Freaking Out - B.I

iKON oneshot collections

“I truly am sooo sorry, I can’t make it today,”


“Ahahahah oppa!! Gwaenchanha! It’s not like we’re doing anything anyway, hanging around can wait,” I tried smiling while talking to HanBin through the phone. Well I guess watching some movies and eating popcorns while lazying on the long-comfy couch with the person I love isn’t as important as him doing his work. Oh and we haven’t seen each other for three weeks now, just for your information.

“Haih.. thank you jagi, I promise I’ll make it up to you some other day alright? Saranghae!! Oh and take care, call me if anything happens okay” “Ahahahah nae oppa, don’t worry. Nado saranghae!” we ended the call with kisses. I’ve been in a relationship with him for months now so I’m very used to him breaking his promises but still, what kind of girlfriend won’t get upset if they cant see their beloved ones often.

I sighed and sat on the couch, searching for movies to watch and I ended up watching some psycho-ish horror movie. “Oh wth, how can she not noticed someone is following her, and why the freakin hell did she not lock the door?? Gosh..” I rant to myself about the movie while eating some popcorns. I heard some creaking sound, something that you can hear when you’re opening a door, so I thought it was from the scene in the movie that’s showing the girl character about to shower and the bathroom door opened slowly.

So I ignored it.

I heard some footsteps sounds and tried ignoring it, only when I noticed that the movie was buffering. “Oh what the hell, it can’t be…” I regretted switching off all the lights in the house before watching the movie. I grabbed my phone and tried calling HanBin. “The number that you have dialed cannot be reached, please try again later”. “Why won’t he answer?? Oh god help me,” I whispered to myself. I heard some noises coming from the kitchen and there is no way I can go out of the apartment without passing there. I tried calling the police but just when I was about to hit call, my phone went out of battery. Huh, cliché.

I grabbed the vase nearby and slowly walking towards my room, trying not to make any sound and squinting my eyes to see in the dark. I can hear the footsteps getting louder and I’m sweating like hell. My room was just about a meter away from me and as I was reaching out my hand to open the door, someone grabbed me. Their arms hugged my body strongly and covered my mouth so I can neither move nor scream. That’s it, I’m so sure I was going to die tonight, just like in those movies. This is so stupid.

The man, well I assumed it’s a man by the masculinity, forcefully pushed me over to the wall. I can now slightly sees his face and , I am so pissed but more to feeling relieved since it’s the handsome face of my boyfriend. “Hey babe!! Surprise!!” HanBin said excitedly and laughing at my surprised face - only to seeing me staring at him with a death glare. “Dude, wth? I mean like what, the hell ???” I pushed him away and went inside my room while stomping my feet. HanBin chased after me while saying “Babe I’m so sorry I thought you’d be happy to see me” and grabbed my hand.

What the hell is this kid thinking? I mean yeah I am happy but hell I got so freaked out. “Of course I’m happy to see you, I truly am! But I thought I was going to die tonight so yea, it’s not fun.” “I am so sorry, I won’t do that again,” he apologized with his cute puppy face. I can’t help but to give in, so I nodded and smiled.

“Well since you’re home now, let’s watch some rom com movie?” I suggested but he suddenly pulled me over to him and whispered, “I have a better idea,” and started kissing and nibbling my ear. He cupped my face and kissed my lips. I placed my hands around his neck and tiptoed so I could be in a better position. He gently pulled my knees to his sides, carried me and carefully placed ourselves on the bed, still kissing each other passionately. I can tell that he missed me so much from the way he kissed and touched me.

We broke our kiss to catch a breath and looked into each other’s eyes “I really miss you. I wasn’t able to concentrate during practice because I’m longing to see you,” HanBin said while caressing my cheek. “I’m sorry I couldn’t see you more often”. “Mm aniya oppa. Don’t be sorry, I totally understand your situation. Next time whenever you’re free tell me, I’ll go meet you there and we could spend more “our” time together,” I looked at him and smirked. “Oh yes I’m really going to do that,” he said and gave me a peck. “Saranghae,” he said and gave me another peck. “Ahahaha nado saranghae oppa”.


And what happens next is up to your own imagination :DDD

Also I wanna apologize for my bad english sobs

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Chapter 5: Your writing's full of energy hahaha. I could feel the youth in your writing. Anyways, I wish someone would love me since they're 5 haha. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 4: I want to hug bobby too
Chapter 3: omg hahahaha this woulda been me
Chapter 3: Haha i love it. Waiting for more
Chapter 2: Heol heol heol
Chapter 1: I loved it!!!!
Chapter 1: mmmm gril ya nasty i love it!!