An Unspeakable Secret 말할 수 없는 비밀


Taehyung had ended up sitting in a small regional train station. He was freezing and thought about how he ended up in this situation. The moment in front of the school after he had watched Jungkook hitting volleyballs, where Jungkook laid his hand on Taehyung’s chest and told him that he won’t appear in front of Taehyung, also that he was sorry for hurting Taehyung, caused the student’s heart to beat quicker and he felt hurt. Taehyung watched Jungkook walk away then. The whole night he had trouble to sleep because it bothered him that Jungkook wanted to disappear. He was sitting in a coffee shop and stared holes into air while thinking. On the table in front of him he had laid the name tag, which Jungkook had handed him. Once in a while he had played around with the name tag but as soon as Hoseok had come to sit down with his friend, Taehyung hid the name tag quickly.

“What’s that?” Hoseok asked when he came and placed a coffee for Taehyung on the table.

“Jung Hoseok” Taehyung talked without answering to his friend’s question, “If a person suddenly does something they don’t normally do, what does it mean?”

“What is the person doing?” Hoseok asked back.

“Well, like if they start doing exercises they don’t normally do.”

“Ah, Jimin is trying to lose weight again?” Hoseok chuckled.

“No, not that kind of exercise. You know the kind that you…” Taehyung talked and tried to hitting the movements he saw Jungkook was doing the night before, “Hitting the ball downwards like this, then it bounces off and flies up, and your hair swishes like a unicorns’ tail and your body glistens like a mermaid’s…”

Hoseok looked fascinated at Taehyung and listened carefully to Taehyung’s bloomy description. “There is such an exercise?”

Taehyung rolled his eyes and sighed while fixing his clothes. “What I’m saying is a person who normally doesn’t suddenly apologize and wishes me well, what does that mean?”

Hoseok thought about it for a moment. “Could it be the person is going somewhere?”

“Going somewhere?” Taehyung asked confused.

“Yeah, like on a long vacation or something…”

After his talk with Hoseok, Taehyung drove to the store and Jungkook’s house. He walked over to the entrance, but the door was locked and a sign was put on it which said that the store was for sale. Taehyung looked around and suddenly Seokjin appeared from the backside of the house. He smiled at Taehyung and walked over to him. “Gong Taehyung, hello.”

“I said it’s Kim Taehyung” the student groaned angrily. Taehyung stopped himself and tried to stay calm. “Next topic… What is this? Why is the shop for sale?”

“There is suddenly no need for it anymore” Jin explained.

“Intern… I mean what about your hubby?”

“I wonder… He’s no longer my wife” Seokjin said.

“What is this, he got dumped again?” Taehyung talked to himself before he faces the other one again, “Where is Intern now?”

Jin shook his head lightly. “I don’t know either. Probably in a happier place by now… What about you, Kim Taehyung? Are you happy? Because you are Kim Taehyung…”

“For you to even ask Kim Taehyung that question… It’s embarrassing to consider us equals” Taehyung said. Although he didn’t feel as happy as usual, he didn’t want anyone to know, “You might as well ask for my blood type, like girls do.”

“And what type is that?” Jin asked although he wasn’t really interested, “AB?”

Taehyung just rolled his eyes and walked over to his car. He jumped in and drove off quickly, while Jin looked after him. Taehyung had driven home, where he changed into casual clothes, which he often used to rest. He laid on his bed and kept staring on the teacher’s name tag. He rolled around slowly and thought about Hoseok’s words about a long vacation and the other man’s word of Jungkook being probably in a happier place now. And he remembered Jungkook’s words before he said farewell to Taehyung and that they won’t see each other again. Suddenly Taehyung jumped up from his bed. He now understood. Jungkook said farewell, he was on his way to a long vacation to a better place. Was Jungkook really going to commit suicide? He quickly put on his house slippers and rushed to his car. Taehyung drove to the store but the store was still locked. “Intern! Intern! Jeon Jungkook!” Taehyung talked loudly and knocked on the door but there were no replies. He dialed Jungkook’s number but the teacher’s phone was turned off. “Seriously, Intern!”

Then Taehyung quickly called Hoseok after he saw a pile of books which laid on the ground next to the shop’s entrance door. “Jung Hoseok…” Taehyung said quickly but then was coughing because he didn’t want his friend to know that something was wrong, “If a bum in his twenties got fired, then got dumped and starts doing and saying things they normally don’t, then also throws away things that are important to them, goes away on a long vacation. What kind of vacation is that person going on?”

“I wonder… It’s either a mind cleansing vacation or…”


“Or wouldn’t it be life’s final vacation? That kind of thing…”

Taehyung’s eyes grew big and he quickly ended the call. He jumped back in his car and drove through the streets of the neighborhood looking for the teacher. He wanted to hold Jungkook back from doing something stupid. He suddenly saw the teacher entered a taxi. Taehyung quickly turned the car and followed the taxi. The taxi stopped in front of a one of Seoul’s bigger train stations, where Jungkook got off. When Taehyung reached the station he saw Jungkook entering the building, so he quickly parked the car and ran off following the other one. In the waiting hall he looked around, because he lost Jungkook in the bulk of people. Right as he saw Jungkook at the pharmacy store and wanted to run over to him an older woman blocked his way.

“Wow, your face is full of prosperity” the woman said and held onto Taehyung’s arms.

“What is full?” Taehyung asked confused and tried to get rid of the woman.

“Excuse me… 10 minutes, just 10 minutes… A really important life…” the woman babbled but Taehyung didn’t pay attention and when he was finally able to get her arms off of him, he ran over to the pharmacy store.

“That man that just come in, the one with the sturdy arm, where did he go?” Taehyung asked the man in the pharmacy store.

“Ahh, that man. He most likely is getting on the train soon” the man explained.

“Ah, train... Excuse me, but what medicine did he buy?” the student asked.

“Of course I can’t tell you that” the pharmacy men said strictly.

“Why not?”

“That is the pharmacist’s and patient’s privacy.”

“Privacy?! How can your pharmacy do this? Is pharmacy more important than a patient’s life?” Taehyung talked back, “Just because the patient asks for it, how can you just simply sell it as you wish?”

“How am I simply selling it? That patient looked really pale and he was really sick from the pain. So because he is in a rush, of course he bought something for relief.”

“Just wait” Taehyung threatened the man and ran off to the platforms, because he didn’t want to lose Jungkook. Luckily there was one train only which was about to leave, so he entered the train and looked for the teacher. He was sure that Jungkook was going somewhere to end his life.



The night train was filled with many different people. Some wagon ahead from the one Jungkook and Seokjin were in, a small girl was sitting next to her father, who was dozing. The girl was covered with a colorful, small and fluffy blanket while she was playing with the package of her candies. Once in a while she got a candy. Some minutes before Seokjin sat close to her and played with her, so at the end the little girl handed a candy to Jin, before he left to go to the restroom. On his way he met Jungkook, who told him that he shouldn’t sell the shop and that Jungkook wanted to cook together with Jin. At the same time the small girl was placing one candy after another on the arm rest until one candy fell down on the ground. When the girl was about to stand up to pick up the candy, someone who rushed down the gangway stepped on the candy. The girl looked after the man, who looked like he was wearing a pajama, was checking each seat like he would search something. The man was Taehyung. He was looking for Jungkook. When he opened the door to the next wagon, he saw Jungkook’s back and how the teacher slowly opened a green package of medicines. Right at the moment Jungkook wanted to swallow the medicines, Taehyung rushed over to him, grabbed the teachers wrist tightly, so that the medicines fell on the ground. “Jeon Jungkook!”

“Kim Taehyung! Wh… why are you…?” Jungkook asked surprised and Taehyung laid his hands on his cheeks, pressing them lightly together.

“Are you crazy? I said, are you crazy?” Taehyung shouted while looking at the other one.

“Hey! Park Taehyung!” Jin said when he came out of the restroom and noticed the student.

Taehyung bared his teeth. “What’s with you?!” Taehyung yelped and pulled his arm back. He turned to Seokjin and punched him directly on the face, so that Jin fell back on his .

“What’s wrong with you?!” Jungkook screamed and stepped over to Jin, who was rubbing his bloody bottom lip.

“Hey, what’s this? Oh, blood!” Jin whined.

“Turn your head slowly” Jungkook ordered Seokjin, who barely moved. So Jungkook laid his hand on Jin’s chin to check on the other one’s condition, while Taehyung was watching them. “Okay, you didn’t hurt your neck.” Jungkook pulled a tissue out of the pocket and pressed it on Jin’s lip. “Put pressure on this, okay?”

“Just like my hubby” Seokjin mentioned smiling and Taehyung rolled his eyes with a groan.

“Yah, Taehyung are you crazy?!” Jungkook stood up and asked the student angrily.

“You are the one who’s crazy!” Taehyung shouted back.

Many guests in the train had gathered around them already because they noticed the shouting and got curious. They all together got off at the next station, where they stood on the platform.  Taehyung kept staring at Jungkook without saying anything, while Jin looked from Jungkook to Taehyung and pressed a new tissue against his bottom lip. “Why in the world did you follow me all the way here?” Jungkook asked, “Why in the world are you doing this to me?”

“What? I was about to ask you why you are doing this to me” Taehyung replied and stepped closer to Jungkook, holding his arms crossed in front of his chest, “Is turning people’s lives upside down your strong point?”

“Me? What have I done? What have I ever done to you? I told you I will disappear from your sight! I told you I will quietly go down my own path! So why did you follow me all the way here? It’s you I have to ask, why are you doing this, Kim Taehyung?” Jungkook talked back and just now the teacher noticed that Taehyung was wearing a white tank top with a thin white sweater, a red white plaid pajama pants and fluffy grey house slippers.

“Disappear? Go down your own path? Do you even know where you are going? Where? Where are you going?!” Taehyung shouted.

“I’m going to my father! Why?!”

“What?! This crazy man!” Taehyung talked more to himself before he faced Jungkook again and grabbed the other one’s upper arms, “Intern, come to your senses. Do you think a man who got fired here would be accepted there? If you take these drugs and depart, do you think your father will like it, you crazy man?”

“HEY!” Jungkook screamed to make Taehyung stop talking. He took some deep breaths before he looked sadly at the student. “Even memorial halls check for status nowadays?”

Taehyung looked confused at the teacher. “What? Memorial hall?”

“Fine, I’m jobless. I got fired, I have no money. After buying medicines and train tickets, I don’t even have money to buy my dad some flowers. So… a jobless person can’t go to a memorial hall to see his dad?” Jungkook spoke and Taehyung stared at him with his mouth lightly opened, “So a jobless person can’t poop as he pleases?”

Taehyung got the situation completely wrong, but although he understood now, he didn’t get everything Jungkook said. “Poop?”

“Poop?” Jin also repeated and Jungkook sighed. Seokjin lightly knocked against the left side of his pelvis and then showed an x sign with his hands. Jungkook nodded. “Oh, that’s terrible.”

Taehyung, who had picked up the green package with the medicine from the ground in the train before they got off, slowly looked at the package, which he was holding in his hand the whole time. He read the letters on the package which said that it was medicine for occlusion. “Excrete…” Taehyung whispered to himself.

“Kim Taehyung” Jungkook turned back to the student, “Let me ask you, why in the world did you follow me all the way here? There must be a reason why you rush here while wearing pajamas only. Tell me. Say it! Why aren’t you saying anything?” Taehyung didn’t say anything he just kept holding the medicines in his hand. “And you…” Jungkook pointed at the meds, “You wanted that so much?” Taehyung looked like he was going to cry like a child until he suddenly whined loudly. He turned around and ran off. “What’s with him? Where is he going?” Jungkook asked confused while he and Seokjin looked confused after the student.

“How can he run off with the medicine?”



Jin and Jungkook left the train station and walked over to a night shop where Jin bought some supplies for his ripped lip. The two of them sat down on stairs, which were close to the station, where Jungkook added some wound liquid on Jin’s lip, who whined like a small kid. “Oh what a whiner…” After Jungkook took care of the other one’s lip, he put a small plaster on the wound. “By the way, you and Kim Taehyung are acquaintances?” Jungkook asked curiously.

“Rather than acquaintances…” Seokjin mumbled and leaned over to the teacher and gave him a wink, “Let’s say we have a winking relationship.”

Jungkook titled his head. “Why would he suddenly hit such a lackadaisical person? Actually, why would he get on the train? Actually, why would he get off here?” Jungkook talked to himself.

“He probably has something to see here.”

“Something to see? Here? Kim Taehyung?”

At the same time Taehyung was sitting in the small waiting hall of the train station. It was cold and he was freezing, especially because he wasn’t wearing warm clothes either. He had his legs pulled closed to his body while sitting on a bench and rubbed his upper arms with his hands. He noticed a man with his child. He told his daughter to wait for a moment, so he could get the car. The girl was watching some kids’ tv on the phone while she had her legs covered with a blanket. Taehyung looked curiously at the girl and stood up, sitting down next to her. “Hey, little girl…” he said and the child looked up from the phone. Taehyung gave her a sweet smile. “Oh, you are pretty, I see.” He asked her if he could borrow her phone for one call and the girl agreed. He quickly called his father’s number but the call wasn’t answered. “Aish… Why isn’t he picking up?”

“The number you dialed is not available, please leave a message after the tone” the phone’s voice said.

Taehyung angrily ended the call and turned to the girl smiling. “Sorry, but one more call…” This time he called Hoseok, but what Taehyung didn’t know was that Hoseok was working the night shift again.

“The number you dialed is not available, please leave a message after the tone” the phone’s voice said again.

But instead of ending the call immediately again, he left a message on the mailbox. “Jung Hoseok, if you hear this quickly get here and pick me up. A… As for where this is… This is…” Taehyung looked around, “Oh, this is Mindungsan. Here… There aren’t even taxis here. I don’t even have any money with me. I’m saying I don’t even have a cent. Hurry up and come. Hurry! Right now!” He ended the call and gave the phone back to the girl. “Thank you.”

“Ahjussi, are you a beggar?” the girl asked.

“What?! No, I have a home in Seoul. What’s more, it’s in the center of Gangnam” Taehyung replied.

“But then why are you here? It’s not even a resort” the girl mentioned and her quick-wittedness surprised him.

“Well, about that…” Taehyung mumbled and whined. He felt like he was freezing to death. The girl stood up and laid her colorful blanket over Taehyung’s knees. Taehyung thanked her again and tried to cover himself with the small kid’s blanket. The girl sat down again and pulled a candy out of the package which he handed Taehyung. The girl’s father called her and she jumped up to walk to her father but she ran back to Taehyung and handed him the whole package with the candies. So Taehyung tried to cuddle in the blanket while eating candies and waited for someone to pick him up.


When Taehyung was finally picked up by some of his father’s man and was home, he immediately rushed into his room. He sat on his bed. He was still freezing and held the child’s blanket around his shoulders. Taehyung was staring at the medicine’s package. “Jeon Jungkook…” Taehyung mumbled and scrunched the package up, “It’s so humiliating!” As soon as Taehyung heard his father coming, he laid down and covered his head with the colorful blanket.

“Hey, Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung, are you still sick?” his father said but his son didn’t reply, the chairman turned to the director, “Why is he covering his head with the blanket, this boy. Boy, if you are sweating it out, why do it this way, forsaking the perfectly sauna next door?” Taehyung still didn’t say something, so Seongnam leaned forward and grabbed the blanket to pull it away. “Taehyung, look at dad.”

“Don’t disturb me!” Taehyung whined annoyed when he quickly sat up and removed the blanket, “Who is my dad? I don’t have a dad.” Taehyung opened the small blanket and held it to his father to show it. It had a colorful penguin with red glasses on. “Now, this is my dad. If not for this, I would have frozen to death.” Taehyung wrapped the blanket around his shoulders again.

“I didn’t hear your call. But why did you go there in the middle of the night?” Seongnam asked, “Why were you going to Mindungsan at four in the morning? I mean barefooted, wearing only slippers… You went there to dance barefooted? Where you going jogging at dawn?”

“No! It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

“Is that important now?” Taehyung asked back. He didn’t want to answer the question. He didn’t want anyone to know. “I’m sick, sick. Just quickly leave.” Taehyung laid back on the bed and covered his head with the blanket again.

The chairman and his assistant left the student’s room and walked over to Seongnam’s office. “Director Hyun. Find out why Kim Taehyung went there” the older man ordered the other one.

“Yes, I understand.”

“Also, find out who that kid is.”

“That kid meaning… who?” the director asked confused.

“You know that kid, the one Taehyung covering his face with. That mascot with the big round glasses and with the beak nose” the chairman explained but the assistant still looked confused, “The kid that Taehyung called his dad.”

“Ah! Are you talking about Pororo?”

“What Pororo? Polulu? What does that kid do?” the older man babbled confused. He never heard of someone called like this.

“It’s a penguin” the director said and made some movements with his hands to look like a penguin.





Even at school Taehyung was asked about the reason why he was at Mindungsan because there was a huge rumor going on around his friends. They thought he just played a trick on them to get more attention. But when Taehyung just shouted at them and walked out of the classroom. He walked down the hall way, talking to himself. “Seriously these guys, I don’t want to talk about it why do they keep digging?”

Hoseok followed his friend and laid his arm around Taehyung’s shoulder when he reached him. “Is seonsaengnim all right? Where was he going?”

“Something about going to his dad’s memorial hall…” Taehyung answered without thinking as he suddenly noticed that Hoseok knew what was going on. He stopped, turned to Hoseok and looked at him. “Hey! How did you know it was Intern?”

Hoseok grinned brightly. “You were worrying about the teacher, I see.”

“What?! Hey! Hey! Am I crazy that I would worry about that man?” Taehyung said and tried to act cool.

“If not, why did you go all the way there? Why did you follow him there?” Hoseok asked smiling because he already knew what was going on.

“That’s because…” Taehyung stopped himself and Hoseok chuckled lightly. He patted Taehyung’s shoulder and walked ahead. Taehyung completely revealed himself to Hoseok now.

Taehyung walked to the gym where he sat down at the tribune. At the gym some freshmen students were playing basketball. He stared at them but he didn’t see the boys, he saw Jungkook and how he was hitting one ball after another against the wall. He didn’t know why he kept imagining and thinking about the scene. “No, no… Now… this is as if… as if there is no other man in the world… That medicine-taking man…” Taehyung mumbled to himself.

He left the gym again. He thought he just needed some fresh air. In front of the building Taehyung took a deep breath and shook his head. He had to get rid of the thoughts over Jungkook. “No…” He took his phone out of his pocket. “Hey, Park Jimin. Come out to Cheongdamndong.”



Taehyung had invited Jimin for a movie at their private cinema. Neither Taehyung was able to concentrate on the move nor did he pay attention to Jimin. Jimin looked at the movie but didn’t really follow the story either. He often looked over to Taehyung, who was in thoughts again, which Jimin noticed because of Taehyung’s habit of caressing his lips when he was thinking a lot. “What’s up? You don’t normally watch this kind of thing” Jimin talked. He was curious but he knew Taehyung wouldn’t really answer him.

“Right… Shall we watch something else?”

Taehyung ordered to change the move. This time he leaned forward on his knees and looked at the movie. This time the movie was about high school boys who were in a volleyball team. That was something Taehyung never used to watch either, but he couldn’t help to smile. “Jimin, try tying up your bangs like this.”

“What’s with my hair all of the sudden?” Jimin asked confused.

Taehyung noticed that was a bit weird, but he didn’t want to lose his face in front of him. He leaned back and looked at Jimin. “Try tying it. It’s because I think it will look nice tied up.” Jimin chuckled and wanted to tie it up. “No, not like that.”

“Then how?”

“A bit more… like a bit more tightly” Taehyung said and Jimin was about to tie his bangs backwards more tightly. But it wasn’t the way Taehyung wanted it. “No, no, no, not with that… Don’t you have a yellow rubber band?”

Jimin pouted. For Taehyung he ruined his styled hair. “Huh? Yellow rubber band?”

But no matter how Jimin would try, it wouldn’t look the same like Jungkook did it. “Never mind” Taehyung mentioned and stood up. He walked outside, where he pulled his phone out. “Hey, gather the guys. I think I have to dance it out tonight. ”

So Taehyung and his friends met at a club. Taehyung and Hoseok were sitting at their seats, while the other three boys had gathered lots of girls around them on the dance floor. The music was loud and flashy lights were putting changing light spots into the room. Taehyung leaned back on the bench and had his arm on the back of the seat to lean his head on. He was looking through the room without moving, while Hoseok was nibbling on his glass, taking a sip once in a while. “Is everything okay?” Hoseok asked with a loud voice to make sure Taehyung could hear him.

“What do you mean? The drinks tonight are okay” Taehyung answered and took a sip of his drink before he stood up. He walked around a bit before he entered the dance floor.

“Hey, let’s party” one of his friends said and dragged Taehyung closer. But Taehyung didn’t feel like dancing at the moment. Taehyung tried to wave his friends off and looked through the bulk of people as he suddenly saw someone from behind who looked like Jungkook. Taehyung walked through the dancing people, he wanted to see if it was really Jungkook. But it wasn’t only that he saw Jungkook again, he suddenly also heard the teacher’s hard breathing which Taehyung heard when Jungkook was training. He lost Jungkook in the bulk of dancing people. When Taehyung was able to reach the other side of the dance floor he finally saw him. Jungkook. He saw him in his jersey, playing the volleyball up and down over his head, breathing quickly. Taehyung shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He knew this wasn’t real but he couldn’t understand why he kept imagining Jungkook. Right at the moment Taehyung was about to reach out for the teacher, the imagination vanished. Taehyung felt hot. He rushed out of the club to take some fresh air.

“Hey, Taehyung… where are you going?” Hoseok asked. He had rushed after his friend, when he saw that Taehyung was going outside.

Taehyung turned around to face his friend. “Jung Hoseok, I think at this rate, I have to go to the hospital” Taehyung said and he actually suddenly looked quite weak, “I… have to see that man… with my own eyes.”



Jungkook and Seokjin reached at Seoul station again. They were tired. It was late already and both of them just wanted to get some sleep. They stayed at the small town where Jungkook’s father was buried. Jungkook chose to bury him in his father’s hometown. “Hey, you go ahead home. I have to go somewhere first” Jungkook told Seokjin, who nodded in agreement. As soon as Jungkook was sure that the other one had left, the teacher went to the pharmacy again. “I need something that helps wounds heal… and a laxative” Jungkook whispered.

At the same time Jin was going home. He was lucky to catch a free taxi immediately so that it didn’t take long for him to reach the house. When he walked up the hill he slowly put down the plaster from his lip. “My lips are going to become big brass bowl lips. It stings!” he talked to himself. Jin quickly noticed a high school boy standing in front of the store, while kicking the door lightly. The boy looked curiously at him and Jin invited him in. Just like Jungkook’s father, Jin quickly prepared something to eat for the boy. Seokjin watched the boy eating the whole time, but nobody of them said anything.

“Look here, runaway. You know the saying, I am full just by looking at you eat?” Jin asked the boy as soon as he was done eating, “Have you ever heard of it?”

“Isn’t that something mothers say when they watch their children eat?” the boy asked back while munching on some kimchi.

“Exactly” Jin said and nodded a lot before he leaned a bit closer to the student, “And with that meaning in mind, do you want to be my kid?”

“What? Are you by any chance a pastor, hyungnim?” the boy asked back. But Jin held his hand to the boy and pulled out a paper which he showed the student then. The paper said that they were hiring part-time workers for the shop now. The boy took the paper and looked at it for a moment. “Are you really the owner of this place now, Ahjussi?” he asked and Jin nodded, “What about hyung?”

“Hyung’s owner… that’s me too” Seokjin talked and pointed at him, causing the boy to grimace, “Take care of the shop for a bit. I’m going to send something off then I will be back.” Jin smiled and stood up, leaving the store.

Some minutes later Taehyung and Hoseok reached the shop. Hoseok insisted on going with Taehyung because he was worried about his friend and wanted to be sure he was okay and wouldn’t do anything stupid. As soon as the car was parked and Taehyung had turned it off, the two of them got off.

“Welcome” Yoongi said but immediately stopped when he saw who was entering, “Kim Taehyung, why did you come?”

“Where is Intern?” Taehyung asked and wanted to walk into the kitchen, but Yoongi stood up and blocked his way.

“Why are you looking for Jungkook hyung?” Yoongi asked and wanted to push Taehyung back, but Taehyung knew this trick already and was able to avoid the other one, “What equal rivalry… giving me a chance?”

“Min Yoongi, why are you getting angry at me again? I really don’t understand it anymore” Taehyung chuckled, “I let you date Park Jimin, didn’t I? I gave you an equal chance, didn’t I?”

“Could it be that you pity me?”

“Pity?” Taehyung titled his head and looked at Hoseok, “What is that?” But Hoseok looked aside. Taehyung was his friend but sometimes he was really living in another world. “Whatever it is, I have no time to do this with you. I urgently have to meet Intern.

When Taehyung tried to go to the kitchen again, Yoongi kept blocking his way. “Kim Taehyung, don’t hold on and toy with people’s feelings. If you are dating Park Jimin with that kind of heard, get lost.”

“That kind of heart? So is your heart any different? Don’t you also like Park Jimin because he’s handsome? In an expensive car next to a nice guy…” Taehyung talked.

“HEY!” Yoongi shouted and tried to punch Taehyung but like usual the other was one able to turn away before Yoongi could reach him, “What did you say, you bastard?!” Yoongi threw some tissues and chopsticks after Taehyung who walked towards the kitchen. Yoongi tried punching and kicking Taehyung, but he didn’t hit the other one.

“Yoongi, you can’t do this” Hoseok said and tried to end the fight. But none of them was paying attention to him. Yoongi pushed a table towards Taehyung, who pushed it away with his hand. But while pushing it away, he bumped against a huge shelf behind him. The shelf was about to fall onto Taehyung and bury him under it. Taehyung fell on the table in front of him and tried to protect his head with his arms. Right at the moment Taehyung was about to get hit and buried by the shelf Jin jumped in between. He blocked the shelf to protect Taehyung.

“Are you okay, Park Taehyung?” Jin asked and helped Taehyung to sit down at a table. He also ordered Yoongi to sit down and actually Hoseok should sit too, but the class monitor was feeling bad and guilty and tried to tidy up the mess his classmates caused.

“I’m sorry, hyungnim” Yoongi said and looked down.

“There is nothing we can do about that. Out of ten fingers there is none that would not hurt if you break it. Think of yourself as my toes. From today onwards, you are not my kid, but my karma” Seokjin talked, causing Taehyung to chuckle to himself. Jin pointed at Yoongi. “Runaway…” Then he pointed at Hoseok. “Angel and Park Taehyung. You three, from today onwards will be my kids.” Jin held up the hiring paper again, which Taehyung ripped out of his hands.

“What are you talking about? Why would I be your kid?” Taehyung asked pissed, “Just give me the rundown.”

Seokjin ignored the student and held the paper up to the others. “After school shift, room and board provided and unlimited food provided” Jin explained.

“Room and board provided?” Hoseok asked. That was perfect for him because he was homeless at the moment since he father left and loan sharks had taken over their house.

“Unlimited food provided?” Yoongi asked, which was perfect for him because he was always hungry and loved food.

“What kind of person parked his car right in front of the shop? As usual when they drive a convertible…” Jungkook talked to himself while entering the store, but he stopped as soon as he saw Taehyung, “Kim Taehyung. Why are you here again?”

Taehyung jumped up from his seat and smiled. “Intern! Do you know how much I had to go through to see you?”

Right when Taehyung wanted to step closer, Jungkook threw a plastic bag with tangerines on the ground in front of Taehyung’s feet, which gave Taehyung a light fright. “Don’t come near me, Kim Taehyung. You are really petty, must you go to this extent?”

“Ah… ehm… Intern… this is a misunderstanding… this Min Yoongi…” Taehyung babbled.

Jungkook picked up a pot which laid on the ground and held it to Taehyung. “Here.”

“What is this?” Taehyung asked calmly and looked straight at the teacher.

“Isn’t this what you wanted? Driving your car and following me all the way here, isn’t it because you wanted to do this? Hit me.”


“You said that because of me you feel ill there, didn’t you? But no, I, just by seeing your face, not only here but all the way down here… “, Jungkook spoke while pointed from his heart to his stomach, “I feel so suffocated, it hurts so much I think I could die.”  Everyone was looking at Jungkook. Hoseok wanted to help his friend because he knew why Taehyung always wanted to see Jungkook, but he knew Taehyung would allow it, especially because Taehyung didn’t realize it himself yet. “As if getting fired from school was not enough, ruining my trip to visit my father and now you even turn the shop upside down? Hit me. As much as you got hit, hit me until your anger subsides, hit me as much as you want. And then don’t ever appear before me. Here.” Jungkook turned his cheek to Taehyung, still holding the pot to Taehyung. Seokjin and Yoongi were watching closely. Taehyung looked from Jungkook to the pot and slowly looked down. He felt like his eyes were about to tear up, so he just passed the teacher, put his hands into his pants’ pockets.

Taehyung stopped once more in front of the door. “Could it be…”, Taehyung mumbled and turned slowly around to Seokjin, who was overviewing the scene from afar, “Could it be that, that man is also doing the part-time thing here?”

“Of course, since he is my hubby” Jin said.

Jungkook looked from Seokjin to Taehyung, who turned to the teacher. “Is that so?” Taehyung stared at Jungkook and slowly walked back, he passed the teacher once more and stepped to the table where he sat before with Jin and Yoongi, who still sat there. Taehyung took the hiring paper, showing it to the shop’s new owner. “Very well then, I will do this too. Part-time…”

“What? You?!” Yoongi asked shocked and like his, everyone else’s eyes grew round.

“Why would you?” Jungkook asked.

“So with this the part-timer search concludes” Jin said and clapped his hands. Then he stood up and held his hand to Taehyung, before they shook hands to agree to their verbal contract.

“Don’t call me a part-timer, call me intern instead” Taehyung spoke and Seokjin nodded and Taehyung slowly looked at the teacher, “Of if you like call me oppa.” Taehyung grinned. For what Jungkook just said to him, he needed to tease the teacher. He gave Jungkook a wink. From now on he would be able to see Jungkook every single day, if the other one wanted to or not.

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Lukethms #1
Chapter 6: lol fighting authornim~!! I know you can do it :p *still fanboying*
Chapter 5: enjoying this story so far :333 fighting authornim!!!
neugdaewa #3
Hi! I hope I won't come out as rude but I think it's supposed to be "정국의" instead of "정국와" because "의" is usually placed after a noun to indicate possession (in this case, Jungkook's). Anyways, it's an interesting story. Keep it up!!
Shiningold #4
Chapter 3: I can't understand jimin.
Poor jungkook;_;
The man is jin pretty sure!
hannahjill #5
Chapter 3: Waah, who was Jungkook hugging???? And why is he claiming to be Kook's husband? Is he Jin (lol) xD (well, he's yet to appear in the fic so I'm guessing it's him). Taehyung should be jealous. HOHOHO

Thank you for the update! I really love your story!
Chapter 2: I wanted to shout 'taehyung,just date him' haha i've already finish reading this last night but there's no net signal bcuz of the bad wheather and i can't drop the comment right away but i'm right here as soon as i can..i've gotta say this is a unique story,their character surprise me
Oppa,good luck for your fanfic! :)