Chapter 29

The Stray Cat
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"It's none of your business." Jun informed Seung Cheol shoving him down.

"Look, why don't you just let go of my friend. You're hurting her." Seung Cheol pointed out.

"I'm talking to her." Jun said and then turned to Chaeyoung "Is he really your friend?" he asked

"Yes!" Chaeyoung answered with pain in her voice.

Both Seung Cheol and Jun let her hands go. Chaeyoung started rubbing her wrists to eased the pain.

"Could you just leave." Chaeyoung ordered Jun

"I told you. I like you. And I want you to be mine." Jun refused

"What? You like her?!" Seung Cheol in

Jun rolled his eyes, sighed and turned to Seung Cheol.

"Are you deaf? She said leave! So leave!" Jun said to Seung Cheol

"She was talking to you, ." Seung Cheol replied to Chaeyoung "And why would I leave my friend from a shady guy like you?!" he added

"? Shady? The hell you talking about. Just leave okay?!" Jun said

"Arrrrgh!" Chaeyoung grunted then she grabbed Seung Cheol's arm and dragged him with her home. Then she turned to Jun and said:

"Don't follow us! Get away from me, okay?!"

So Jun stood there and smirked.

"I won't give up." he shouted

Both Seung Cheol and Chaeyoung walked home.

"Where did you meet that guy?" Seung Cheol asked

Chaeyoung was too furious to answer. Seung Cheol stopped for a bit to think, then stopped Chaeyoung at her tracks.

"What?" Chaeyoung asked angrily.

Seung Cheol hold out his hand and nod his head. Chaeyoung hesitated and looked at his hand for a while.

"Are you coming?" Seung Cheol asked her.

Chaeyoung took a deep breath and took Seung Cheol's hand. Seung Cheol dragged her with him. They run around the town and stopped at a ice cream parlor. The bell at the door rang as they entered, without looking the shop owner asked:

"What do you like?"

"Ahjussi!" Seung Cheol called out

"Yah! I'm not that old!" the owner turned around and saw Seung Cheol smiling. "Oh! What a suprise?! Seung Cheol!" the owner ran up to Seung Cheol and hugged him. But then the shop owner backed up awkwardly and started wiping his hands in the apron he was wearing. Seung Cheol and the shop owner laughed.

"What do you like? Wait. Wait! Let me guess?! Be right back." the shop owner turned around and started working.

So Sueng Cheol led Chaeyoung at a table and sat down. Chaeyoung notices that the shop was not that packed but has it share of its customers. As they wait, Seung Cheol looking at Chaeyoung, he rummage through his things and laid out what it seems like a drawing pad. Chaeyoung didn't noticed this as she was looking around and was mesmerized by the art pieces the parlor has and its ambience. It was relaxing yet it was invigorating. Then she returned her gaze at the table and saw Seung Cheol focused at his task at hand, so she returned her roaming her eyes around.

"Are you a regular at this place?" Chaeyoung asked

"Yeah?!" Seung Cheol replied without looking at her

"So, you know the owner? How?" Chaeyoung asked again.

"Hmm?" Seung Cheol hummed

"You know the owner, right?!" Chaeyoung repeated

"Yeah." Seung Cheol replied still busy at his work

"How did you knew the owner?" Chaeyoung asked again

"Huh?! Hmmm." Seung Cheol mutters and taking his time answering.

Pissed, Chaeyoung looked at Seung Cheol.

"Arrrrgh! Why did you even brought me here if you're just gonna ignore me?" Chaeyoung furiously said then stood up and left. But then was stopped by the owner.

"Leaving so early?" The owner asked "Hey! Seung Cheol your girlfriend is leaving!" the owner called out to Seung Cheol. Snapping out off his concentration Seung Cheol dropped whatever he was doing and said to Chaeyoung.

"Why are you leaving?!" Seung Cheol asked

"You weren't talking to me. You're too busy scribbling there. So I just thought about leaving." Chaeyoung replied 


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Chapter 36: The moment I hate the most was when you gather all your courage just to confess but gone wasted due to the train.. wow.. congrats bro! Hahaha
Chapter 37: It's like all of them like seungcheol... But I dont want any of them get hurt rejected by him.. Hmm maybe he can really get all the girls? Well for me that will be the best happy ending :D dont know how other, readers will react thou xD

Ps. I love momo very much xD
Chapter 37: Happy birthday! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Modamoj #4
Chapter 35: I wish Seungcheol can end up with Mina and Jun with Chaeyoung. Seungcheol and Mina is a cute couple.
tommyo9876 #5
Chapter 35: I think that the story is perfect the way it is so far. No suggestions from me. (:
Well here's a big one guys. I hope you still having fun. I'm sure I am. Hehehehe. Just comment down if you want something or if you have suggestions to the story. I really like to have feed backs from you guys. Please. It helps me out alot. ALOT!! Ask my sister. Ahahaha. That's all for now. Lots of love. PEACE~!! ^ ^v
Guys.. There's something bothering me. Are you guys still enjoying the story? It's just that I don't see many people commenting.. Or is it that all of you are silent reader. It's not that I don't like that or anything. It's just that I love reading you comments and I can use you're guys input in the story you don't know maybe your ship will the one who'll sail the seas! XD That's all from me now.. Love guys and gals, dudes and dudettes! PEACE~!! ^ ^v
Chapter 34: Tss... jealous SeungCheol hahahaha..
To my brother.... still ---- you for not giving credits.... kidding.. thanks
Hehehe. I'm glad that you guys like it.. Props for my lil sis for the inspiration of this chapter.. XD