Chapter 15

The Stray Cat
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After school.

"Hey. Seung Cheol let's play." Jeonghan said

"Pass. There's something I have to do. Sorry." Seung Cheol replied

The next day.

"Seung Cheol.  What's good after a hard day?" Vernon asked

"What?" He replied

"What else?! It's to grind for gold." Vernon said

"Maybe next time." Seung Cheol replied

"Okay." Vernon sadly said as Seung Cheol leaves

The next day.

"Hey. Karaoke?" Mingyu asked

"Count me in." Jeonghan answered

"Me too." Vernon added

"Pass. I'm busy tonight." Seung Cheol replied then left in a hurry

The next day.

"Seung Cheol. Hang out?" The guys asked

"There is this event where you'll find OJ items. There's the set you wanted." Vernon convinced him

"Sorry. But there is this thing I need to do guys. Even though I want to, it's just I really can't. Next time I promise." Seung Cheol replied then left

"Okay. This is making me worry alot." Jeonghan said

The next day.

Seung Cheol was nowhere to be found. So the guys asked Chaeyoung and Momo.

"Hey. Uhm. If you don't mind. Is there's a problem with Seung Cheol lately?" Mingyu asked

"Nothing much." Chaeyoung answered

"Really?" Vernon reassures

"Well. He comes home really late this past few days." Momo said

"Is that weird?" Chaeyoung asked

"Yeah. He always have cooked for us all this time and this past few days he always have us pre-heat dinner." Momo explained

"Uhm. Thanks." Vernon said

The guys left. As they were walking.

"Is Seung Cheol on drugs?" Jeonghan asked

"No." Vernon said

"Maybe he's on services." Jeonghan added

"What?" Vernon said

"Or maybe he has girlfriend which he doesn't share to us." Jeonghan said

"That maybe true." Vernon said

"Let's not jump to conclusions." Mingyu said

Then Jeonghan bumped into a girl.

"Oops. Sorry." Jeonghan apologized

"I-I-I-I-I'm fine." The girl replied and blushed

"This is a long line, huh." Mingyu commented

"Yeah. There's a cute guy serving inside. So girls are waiting for their turn to be served." The girl said

"Oh. Is that so? Thanks." Mingyu replied to the girl

So Vernon, Mingyu and Jeonghan made their way to the front and saw Seung Cheol waiting the tables.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. Here's your order. Thank you and enjoy." Seung Cheol said with a smile.

Then the three tried to go inside but a someone stopped them.

"Sorry sir but we have a line and you need to wait. For now the tables are full. Sorry for the inconvenience." The woman said

"Oh. Sorry. But we're friends with your new waiter." Vernon replied

"Is that so. Please please come in." The lady let them in. And then led them to Seung Cheol who was taking a break.

"Guys. What are you doing here?" Seung Cheol asked as he stood up.

"Well. We were worried you're in some kind, a bad kind of situation." Jeonghan said 

"As you see. He's my main attraction here. We're hiring for part timers and he signed up. And the next thing we know he made the food taste better and the tables," she paused and looked around "packed." She continued

"Don't be l

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Chapter 36: The moment I hate the most was when you gather all your courage just to confess but gone wasted due to the train.. wow.. congrats bro! Hahaha
Chapter 37: It's like all of them like seungcheol... But I dont want any of them get hurt rejected by him.. Hmm maybe he can really get all the girls? Well for me that will be the best happy ending :D dont know how other, readers will react thou xD

Ps. I love momo very much xD
Chapter 37: Happy birthday! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Modamoj #4
Chapter 35: I wish Seungcheol can end up with Mina and Jun with Chaeyoung. Seungcheol and Mina is a cute couple.
tommyo9876 #5
Chapter 35: I think that the story is perfect the way it is so far. No suggestions from me. (:
Well here's a big one guys. I hope you still having fun. I'm sure I am. Hehehehe. Just comment down if you want something or if you have suggestions to the story. I really like to have feed backs from you guys. Please. It helps me out alot. ALOT!! Ask my sister. Ahahaha. That's all for now. Lots of love. PEACE~!! ^ ^v
Guys.. There's something bothering me. Are you guys still enjoying the story? It's just that I don't see many people commenting.. Or is it that all of you are silent reader. It's not that I don't like that or anything. It's just that I love reading you comments and I can use you're guys input in the story you don't know maybe your ship will the one who'll sail the seas! XD That's all from me now.. Love guys and gals, dudes and dudettes! PEACE~!! ^ ^v
Chapter 34: Tss... jealous SeungCheol hahahaha..
To my brother.... still ---- you for not giving credits.... kidding.. thanks
Hehehe. I'm glad that you guys like it.. Props for my lil sis for the inspiration of this chapter.. XD