Mashed Potato

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Minghao locked himself in his room. He even does not respond his sister's worries, fortunately, their parent is overseas. The fishy smell spread in his room. He does not go to school since that day, his mind messed up with ‘payback’ words and Jihoon’s warn. It has been 4 days, he even not to take a bath, dried blood adorn his wounds and all over his body.


In another day, when he come back from school, he immediately harms himself while crying, murmured ‘I’m not worthy’. His fair skin dirtied by sweats and blood, the rainbow paddle pop hair that already dyed was useless. Minghao dyed his hair to rainbow paddle pop color, he hopes his life will sweet like his favorite ice cream. Even though, the fact that he almost gives up with his life.


But, Minghao proud of himself, nobody knows his wounds even his family never know. He also never knows why he likes to harm himself and he remembered that when he was 10, it was the last time he had beautiful hands with no wounds and the red liquid.


His phone also vibrates every hour, left almost a hundred missed calls from Jeonghan, Wonwoo, and Seokmin. There also 30 messages in his inbox from Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Seokmin, even Hansol. Minghao just smiled, he know that made they worries but, he just want composure.


He even forgot the last time he ate the meal. His body getting thin, his skin also getting pale and he suffers from anemia. He knows it’s all his fault but he never blame his extreme habit, he enjoy this and hope it’ll make his arms beautiful.


In normal people vision, wound or scar on the skin are bothering them. It’ll make them looking for a good treat the wounds. Unlike other, Minghao actually enjoys the wounds on his skin, even he starting to hurt his thigh. He had the satisfaction with the wound and once time, he ever laughs as he was never happy with the wounds and blood which dripping from his body, for his ‘art’.


Minghao opened his eyes, he fell unconscious again. The time showed 07.44 PM and he tried to sit on his bed. The smelled iron made him nausea, once again he fell on his bed. He felt like have no strength, but he trying to stand up and he did it. The stickiness all over his body, for not bath about 4 days really irritated him, so he decided to take a bath.


55 minutes passed, he had tidy up his bed, opened his window while spraying his room with air freshener. Minghao took first air box and treat his wounds, covered the wounds on his arms with bandages. He felt so fresh and his eyes laid on a body weighing scale.


Minghao’s heart almost stopped as the number shown on the screen of his body weighing scale.


99.5 pounds


He’s freaking underweight, he immediately looked at his thin hands. What did he do, after lost too much blood, he a

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a chap will update today!


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nevr4get #1
Chapter 7: awwww minghao ;^((
NamHaNa #2
Chapter 6: Omg i can't wait for the next chapter author-nim
nevr4get #3
Chapter 6: omg yes an update!! Ahhh this is so good
nevr4get #4
Chapter 5: Ahhh this story is so angsty I love it ♡♡♡ Please update soon!
Chapter 4: Aw no I hope minghao soon stops his self harming in future chapters! Or that Jun notices his scars? I really like your stories :)
sugasguurl #6
Chapter 3: i really like the story please keep on writing! :DD<3
Vernnyliet #7
Chapter 1: Waaa this is sooo angsyyy but minghaaaaoo is just soo cuteeee this days~~~~ thank you for doing this, please update soooon~~~
seventeen44 #8
Chapter 1: update soon!