Ch. 4

Why, Hello Miss-- ter?!


I looked at myself in the mirror, placing Taemin’s wig over my head as I checked myself out. I frowned, wow would I really look like this if I was a girl? Gross… I started to smile and pose in front of the mirror to see if I looked any better if I acted more feminine. I switched to a pose where I had my hand on my hips as I made kissy faces at the mirror, but I heard the door swung open to see (or rather smell) Jonghyun walk in.

He gave me a funny look, his face holding an expression that was something between a “What the ?” and a “What the hell are you doing?” expression.

“Um… Did I walk in at a wrong time?” He asked me in a concerned voice.

I quickly snatched the wig off my face and I whirled around, my cheeks flushing red, “N-No! I wasn’t doing anything. It’s not what y-you think!” I stuttered.

He nodded his head slowly, “Look, Jinki, as your best friend, I accept and love you for you, man. I-“ He cleared his throat, “I have no problem if you like to wear girl wigs and make kissy faces at yourself in the mirror. No big deal, we all got skeletons in our closets. I know I got mine, so if you’ve taken interest in cross dress—”

I pouted, “What the heck! It’s not like that!” I retorted back, stomping my foot on the tile floor.

He brought his hands up, “Yo, calm down man, I get it. I actually just need to take a piss.”

I grunted as I left the bathroom, “You should take a shower while you’re at it as well.” After I closed the door to the bathroom, I grabbed a chair from the living room and placed it in front of the door in a way that will make it difficult to get out.

Yeah, okay, I know that’s evil, but you’re not the one that’s living with him! He smells like a mixture of road kill and feces!

I threw the wig into my room as I made my way towards the kitchen to set out the food that I brought home after my encounter with the Barbie—I mean Taemin. I smiled at the thought; I can’t believe I found out his name.

And… Exactly what am I going to do with his name? Wait what was his last name? Does he have a facebook? Wait, no that sounds too weird if I facebook stalked him, but then again, a lot of random people add each other without knowing them. Whatever, I’ll think about it later.

All of a sudden, I heard a sudden banging on the bathroom door. Jonghyun must have realized that he’s locked in. I grinned, standing in front of the bathroom, “What’s wrong Jonghyun? Can’t turn a simple door knob?”

He banged loudly against the door, making me step back, “Jinki, if you don’t open the damn door right now, I swear I will—“

“You’ll do what, huh? Exactly what can you do to me when you’re stuck in the bathroom? Unless you crawl out the small window beside the bathtub, but I don’t think you can even fit through it,” I heard him sigh, and I couldn’t help, but snicker at him, “I’ll only let you out if you take a nice long bath, deal?”

I waited for his answer, or at least the shower to run, but it was just silent, “Jonghyun?” I called out, I took the chair out and opened the door slowly, “Come on man, it was just a joke. It was payback from last time when you ruin my bed sh—“ When I looked into the bathroom, I realized that the window beside the bathtub was opened- He wouldn’t! I peered out the window to see where he could have gone. There was nothing outside that Jonghyun could’ve grabbed onto, no ledge, nothing.

I started to panic, getting ready to jump out the window as well, until a pair of arms dragged me back inside of the room, “Yah! What are you thinking?”

I looked behind me to see Jonghyun preventing me from climbing out the window. I turned around and hugged him, “I thought I lost you!”

Jonghyun gave me a funny look, and I suddenly smelt his horrendous stench that emitted from his body. That’s it- I couldn’t take it anymore, while I had my arms around him, I used all my strength to push him into the bathtub and I started to run the water. It was ice cold, and it hit the both of us, sending chills all over my body.

“Jinki! W-What the h-hell? Let g-go of me!” He yelled, trying to get my arms off of him.

“Not until you take a shower!” I yelled back, “You haven’t taken a shower in days! You wore the same shirt and pants every day, and I’m pretty sure you’re wearing the same underwear! I’m sure you’re mad about that one guy punching you, but you seriously need to grow up and move on! Besides it was your fault for ruining his suit anyway!”

Jonghyun looked down, ashamed, and I turned around, heading out, “Now this time, you better shower and make sure every single part of your body is clean, or else,” I told him, closing the door behind me.


[Taemin’s POV]

I repeatedly punched my pillow in frustration. How stupid of me to tell that idiot my actual name! Why couldn’t I have lied like how I usually do to the rest of the clueless morons? I stopped, panting, throwing the pillow against the wall, laying flat down on the bed. But there was something about that guy, Jinki, I don’t know whether or not he’s a sincere person or he’s just a naive idiot. I grumbled, laying flat on the bed, staring at the dirty ceiling above me. I heard my stomach rage war inside of me, realizing that I barely ate all day.

I groaned, turning over to the side, picking up the book about pregnant woman from the side table beside the bed. I opened to a random page, staring blankly at it. How long has it been ever since I saw my noona? I hope she’s doing okay… She better not be doing stupid things, especially flaunting her aegyo around. That’s how she got—

“Taeminnie, I’m back.”

I sat up in bed, looking towards the door to see Kibum walking in with a paper bag in his hand, “Yes! You brought dinner?” I asked, making my way towards him, to peek inside the bag.

“Yah, quit hovering over my arm and set up the table will you?”

Taemin sighed, walking over to their make-shift dining room and took out two paper plate and their reusable cups, placing them on the table. Kibum took out the food and placed it in the middle, taking a seat across from me, “So what did you do today?”

I split my chopsticks into two, picking up the meat and eating it right away, “Nothing much. Went out, ate some noodles…”

“Mmhmm…” Kibum stared at me, giving me that look, suspecting that there’s more. I stayed silent and continued eating, hoping he wouldn’t urge me to go on, “And?” Damn it, he did.

“I accidentally spilled my noodles over this one muscular man and he tried chasing me…”

My hyung’s eyes bulged out, his mouth agape, “Did he hurt you?” He questioned, getting ready to kill someone.

“No of course not! Someone actually saved me…”

“Who was it?” Kibum asked skeptically.

“Um… Remember that one mama’s boy, Jinki?”

Kibum suddenly stood up, surprising me, “You mean the guy with that of a friend?” He yelled, throwing his chopsticks down, “Because of that damn bastard, I had to pay extra to the dry cleaning lady to get the stain off my suit!”

I sighed, knowing how this will not turn out well, “Yeah hyung… That guy.”

Kibum gritted his teeth, “I do not want you coming across him again. Because that guy, Jinki, is associated to that bastard, he might as well be like our fa—“

“Don’t you dare say that word.”

Silence surrounded us, leaving an air of tension- not between us- but of that word. Never in my life would I claim that man to be my father.

Kibum sighed, sitting back down, slouching in his chair, it’s like both of us already lost our appetite, “Hey, do you want to visit noona soon?” He suggested.

I smiled at the thought, “Of course! I was about to bring that up!”

Kibum smiled as well, continuing to pick up another piece of meat, “Yah, don’t waste it now, I don’t want you to wake me in the middle of the night, complaining that you’re hungry. You got that?”

[Taemin’s POV End]


I heard the shower go off after 30 minutes, meaning that Jonghyun must have finally finished bathing. He walked over to the kitchen, only with a towel wrapped around his waist, “So… Are you going to tell me why you were wearing a wig earlier?” He asked, taking a plateful of food that I had already set out for him.

I pursed my lips, thinking whether or not I should, but he’s my best friend, so… “Well… It’s not mine. It’s a… f-friend?”

Jonghyun scoffed, stuffing his face with rice, “How come you sound so unsure?”

I sighed, “Well because… The person is not exactly not a friend.”

He only cocked a brow at me in confusion, “Then who the hell is this said person?” He asked irritably.

“Remember the guy who stole my wallet…?”

Jonghyun’s eyes went wide (it’s scary at how much bigger they can get) and he sat up, his towel falling on the floor, “What??”

I averted my eyes away from his area, “I-It’s his wig!” I told him, feeling uncomfortable, “Can you please put some clothes on for crying out loud? I’m trying to eat dinner!”

Jonghyun rolled his eyes, picking the towel back up, “Yah, you shouldn’t trust that kid!” He scolded.

“Hey! He’s not some kid, his name is Taemin. A-And he’s—“

“He’s what? He stole all your money that day, and I’m pretty sure he does that for living! Not only that, but that other blond dude with him is a ing !” He said sourly, remembering the painful experience not too long ago.

I stood up defensively, “I’m sure he had his reasons!”

He only looked at me confused, “Why are you defending him? Don’t tell me you’re—“

“Of course n-not!”

Jonghyun sighed, “Jinki, look- You’re a great person, you’re funny, you’re kind,” He said, and I couldn’t help, but smile at his kind words, “But you’re too damn naïve,” He finished, and my smile immediately faded away.

“No I am not,” I denied, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Yes you are, and you letting this kid- Um… What’s his name- Taemin, get away with your hard earn money just like that confirmed the fact that you are naïve,” He said, and I didn’t know how to respond to that, “You should know that the world isn’t as great as you make it seem to be.”

I stood there in silence, watching Jonghyun leave to go back to his room. I frowned at his words, mama always told me to be grateful of everything and love everyone. I just can’t hold a grudge against someone, without knowing why they did certain things. It wouldn’t be fair.

And why should I not trust Taemin? He seems like a nice guy, I mean, he didn’t steal from me again when we last met. He just seems like someone that needs money for whatever reason. But then again, I don’t really know anything about him, other than the fact that he pick pockets and cross dresses… And that he’s also a very attractive—Er I mean. Um… Forget it.

I think it’s time for me to sleep.


Gah, this chapter was so freakin hard to write because it's pretty much a filler chapter. I just want to get to the more important events, but that'll have to wait until later. >___< Anyway, finally I updated this jank- No. I didn't forget about this story. kadjflksdj Anyway, thank you for reading/commenting/subscribing. I love you all~~

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nomnomnomnomnomnom #1
Chapter 4: I love this story ^^ please update author-nim :))
awwww~ i really hope they will meet soonish, i'm sorry for not reading yor fic for quite some time, i haven't been reading for a pretty long time and yeah so now i beginning to read them once again. Anyways, this is great! i like it so much, hehehe i cant wait till they meet again, hehehe ^^
Aaa~ really love this fic~ it was really awesomeee! but it's been a long since the last update :( please update soon :))
I really like ths so far. Can't wait for more. :)
Oh my gass,the bathroom part after and before omg
So damn funny,i feel like faiNT xD
And when jjong caught onew make such a face with a wig
fantastic job, really love it, poor Jinki, he's so sweet; I wonder why Taemin and Key are the way they are, obviously it has something to do with their dad, they really hate him; I wonder who this noona is that's pregnant, she seems to be important to them, a sister maybe; I really hope that Jinki finds out a bit more about Taemin soon; I was cringing and laughing my of when Jinki was trying on the wig and making kissy faces while posing in the mirror; brilliant, it's funny when Jinki refers to Taemin being attractive or liking some part of him, then acts a little surprised that he thinks that, before shrugging it off; and t was so cute that it made him happy to know his name; can't wait to see where this goes, it's brilliant, update really soon. ;-D
Yayyyyyy you updated!!! :DDD
And Onew? Doing kissy kissy faces in front of the mirror? HELL YEAH >:D OHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!!
....Whatever, update soon~~~ ;D
What the hell Onew?LMFAO oh my stomatch hurt of laughing xD
i can imagine Onew with that look in the mirror xD
um it will be little angst isn't it?
Update pleease~ can't wait :D
OMO you should update it as fast as you can please please please xD
its made my day