For Whom the Bell Tolls 누구를 위하여 좋은 울리나


It was a sunny and warm late spring day, when Taehyung arrived at the Incheon International airport. He was tired after the long flight from New York, but he was glad to be back in Korea. He walked out of the building and took a deep breath of the air. In front of him was a street, where transfer busses and taxis were waiting. Some stewardesses were passing him with their small luggage pulling after them. He walked towards the street, where he wanted to take a taxi to leave the airport. He just wanted to see his friends, have fun and leave the airport and America behind.  Because he wore a suit, he looked like a businessman and perfectly matched the businessmen, who were walking around. Taehyung stood at the street and fixed his suit jacket as he noticed some women, who were checking him out obviously. He smiled at them as he noticed three men, who were wearing black suits and had ear plugins. They looked like the security men, who used to work for his father. They looked around, like they were searching someone. Taehyung turned quickly around and put some sunglasses on, hoping that the men won’t notice him. He quickly had to leave the area. He looked around, searching for a way out as he saw the woman, who had flirted with him on the plane and she was getting in a car to the driver’s seat. He rushed over and got into the car on the seat next to the woman. She looked surprised at him and couldn’t really believe that the man from the plane suddenly appeared in her car.

“I’m getting off…” Taehyung spoke and took down his sunglasses, before he turned to the woman, who still looked confused at him, “…at your house.” Then he smiled at her and the woman just giggled. They put on their seatbelt and the woman started her silver luxury car, so they left the airport together and the three men, who were looking for Taehyung, ran after the car but quickly stopped again, since they were unable to follow a car by feet.


Some hours later at the apartment of the woman Taehyung dressed up. He wanted to leave quickly in silence, so that the woman won’t notice anything. He wanted to use his chance when the woman took a nap for her jetlag, but this time Taehyung wasn’t as lucky as usual. When he was about to leave, the woman woke up and walked into her living room, where Taehyung stood, putting on his jacket. “Oh, you’re awake?” he mentioned.

“Where are you going?” she asked surprised.

“Thanks for letting me sleep” Taehyung smiled, while fixing the sleeves of his shirt under his jacket.

“You’re leaving?” she asked more confused and slowly stemmed her hands on her hips, while she stood in front of him in her red negligee, looking up to him, “You’re really just going to sleep then leave?”

“I asked you to let me sleep over” he said and smile, “Why?”

“You’re asking because you really don’t know?” she asked and crossed her arms.

Taehyung shortly thought about it and then frowned. “Yah, you can’t do that with me. You will get in big trouble”, Taehyung explained. He smiled again and gave the woman a wink, before he left the apartment and the woman just looked after him.

In front of the apartment complex Taehyung quickly pulled out his phone of his pocket. “Hey. It’s me, Kim” he talked on the phone and put his sunglasses on again. It was still sunny and he wanted to prevent to be found out easily again, “Yeah, Kim Taehyung. Forget it.” Taehyung talked while walking and looking around for the men, who were looking for me. “Chairman Kim sent out some punks. Yeah. Let’s meet up.”


Taehyung met with some of his friends at a coffee store. They sat together and like always every girl, who came and passed them, checked them out. The coffee store itself wasn’t crowded, so they had enough space to sit together and talk without getting troubled by other guests. They were talking about going out together, since it’s been three years that Taehyung was with them, but Taehyung wasn’t really in the mood.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. It’s my treat for you. Let’s go and play” one of Taehyung’s friends said, who sat next to him and wore a chic looking trench coat, white striped shirt and black pants.

“Dang! Kim Taehyung is at a low” another friend mentioned. This friend had longer, wavy hair and wore a black leather jacket, a black tight shirt which showed his well-formed torso and dark blue jeans.

“This is the first thing you say after all this time?” Taehyung asked pissed.

“What are you worried about? You are worried you have nowhere to go? Just come to Gangnam” his friend spoke up, who sat on the opposite of Taehyung and wore black shirt with blue jacket, which fitted him perfectly and skinny jeans.

Taehyung leaned forward and took a sip of his drink. “I can’t. There are offices all over Gangnam.”

“Want to go to Hongdae?” his friend with the longer hair asked, “Our band’s rehearsal studio?”

But Taehyung shook his head again. “All the company’s clients are there”, Taehyung mentioned while nibbling on the straw of his drink.

“Itaewon?” the one, who was wearing the trench coat, asked.

“Hey! I’m just back and you want me to go to a Yankee neighborhood?” Taehyung asked pissed, “You don’t even have a bed in your room.”

“Then go to a hotel”, his friend answered annoyed.

“I can’t. He’s already scoped out all the hotels”, Taehyung sighed and leaned back on his chair with his finger over his lips, while thinking where he could share the night, “Isn’t there somewhere he would never find me in Seoul?” After none of his friends gave him an answer, Taehyung gave his friends a look. But they were busily looking at girls, who passed them or stood near them at the street. “Hey!” Taehyung shouted, causing the girls to leave and his friends turned back to him. “But where’s Hoseok? Why isn’t that jerk’s phone working?”

“Oh, Hoseok! You can go to him” his friend with the blue jacket talked.

“Yeah, Noryangjin” his trench coat friend said.

“What ‘jin’?” Taehyung asked confused.


“Noryangjin. The mecca of civil students where 50000 of the nation’s civil service students flock In order to become a teacher here, you must beat of odds of 158 to 1. The great Noryangjin survival test in order to obtain the precious metal food tray of a teacher. Yes. I am a civil service student!” Jungkook thought, while sitting in his class and marking important things in his books. Jungkook looked up from his notes because some rows ahead, sat a couple, who were flirting with each other. Jungkook sighed. He was annoyed by them playing around with each other and disturbing the others with it. He jumped up from his chair and walked over to them. “Hey!” Jungkook shouted when he stood in front of them, “You two came to Noryangjin not to study but to fool around? Today is not your stupid 1000th day, its D-167 days until the second round of civil service exams!”  He wanted to throw the book on their table but he held it back. Jungkook sighed and grabbed his bag, leaving the studying room. “The only things you can trust is your hard work and your ’s strength”, Jungkook thought while walking outside. He was walking along the street, looking around here and there. He should learn but he wanted to get his head off first.

“Have you heard that you hear the bells ring when you kiss the right one?” a girl talked to her friend, when Jungkook passed them.

“Bells ring when you kiss the right?” Jungkook thought and looked confused after them, “That’s nonsense. I have a boyfriend and there nothing rings.” Jungkook stooped and the people around him on the crowded street passed him. He missed his boyfriend, who was at the army. But luckily he was going to be discharged soon, so that Jungkook could see him.


Taehyung had gone to Noryangjin. It was a neighborhood like many others in Seoul. To him it didn’t look any special. He walked upstairs some stairs to pass the big street through the people’s bridge. He looked curiously around. On the other side of the bridge was a market and a subway station was nearby.  Taehyung was about to pass the bridge as he suddenly noticed the three men in the black suits, who stood in the middle of the bridge. He pulled down his sunglasses, to check if he was looking right or if his eyes were playing tricks on him. But the men bowed to him, when he put the sunglasses in his pocket and sighed. He smiled at them and looked around. He needed a way out. Quickly. They walked towards him and Taehyung quickly turned around and ran off. He ran through the mass of people, while the security men of his father followed him. They couldn’t lose him again. He tried to hide at a street market but they quickly found him again, so that Taehyung ran off again. He threw around some boxes, which stood at the edge of the street. He hoped that the men would fall over it. Then he even took some vegetables from a market stand and threw it at them. While he ran off, the owner of the vegetable store bumped into the men. He wanted them to pay for the chaos, because Taehyung already had ran off. No matter what Taehyung tried to get rid of them, they always found him, so he tried to hide in a building. It looked like a student’s building, but Taehyung had no time to check it out. He ran upstairs.


Jungkook was sitting on a toilet in the student’s building, where he used to study. He kept thinking off the bells of fate, what the girls talked about. “Who believes in that sort of thing nowadays?” he asked himself and shook his head while sitting on the toilet. He took the toilet paper, where his name stood on one side. He cleaned himself and flushed the toilet, before he opened the cabin to come out. When he looked outside he saw a man, who ran into the toilet and rushed into the cabin, pushing Jungkook back in. The man locked the door, while Jungkook tried to hide in the corner behind the toilet. “What the? Who are you? Why are you doing this?” Jungkook talked loudly, holding the toilet paper with his name tightly in his hands.

“Sorry, sorry. Stay here with me just for a moment” the man said and tried to calm Jungkook down, “Just a few seconds.”

“W-w-what do you mean?” Jungkook asked confused, while the man waved his hands, “There are more cabins next door. Use it! Or let me go!”

“I’m in a rush. Just a few seconds” Taehyung spoke and tried to make the other one being quiet, “Please shut that mouth and share the stall. Got it?”

“You ert, did you lose your mind while studying?” Jungkook shouted, “Hey! It doesn’t matter how hard it is to study. Jerks like you get sponsored to pass the exam, go to salon bars and go around doing erted things!”

“Hey. Are you sure he came this way?” one of the men talked.

“Hey you ert! What room are you in?! I’ll make sure you never step in Noryangjin again…” Jungkook yelped and Taehyung was afraid that the men would hear him, so he grabbed the man on his neck and pushed him back against the wall. Taehyung was so close to Jungkook’s face that he thought the stranger was going to kiss him now. Taehyung panted and slowly looked at the other one’s face. For Jungkook it felt like the time stopped and he totally forgot that they were in a toilet stall. Taehyung slowly leaned forward and closer to Jungkook, who steadily closed his eyes. Their lips almost touched as Taehyung leaned next to Jungkook’s ear.

“How pretty”, Taehyung whispered and leaned back, looking at the other one, who had kept his eyes closed. But instead of kissing him, Taehyung tapped on Jungkook’s cheek, where he had a small beauty patch. “This beauty mark is… pretty.” Then Taehyung smiled, while Jungkook looked confused at the other one. Taehyung nodded and walked outside the toilet cabin, leaving the confused boy behind.

Jungkook looked after him and rushed out of the cabin after the other man. “Hey!”

Taehyung stopped and turned around, looking at the toilet boy. “I guess I went into the wrong stall”, Taehyung said and shrugged, “Oops! But why did you close your eyes?” Then Taehyung smiled and gave him a wink before he finally walked off.


At the evening Jungkook was sitting home at the table in the small living room. He was sharing an apartment with his friend Namjoon, who was already working as teacher at a boy’s school. Unlike Jungkook Namjoon was famous with men and girls. He could just choose whoever he wanted to be with. Jungkook told his friend about what he heard about the ringing bells when he was going to kiss his soulmate.

“Ringing bells? Does that even makes sense?” Namjoon asked while eating. Their apartment was small, but none of them had enough money to afford an apartment by themselves.

“But the thing is what if I met a man randomly and I heard bells ring… How would you explain that?” Jungkook mumbled while Namjoon pushed his chopsticks over and over again into his rice.

“Did you meet a ert in a Noryangjin bathroom?” Namjoon asked his friend back, who quickly looked down on his food.

“Y-you know him?” Jungkook asked confused and Namjoon nodded.

“Yeah. He’s been there since I was a student” Namjoon explained, “He only picks about two people every year. How did you end up as one of them? It seems like you really have no luck when it comes to men.”

Jungkook sighed and both of them turned back to their dinner.


It Gangnam were the headquarters of the food conglomerate named Kimseong. But what most people didn’t know was that at the headquarters’ building was also the residence of the president Kim Seongnam. The man used to live in a penthouse apartment on top of the offices. The older man was living there with his son Kim Taehyung, until he was sent to New York.

At the evening Kim Seongnam was sitting in his whirlpool bathtub and looked tv, when his personal assistant and the company’s director came in. The man bowed to his boss. “Sir, they said they lost him”, the director said while looking down, but the older man looked like he didn’t listen to his assistant, because he was paying attention to the tv show only.

“Then go catch him again”, Kim Seongnam ordered, “And make sure he doesn’t get hurt.”

“Yes”, the director nodded and bowed once more before he left again.

So the men searched the streets of Noryangjin over and over again because they had to find him, but no matter where they looked for Taehyung, he was nowhere to find. Because Taehyung hid still in the student’s house, hiding behind his sunglasses, although it was dark already and covered by many pages of newspapers.

“Why is he here? What is he doing there?” a girl asked, who stood together with their friends some meters ahead of Taehyung.

“I’ve heard of those flower boys beggars, who are hanging all around in Seoul. He must be one of them”, another girl talked.

Suddenly a boy appeared between the girls and looked surprised at Taehyung, who was sitting on the ground. The boy wore a white shirt and brown cardigan over it, together with black trousers and shoes. When Taehyung saw the boy, he put his sunglasses down and jumped up. “Hey, buddy!”

Hoseok accompanied his friend up to a roof, where they could talk quietly. Taehyung waited upstairs, while Hoseok bought some coffee for them. “Oh, thank you”, Taehyung said, when Hoseok came back and handed him the cup of coffee. Hoseok leaned with his back against the high wall of the roof and Taehyung turned to face his friend. “How much do you get here? You definitely get insurance and paid by the hour. Are you guaranteed severance pay if you quit?”

Hoseok chuckled and looked at his friend. “What part time worker gets severance pay? But what about you?” Hoseok asked curiously, “What did you come back?”

“I don’t know why I’m back” Taehyung said and took a short break before he turned back to his friend, “Jung Hoseok… should I give you money?”

“Sure” Hoseok laughed and acted like he was thinking, “My father’s depts are 270 million won. So rounding up… give me 300 million.”

“300 million? Where’s your dad now?”

Hoseok turns around facing the street under them, where still a lot of traffic was running and many people were walking along the sidewalks. “I haven’t seen him for over a year” Hoseok replied and tried not to sound too sad, “I was looking for him up until last month, then I gave up. At first I was really worried but now I hate him. Humans are so sly, right? Now that things are hard, my hatred outweighs my concern.”

“I will give it to you… 300 million.”

Hoseok laughed lightly and turned back to Taehyung. “Arrogant bastard” Hoseok smiled.

“So, don’t hate your dad” Taehyung spoke and looked down, “If you do, who will your dad live with?”

Hoseok nodded and drank up his coffee. “Go home, Taehyung. You can’t sleep here.”

“Hey! But what kind of place is this that all the people are so unbelievable?” Taehyung smiled, “I heard Seoul is pretty but I shouldn’t have come.” He tried not to let his friend see, that he wasn’t able to get home but Taehyung smiled and drank up his coffee.


On the next morning Jungkook dressed up nicely. It was the day his boyfriend got discharged from the army and he wanted to pick him up from the train station. For the first time meeting him after a lot of time, Jungkook wanted to look good for his boyfriend. He put on some well-forming white jeans, a black button-up shirt and a grey cardigan, which was longer at the back. He got to the train station by taking the subway. He arrived early at the station, so he could observe the arriving train, where his boyfriend was in from the upper hallway.

When Jungkook’s phone rang he quickly answered the call, while looking down at the platform. “Hello? I’m here. You can’t see me? Here” Jungkook talked on the phone and waved, when he saw a man in the soldier uniform walking along the platform. “What? You went home? Oh okay. We can see each other tomorrow.”

Jungkook sighed and put his phone back into his pocket. While being on his way home, he often sighed. He was waiting for this day for a while already and now he wasn’t even able to see his boyfriend, because he preferred to go home. When he thought about his boyfriend and their first kiss, he remembered that there were no bells ringing in his head. Was he not the right one? Not his soulmate? But suddenly the man from the toilet popped up in his mind. “Why is that civil service ert… that cool jerk… why is he in my precious memories?” Jungkook talked to himself.


At the same time Taehyung stood in front of the Kimseong headquarters skyscraper. He had no place to go and he wouldn’t be able to stay out overnight. He wanted a bed and he wanted to change and take a hot, refreshing shower. He had no other choice. He had to go home. He looked up at the building and sighed. The last three floors up there. There he was. His father. Taehyung nodded to encourage himself. At the entrance hall of the building stood the three men, who were chasing him the day before and gave him a shocked look, but at the same time they were getting ready to run after Taehyung again. Taehyung put down his sunglasses and put it into his jacket’s pocket.

They had accompanied Taehyung upstairs to the private residence of the president, where the old man was slowly entering the room, where he used to meet visitors. The men bowed to their president, who was still wearing his morning silk coat and left the room, waiting outside for next orders.

Taehyung bowed to his father, like a good son used to do. “I’ve returned father”, Taehyung spoke formally to his father, who gave him a cold and distanced look, before he turned to his personal assistant.

“Director Hyun”, Taehyung’s father said and pointed at his son, “Drag him out and put him back on a plane. And this time shove him to the dorm and put a guard on him so he can’t sneak out again.”

“I’m not a child anymore”, Taehyung talked, catching his father’s and the assistant’s attention, “I live my own life.”

“Really? And what kind of life is that?” Kim Seongnam asked his son curiously, “You said you wanted to do music, so the band I made for you can’t even sign with anyone because of you. I heard they’re going around performing at 60th birthdays. And then! You said you didn’t want to go to the army so I sent you to America. So when did you come back here? And why?”

“That’s my way of life”, Taehyung answered and his father looked at his assistant, who just shook his head.

“Not this time!” his father shouted, giving his son a fright, “You take responsibility for what you’ve done!” Then the president turned around and wanted to leave again, but Taehyung ran after him and hugged him from his back.


“Let go.”

“I can’t let go dad!” Taehyung said and held more tightly on his father, “Do you know how scary that place is? It’s hard enough to order a hamburger in English. But they want me to write in English too!” Taehyung started to whine around, while his father tried to loosen his son’s tight hold on him. “Read English! To study English!”

“You didn’t know that? Let go, let go.”

“I didn’t know!” Taehyung shook his head and tried to hold better on his father, “I thought if I just go, if would just pour out of me. That’s how it is in dramas.”

“Let go. Let go” his father repeated himself over and over again. As Taehyung noticed that it wouldn’t help, he wanted to try another methode on his father. He acted like he was fainting. “What’s wrong? What, What?” his father asked surprised.

“Dad, my stomach hurts”, Taehyung whined and leaned against the wall, which was close to him.

“Your stomach hurts?” his father asked him and Taehyung quickly nodded. The president looked at his assistant, who couldn’t help but smile and nodded. Then Seongnam looked back at his son. “Then, what are you doing to do about school?”

“I’ll go. To my school” Taehyung answered and smiled weakly.

“Then you’re going to study and take the tests?” his father asked surprised.

“No problem” Taehyung replied in English.

“I think your English did get better” Kim Seongnam mentioned, causing his son to smile more.

“Yeah but I think I’m definitely more a domestic person” Taehyung said, “After coming to Korea, my mouth just opened up!” His father smiled and nodded and also his assistant couldn’t help to smile after the situation.

After Taehyung had taken a shower and changed into new fresh clothes. It didn’t take long for him to seduce his father to give him a new car and as soon as he got it, he took the keys to take a ride. While sitting in his new cabriolet and letting the slipstream ran through his well styled hair, he put his phone’s ear plugin on tune. “Did you find Park Jimin?” he asked on his phone, “Where? School festival?”


Jungkook had changed when he was home. He wanted to go to the school festival nearby to get into other thoughts. The area near the school was crowded by students and their family members. There were street tents, where they sold food and drinks, while on the other side of the areaway were people throwing water balloons on a wooden wall, where people could put in their faces. Actually Jungkook and his boyfriend wanted to go to the festival together, but since he went home, Jungkook just could call him. “It’s me. You’re not picking up” Jungkook talked on the phone, “We said we would come to the school festival together, but now I’m here alone. You promised to do my favorite water balloons. Call me when you hear this. For sure, sure, sure.” Jungkook hung up, pouting and walked over to one of the food tents, where he sat down for a drink and a snack.

He was looking down on his snack, playing around with his chopstick into his food. He looked up, when another man sat down on a seat at the table next to him. When Jungkook recognized the man, he couldn’t believe his eyes. It was the toilet man. “It’s that man. ert. Cool jerk. Bells” Jungkook thought and slowly looked over to him again, while the man was ordering something to drink, “So you go to our school?” When the girl bought Taehyung a can of sprite, Taehyung took a paper tissue and cleaned the head of the can. “What?” Jungkook thought, while observing the other one, “Is he ignoring me, scared of me or putting on a show because he’s shocked?”

When Taehyung looked over, he saw how the man next to him poured his drink into a bowl, where he stired it with his chopstick. “Huh?”

“That’s right” Jungkook thought, “You recognize me only now? The man you hit on for being pretty. Here. The beauty patch that you pointed out.”

“He’s mixing soda with Makgulli”, Taehyung talked loudly to himself.

“This punk. He doesn’t remember me at all” Jungkook frowned. Taehyung looked ahead on the people, who threw water balloons on the people, who put their faces through the wooden wall. “It’s child play”, Jungkook mentioned after he heard Taehyung’s comment on it, “For that you need to raise the angle of your arm up like this.” Jungkook moved his head up and showed the man next to him how to throw the water balloons perfectly. “You have to use the power of your arm to throw it down!” Jungkook talked loudly and quickly stopped himself, when he noticed that the man was looking confused at him. “Which department are you?”

“Me? Liberal Arts, of course.”

“Huh… When does he have time to go around kissing, while studying?” Jungkook thought and sighed.  Jungkook looked over to the other one, who was taking sips from the can. “It’s hard preparing for exams, right?”

“Yeah. How did you know I have to prepare for exams?” Taehyung asked and Jungkook just smiled

“Cheers?” Jungkook said and lifted his bowl.

“Oh… cheers” Taehyung replied and lifted up his can. For him this was done but the other one stood up to clink his bowl with Taehyung’s can.

Then Jungkook sat down again. “Are your studies going well?” he asked and looked at the man, who sit cross-legged on the chair and wore a sweater over his shirt and dark pants.

“I’m just doing them because my family and society tell me to” Taehyung said without looking at the other one. He leaned on the table, with his hand laid on his chin, looking ahead on the place in front of them.

“You are lucky. I have to pass no matter what this year” Jungkook spoke and pouted.


“Next year’s the year of misfortune for the horse” Jungkook explained, “I have to pass this year, otherwise it’s three years of bad luck.”

“You believe things like that?” Taehyung chuckled.

“Things like that’? Do you know how important they are? What sign are you?” Jungkook asked.

“I’m… an ox.”

“Ox… If you’re an ox“ Jungkook mumbled to himself and calculated everything in his mind, “That’s a relief. You will miss the three years of misfortune.” Then something popped up in his mind. When the man was an ox, he could be 31-years-old or 19-years-old. Jungkook slowly looked over to the other one. “An of four year?” Jungkook thought surprised, “31?”

“What?” Taehyung asked.

“You’re incredibly baby-faced.”

“Me?” Taehyung laughed and pointed at himself, “I’ve never heard that before.” When Taehyung looked back at the place next to him, where the boy used to sit, but the other one was gone. He looked confused around and saw him standing behind another man.

“You two…” Jungkook mumbled and the man and a girl turned around. The man immediately looked shocked at Jungkook. “What are you doing?”

“Water balloons?” the man said and played awkwardly with the water balloon in front of Jungkook’s face.

“Are you cheating on me? And in my territory?”


Jungkook dated and looked shortly at the girl next to his boyfriend. “Are you going to date… are you dating now… or were you dating before?” Jungkook asked and looked up at the other one.

“N-number three?”

The three of them slowly got surrounded by others, who observed the scene. “Then the day too, when you used a vacation day without telling me?” Jungkook asked, “When you ignored my letters and rejected my calls… even then?”


Jungkook took a deep breath, trying not to show that he was hurt a lot. He looked down and nodded. “Okay… Have fun.” Then Jungkook turned around and walked slowly off, while his boyfriend, who was now his ex-boyfriend, looked after him with his new girlfriend.

“I’m sorry, I should have cleaned things up sooner” Jungkook’s ex, So Jiseob, talked to his new girl.

“It’s okay oppa. I don’t care about things like this”, the girl said and Jungkook slowly stopped walking off, while listening to them, “But he’s more chiller than I thought. You said he was very clingy.”

“Yeah…” Jiseob nodded.

But Jungkook turned around and walked back to the two. “Do you know me? You should know me, I’m your seonbae, physical education department Jeon Jungkook” he talked to the girl, who just gave him an ‘I don’t give a ’ glance, while Taehyung stepped through the bulk of people, to look what everyone was looking at, “We saw each other at the retreat. You were making a big deal about being the prettiest in your class and gave out all the shots. You know that I’m your seonbae.”

“So what?” the girl asked, “Are you going to play your role as a seonbae now?”

“Yeah, I am. You will hurt your wrist if you throw the balloon like that” Jungkook explained and took the big water balloon from the girl’s hand, “You grab it with all five fingers and then…” Jungkook stepped back while counting his steps loudly. Then he held the balloon up and threw it strongly at the girl, causing a murmur to go through the bulk of people, who were looking and Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh. But when Taehyung noticed that the water splashed on his sweater, he got angry and walked quickly over to his car to dry it again. The girl, who was soaked on his head and shoulders, started to whine around. Jungkook rolled his eyes annoyed and walked off.

“Hey, Jeon Jungkook”, Jiseob shouted after his ex-boyfriend and made Jungkook to turn around to him, “This is why I don’t like you. I really don’t.”

“Because I’m like what? Because I’m strong? Because my arms are thick? Is that why you dislike me?”

“She… gives me jitters. But you… all you give me is pressure. How can you only look at me for two years? A guy that’s in the army.”

“How can I only look at you? Is that something you have the right to…?” Jungkook interrupted himself and it was the first time he noticed, how many people stared at them. Then he saw the toilet man, who entered his car. “You must have misunderstood” Jungkook turned back to Jiseob, “I’m not the kind of man you think I am. Honestly, there’s a man I’ve been seeing.”

“Really? You? Can it be that he’s from our faculty?” Jiseob asked and couldn’t believe what he heard.

“Would I date a useless student again?” Jungkook answered pissed and walked off. He walked directly over to Taehyung, who was sitting in his car.

“Water splashed on my cashmere” Taehyung whined quietly to himself and tried to dry it with a cloth tissue, as his car’s door opened and Jungkook got in.

“Excuse me. Don’t ask or complain, let’s just leave the school” Jungkook said quickly and put his seatbelt on.


Taehyung didn’t want to do like the stranger said. But suddenly other water splashed on them, when the new girl of So Jiseob started to throw water balloons on the car. “Hurry, hurry!” Jungkook shouted and Taehyung quickly started the car and rushed off.

Taehyung drove until he reached an empty parking lot next to the river. The two of them sat there, without saying a word. It took a while until Taehyung broke the silence. “Hey… Hey you… Say something!”

“Okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I was wrong!”

“So, you’re getting angry at me right now?”

“No, I’m apologizing” Jungkook said, “But I have a lot of emotions left over from just now, so I can’t control my temper. So just wait a little, just a little.”

“You’re not from the stone age, why so dramatic over a breakup?” Taehyung asked, while looking at the boy next to him.

“Fine, I’m from the stone age” Jungkook replied and Taehyung looked confused at the other one, who tried hard not to cry. But no matter what Jungkook tried, the tears started falling. “I stupidly waited for him… I’m ignorantly struggling with my studies… and my smartphone model is now discontinued. But, there are things in life that should followed. My friend said that no matter how tough life is, you must sit down to eat. He said even if you upgrade phones, you shouldn’t upgrade people. No matter how cool the world becomes, you can’t love coolly.” Jungkook took a deep breath while swallowing his sobs and Taehyung, who listened, looked away and rubbed his finger on his nose, before he slowly looked over to the other one.

“Are you… crying right now? You’re crying?”

“No, I’m okay” Jungkook said and whipped his cheeks.

“What do you mean by you are okay, you are crying!” Taehyung spoke and jumped off from his seat.

“I said I’m okay. I don’t need tissues” Jungkook talked and whipped off the last tears. But Taehyung wasn’t supposed to hand him a tissue. He walked over to Jungkook’s side and opened the car’s door.

“Get out.”

“What?” Jungkook asked confused while looking up to Taehyung, who was looking annoyed away.

“You know what I hate most in the world? Getting stuff on my clothes” Taehyung told him and pointed on his sweater, before he pointed at Jungkook, “And crying people. You are doing something really unbelievable right now. A man who got something on my clothes… is crying now. So get out.”


“I said get out!”  Taehyung shouted and Jungkook quickly got off the car. Taehyung closed the door loudly and walked over to his place. He got on his seat and quickly drove off, while Jungkook just looked after him.

When Jungkook walked off home, it got dark. The sun was setting already when he was at the parking lot at the river. He walked through his neighborhood and often sighed.  Maybe the cool jerk was right. It’s not the Stone Age anymore. Jungkook passed the place again, where he got his first kiss. He didn’t know why but he couldn’t forget his first kiss. But why couldn’t he just forget about it?

When he got home, he heard Namjoon being on the phone, talking with one of his lovers again. Jungkook wasn’t in the mood to listen to his friend’s lovey dovey mood all night long, so he decided to clean the apartment from everything that reminded him on So Jiseob.


On the next day it was the day of Jungkook to begin with his teaching probation. Jungkook had dressed up nicely like a teacher should in his eyes. He was walking nervously up and down because he felt like he forgot something. Namjoon was sitting on the table, eating his breakfast and looked at his friend.  “The beginning of your teaching probation today is the turning point in your life” Namjoon explained, “Passing the teaching trial is one point, the civil service exam is one point. If you get those two points, your life will change. Then with the title as teacher you will meet doctors, prosecutors, lawyers, accountants, men, men, men… You will meet all the employed men in Korea.”

“But I have something I’ve been curious about” Jungkook said and sat down in front of his friend, who nodded, “The title helps too but… How do you seduce all those men?”

“You are so old-fashioned. What do you mean seduce them? If they’re over 90 points, you just toss them a line” Namjoon told his friend and leaned on his hands looking at Jungkook, who looked curiously at him, “Do… you want to date me? Or not, whatever.”

“That’s it? Hey, when did you become so cool?” Jungkook asked.

Namjoon wanted to hand his friend a bowl with rice and vegetables but Jungkook refused. He told the teacher, that he planned to be early and to eat on his way to school. “I will see you at school then” Jungkook said before he left.

Jungkook took the subway until he reached the neighborhood of the school, where he was sent to. On his way he bought a coffee at a coffee shop and something small to eat. He held the paper cup in his hand and walked along the street. It was a good morning. It was sunny and warm and the people were on their way to their work. He walked along the sidewalk and thought about what happened, but he told himself not to. He told himself that he was reborn as a cool and independent man, who was going to be a teacher and who would meet men who wear a suit and drive a car to work only. Right at the same moment a black sports car parked next to him on the street and a man, who wore dark blue suit pants, a white shirt and dark claret-red tie. When the man got off the car, he picked up the perfectly fitting dark blue jacket from the seat next to him. As the man was off the car, he looked at Jungkook and moved his sunglasses slowly down, because neither he nor Jungkook could believe that they seriously bumped into each other again.

“Good morning” Jungkook greeted him and bowed lightly.

“Yeah, sure.”

Taehyung walked off and Jungkook followed him awkwardly. “Excuse me, I’m sorry about yesterday. I made lots of mistakes right off the bat.”

“It’s fine. I don’t think about the past” Taehyung said while walking next to Jungkook, who secretly observed the other one.

“Oh, yes.” Jungkook looked from Taehyung’s feet, where he wore sporty sneakers, up his legs, which were covered by the suit pants. In his mind Jungkook was counting the points, Namjoon was talking about. So far 58 points. Jungkook’s look wandered up to the white shirt, which was perfectly ironed and the tie, which was perfectly tied.  65 points. At the end Jungkook looked at the man’s face, which was so young but manly at the same time. Jungkook couldn’t believe that the man’s skin looked as smooth as baby’s skin. And the man’s hair was perfectly styled. Every wisp of hair was perfectly in form and style. 88 points. “You must be going somewhere.”

Taehyung nodded. “I’m going to Kimseong.”

“Kimseong?” Jungkook mumbled to himself and looked at the coffee cup in his hand, where the Kimseong logo was on the back of the paper. 93 points. “It’s a good place. So while you’re there you’re preparing for exams? You’re really so great.”

“I need to go in order to get gas money” Taehyung answered, “How’d I get it if I just fooled around?”

“Figures… A stable businessman in his thirties” Jungkook thought, while looking at the other one. 96 points. “You’ve already been in the army right?” Jungkook asked.

“I don’t do places like that. Because I’m made in the USA.”

Jungkook couldn’t believe his ears. This man was just perfect. He had to catch him. He drunk up all his coffee and threw the empty cup in a waste bin, before he ran after the man, who walked up the small hill, which Jungkook had to go up as well, because his school was up there too. “Excuse me! You really helped me a lot yesterday.”

“With what?”  Taehyung asked confused.

“You see, your… I mean… Hyung, after listening to your views yesterday I rethought the way I live.”

“Hyung?” Taehyung asked even more confused.

“You’re five years older than me, I can’t keep calling you ‘you’.” Jungkook explained and stepped closer to the other one, “I mean I could call you oppa, like the girls, but that would be weird right?”

“There must be a misunderstanding.”

Jungkook wanted to ask him, what he meant as he suddenly stumbled by walking backwards and almost fell. To prevent him from falling, Taehyung caught him up and hold him in his arms. The two looked at each other and Jungkook was hearing the bells ringing again, when he looked into the man’s eyes.

“Are you okay?” Taehyung asked.

“No, I’m not okay” Jungkook said and remembered Namjoon’s words from the morning, “Do you want to date me, hyung?”

“What?” Taehyung asked confused and titled his head surprised.

“Or not, whatever…”

“Hey Kim! The bell rang!” once of Taehyung’s friend shouted, while all of them looked at him from the school’s gate.

“I live the hyung part but not so much the dating thing” Taehyung said and helped Jungkook to stand up probably again. When Jungkook was standing well next to him again, Taehyung put on his jacket and Jungkook noticed the name tag over his left chest, which said Kim Taehyung. Taehyung gave him a smile and walked off, but he stopped once more and turned to Jungkook, who looked shocked after him. “Bye. You look so good today.” Then he gave Jungkook a wink and walked to his friends, who walked to the school.

“It’s not Kimseong Corporation… its Kimseong high school?” Jungkook thought while looking after them. "It’s not a 1985 ox, but a 1997 ox? A high school kid?!”

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Lukethms #1
Chapter 6: lol fighting authornim~!! I know you can do it :p *still fanboying*
Chapter 5: enjoying this story so far :333 fighting authornim!!!
neugdaewa #3
Hi! I hope I won't come out as rude but I think it's supposed to be "정국의" instead of "정국와" because "의" is usually placed after a noun to indicate possession (in this case, Jungkook's). Anyways, it's an interesting story. Keep it up!!
Shiningold #4
Chapter 3: I can't understand jimin.
Poor jungkook;_;
The man is jin pretty sure!
hannahjill #5
Chapter 3: Waah, who was Jungkook hugging???? And why is he claiming to be Kook's husband? Is he Jin (lol) xD (well, he's yet to appear in the fic so I'm guessing it's him). Taehyung should be jealous. HOHOHO

Thank you for the update! I really love your story!
Chapter 2: I wanted to shout 'taehyung,just date him' haha i've already finish reading this last night but there's no net signal bcuz of the bad wheather and i can't drop the comment right away but i'm right here as soon as i can..i've gotta say this is a unique story,their character surprise me
Oppa,good luck for your fanfic! :)