Growing Pains


Continuation of Sick Days, but you could probably read it alone?

I thought it would be fluffier but it's looking pretty slashy. Whatever.


Also, profanity.

And maybe .



It's a bit messy.


I'll probably have it all shined up soon enough, though, so enjoy?


- Damien


**I've finished it! I'm not promising you'll like it, but I am done writing it. Although I may adjust it slightly in the future.

But, for now it's finished!

Huzzah! Miniskirts, huzzah!

\(> o <)/**


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ssalmedi #1
Chapter 1: Which v-app where you mentioning?
Chapter 14: I need more Hyungnu in my life TT there are barely any hyungnu fanfics around so I thank you for writing this ^^ it's lovely~
Chapter 13: Aww! I love this~ <333333

Chapter 6: I agree with Minhyuk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
AllinMX_7 #5
HyungNu <3 Love them
doyoungieNct #6
Chapter 4: It's so sad that only a few fans ship hyungnu
doyoungieNct #7
Chapter 4: This amazing author-nim!! I love hyungnu♥️♥️ Pls continue writing more hyungnu fanfic stories!