, you know how they all get racked up in thoughts of dudes.


'So this dude's straight. Makes things easier.' Taeyong thinks, acting with him would be so much more easier without the awkwardness of the thought that Jaehyun could be attracted to him. He was free to flirt with Jaehyun carelessly for the act without having to think of repercussions.


And of course, his phone number. It didn't take long to dial it in and for Taeyong to wake the taller whom he assumed was asleep. But he is received with sniffles and a drowsy sounding Jaehyun who scoffs in between.


"Dude, you okay?" Taeyong asks, genuinely curious at the other's current state. Jaehyun replies with a positive nodding sound, and Taeyong somehow felt relieved knowing his 'partner' was fine since hey probably have a lot to do for the rest of the day. "That's good to hear, yeah?" Taeyong asks, slightly smiling and breathing out.


"Yeah. You could say that." Jaehyun says, slowly huffing out. Taeyong knew something was bothering the other but he chose to no longer press further questions. Seeing as how he's had to rush their official meet up and that the guy wasn't even his friend. "So here's the pl-"


"Wo-wo-woah just who is this calling me?!" Jaehyun asks over the phone, the slight sniffles still present but the new sense of confusion found in his voice. Taeyong turns his phone's in loudspeaker and says slowly.


"Its Taeyong. Lee Taeyong." Taeyong says slowly, syllable by syllable to ensure that Jaehyun had no reason to ask who was this.


"Who?" Jaehyun asks again, sounding genuinely confused as to who was speaking to him through the phone. Taeyong sighs mentally, appaled at the thought that Jaehyun just forgot about him immediately.


"Taeyong. Your boyfriend? Remember?" he says in a matter-of-fact. Slowly, he could hear Jaehyun's brain gears working to remember the name and voice, earning a slow 'ohhh.' and eventually figuring who Taeyong was, making Taeyong slightly happy and laugh.


"Oh, your that idiot who kissed me in front of your. Parents, is it?" Jaehyun asked, with a slight sarcastic tone making Taeyong slightly curse in his head. "Yeah, that one. I can't believe you forgot me. Is that how you treat your partners?" Taeyong says poutily on the loudspeaker making Jaehyun audibly groan in disgust and muttering slight 'shut up's' and 'your gross' in between.


"I have other more important things to attend to, and yes I remember the proposition you made? Are you calling about it?" Jaehyun asks calmly, completely taking Taeyong aback. He sounded formal, as if really working for Taeyong as his employee making Taeyong flick his eyes in surprise.


"Is that why your sniffling and sl--". Taeyong asks sarcastically as if to make fun of Jaehyun's slight hiccups and sniffles behind the phone but is interrupted by Jaehyun's large change in voice.


"Please don't ask about it." Jaehyun says sadly. He had a slight tone of pain and heartbreak that it made Taeyong raise his eyebrows and feel sympathy even for a slight second.


"Anyways, can we please meet up later. My parent want t¹o meet you today and today's your first day of work buddy." Taeyong says giddily yet sarcastically. "Oh. Can't that wait for a little longer? I-i-i have to do so--"


"No Jaehyun. The first day is always the most important for couples, and were meeting my parents for the first time." Taeyong explains, hearing the slight panning of Jaehyun's breath. "Fine." Jaehyun says defeatedly and slightly huffing, making Taeyong's brain jump in circles.


"Come pick me up in the general hospital." Jaehyun says flatly with a tone of sadness. The voice and sadness comes right through Taeyong's ears, simply elated that he finally gets to break free from his parents proposed marriage.


"Why the general hospital?" Taeyong asks for a slight second, curious and just maybe the slightly least concerned. I mean he's gotta have a healthy and fitting 'boyfriend' if he wanted to impress his parents.


"Don't ask. Privacy between us is essential, don't you know?" Jaehyun speaks up rapidly, making Taeyong huff out a "Fine. I'll go get you" faster than he could have processed the words in his head.


"Wait! How in hell did you get my phone number?!" Jaehyun suddenly asks loudly making Taeyong distance his ears to the dangerously loud voice of the other in his phone.


"Privacy between us is essential. Don't you know?" Taeyong says sassily, imitating Jaehyun's voice. It was probably more like mocking it. Jaehyun in turn mutters something about rich people and their manipulations to which Taeyong just whispered a sassy 'whatever' to the phone.


And just like that, Jaehyun dropped the call.




Eventually Taeyong parks up in front of Seoul General Hospital and sees Jaehyun in a white pastel sweater fiddling with his black jeans. 'He dresses well. Great choice once again Lee Taeyong' Taeyong says proudly, choosing an employee/boyfriend that actually dressed nice, really nice if he must. 'This had to impress mom and dad'


Jaehyun surprisingly recognizes the red car and walks to it, Taeyong lowering the windows to see Jaehyun and gesture him to come in. Jaehyun enters and closes the doors, he immediately rests his chin on the side of the car looking out in the window and the winter wind. Taeyong noticed but didn't bother about how he saw Jaehyun looking far out, like he wasn't even looking at what his eyes were looking at.


"So, Jung Jaehyun. Today's your first day as my boyfriend and your first task is to--"


"-go with you to your parents lunch something?" Jaehyun says, bored and obvious. Taeyong raises his eyebrows seeing as how he's probably never said anything about 'lunch with parents'.


"How'd you figure?"


"I used my brain."


"So look, we gotta make everything believable to my parents. We gotta have a great background story about how we met and hooked up." Taeyong says in a distressed manner, tapping furiously on his steering wheel.


Suddenly, there was a cold and awkward silent atmosphere between the two.


"You brought me into this mess. You think." Jaehyun, breaking the silence, speaks up whilst looking out with empty eyes onto the winter road. Taeyong as well was way too caught up and busy thinking of a plan not noticing the amount of times the car could've crashed.


"Okay, so here's the plan."


"I'm listening."

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Chapter 9: Still waiting for this fic to continue...
Chapter 9: They are so cute! I love this fic so much! Hope authornim can cont this fic... dont hang me here without good ending authornim! XD
ingeputri #3
nxxcotine #4
Chapter 9: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING omg next please?
Chapter 9: This is so cute. I can't wait for when they become for real. Please update soon. ❤️
fg #6
Love it. I wanted them to be real. I can't wait for another moments. Update pls.
i just realize there's no update for almost 2 months
and i love the story, what am i gonna do?
Chapter 9: Still waiting for an update.