It's Official - JunHwe

iKON oneshot collections

~Birthday Special~

June’s POV

“BEEP BEEP BEEP” *groans* “Urghh it’s morning already? Oh god I need more of my beauty sleep” – well that’s how I usually wake up in the morning, or maybe in the afternoon, but still. But not today ya’alls, it’s the last day of March!! The day when the most perfect human being ever created was born. I’m so excited!! For today, I want to make it perfect. I want to throw a party, various kinds of food will be served, balloons, people and etc. I want it to be BIG.

“I better go get ready and put on my best clothes, best shoes, best cologne, and best everything,” *smirks* I just simply want to look like the best person you could ever meet.

“Hello? Jinan hyung?” “Yoooo birthday boy!! Ahahah” “Hyung, is everything set? I’m about to arrive there. Probably in about 30 minutes.” “Ahahaha of course! All that is missing is the people.” “They’re probably coming in another 20 minutes. Gomawo Jinan hyung!!” “No biggy, you’re gonna buy me that sneakers you promised anyways ahahah” “Yea yea”

I know you guys might think that I’m so full of myself to throw a big party for myself, but still.

I hope she’s coming.



“I know nae maeumeun nae gyeote eobji~”


“yeoboseyo” I said with a raspy voice while answering the phone.

“YAAA dude don’t tell me you just woke up? The party is starting in another 10 minutes!”

“Whaaat no I’m not, I’m uhh I’m just about to leave my house okay now byeee see ya later ahahah”

*ends call*

“Oh oh I’m so dead,” I said while rushing to the toilet to take a bath. I totally forgot about the party. June is going to be so mad if I’m late. So I decided to just take a quick bath, wear my kind-of-new pink sweater, leather pants - just to fit with June’s classy style, my gray sneakers, my hand-made tote bag, accessories and yeah, that’s it. I did a high bun hairstyle, because I can’t remember when the last time I shampooed my hair was. Hey, I was waiting for today to shampoo okay, so don’t judge.

I took the cab to the party because it’s going to take forever to wait for the bus. I stopped by a small bakery – my favorite one, and bought a big- red velvet cake as his present (yes, I forgot to buy him a present). I was standing in front of the JinHwan oppa’s house, fixing my appearance trying not to look like I was in a rush and pressed the doorbell.

The door opened and I was so surprised to see the fanciness of the party. Jazz can be heard, and the people there were wearing beautiful dresses and clothes. I was about to retreat myself and go home but then I realized that June was standing in front of me, smiling from ears to ears, eyes all sparkly, welcoming me.

“Um, happy birthday..?” I said.

June’s POV


“Thought so, she just woke up” I said to myself and rolled my eyes. I’m not surprised though. It’s so typical of her to do that. I’ve known her since the first day of kindergarten. She used to be all girlish and told me that she wanted to be a princess when she grow up, but then, sigh.. But even the way she is right now doesn’t change my love towards her. The way she dresses and acts in the present time might seem like she’s those lazy--I-have-no-control-over-myself kind of girl, but no. She’s really warm, mature, open minded and a genius.

I waited and waited for the sound of the doorbell to be heard, since all of the other guests have arrived. And at last.

“Ding Dong”

I hurried and open the door and saw the girl that I love. The way she’s dressing up makes my heart flutters. I was trying my best not to look too excited so I looked at her coolly and smiled as little as I can. I was so happy to see her looking so surprised. I’m glad she likes the party that I throw for her. Yes, we were born on the same day.

“Um, happy birthday..?” she said.

“Happy Birthday to you too!! Oh what is that?”

“Oh this? Oh this is a present for you ahahah I hope you’ll like it!!” Oh of course I’d like it, it’s from her!!

“Oh wow thanks!” I took the present from her and put it aside. “Come!! We’ve been waiting for you!” I grabbed her to the center of the room, where the huge cake was. I gave them the cue and they started singing the classic Happy Birthday song. She looked so confuse and lost when she heard the crowd was singing it for her. I can’t help myself from giggling like a little girl at her cuteness. The crowd finished singing, she blew the candle and we ate the cake. You know how it works right.


I can’t process well of what’s happening. I am really touched and happy for him to throw such a big party for me but, this is so not like the sassy June I knew. I grabbed his hand and went to the balcony to have some privacy.

“Hey thank you soooo so much for all this. But mind to explain?” I asked him.

“Well I threw a party for you, because I um love you.”

“I love you too but dude it’s also your birthday, and from what I can recall, you –“

“No, listen,” he suddenly said and held my hand. I looked at him with a confused face and waited for him to talk. “You know, the day that I first met you when we were five, I felt this strange feeling I’ve never felt before. I used to think that it was just a feeling of finding the perfect friend for me, but as I grew up, I started to realize that I actually like you. Wait no, I love you. I think you can figure out how much I love you just by this party right? Ahaha”

I stood still, not knowing what to reply. So after all this time, my love wasn’t one sided? Oh wow I mean like WOW. I never knew a guy like Goo JunHwe would like a girl like me. I have always been insecure about my appearance, about how I act and all because I thought someone like him would like a more um feminine girl I guess.

“Ahahha yeah you’ve never once missed to throw yourself a birthday party though, so I’m quite surprised ahahah. And um I’m glad that you felt that way. Wait here.” I said and ran to take the cake I bought for him. “Read the letter.”

“Hey happy birthday old guy! I hope you’ll have a good year ahead. I also hope you would-“

“No, skip that, read the last part” I told him and flipped the card.

“I love you, like truly love you. Not as a friend but you know.. like Romeo and Juliette kind of   love-“

“DUDE” he screamed when I put a small amount of cake on his perfect face. He stared at me for a few seconds and smirked. He grabbed a huge amount of cake in his hand and smudge it all over my face. We continued throwing cakes at each other until JinHwan oppa suddenly peeked his head at the balcony sliding door and asked “so it’s official?” I was surprised by the sudden question and didn’t know what to answer to it. I looked at June and he were also looking at me. He broke our eye contact and looked at JinHwan.

“Yes, it’s official”



Updated~~ This one doesn't turned out great imo cause I'm writing this while feeling sleepy so yea.

But I hope you guys would enjoy it anyway!!! (I really hope you guys do)

I'm sorry for not posting it on his birthday, but hey, I was busy celebrating it with the iKON boys (lol I wish)

I was waiting for a V app video of them celebrating June's birthday all day but : - )

I'm starting my job tmrrow btw (in a kindergarten) hihi

Have a good day!!!

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Okay I'll stop babbling now ahaha



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Chapter 5: Your writing's full of energy hahaha. I could feel the youth in your writing. Anyways, I wish someone would love me since they're 5 haha. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 4: I want to hug bobby too
Chapter 3: omg hahahaha this woulda been me
Chapter 3: Haha i love it. Waiting for more
Chapter 2: Heol heol heol
Chapter 1: I loved it!!!!
Chapter 1: mmmm gril ya nasty i love it!!