Lost Of Trust - DongHyuk

iKON oneshot collections


I looked at my plane ticket and giggled to myself “Dongdong would be so surprised to see me!” You and DongHyuk had been dating for months now. Last month you guys had been in a fight because you caught him cheating on you but you worked it out with him, and that happened just a few days before you had to go to California for some family matters. So you decided that you would come back home earlier than you’re supposed to and make a surprise for him. As soon as you landed at the airport in Korea, you went to a cake shop to buy his favorite moist chocolate cake.

You arrived at the apartment that you shared with DongHyuk and quietly entered the house. “Aaahh home sweet home” you whispered to yourself as you breathe in the air that you’re so familiar with. You heard some songs playing in the room you shared with him so you assumed that he’s in there. You went to the kitchen and put the cake on the kitchen counter, then tiptoed your way to the room and sneakily peeked through the door to see him getting ready. “Did he find out that I’m coming home today though?” you asked to yourself. You’re pretty sure he said that he’ not going anywhere today when you were on the phone with him last night.

*click* you heard the sound of the door unlocking and saw SooMin, one of your close friends, entering your apartment. Your heart breaks a little, seeing the girl he cheated on you with coming into the house. You quickly run into the kitchen to hide peeked through the door, only to find her hugging and kissing the man that you loved. You felt like your heart shattered to the floor and you can’t seem to move because you were so shocked. Tears started to fall and you felt sick. You tried your best to breathe while watching them going out of the house. You walked through the living room and to your room feeling dizzy. You decided to lay down on your bed to calm yourself down, but the thought that they’d probably done things on them made you jump out of the bed in disgust.

“Why would he do this to me? I mean I thought he’d change after I’ve caught him cheating before” you said to yourself while figuring out what to do. You knew that you can’t take this anymore so you packed up all your things and moved out of the now unfamiliar house. “Don’t wait for me.” is the only thing that you texted him before leaving the house.


“Okay bye babe, see you later” I told SooMin and we kissed before she left the car. I decided to check my phone and saw the contact name ‘My Sweet Baby’ texted me. I got so excited to see my sweetheart texting me. Yes I love her with all my heart, but sometimes I get lonely and stressed but she was too busy so that’s why I sometimes went out with her ty friend. I still can’t find the reason why she would ever be friends with those people. I quickly opened the message “Don’t wait for me? I wonder why though..” I thought to myself.

I drove home and entered our house. "She would said "home sweet home" everytime she got home" I thought to myself and giggled. I usually would feel so happy to come back home because there are so many sweet memories of us here. And adding up to that, I have never, not even once have done with someone else other than her in this house, that’s how precious she is to me. But now, something feels off. “I’m just imagining things I guess”. I tried not to think about it that much. I went to the kitchen to drink and found a box of my favorite cake. “Oh my god jagi are you home??” I screamed excitedly and searched around the house for her.

“Where could she be though.. she’s usually not good at hide and seek” I questioned myself. Then a thought crossed my mind and I quickly ran to our room and slammed open her closet. “Empty.. it’s empty! Why the hell is it empty??” I freaked out so I took out my phone and tried calling her but she’s not picking up. “..”

OC’s P.O.V

“Ughh I hate him so much right now but I’m feeling so bad for not picking up his calls” I said to ChanWoo. ChanWoo has been my friend since forever and he knows everything about me. I’m considered as a regular customer at the café he’s working at because I always have so many things to tell him. “He cheated on you again right? So if he cared enough for you, he’ll know where to find you.” ChanWoo said. I, to be honest, didn’t even know if I wanted him to find me or not.

“Wha- ?” I screamed when someone grabbed my hand and hugged me very tightly. My face was buried in his chest so I can’t see his face. But just from his sweet scent and the way he embraces me, I knew it’s him. Even though I want to be in his arms for like, forever, I pushed him away. I avoid looking at him. “What the hell do you want from me?” I asked him. He started explaining and it all just sounds like bulls to me. I really want to make up with him, I really do, but I can’t bear being heartbroken because of him again.

“I’m sorry, I loved you, but I can’t take this anymore. Goodbye, Kim DongHyuk”


Another story is up!!

I'm sorry for making our dongdong such a bad person ;;A;;

But we all know he's such a sweetheart right <3

Still, I hope you enjoyed it! 

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Chapter 5: Your writing's full of energy hahaha. I could feel the youth in your writing. Anyways, I wish someone would love me since they're 5 haha. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 4: I want to hug bobby too
Chapter 3: omg hahahaha this woulda been me
Chapter 3: Haha i love it. Waiting for more
Chapter 2: Heol heol heol
Chapter 1: I loved it!!!!
Chapter 1: mmmm gril ya nasty i love it!!