You're Hurting, But He Is As Well

My Pain, Your Pain, Albeit Different, We All Still Suffer
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Jimin was roaming around the halls of the hospital. Step by step, his feet dragged its movements slowly. His eyes were wild, fleeting from left to right. All sorts of thoughts came to his head, ranging from his parents, to his best friends, and even to his current state. 

Why can't I get anything right?  

The world was drenched in colours, but Park Jimin only saw black. And he constantly wonders why. He's heard it a million times before back at school. The general public making fun of depressed people. People like him.

I didn't choose to feel this way. I wanna be happy too. I desperately do, He thought to himself. I'm not weak. I'm not weak. 

Out of nowhere, while in deep thought, he accidentally crashed onto someone. The other person fell with a loud "OOMPHH!", rubbing his that seemingly hit the ground too harsh for his liking. Jimin who was also on the ground rubbed his ankle slowly, hissing in pain. "Aigoo, I'm so sorry. I didn't hear you coming from the opposite side" The stranger called out to him brightly. He could see that the other guy was .. A little bit too cheerful.

"I'm fine. It's ok-" Jimin muttered slowly before his head snapped up quickly at the stranger who was now hurriedly holding his arms in an attempt to help him up. "NO!' He yelled, pulling his right arm away, quietly hissing in pain. He could see the bandage on his arm slowly turn from white to tinges of red. . "I'm just trying to help-" "WELL DON'T" Jimin shouts, desperately trying to cover his bandaged wounds.

The stranger went still for awhile, probably shocked from his outburst. He then started to move around nervously, hands roaming around the wall beside. "I-I.. I apologize sir" He accidentally grasped Jimin's wrist again while awkwardly reaching for the walls.

"STOP! I SAID DON'T! WHAT ARE YOU?! BLIND?" The small orange-headed boy raged, pushing the other to the ground again. Mr-No-Name fell backwards and stared to his front in confusion, eyes glistening with unshed tears.   

"Yes, he IS actually visually impaired. But apparently his listening is tip-top, so whatever the you just said.. He heard that " A low threatening voice came from behind him. Jimin slowly gasped in realization, eyes wide as he turned around to face a furious mint-head. "I-.. I.. S-Sorry. I d-d-didn't realize h-he was.. " Jimin stuttered, beating himself up on the inside for being a goddamn . "Yah Yoongi.. Calm down, I'm okay. Don't scare the poor boy" The stranger he bumped into piped up. Jimin could tell the former was still hurt from the remark he made earlier on but he put on a smiley face and coaxed the boy "It's okay, little one. I'm the one who's sorry for bumping into you. Forgive me" He grinned, eyes turning into cute tiny crescents. Only now Jimin noticed.

He's staring ahead. N-Not at. Me. Jimin thought to himself. Stupid. Why didn't you notice it earlier?

"Hoseok-ah" "Be a good boy and go and help him, Yoongi" Hoseok laughs and tries to stand up on his own. Yoongi quickly runs to his side and assists him to find his stick that was long forgotten on the floor after their accidental bump. All the while listening to Hoseok's low protests and walking to his room, he never left the small boy's guilty petrified stare, shooting a sharp glare of his own until they finally disappeared into a corner.     



"..Tae" He slowly talked into the phone, hand clutching too tight his palms went red. "Oh? Why? Jiminnie, you already hungry?", his enthusiastic best friend chimed over the line. "..Tae.. I did something bad"

"Jiminnie what's wrong? Did you.. hurt yourself again?" Taehyung inquired slowly. "Jimin-ah.. Jimin talk to me" He coaxed when he noticed his friend's silent sobs ringing through the phone. "Jiminnie~ It's okay~ You can tell Taehyungie what's wrong. I'll fix it up for you, ok?"

"I-.. I said some really hurtful things to someone" "Okay.. And?"

"N-No.. You don't understand, Taehyung. What I said was really offensive.. I.. What-" "I know Jimin. You said some hurtful things to this person. .. But did you mean it?" Taehyung asked him softly like he would to a child. "N-No..No. I.. I didn't mean it"

"Then it's okay Jiminnie~ Just go and say sorry. Sincerely. There's nothing a sincere apology can't do." He smiled affectionately, although the other boy probably couldn't see it due to the circumstances of their phone conversation. "Tell you what.. I'm on my way there at the moment, and when I get there, I'll help you find this guy and we apologize to him. Okay, Jiminnie?"

"O-Okay. I guess" Jimin continues to clutch to the phone for his life, looking like a kid not wanting to separate with his teddy bear. "Taehyungie.. Come here quickly" He whispered that last part, seemingly still shy from their heart-to-heart talk in the bathroom the day before. "YES BOSS, ON MY WAY. FRET NOT" Taehyung did a salute. "Mmm" Jimin answered

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Chapter 6: I'm so so so sorry to hear about what happened to your favorite author. Please do not blame yourself as you did what you could but if the person had not open up, perhaps they never would have at all. I liked this update & wonder who is the person Namjoon is speaking to.
Gabibarrib #2
Chapter 5: I've been doing fine, and I'm sorry to hear that that's not your case. I know it's selfish, but I want to ask you to not drop this story. I don't mind how long you take to update, it's ok to take your time when life becomes overwhelming, and of course you should rest when tired- your health (both mental and phisical) should come first. It's just that this story is good, great really. And that's why I want to keep reading it,so even if you don't think it's good enough, even if you're not confident, know that I think it's better than good enough. Thank you for your work, I hope you'll feel better.
Chapter 5: I can completely relate to how Jin felt
Chapter 1: Noooo. Poor Jin :(
Siluvei #5
Chapter 4: Actually I was really happy when I noticed that this story is not full of fluff. As BTS songs are meaningful I was happy to finally find a deep story showing how to deal with serious obstacles in life and manage to be happy. Not to mention my favourite idols are staring here and I don't block this message/help (I have trust issues and usually push ppl away).
duyenx3 #6
Chapter 4: While reading the story, I had a romantic relationship development in mind. isn't necessary, but nice fluff, "strangers to friends to lovers" developement would be preferred.
Gabibarrib #7
Chapter 4: Honestly, given the way the story developed so far I think a platonic relationship would make more sense.
If it were to become romantic I think it should be the kind where it's more about the person, on emotional and psychological levels, and less about the fluff and . It could still be a "meaningful story bout a stranger-turned-friend who gives a boy lessons on life" only with a stranger-turned-friend-turned-lover. You could mention the romantic sides - kisses, touches, - but not describe them in great depth.
IMO fluff and don't fit in this story but, if you want to include those, go ahead, you're the author, you decide.
Good luck with your finals!! XD
Chapter 4: I'd rather have a romantic one, it can be romantic and still be meaningful they could be friends at first or something I don't know. I think yoonmin is such a good couple but they lack on good fics therefore I'd be really happy to have a good romantic one with lots of fluff. ALthough I'm sure either way you decide on writing you'll do something good so it's up to you in the end. Good luck on your finals I hope you can do well and see you soon. FIghting!!
rollingpie #9
Chapter 4: platonic and a lot of fluff please xD put some at the end of the story if you dont mind tho xD

btw, GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINALS !! you gon slay those papers like you slay us all with your fanfic :>
Ati5aTHSVR #10
Chapter 4: I prefer meaningful, platonic all the way but its ur story so do anything that u feel will make the story turn good. If u decided to make it romantic u still can make it meaningful and no- but again, its ur story so dont feel to pressured and good luck :)