Farsighted - JinHwan

iKON oneshot collections

“Haaaa the weather is so nice today!” you said while breathing in and exhaling the fresh, cold air. You’ve been looking forward to this day since months ago. JinHwan and you finally have a week off from work simultaneously and the both of you have planned to catch up on things that you guys had been missing during the busy days. You entered the pin to your apartment's security lock and walked into your hall. Your eyes have been stinging the whole day because you wore the last, old contact lens, so you hurried to the bathroom to unwear it. You head to your bedroom, where you placed your spectacles, and heard some noises coming from there.

“Oh? He’s back already? Why didn’t he told me though..” you thought to yourself. You felt very happy, thinking that you, at last, can meet your beloved boyfriend. You opened the door with a big smile, only to seeing two people making out on your bed. You weren’t able to see who those people were, but you’re pretty sure only JinHwan knows the pin to your house. You felt weak and accidentally bumped to the door. The two people realized you were looking and you hurriedly ran out of your house, crying.

*The next 2 days*

“neoneun nae cwihyangjeogyeok nae cwihyangjeogyeok,” you looked at your phone that has been playing your ringtone for what it feels like about hundreds of times since the day it happened. Your boyfriend, and his teammate, Bobby, have been calling and texting you but you just ignored them. You got so annoyed so you decided to turn off your phone. You have been staying at your sister’s house to avoid meeting with JinHwan. You still can’t take your mind off of what happened, so you decided to take a walk outside to grab a carton of ice cream and to just breathe in the fresh air to calm your anger.

“Oh. Hey, wait!” you heard someone screaming and it feels like it’s directed to you so you turned around and saw Bobby running towards you. “Look, I am so sorry about what happened that day. I’ve been wanting to see you and I’ve been calling and texting you, but you seemed to ignore me.” You looked at him with a confused face. “Jinan hyung also tried to contact you but failed. I’m sorry for making you this mad, I really am, but –“ “but?” you asked him. “I know I’m not in the place to say this but you really shouldn’t let your anger out towards hyung too.” Bobby said with a sorry and worried face.

“JiWon” you said while looking right into his eyes. “What the hell are you talking about? Did you do something that I don’t know about?” you asked him. “Aish don’t be like this,” Bobby sighed. “I ‘slept’ with a girl in your room that day, and you saw.” You got so confused that you didn’t know what to think anymore. “Woah woah wait. You slept with a girl in my room? When??” “Oh my god, two days ago!” Bobby said, a little bit flustered. “Wait so it was you? I mean like you, and not JinHwan?” Bobby nodded his head. “Oh my god, oh my gooooood! Bobby what the hell??” you scolded him, but smiling from ears to ears. You ran to the nearest bus station, leaving a confused yet relieved Bobby behind.

You were standing right in front of your house, overwhelmed with various of emotions. You entered the house and saw JinHwan lying on the couch, back facing you. He was hugging your grey t-shirt tightly and was holding and staring at the screen of his phone. He looked so cute crouching on the sofa and you can’t helped but to let out a small giggle. JinHwan noticed the familiar voice and quickly turned around and stared at you with wide eyes, not believing what he was seeing. “Oppa..” you said and ran to hug him while crying. “Yaa where have you been? Are you okay?” he asked, consoling and patting your head. You explained everything to him and he looked so surprised.

“Babe oh my god. Do you really think I would ever do that to you?” he asked. “Of course not, but who knows….” you said while looking at the floor, feeling sorry. He grabbed your chin softly and tilted your head so you were looking at each other’s eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t ever, EVER do those indecent stuffs as long as I have you.” he said and you smiled. He kissed you gently and it gets more passionate as time goes by.

“Next time wear your glasses before assuming anything,” he joked and you felt offended. “Well, I placed my glasses at the bedside table, are you assuming that I should just go there and act like nothing’s happening? Also, I should have known that it wasn’t you by the size of his body.” you said and looked up and down his timid body. His mouth was slightly opened at your comeback but smirked afterwards. “But well this small body is what you devour right?” he bit his lower lip and winked. You squinted your eyes and laughed. “I missed you," "I missed your more".

The both of you spent the rest of the week happily and enjoyed each other’s accompany. 



Hey Hi!!

I'm back with another chapter whoop whoop

I wanna say sorry for my bad writing, idek whats wrong with me today. OTL

Well but still, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter about our fairy monster <3

Upvote, subscribe and comment if you liked it! It can be critiques, compliments or whatever, i dont mind hihihi

Thanks for reading!! 


(p/s : bobby is soo dead XD)

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Chapter 5: Your writing's full of energy hahaha. I could feel the youth in your writing. Anyways, I wish someone would love me since they're 5 haha. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 4: I want to hug bobby too
Chapter 3: omg hahahaha this woulda been me
Chapter 3: Haha i love it. Waiting for more
Chapter 2: Heol heol heol
Chapter 1: I loved it!!!!
Chapter 1: mmmm gril ya nasty i love it!!