Wolf Pup

For Good and Evil
"Oh my god, Cyn... Oh my god!" Jaejoong is running zig-zag through the hallway of panda illusions. All these patterns on the floor. Is he a bee trying to communicate with his bee friends? No... no, not really. Although, it does look like he has been stuck by a bee... a very evil bee...

Somehow, Jaejoong manages to burst into Cyndi's room. He has probably entered uninvitingly so many times that his feet are imprinted with direction. "Cynnnnnnn!" Jaejoong wails like a ghost.

Cyndi looks into her vanity mirror and spots Jaejoong's reflection. "Holy , Jae!" She drops the plastic container of green seaweed paste and turns around to get a better look. "What happened to your eyes? They're like... like..."

"Like two giant plums ripe for the picking?"

"Yes... precisely so. But, what happened!? Why is your eyes swollen shut like that?"

"It's obviously a god level allergic reaction, Cyn. Obviously."

"Do you know what you're allergic to?" Cyndi grabs a small hand towel and wipes the green seaweed paste off her fingers. She seems to be more concerned about her cuticles than Jaejoong's giant plum eyes.

"Oh, I'm allergic to a lot of things. But for this god level allergic reaction to happen... it'll have to be... it'll have to be..." Jaejoong starts choking. His throat is starting to swell up, too. "Wooof... Woooof!"

"You're allergic... to dogs? But... that doesn't make any sense." Cyndi looks up at him with her cuticles now perfectly clean. "You're just fine around Pluto. You play with him all the time. He tosses the frisbee and you catch. It can't be dogs. Unless... Pluto isn't a dog but an alien disguised as a dog and now he's in wait, bidding his time to..." Living with Jaejoong for a few centuries, give or take a decade or two, has certainly given her odd side effects. His 'interesting' imaginations have rubbed off on her.

"Oh my god, Cyn. Pluto is definitely a doc-oc-ocockkkk..." Jaejoong is choking again and it is making him say weird things.

"Pluto's a doc... tor? An alien doctor. Hmm... sounds plausible."

"He's a docccgggg! I'm allergic to whirrrrr"

"Whirlisauruses? But, that's impossible. They're extinct after contracting the uncontrollable whirling disease."

"Werewolf! Wolves in general, but werewolvessss are the -orses."

"Though I always wanted one, we don't have a pet werewolf. Then... hmm... that means..."

"The doooooor. There's probably one at the doorrrr... or maybe an arrmieeeee!"

"Okay. Okay. I will go check up on the werewolf at the door and chase them off. Well... after I remove my seaweed mask."

Fifteen minutes later, with Jaejoong still suffering from god level allergic reaction.

Cyndi approaches the gate without Jaejoong. In front of the gate is a basket. Did someone chop up a werewolf and drop it off here? It could happen. Cyndi picks up the basket and checks inside. One of the rare occasions when she is curious enough to holds off on the fireballs. What she finds inside the basket is a little baby... probably a little baby werewolf. How cute. She is going to keep it.

Wait... what about Jaejoong and his god level allergic reaction?

Jaejoong will manage. :) It is not like he will die.

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