Chapter 16

The Stray Cat
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Lunch break.

"Seung Cheol sunbae." A random girl gave a letter to Seung Cheol.

"Hey. Look who's Mister Popular." Vernon teased

"His first letter. Nice." Jeonghan added

"Just give it time. There are more to come." Mingyu said 

"Yeah. Death threats." Mina butted in. Going out of their room. "Next time you accept those kinds of letter do in somewhere more private okay?!" She added glaring at Seung Cheol.

"What's up with her?" Vernon asked. The three just shook their head in confusion.

The next morning.

When Seung Cheol opened his locker he saw another letter from someone.

'Can you meet me after school at the rooftop?' The letter said

Seung Cheol looked around.

After school.

Seung Cheol went to the said place in the letter and waited.

An hour later.

"Ah. I knew it. Someone was just playing around." Seung Cheol sighed. Then as he was coming down he saw Mina walking pass.

"Hey." Seung Cheol greeted

"Hey." Mina replied

Seung Cheol stopped before going down. Then looked at Mina.

"Wanna walk home with me?" Seung Cheol offered

"Uhm?" Mina paused "Don't mind me. But thanks anyway."

"Okay." Seung Cheol said then left.

The next day.

Seung Cheol found another letter at his locker with the same message.

"Should I go?" He asked himself

"You should." Vernon said imitating a ghost impression

"Yes you should." Jeonghan added

"Stop it you two." Mingyu said "You should. What's there to lose right?" He added tapping Seung Cheol's back

"Okay. But if you guys set this up. I'm gonna hurt you so bad." Seung Cheol threatened

"Woah. Hold your horses there. Why would we set you up.?" Vernon asked

"Yeah." Mingyu added

"Well someone send me the same letter yesterday." Seung Cheol replied 

"So.?" Jeonghan asked 

"So. I'm thinking that you guys did this so you can prank me." Seung Cheol said 

"That's not a bad idea but why would we. Maybe we would but we won't." Mingyu said 

"Okay. I believe you guys. It's just that it's really awkward." Seung Cheol replied 

"Don't worry we gotcha." Vernon said 

"When you're the one who is saying that it

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Chapter 36: The moment I hate the most was when you gather all your courage just to confess but gone wasted due to the train.. wow.. congrats bro! Hahaha
Chapter 37: It's like all of them like seungcheol... But I dont want any of them get hurt rejected by him.. Hmm maybe he can really get all the girls? Well for me that will be the best happy ending :D dont know how other, readers will react thou xD

Ps. I love momo very much xD
Chapter 37: Happy birthday! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Modamoj #4
Chapter 35: I wish Seungcheol can end up with Mina and Jun with Chaeyoung. Seungcheol and Mina is a cute couple.
tommyo9876 #5
Chapter 35: I think that the story is perfect the way it is so far. No suggestions from me. (:
Well here's a big one guys. I hope you still having fun. I'm sure I am. Hehehehe. Just comment down if you want something or if you have suggestions to the story. I really like to have feed backs from you guys. Please. It helps me out alot. ALOT!! Ask my sister. Ahahaha. That's all for now. Lots of love. PEACE~!! ^ ^v
Guys.. There's something bothering me. Are you guys still enjoying the story? It's just that I don't see many people commenting.. Or is it that all of you are silent reader. It's not that I don't like that or anything. It's just that I love reading you comments and I can use you're guys input in the story you don't know maybe your ship will the one who'll sail the seas! XD That's all from me now.. Love guys and gals, dudes and dudettes! PEACE~!! ^ ^v
Chapter 34: Tss... jealous SeungCheol hahahaha..
To my brother.... still ---- you for not giving credits.... kidding.. thanks
Hehehe. I'm glad that you guys like it.. Props for my lil sis for the inspiration of this chapter.. XD