Ch. 2

Why, Hello Miss-- ter?!


“Wait wait, can you repeat that one more time?” Jonghyun asked me as he brushed his teeth.

I gulped, “I got robbed…” I started.

“Uh huh,” He said slowly, as he brushed the back section of this teeth, “by who again?”

“A cross dresser.”

There was a second of silence until Jonghyun busted out laughing, again, with toothpaste and spit flying out of his mouth, hitting me in the face as I sat on the couch. I frowned, “It’s not funny,” I said. It really wasn’t, it’s pretty tragic the more I think about it.

Jonghyun’s laughter finally ceased as he went to the bathroom to clean his mouth. He returned back to me, “Wow, only you would get into such strange situations.”

“I couldn’t help it! His beauty was captivating!” I argued, sitting up straight. Yes, Jonghyun knows that I believe in love at first sight, and that I am a mama’s boy (which he often makes fun of me for it.)

Another laughter erupted from his lips once again as I sat there , sighing, “ If this boy is as beautiful as you say,” he began, “Then I got to see him for myself, other than that, didn’t your mama tell you not to talk to strangers?” He teased.

That was right, she did teach me not to talk to strangers, but she also taught me not to be a coward, when I see something I want, I fight for it. I got up from the couch, “Whatever, I’m going to sleep, it’s really late.”

I started to head towards my room, “Wait, I don’t know if you want to go in there-“ Jonghyun called out from behind me. Ignoring him, I proceeded to go into my room, plopping down on my bed, but I smelt a very bitter smell on my sheets. I jumped off my bed- no- he didn’t--!

“Jonghyun!” I yelled.

His head poked into my room and gave an embarrassed smile, “I-uh- I can’t explain-“

“ Did you have on my bed?? Again?!”


[Taemin’s POV]

I returned home, (well actually it’s not really a home, more like a basement of some fat dude’s house) later that night. Peeling off the sweaty girl clothes and hopping into the shower, I switched the faucet, suddenly being hit by the cold water, causing my body to shudder from the cold- that’s right,there’s never hot water, that fatass can’t afford hot water. I quickly took a shower, and got out as soon as I can and dressed up in normal boy clothes. I walked towards my bed, bringing with me the book I bought earlier that day. I turned to the first page, “Tip one: Patience is a virtue,” I read aloud. Wow, that’s pretty stupid.

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs as I sat up on bed, seeing my hyung, Kibum, come down, “You’re still up? It’s already two in the morning,” He said through his yawn as he sat down beside me on the bed. He tugged off his boots, “How much did you get today?”

I got up, getting my bag, I dumped the contents of it onto the bed, creating a pile of wallets, “I’m not sure, I didn’t count everything yet, but I don’t think it’s as much as last time.”

So we both know how to pick pocket, which we learned from our dad. He was the one who taught us everything we need to know about pick-pocketing. How to take the person’s wallet without them noticing, how to make a successful escape, everything! And not only that, but he’s also the reason as to why I don’t trust people, especially men. That bastard left us penniless and homeless.

“Only 150,000 won?” Kibum sighed, “Why don’t people carry cash anymore?” He said to himself. My hyung used to pick pocket with me, but he was able to find a part time job.

“It’s because people carry around credit cards,” I told him as I flipped through another page of the book.

“Where are your clothes?” He asked.


So, many people may question as to why I pick pocket in drag, but first of all, I’m not the only one, Kibum does it as well- it’s not a hobby or anything, just to let you guys know. Second, most of the people we take money from are from men, and most of the time, they’re an easier target than girls because they’re often too caught up at staring at our asses rather than noticing that their money is being taken.

Kibum spotted the pile of my dirty girl clothes in the corner, “What did I tell you about leaving clothes on the floor, huh?”  He nagged as he walked up to it and picked it up. From one of the jacket pockets, another wallet fell out, “Ah- You didn’t tell me you had one more wallet,” He opened it and took out a wad of cash, “Damn, this guy is loaded.”

I sat up quickly, “Seriously? Let me see the wallet.”

Kibum passed the wallet over to me, and I looked inside finding the id card, “Lee… Jinki?” I stared at his picture- I remember him, the guy who worked at the book store who, I think, was hitting on me. I dug through the rest of his wallet and found a picture of him and an older woman. They look alike so I suspected that it was his mother. Kibum was looking over my shoulder, “Pft, what a mama’s boy.”

I looked over my shoulder, “Hyung, how much do we have in total now?”

He collected the money together, “Well from your share, and from this guy, a little over 350,000 won,” he smiled brightly.

“Are you serious? Let’s eat out tomorrow night then,” I suggested. Kibum hi-fived my hand in agreement.

[Taemin’s POV end]


“I don’t want to go on a blind double date with you- I don’t even have any money!” I protested as Jonghyun fixed my tie.

“It’s okay Jinki, It’ll be my treat, and also an apology about your bed sheets,” He smiled, while ruffling my hair.

I frowned as I fixed my hair back into place, “This is so stupid,” I muttered as I followed Jonghyun into some high class restaurant called Top Cloud.

“Now now Jinki, lighten up, it took a lot of convincing to get reservations for this place last minute,” Jonghyun said.

I looked at the restaurant, it was in the middle of Seoul, where it stands above the ground. There aren’t any walls, but glass mirrors in which you could have a perfect view of the city life down below, “Why does it have to be such an expensive place though?” I asked, but he wasn’t paying attention, instead he was looking for the women that he set a date with.

Tonight Jonghyun set up a double date with people that he met from another girl that he also hooked up with. I have been on a few dates before, but they all ended in a flop, so I’m not sure if this is going to be any better than the last ones.

We found two beautiful ladies already seated at the table, “Which one is my date?” I whispered behind him.

“The one with longer hair,” he whispered back before greeting the ladies, “Hello ladies, I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” Jonghyun smiled.

“Not at all,” The one with shorter hair woman replied as she smiled back.

“That’s good, well, this is my good friend, Jinki. Jinki, these are Soo Young and Jessica,” He introduced.

Soo Young had shorter hair, so I assumed that that was his date, and mine is Jessica. Both women stood up, but once they did, Soo Young stood at least two more inches taller than Jonghyun which caused him to make a face in shock, eyeing the distance from his head to hers.

“Nice to meet you Jinki,” Soo Young greeted as I shook her hand.

I turned to Jessica, “Pleasure to meet you miss,” I greeted, she gingerly took my hand and gave a soft shake.

“The pleasure is all mine,” She said, but I sense a bit of iciness in her voice. I remember what mama said when it comes to icy women; you have to win them over with humor. I believe that I excel in that category.

We sat back down and looked at the menus to see what we wanted to order.


[Taemin’s POV]

“Wow hyung, Top Cloud? How in the world did you get reservations for this restaurant?” I asked as I looked out the window to see the view.

Kibum, on the other hand, was paying attention to the menu, “I have my ways. Are you ready to order?”

I nodded my head and he called over the waiter with a wave of his hand, “What would you like to order sir?” He asked.

“May I have the duck liver terrine with champagne aspic and pinapple?” Kibum asked.

The waiter then turned to me, I looked at the menu and had no idea what any of these foods were, so I picked a random one, “Um… can I have the herb marinated lobster with yuzu dressing?” I asked, hopefully that tastes good.

“Your orders will be ready soon, but in the meantime would  you also like to order an appetizer while you wait?” the waiter suggested.

Kibum looked at me and I nodded, “Sure, give us whatever you have,” He said.

“Yes sir, I will return soon,” and the waiter left.

I looked around the restaurant and stared at the other people’s clothing and then back at mine. Did my suit look convincing? Did I look too tacky? I looked over at Kibum and he walked in with a completely white suit, but wore really flashy dress shoes. But for some reason it really fits him, even though he gained a number of stares from people. Then again, he does like the attention to be on him.

As I scanned the restaurant, I spotted a familiar face a few tables from where we were. It was that book dude, what’s his name? Jinki?

This is not good, he’s not supposed to see me or else s going to happen.

Kibum noticed that I kept on shifting on my chair, “What’s wrong?” He asked me.

I looked towards my hyung who eyed me suspiciously, “Oh it’s nothing,” I lied, settling into my seat.

[Taemin POV End]


I looked at the food what we ordered, mind was something with duck, and Jonghyun looked like he had some sort of- seafood, and the girls had some sort of steak. The thing that upsets me was that the portion of the food was very small. I mean, I’m a growing man, I need my food, but I’m not paying for it so I guess I shouldn’t complain.

Jonghyun was already putting the moves on Soo Young, and Jessica and I awkwardly sat next to each other. Awkward silences aren’t good, I guess it’s a perfect time for one of my jokes!

I looked around, trying to find an idea for a joke, “Jessica, want to hear a joke?” I asked, smiling.

“No,” She flatly answered.

I was taken back by that, but I’m not going to stop there, “No no trust me, it’s really good,” I insists.

“Oh God, no Jinki, not one of your stupid jokes,” Jonghyun remarked, face palming as his hand slid slowly down in face.

“Shush Jonghyun, anyway, what do rich people make for dinner every night?” I asked Jessica.

She picked at her food, not paying attention to me, “I don’t care.”

I had a moment of silence to try and build tension, “Jinki just say the damn pick up line already,” Jonghyun snapped.

I shot him a glare, “They make… Reservations!” I answered, laughing wilding, causing others around me to look at me.

The rest of the group just stayed silence, Jonghyun slapping his face again in irritation, Soo Young being friendly as she gave me a fake laugh, Jessica’s face was unamused.

But suddenly, Jessica tilted her head, “Oh wait! I get it!” And then she started to laugh along with me, probably even louder.

We all just stared at her laugh, “… It wasn’t that funny…” I admitted, but she slapped me on the arm to tell her more jokes.

I guess my jokes aren’t that bad.


“This steak is really hard to cut,” Soo Young complained. She wasn’t even able to eat half of it because of how tough the meat was.

“Don’t worry sweet heart, I got you,” Jonghyun smiled, taking her knife and fork and started to cut it. Unfortunately, that steak won’t give up, forcing Jonghyun to cut harder. The table started to shake, he was pulling at the steak, and once he finally cut through, his arm accidentally hit the plate, causing some of it to spill on Jonghyun and Soo Young, not only that, but the meat that he was cutting flung into the air, hitting someone a few tables from us.

“Ah!” The person a few tables away from us yelled.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry,” Jonghyun said to Soo Young, not paying attention to the other guy, “Why don’t we go to the bathroom to clean ourselves up?”

Soo Young just nodded her head slowly and got up, going to the bathroom with Jonghyun following behind her.

I pursed my lips together and looked around, I spotted the other guy that got hit with the meat, dragging another guy beside him. Awe, I feel bad, the guy was wearing such a nice white suit… and that other guy… He looks strangely familiar.


[Taemin’s POV]

“Hyung, why are you dragging me to the bathroom with you?” I whined as I was being dragged by Kibum. Apparently meat fell from the ceiling or something and stained his white suit.

“Because I need to beat the out of the bastard that did this to me!”

I eyed the stain, honestly, it wasn’t even that big, maybe the size of a penny, but I know that he’s not going to let it go.

As we got into the bathroom, it felt like we were in a whole new building. It was huge, two different aisle for bathroom stalls while the sinks divided them down the middle. Kibum made his way to grab a number of paper towels, wetting them and applying soap on them, he began to dab on the stain violently, “Yah, don’t just sit there, wet more paper towels for me,” He ordered.

I sighed, I didn’t even finish my meal, plus I want dessert too. From the other aisle we heard water running and some guy muttering profanities under his breath. We peaked through the other side, seeing another guy also cleaning off some sort of stain on his suit.

Kibum eyed him suspiciously, “Yah!” He called out.

The guy took his attention away from the stain, giving Kibum the chance to come closer, “Look what you did to me!” He pointed out at the stain on his suit.

The guy looked at his and frowned, “Oh, did I do that? I’m sorry.”

“You better pay for this,” Kibum demanded.

“The stain isn’t even that big…” The guy said, “But can we discuss this later? I’m kind of busy.”

Oh dear, I’ve known Kibum long enough that he is, and always will be, first priority to anyone.

“I said now.” Kibum repeated, this time with a fearsome scowl on his face.

I can tell that the other guy was getting annoyed, “Look diva, I told you that I’ll take care of that itty bitty stain later, but right now I’m kind of busy on a date. Also, you have such a nice face, but too bad it’s ruined by that ugly scowl you have.”

Oh, not a smart move. I could see the anger flare in Kibum’s eyes, he doesn’t particularly like it when people talk back to him nor when they insult his looks… Especially his looks, “Hey dude, I don’t think you should have said that…” I warned.

The guy looked over to me and cocked a brow, but it was too late before Kibum punched him in the face, hearing a disgusting crack echo in the bathroom. Yup, that guy’s nose is definitely broken. Kibum brushed passed him, “Come on Taemin, let’s leave this to wallow in his pathetic sadness.”

I followed behind him, staring at the guy, “I warned you buddy.”

Once we went back to our table, Kibum asked for the checks right away. The cost was 375,000 won, “Hyung we don’t have enough money for the food,” I said worriedly.

“Don’t worry about it, your hyung always comes prepared,” He said, taking out a wallet that wasn’t his. Hm, I wonder who it belongs to, “Okay Taemin, let’s get out of here and get dessert some place else.”

I smiled and followed behind him.

[Taemin’s POV End]


I saw Jonghyun returning to the table with a bloody nose, “Oh my goodness, what in the world happened to you?” I asked.

“Don’t even ask,” He simply replied. He looked around, “Where’s Jessica?”

I frowned and looked down, “She left…”


“She got offended with one of my jokes so she stormed off,” I answered. The joke wasn’t that bad- okay maybe it was, but I don’t want to repeat it.

Jonghyun only shook his head, and a few seconds later, Soo Young came back, joining us in our seats.

“I’m so sorry about earlier,” Jonghyun apologized.

Soo Young only smiled, “It’s okay, this dress didn’t cost much anyway.”

“I think it’s about time we called it a night, huh?” Jonghyun suggested as he began to search for his wallet.

We both nodded, but Jonghyun frowned. His hands searching his front pocket, his back pocket, and his jacket pocket, “Is there a problem?” I asked.

“I uh- I can’t find my wallet…?” Jonghyun admitted.

Oh no, then that wasn’t an illusion, the beautiful guy I saw following the guy in white was really him! Barbie boy! “When was the last time you had it?” I asked.

“When I was in the bathroom,” He answered.

“Were there two people in there too? A pretty blond feminine one and another guy?”

Jonghyun pursed his lips, “Uh, both of them were blond, but there was this kind of girly pretty one, and the other one was pretty, but he was a , why?”

“I think you just got robbed,” I said.

I didn’t have money, Jonghyun just got robbed… We both gulped and turned to Soo Young, “Um, sweet heart, I’d hate to ask, but…”

She glared at us in disbelief, “You have got to be kidding me.”



Omg. This story. I can't take this story seriously, idk why people even like it. LOL. Goodness, why am I still writing this? XDDD Anyway thank you for subscribing/reading/commenting! I appreciate it, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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nomnomnomnomnomnom #1
Chapter 4: I love this story ^^ please update author-nim :))
awwww~ i really hope they will meet soonish, i'm sorry for not reading yor fic for quite some time, i haven't been reading for a pretty long time and yeah so now i beginning to read them once again. Anyways, this is great! i like it so much, hehehe i cant wait till they meet again, hehehe ^^
Aaa~ really love this fic~ it was really awesomeee! but it's been a long since the last update :( please update soon :))
I really like ths so far. Can't wait for more. :)
Oh my gass,the bathroom part after and before omg
So damn funny,i feel like faiNT xD
And when jjong caught onew make such a face with a wig
fantastic job, really love it, poor Jinki, he's so sweet; I wonder why Taemin and Key are the way they are, obviously it has something to do with their dad, they really hate him; I wonder who this noona is that's pregnant, she seems to be important to them, a sister maybe; I really hope that Jinki finds out a bit more about Taemin soon; I was cringing and laughing my of when Jinki was trying on the wig and making kissy faces while posing in the mirror; brilliant, it's funny when Jinki refers to Taemin being attractive or liking some part of him, then acts a little surprised that he thinks that, before shrugging it off; and t was so cute that it made him happy to know his name; can't wait to see where this goes, it's brilliant, update really soon. ;-D
Yayyyyyy you updated!!! :DDD
And Onew? Doing kissy kissy faces in front of the mirror? HELL YEAH >:D OHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!!
....Whatever, update soon~~~ ;D
What the hell Onew?LMFAO oh my stomatch hurt of laughing xD
i can imagine Onew with that look in the mirror xD
um it will be little angst isn't it?
Update pleease~ can't wait :D
OMO you should update it as fast as you can please please please xD
its made my day