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My Pain, Your Pain, Albeit Different, We All Still Suffer
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It's been 2 whole days since he bumped into the crying young man, leaving his equally broken best friend sobbing alone in the isolated hospital room at the corner of the 5th floor. Min Yoongi constantly wondered to himself, What could've went down between them? He continued to stare at the muted television, mind elsewhere before a famillliar cough caught his attention. "I didn't know you were into these kinda stuffs, Yoongi" The tender voice , adding in a bit of a snicker while she's at it. "Huh?" He snapped out of his longing thoughts just to find a provocative lingerie ad playing on the television with no sound on, making it completely awkward that the lady was rubbing her almost self onto a car in complete silence.

"Nurse Lee, I might be dying, but.. I still have my manly needs" He winked at the 40+ year old woman whom he grew fond of after 2 weeks of inactivity in the hospital.

Whack. Whack. WHAM.

"AH! AHHHHH! OH MY GOD STAHPPP!" Yoongi's mint hair flailed while trying to salvage his beautiful face from the feisty woman. 

"Aigoo, you erted little child, you. Be thankful you're not my son, or I would've castrated you and sold your organs in the black markets of China" The middle-aged nurse then sat down, preparing him for his weekly routine. "Oh? Really? I'd actually be really thankful if you were my mom, at least YOU don't find my presence a nuisance" He moved to hug the elderly the way a young child would his mother, eye smile showing and mouth curved cutely upwards.This thing he does to Nurse Lee daily breaks her heart every single time. ".. Yoongi-ah.." She looked downwards to the mop of mint hair still tightly hugging her waist, desperate not wanting to let go.

Yoongi could feel his hair getting wet and instantly knew she was crying again. "Oh my god not again, CHILL NURSE LEE, IT WAS JUST A JOKE JESUS CHRIST CALM YOUR 40 YEAR OLD IES" 


At this rate, I really am going to die earlier than expected. my life.

After his session, Yoongi sat upright on his bed, making himself comfortable and started to get lost in deep thought once again. "What's wrong now, Yoongi? I always find you staring ahead lately", Nurse Lee asked while setting up his lunch. He just muttered a quick "Nothing" before continuing to think about the orange-haired boy. "Welp. If you say so"

Just as Nurse Lee exited his room, he quickly tip-toed to the door, checking to see if she's really gone. He grabbed his black sweater, wore it and made his way to the corner part of the 5th floor. Let's see what the kid's up to.    

As he was nearing the familliar door where he first saw the two strangers, he found the boy sitting on the floor, back against the wall just outside of the room. No, not the orange-haired patient. His crying best friend. The one Yoongi bumped into. There he was, pathetically sitting outside, head downwards and lips slightly parted. He was probably sleeping. What was this kid's name again? Tae-ju.. Tae-jung? Tae-hyun? If there was one thing Yoongi was bad at, it would have been remembering names. And people in general. But this time, he was curious, so he approached the boy cautiously, reminding himself that the kid was probably sensitive and he didn't want to scare him off.





"Helloooooo.." Yoongi pestered, poking the young man on his cheeks. The boy woke up in a sudden, his eyes wide and his body subtly shaking. "..Jimin.."

"Oh I'm sorry if I startled you, but I'm not Ji-chim?" Yoongi extended his right hand. "I'm Yoongi" He gave the boy a warm smile, once again enchanting people with his ridiculously cute eye smile.

"Who are you?"   

Sigh. This is going to be a long day.

"Kid.. I just told you.. My name is Yoon-" "No. I mean.. Do i know you? What're you doing here? Are you a friend of Jimin? You guys related? Oh thank god, I was j-"

"Whoah whoah whoah there kid, slow down. Who the hell is this 'Jimin' you been talking about?" Yoongi shaked the boy to calm his down. Damn boy sure talks a lot, Yoongi thought. The boy replied enthusiastically, "Oh he's my best friend. The one with the orange hair. You don't know him? He's-" Stop. A stray tear slowly rolled down his left cheek. 

"He's in there", he incoherently uttered pointing into the room you came across a few days ago.

With that small gesture, the kid finally broke down again, this time in the presence of mint-haired stranger who identifies himself as a 'Yoongi'. "Let's go somewhere else, he'll hear me. He always does." Yoongi realized he's being pulled away by the brunet, running towards the direction of the 5th floor outdoor mini garden.

They both stopped to take a deep breath, Yoongi even more from the unexpected flee. "Mmkay kid, I don't mean to be rude but WHAT THE THO? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY YEARS IT'S BEEN SINCE I STOPPED PARTICIPATING IN TRACK AND FIELDS. I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU"      

"Well, I don't even know you, but that didn't stop you from poking my cheeks a few minutes ago"

. Well played kid, well played.

"Point taken. Okayyy, this has been fun. Let's do it another time. But for now I need to go back before I get my kic-" Sob.

Yoongi automatically turned around to find the kid crouching on the floor, head in his hands. Sob. Sob. Sob. Oh boy.

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Chapter 6: I'm so so so sorry to hear about what happened to your favorite author. Please do not blame yourself as you did what you could but if the person had not open up, perhaps they never would have at all. I liked this update & wonder who is the person Namjoon is speaking to.
Gabibarrib #2
Chapter 5: I've been doing fine, and I'm sorry to hear that that's not your case. I know it's selfish, but I want to ask you to not drop this story. I don't mind how long you take to update, it's ok to take your time when life becomes overwhelming, and of course you should rest when tired- your health (both mental and phisical) should come first. It's just that this story is good, great really. And that's why I want to keep reading it,so even if you don't think it's good enough, even if you're not confident, know that I think it's better than good enough. Thank you for your work, I hope you'll feel better.
Chapter 5: I can completely relate to how Jin felt
Chapter 1: Noooo. Poor Jin :(
Siluvei #5
Chapter 4: Actually I was really happy when I noticed that this story is not full of fluff. As BTS songs are meaningful I was happy to finally find a deep story showing how to deal with serious obstacles in life and manage to be happy. Not to mention my favourite idols are staring here and I don't block this message/help (I have trust issues and usually push ppl away).
duyenx3 #6
Chapter 4: While reading the story, I had a romantic relationship development in mind. isn't necessary, but nice fluff, "strangers to friends to lovers" developement would be preferred.
Gabibarrib #7
Chapter 4: Honestly, given the way the story developed so far I think a platonic relationship would make more sense.
If it were to become romantic I think it should be the kind where it's more about the person, on emotional and psychological levels, and less about the fluff and . It could still be a "meaningful story bout a stranger-turned-friend who gives a boy lessons on life" only with a stranger-turned-friend-turned-lover. You could mention the romantic sides - kisses, touches, - but not describe them in great depth.
IMO fluff and don't fit in this story but, if you want to include those, go ahead, you're the author, you decide.
Good luck with your finals!! XD
Chapter 4: I'd rather have a romantic one, it can be romantic and still be meaningful they could be friends at first or something I don't know. I think yoonmin is such a good couple but they lack on good fics therefore I'd be really happy to have a good romantic one with lots of fluff. ALthough I'm sure either way you decide on writing you'll do something good so it's up to you in the end. Good luck on your finals I hope you can do well and see you soon. FIghting!!
rollingpie #9
Chapter 4: platonic and a lot of fluff please xD put some at the end of the story if you dont mind tho xD

btw, GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FINALS !! you gon slay those papers like you slay us all with your fanfic :>
Ati5aTHSVR #10
Chapter 4: I prefer meaningful, platonic all the way but its ur story so do anything that u feel will make the story turn good. If u decided to make it romantic u still can make it meaningful and no- but again, its ur story so dont feel to pressured and good luck :)