How Do You Know It's Not Real?

My Pain, Your Pain, Albeit Different, We All Still Suffer
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"Y-Y.. Y-YOU" Jimin stuttered.

"YOU.. What are YOU doing here?" Said person replies, sharp but confused.

"Chim who'r- Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung inquired quizzically.


The atmosphere suddenly grew tense. One was shivering in fear, hands shaking and head positioned towards the floor. One held a sharp menacing gaze, eyes flittering back and forth between the two new figures that just entered the room. The other just stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to proceed in a situation so stiff.  

"Hey Kook where'd you put my- yo" Yoongi stopped mid sentence. Everyone's eyes now focused on the older male's figure that just stepped out of the bathroom. ".. I see we have guests" He chuckled awkwardly, rubbing his neck. Jungkook scoffed a little bit too loud.

What was his problem? 

Yoongi soon noticed the seemingly tensed aura the three were emitting. Do they know each other?

"Mmm.. Hyung, uh.. Is Hoseok-shi around?" Tae's voice came out timidly, still wary of Jungkook's cold attitude. "I brought Jimin with me. He wanted to uh.. You know"

"Oh Hoseok's not in at the moment. He's with his mom, they're eating together" Yoongi shrugged, slinging his towel onto his shoulders. "I can call him right now if you want. They shouldn't be that far awa-"

"NO" Jimin yelled, leaving the other 3 shocked by his sudden outburst. ".. I.. I.." Eyes wide, still focusing on the ground. He couldn't believe his own outburst either, but he had to get out. He had to get out that instant. "We'll just.. We'll come back later. Won't we, Tae? Y-Yea. Later" His voice came out a little bit too fast. "I'm sorry I have to go" Jimin stumbled backwards, bolting out of the door before he fainted once he's a few steps outside. "JIMIN!" Taehyung slapped his cheeks soft but urgent.

", CALL THE NURSE, KOOK" Silence.               


Jungkook was having none of it. He continued to observe the limp body with hostility etched on his face. "KOOK WHAT THE HELL?" Yoongi ran past him, pressing the emergency red button strapped to his hospital bed. Footsteps were heard running down the hall before 2 nurses appeared, slightly out-of-breath from the rush. Taehyung informed them urgently and they were soon carrying Jimin back to his room for a further check up.

Yoongi had one hand on his hips and the other pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed as he let out a heavy sigh. "Kook, I don't wanna have to lecture you but mind telling me what the that was about?" The said boy snapped out of his hostile demeanor, his expression softening to the Kookie that Yoongi was more familiar with. "Nothing, hyung" A soft reply came.

"Well that certainly didn't look like nothing"

"They were just.. people I used to know back in highschool"

"You went to highschool with Taehyung?", confusion clouded Yoongi. "How'd you get acquainted with Tae?" Jungkook shot him a serious look, not at all beating around the bush. Now that was a first for the younger one. Yoongi never thought he'd ever get attitude from that shy protégé of his. "First of all, ATTITUDE..", he wiggled his index finger in front of the other's face, signalling the boy to watch his behaviour. "I'm not exactly familiar with him. He's just.. Someone I chatted up after bumping into in the hallways"

"Well what's his business here?" The boy inquired, not backing off.  

"Nothing. Taehyung's here as Jimin's guardian at the moment. They came to apologize to Hoseok because Jimin accidentally offended him after they bumped into each other", he sighed. This is not a good day for me at all, what the even?

"Accidentally.." The boy snickered, rolling his eyes. "How does one even "accidentally" offend someone?" 

"Okay sass boi, I'mma need you to slow down the sass train and choo choo your back here", he smacked the younger at the back of his head. "OWWWW" 

Wait a minute. 




"You're the Jungkook that Taehyung's mentioned before" 

".. Well ain't that just peachy"



"Here kiddo. Eat up" Yoongi handed Jungkook a corn bun. 

"Thanks" The boy mumbled quietly, sagging his body backwards to the wall.

"I'm gonna cut to the chase here, Kookie. What's your problem with Taehyung and Jimin? What's with the attitude?", the mint head inquired. Silence. "You know I don't busy myself with people's matters, Kook. I'm not trying to be naggy or any of that . But I know something bad went down between the 3 of you. There's.. things. Things that you're not telling me" Pause. "I'm fine with that. Keep all the secrets you want. It's just that.. You're like a little brother to me by now. You're always out doing stupid when you're upset and I want you to share once in a while to let off the steam before you do"    

".. I.. " Jungkook started.

"What?" Yoongi rubbed on his back soothingly when he looked like he couldn't form any words to explain himself. "Take your time"


"Mmhm?" Yoongi responded nonchalantly.

"Don't you just hate attention seekers?" He chuckled darkly. "What do you mean by that?" 



"He acts like a victim and tries to win over people's sympathy. It didn't fool me, and it sure as hell didn't fool everyone else except for maybe Taehyung. I don't know what Tae sees in him. I'm glad I jumped off that train when I got the chance to. He's nothing but a spoiled brat who doesn't know the meaning of hardship", his fists clenched at the side.

Yoongi let out a small chuckle, causing Jungkook to turn and look. "Oh and you do? Is that what you're implying?"    

"What? No. Hyung, you know that's not what I mean" 

"Oh I know exactly what you meant, Kook", Yoongi replied. 

"Taehyung was all up in my face every

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Chapter 6: I'm so so so sorry to hear about what happened to your favorite author. Please do not blame yourself as you did what you could but if the person had not open up, perhaps they never would have at all. I liked this update & wonder who is the person Namjoon is speaking to.
Gabibarrib #2
Chapter 5: I've been doing fine, and I'm sorry to hear that that's not your case. I know it's selfish, but I want to ask you to not drop this story. I don't mind how long you take to update, it's ok to take your time when life becomes overwhelming, and of course you should rest when tired- your health (both mental and phisical) should come first. It's just that this story is good, great really. And that's why I want to keep reading it,so even if you don't think it's good enough, even if you're not confident, know that I think it's better than good enough. Thank you for your work, I hope you'll feel better.
Chapter 5: I can completely relate to how Jin felt
Chapter 1: Noooo. Poor Jin :(
Siluvei #5
Chapter 4: Actually I was really happy when I noticed that this story is not full of fluff. As BTS songs are meaningful I was happy to finally find a deep story showing how to deal with serious obstacles in life and manage to be happy. Not to mention my favourite idols are staring here and I don't block this message/help (I have trust issues and usually push ppl away).
duyenx3 #6
Chapter 4: While reading the story, I had a romantic relationship development in mind. isn't necessary, but nice fluff, "strangers to friends to lovers" developement would be preferred.
Gabibarrib #7
Chapter 4: Honestly, given the way the story developed so far I think a platonic relationship would make more sense.
If it were to become romantic I think it should be the kind where it's more about the person, on emotional and psychological levels, and less about the fluff and . It could still be a "meaningful story bout a stranger-turned-friend who gives a boy lessons on life" only with a stranger-turned-friend-turned-lover. You could mention the romantic sides - kisses, touches, - but not describe them in great depth.
IMO fluff and don't fit in this story but, if you want to include those, go ahead, you're the author, you decide.
Good luck with your finals!! XD
Chapter 4: I'd rather have a romantic one, it can be romantic and still be meaningful they could be friends at first or something I don't know. I think yoonmin is such a good couple but they lack on good fics therefore I'd be really happy to have a good romantic one with lots of fluff. ALthough I'm sure either way you decide on writing you'll do something good so it's up to you in the end. Good luck on your finals I hope you can do well and see you soon. FIghting!!
rollingpie #9
Chapter 4: platonic and a lot of fluff please xD put some at the end of the story if you dont mind tho xD

btw, GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINALS !! you gon slay those papers like you slay us all with your fanfic :>
Ati5aTHSVR #10
Chapter 4: I prefer meaningful, platonic all the way but its ur story so do anything that u feel will make the story turn good. If u decided to make it romantic u still can make it meaningful and no- but again, its ur story so dont feel to pressured and good luck :)