Ch. 3

Why, Hello Miss-- ter?!


Ah today is a beautiful Sunday morning in which I usually dedicate this day to doing good deeds. Mama always told me that I should do as many good deeds as I can just because it’s simply the right thing to do, plus it’ll make you feel better about yourself when you make others smile. I opened up the drawer next to my bed, taking out my emergency stash of money (I’m not stupid to have all my money in my wallet) and I went out of my room. I made my way to Jonghyun’s room, knocking on the door slightly.

“Yah, Jonghyun, I’m going to go out for a while, I’ll be back with dinner, okay?” I called out. I didn’t hear a response, so I held my ear to the door and heard a lot of scribbling and muffled profanity, “Well, uh, I’m going now. Can you please take a shower today though?”

I sighed, and headed out and shaking my head. Ever since the incident at Top Cloud with the Barbie boy and the “feisty diva” quoted from Jonghyun, he hasn’t left his room ever since. He says that he’s trying to come up with some sort of revenge plan against the guy who broke his nose, stole his wallet, and ruined his date with gaining a potentially rich girlfriend. He only comes out to take a piss or snack on instant noodles. So he must be pretty pissed at that guy because usually Jonghyun would care about his appearance and whatnot.

I took out a list of what I planned out doing, “Okay, the first thing on the list is to give grandma Park her morning bath,” Hey, I know that sounds weird… probably gross to a number of you all, but she’s old, plus  gives me free food, so I can’t complain.


[Taemin’s POV]

“Taemin, I’m about to leave for work,” Kibum called out as he tied his apron around his waist.

“Okay,” I flipped to the next page in the book I bought about pregnant woman, maybe I should visit her sometime next week, “Are you going to bring back dinner?”

“Yeah, but I’ll be home later than usual, Sunday’s are usually a busy day at Santtoki,” He walked over to me and ruffled my hair before going out.

I grumbled, fixing my hair back into place. As I continued reading the book, I started to get hungry. I walked over to our mini fridge, but there wasn’t any food, as if that’s new. I sighed, checking my wallet, hm my limit today is only 15,000 won since hyung took the rest of the money and combined it with our savings. I guess I can eat instant noodles until hyung comes back home.

I decided to dress somewhat androgynous today, wearing black skinnies, a lose white lose fitting shirt and a hoodie over my shirt. I didn’t really feel like dressing up today. I then grabbed a black bob cut wig, adjusting it in the mirror and putting on a pair of sunglasses, then proceeding out the door.

I guess it’s strange to people how comfortable I am with cross dressing, but I don’t know, the fact that I’ve been doing it for so long, it just became natural. Though I’m not necessarily saying that I enjoy it! I’m still a man!

I walked over to the nearest street shop by the local park, and ordered a bowl of fresh hot black noodles on this chilly Sunday. I walked down the road, slurping on my noodles, but it so happens that I accidentally tripped over a crack on the pavement. Not only that, but my noodles went flying, hitting a tall, muscular guy on the head.

He quickly turned around, facing me, “Yah!” He called out.

I gulped and quickly made a run for it.

[Taemin’s POV end]


Ah man, the fresh air is great for cleaning up the trash down by the local park. After I washed up grandma Park, I usually volunteer to clean around the area. People may say that I shouldn’t care about it, but the earth is our home! So of course we should care. I’m pretty sure no one would want to be surrounded by trash, and if no one is going to clean it up, I’ll happily do it.

I spotted another empty can on the ground and picked it up, putting it in my nearly full trash bag. I was about to pick up another one, until I saw a lady running down the sidewalk passed me. It looked as if a man, with black noodles all over him was chasing after her.

What in the world! That’s not how you should treat a lady! Oh, if mama was here—You don’t even want to know what mama will do if she saw that.

So after the lady passed by me, I quickly took the trash bag in my hand, and threw it at the muscular man that was chasing after her, knocking him out for a bit.

The lady stop and turned around to face me, but when I saw the face it turned out to be the Barbie boy!

“You!” We both yelled at each other simultaneously.

Before we could say another word to each other, we heard the muscular man grunt, and he looked as if he was about to get back up.

All of a sudden, the Barbie boy grabbed my hand, and started running as fast as we can.


We stopped until we lost sight of the muscular man, and sat upon a bench in the park, catching our breaths.

“You—“ He started.

I looked over at him, still panting.

“Why did you save me?” He asked, taking off his wig to reveal his dirty blond hair.

I shrugged, “I thought you were a woman, and my mama told me to always protect them no matter what.”

He stared at me with an incredulous look, “But… I’m not a girl…”

Oh yeah, that’s right, “Well, I don’t believe in violence,” I smiled at him.

We sat there on the bench for quite some time, staring at the people passing by, the kids playing at the playground, in silence.“You’re name is Lee Jinki, right?” He asked.

I was caught off guard, “Yeah, how’d you know?”

“I saw the name on your id card.”

I shook my head. I was actually kind of flustered that he knew my name. I could feel myself blushing, “Ah I see…”

“I’m pretty sure you still know who I am too,” He told me.

“You’re the kid who stole my wallet,” I joked, chuckling a bit.

He only furrowed his eyebrows, “And you’re not mad?”

I shrugged once again, “I guess you had your reasons,” Because when I really think about it, I was never really mad about him stealing my wallet. When I look at his face, I just seem to forget about everything. I don’t know why.

But he didn’t seem to like my answer, “What do you mean I guess you had your reasons?” He questioned, his voice slightly raising, “Are you really just going to let it go like that?”

“Huh?” Did I say something wrong? Why did it seem like he was getting mad?

He stood up, facing me now, “People like you are too nice! You’re the type that everyone steps on because you’re a pushover!”

I was completely lost. Why would he say that about me? “Look, just because I’m nice doesn’t mean I’m a pushover,” I told him.

He rolled his eyes, “Whatever. Thanks for saving me,” He said while storming off.

Wait, what was that? He got mad at me, and now he’s thanking me, and then he’s leaving? Hold up!

“Wait!” I called out while running up to him, causing him to turn around. I paused for a second because I’m not even sure if he would answer this, “W-What’s your name?” I asked him.

I stared at his face. It held a blank expression and he only looked at me, as if he was contemplating whether or not he should tell me. It actually looked like he was about to hurt me or run away again, but I can’t help it, I needed to know this kid’s name. Ever since I saw him again at Top Cloud, and even today, I knew that we were meant to be something, but I’m not so sure what.


I broke away from my thoughts, “What?”

He looked irritated, “I said my name is Taemin.”

I suddenly broke into a big smile and grabbed his hand- Wow, I never noticed how soft they were until now, “Nice to meet you Taemin!” I greeted. Mama says that it’s polite to properly greet yourself to people, so that’s exactly what I’m doing.

He only raised a brow, “You’re a pretty strange guy…”

I only smiled, “I know, but then again, you’re pretty strange yourself.”

Taemin smirked, “Well, see you,” And then he turned away and left.

I stood there smiling like an idiot. It’s as if I won the lottery or something- I don’t know, I just felt happy. I’m not sure if I’m going to meet him again, but hey, he told me his name, so maybe?

I glanced over to the bench that we were sitting on and noticed that he accidentally left his wig. I picked it up and looked around the park, but he completely disappeared. I guess this is fate’s way of telling me that we were probably going to see each other soon. 



Gah, I finally updated this jank. Sorry for the lateness!! TT^TT But yeah, Jinki is such an angel haha. And I'll explain to you as to why Taemin got mad at him all of a sudden in the future chapters once it switches over to his point of view. But thank you for reading/subscribing/commenting. I appreciate it! <3<3<3

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nomnomnomnomnomnom #1
Chapter 4: I love this story ^^ please update author-nim :))
awwww~ i really hope they will meet soonish, i'm sorry for not reading yor fic for quite some time, i haven't been reading for a pretty long time and yeah so now i beginning to read them once again. Anyways, this is great! i like it so much, hehehe i cant wait till they meet again, hehehe ^^
Aaa~ really love this fic~ it was really awesomeee! but it's been a long since the last update :( please update soon :))
I really like ths so far. Can't wait for more. :)
Oh my gass,the bathroom part after and before omg
So damn funny,i feel like faiNT xD
And when jjong caught onew make such a face with a wig
fantastic job, really love it, poor Jinki, he's so sweet; I wonder why Taemin and Key are the way they are, obviously it has something to do with their dad, they really hate him; I wonder who this noona is that's pregnant, she seems to be important to them, a sister maybe; I really hope that Jinki finds out a bit more about Taemin soon; I was cringing and laughing my of when Jinki was trying on the wig and making kissy faces while posing in the mirror; brilliant, it's funny when Jinki refers to Taemin being attractive or liking some part of him, then acts a little surprised that he thinks that, before shrugging it off; and t was so cute that it made him happy to know his name; can't wait to see where this goes, it's brilliant, update really soon. ;-D
Yayyyyyy you updated!!! :DDD
And Onew? Doing kissy kissy faces in front of the mirror? HELL YEAH >:D OHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!!
....Whatever, update soon~~~ ;D
What the hell Onew?LMFAO oh my stomatch hurt of laughing xD
i can imagine Onew with that look in the mirror xD
um it will be little angst isn't it?
Update pleease~ can't wait :D
OMO you should update it as fast as you can please please please xD
its made my day