First Date With My Girl

My Girl



How many people could see their future just by looking at someone? I did. The first time I saw her, my future flashed before me.





Since that day in the park, I followed her around.


Seungri told me I was nuts for stalking her. But it wasn’t technically stalking. Stalking sounds erted, I was merely tailing her to get to know her better before I introduce myself.


I found out that she lives 2 blocks away from me and that she studied in the same University I went to, taking up culinary arts. She works part time at the coffee shop near the park. So far, I haven’t seen any guy fetching her or hanging out with her and her friends were all girls.  I already had her schedule down and I need only to introduce myself.





It was 2 weeks after I first saw her that I decided to approach her at the coffeeshop.


I brought Seungri with me as my wingman. He was a good sport about it, but he told me that if we don’t work out, he’d cut in. I wasn’t sure if he was kidding, serious or just out to annoy me.


We were on a queue where she was taking orders. I had already rehearsed my line hoping it would work on her.


“Anyeong! How can I help you?”she said, flashing a cute smile.


“2 caramel macchiatos and 1 date for Saturday, please” I said.


She was taken aback by my audacity and did not speak for a while, a blush forming on her cheeks. I was teetering on the edge of my nerves whether she’ll reject me.


“Will that be all?” she said.


“Is that a yes?” I asked.


“2 caramel macchioatos and 1 date for Saturday, coming up” she said, and smiled at me.


Ecstatic would not begin to express what I feel right now.“I’m Kwon Jiyong but you can call me Ji and this is my friend, Lee Sunghyun or Seungri” I said as introduced ourselves.


“I’m Park Sandara but my friends call me Dara” she said.


“I don’t think I could call you that.” I said.


“Why?” she asked, puzzled by my answer.


“Because I don’t want to be your friend.” I said.


Her brows were knit together, and her lips were pouting in a look of confusion. “I don’t think I understand. What would you want to call me?”


“Can I call you mine?” I said.


I saw Seungri trying to stifle his laugh. So what if I tried a cheesy line? At least I had made her blush and scored a date for tomorrow.


“Just pick me up here after my shift at 6:00pm” she said blushing profusely as she handed our orders and attended to other customers.





That Saturday, we went to my favourite Japanese restaurant. Lucky for me, she was a big fan of ramen.


Over dinner, we got to know each other better.


I told her my parents run a small advertising company and my older sister was married to a dentist. I told her that I was to take over the business someday and hopefully expand it.


She told me her dad was in the military and was very strict but her mom was kind of cool so it’s okay and she had a younger sister and brother. She dreams of becoming a chef and open her own restaurant someday and she works in the coffee shop for practice.


Out of the blue she asked me “So have you always been following me around?”


I nearly choked on the tempura I had in my mouth. How did she know? “Ah…what made you think of that?”


“Come on Ji, you don’t have to lie to me. We saw each other in the park and I’ve been noticing you the past week trailing me.” she said. “Why’d you think I said yes when you asked me out when I didn’t know you?”


Come to think of it, I had been wondering the same why she agreed easily. It just couldn’t be because of my looks is it?


“Hehe, sorry about that. I just wanted to get to know you”I confessed.


“It’s alright. I thought it was creepy at first but you never bothered me then I thought it was cute that you were putting much effort to try to get a date from me so I said yes right away. Besides, any guy as persistent as you would probably make it past my father.” She said.


“Your father?” I was suddenly nervous, since she said her father was a strict military guy.


“Yes. If you wanted to continue dating me, you’d have to ask my father’s permission. I was a daddy’s girl for a long time before my siblings were born so he’s overprotective of me. He verbally expressed to me that any guy who’d dare to be my boyfriend should undergo his scrutiny. That’s why I don’t have a boyfriend yet. No one has passed.” She said.


My throat felt suddenly dry and it was difficult to swallow. How do I face her father and tell him my intentions? Will he believe me when I say I’m in love with his daughter? Come to think of it, does he know I’m out with her? I suddenly felt panicky and asked her


“Uhmm…does he know that you’re out with me?”


“No and he doesn’t have to” she said.


“Are you sure? I might get on his bad side”I said guiltily but was elated at the same time that she’s breaking her father’s rule for me.


“Why did you want to date me in the first place?” she asked.


I thought hard of her question, how to answer it so as not to scare her but then show her that I’m serious and honest with my intentions. “Because when I saw you in the park that day, time stopped and I think I saw my future”


“Are you messing with me?” she asked seriously.


“No. it’s true” I remember clearly seeing her holding a child.


“When I saw you, I thought time stopped too and I…”


“What?” I asked in anticipation


“I think I saw my future too” she finished.




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wenkie0414 #1
Chapter 5: nexttt pleaseeee
TOPalmond #2
still no update from u then? heol~ i thought leaving AFF for a year would be goodb just to find your abandoned fic became complete :(

ps. unni please comeback :((
peppiwelsh1 #3
I guess it won't hurt to ask but...are you still going to update this or are you trashing it altogether? Not that I mind...I would love it if you will but if you were gonna trash it, I'll remove it out of that little space in my heart that keeps on hoping (you know what I mean)! :)
CassieJYJlhyn #4
Chapter 5: kyaaah... i like jiyong lines at the 2nd chap cheezy & at the last chap made me smile LOL!!!^^
xxxsweet #6
Chapter 5: Gosh. Lovely story again. It makes me giddy, as always. HAHAHA :)
Chapter 2: what's the different between stalking and tailing? in this FICs, it all means following somebody without his/her knowing anw.. haha.. Ji is so funny..
daydreamerimi #8
Chapter 5: Ahhhh this is adorable. I'm in love with all your fics kekeke xD update soon! Please! :)