The Legend of Hwanung 환웅의 전설


Taehyung’s friends stood near the gate to their school and watched him from afar. They saw how the man next to him slipped and how Taehyung caught him to prevent him from falling. Taehyung held the other one in his arms and they looked at each other, while several other students passed them, running to the school because it was late already. Their school was an old traditional boys school, which was bought by Kimseong company and since then it was a private school. Kim Seongnam bought the school for his son, to send him there, where would only be boys and only selected kids were allowed to attend.

“How expected of Hwanung” one of Taehyung’s friends chuckled while observing his friend, “Early in the morning and he’s already taking care of people.”

“Isn’t that the cutie from the coffee shop just now?” the boy with the longer hair asked confused.

“He’s already falling for him” the third boy laughed. They watched them for a little bit more but they were about going to be late. “Yah Kim! Are you dancing?” the boy shouted over to his friend and Taehyung looked over to them, where he saw how Hoseok checked the time on his wrist watch impatiently.

“I like the hyung part, but dating doesn’t really appeal to me” Taehyung told Jungkook and helped him up, causing the other one to look confused at him. “Let’s go” Taehyung shouted over to his friends, walking towards them and left the confused Jungkook behind, who just realized that he asked out a high school student. Taehyung ce more to Jungkook. “Goodbye, by the way you are looking good today.” He gave the other one a wink and checked Jungkook out once more, before he turned to his friends and walked ahead.

His friends followed Taehyung immediately. “Hey, who is that? Someone you know?” the boy with the long hair asked curiously.

“Something like that, a piece of poop that I met yesterday” Taehyung explained.

“But why were you hugging poop?” one of his friends asked confused.

“What should I do? He called me Hyung that was an incentive” Taehyung chuckled while walking.

“Hyung? But I’ve never seen that uniform he wears before. I wonder where it’s from…” another one mentioned and the boys, expecting Taehyung, looked once more at Jungkook, who wore a suit like outfit, which looked more casual.

“Let’s run, we’re already late” Hoseok spoke to Taehyung and one of the group started running.

“Ya! Go Dohyun! Have you ever seen an owner run around in his company?” Taehyung said and his friend stopped quickly again and looked embarrassed away, “Just because the others are running, do you think I will run with them? Come back to formation.” The boy rushed back to his position. Taehyung was like always in the middle, to his right was Hoseok and then came the sporty one of them. To Taehyung’s left was the boy with the long hair, who was the lady killer and then came Dohyun. Like this they walked along the way towards the school. Taehyung never cared of being late, but he would never run or does something which would make him sweat. They looked like a boy band that were on their way to their stage. If they school would have been a mixed school, the girls would have surrounded them to squeal like fan girls immediately.



“These are the teachers, who from today onwards will be performing their internship at our prestigious Kimseong High” the school director explained to everyone in the teacher’s room. Next to him stood two women and Jungkook, who was nervously nibbling on his finger while looking down, “Then to you seniors, these society’s young teachers filled with youthful dreams…”

Jungkook lost his attention to the school director, because he kept thinking of what happened. “It’s not that…” Jungkook thought, “Exams! He meant college entrance exams! And by his Chinese zodiac ox, it wasn’t 1985 ox, but 1997 ox!” Jungkook knocked his head while thinking and didn’t notice how his new colleagues were staring at him, while Namjoon, who was sitting on his seat, was trying to catch his friend’s attention. When Jungkook recognized everyone’s look, he looked embarrassed down and fixed his hair.


After the director ended his speech, he explained the newbies which classes they had. When Jungkook took his stuff and followed the teacher, who should introduce him to the class, Namjoon quickly rushed after him and stopped his friend.

“Seonbaenim, is something wrong? Why do you keep putting your fingers in your mouth? It’s so dirty” Namjoon whispered and walked along with his friend.

“Hey, Kim Namjoon, how many students are there in this school?” Jungkook asked and Namjoon gave him a confused glance. Namjoon quickly told him about the amount of students before he had to rush to his own class. Jungkook ambled after the other teacher, who should take care of him for the first days. “There are a total of 1209 students in Kimseong High” Jungkook thought, while following the older man, “Calculation; that would make the possibility of seeing him 1 in 1209. That’s nearly impossible, right? I can’t possibly… wait a minute. In every year there are 11 classes, in all there are three years. Calculation; that would make the possibility of seeing him 1 in 33.” Jungkook stopped and saw the teacher walking in the room 3-3, which gave Jungkook a short fright. “The possibility 33 in… 33… Oh! Year 3, Class 3. 3-3.”

“What are you doing Jeon seonsaengnim?” the other teacher asked, while standing in the door to the classroom, “Are you not coming in?” Jungkook took a deep breath and entered the classroom. He tried to hide behind his class book, while the older teacher stood in front of the class. “This is the teacher that will be performing his internship here, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. So all of you will cooperate with him during this time.” But Jungkook didn’t listen and looked through the class, searching for the boy. He saw one of the boys, who used to enter the school with the boy Jungkook asked out, but the other boys weren’t there.

“We will” the boys of the class answered to their teacher in choir.

“Ah! He’s not here. Thank you God I will work very hard” Jungkook thought happily.

“Mr. Jeon Jungkook please introduce yourself to the class” the older teacher talked and caught Jungkook’s attention.

Jungkook nodded and stepped in front of the class and bowed lightly. “Hello, I’m Jeon Jungkook” he spoke formally and the boys clapped to welcome him, “It is my first time so I am still very lacking but…”

Suddenly the back door opened and one of Taehyung’s friends entered the room. “Oh, it’s poop.”

“Poop?” Jungkook thought and titled his head while looking after the boy. Jungkook smiled and tried not to show that he felt awkward. “…So with your help” Jungkook continued talking to the class as the other two friends of Taehyung entered the room.

“Ah, poop” one of them mentioned and the other one pointed at Jungkook while walking to his seat.

“…we can have enjoyable time together…” Jungkook talked and tried to act confident, but suddenly Taehyung came in and Jungkook felt like he wanted to hide immediately. Taehyung smiled when he noticed Jungkook, who tried to hide behind the class book again. “…that would be the best…”

As soon as the class teacher saw Taehyung coming in, he pushed Jungkook away, so that he hit the blackboard. The teacher ran towards the student and bowed deeply to him. “Mr. Taehyung.”

“Han seonsaengnim, have you been well?” Taehyung spoke formally to his teacher and smiled, while they shook their hands.

“Of course, of course” the teacher answered.

“Are your kids growing up well?” Taehyung asked friendly and Jungkook looked confused at the scene, because he didn’t understand what was happening.

“Of course, of course. Did you make your way to school fine? Climbing up the hill must have been tedious” the teacher talked.

Taehyung sighed and nodded. “Exactly, why did this place get built so high?”

“Exactly” the teacher nodded in agreement while chuckling.

“Can I be here, in year 3 with the boys?”

“Of course” the teacher said and Taehyung bowed to him lightly before he walked towards Jungkook, who got a fright and wanted to vanish quickly. Taehyung passed him and stepped in front of the class, ignoring the new teacher completely.

“Hello, I’m the new student Kim Taehyung” he said and sounded strictly but then he smiled, “Don’t be uncomfortable and just call me Kim. If not…” Taehyung took a break and looked at Jungkook, who had turned away from Taehyung and the class, but when Taehyung looked over to him their glances met quickly. “Call me hyung?” Taehyung smiled and gave Jungkook another wink, while the new teacher just wanted to run away.



When the students were at the cafeteria for lunch, the teachers used to sit in their teacher’s room. Jungkook sat on a long table with some other teachers. But unlike the other newbies, who were talking about their classes and how adorable the boys were, Jungkook looked down and let his bangs cover his face.

“Jeon seonsaengnim, how are your students?” one of the new teachers asked him.

When Jungkook looked up, he gave the two women a fright, because he looked like a ghost. “My class?!” Jungkook mumbled, “My class…” But Jungkook just pressed his pencil on an empty page in the class book while thinking of what happened in his class.

“Mr. Jeon?”

“Yeah?” Jungkook asked confused.

“How are the students in your class Jeon seonsaengnim?” the woman asked him once more, “They are adorable right?”

“Adorable, of course. So adorable I want to bite them” Jungkook answered and bit his bottom lip hard.

“Jeon seonsaengnim, your lips are bleeding”, the second newbie mentioned and pointed at Jungkook’s bleeding bottom lip.



Jungkook had looked for Namjoon. As soon as he had found his friend, they sat down together in a quiet corner. Namjoon just wanted to take care of Jungkook’s hurt lip, as Jungkook grabbed his arm tightly. “Is Kim Taehyung a powerful dude?” Jungkook asked.

“He’s not a dude. It’s sir… sir. He’s the only son of Kimseong Group” Namjoon explained.

“Kimseong? The one that makes Kim coffee to hamburgers that Kimseong Group?” Jungkook asked shocked and Namjoon nodded.

“Why are you asking when you know? This Kimseong High also belongs to that Kimseong Group.”


“You came here not knowing even that?” Namjoon shook his head and rolled his eyes, “Did you think his nickname is Hwanung for now reason?”

“The Hwanung that appears in the mythological books?” Jungkook wanted to know and Namjoon nodded, while put some healing liquid on his friend’s lip.

“Yes, the son of the Lord of Heaven, that Hwanung. From the moment he was born his father owns our country’s number one consumer brand” Namjoon explained, “From the moment he was born, he was blessed with outstanding looks. From the moment he was born, he had everything and got everything he wants, what else is there to do but just to enjoy and take life as it comes. So, during your internship better be careful. Extremely careful. I mean serve him with two hands. Seonbaenim, there’s blood again.” Namjoon mentioned when Jungkook bit his lip hard again.



At the afternoon the students had one hour to clean their classrooms, the hallways, the gym and the schoolyard, before they had to go back to their afternoon classes. Also Jungkook was about to sweep the schoolyard. He wanted to go some physical work by cleaning to get some other thoughts. After he had swept the ground for a while, he was cleaning the broom under some running water.

“Seonsaengnim, hello” two students greeted him and ran over to him.

Jungkook smiled at them. “Teacher, do you have a boyfriend?” one of the boys asked shyly.


“We heard you like boys.”

“Oh of course I don’t have a boyfriend” Jungkook smiled awkwardly.

“Why not?” the second student asked curiously.

“While concentrating on my studies I had no time to meet anyone” Jungkook explained and kept smiling.

“Even so, hasn’t anyone asked you for a date? I mean, seonsaengnim is really handsome” the shy boys asked and looked down to hide his blushing cheeks.

“Seonsaengnim, he likes you and he wants to date you” the student’s friend said to tease his friend and then he ran off.

“Ya! I’m going to kill you” the shy boy shouted at his friend and ran after him.

Jungkook chuckled lightly and looked after the young students, but then he remembered again how he asked Taehyung out. “You idiot, die… die” he talked to himself and knocked his head with the broomstick. Then he noticed how someone stood next to him at the outside washing basin. It was Taehyung who was washing his hands. When Taehyung looked at Jungkook, the latter quickly looked away. He wanted to avoid Taehyung as much as possible. “A high schooler is a high schooler, don’t be nervous” Jungkook thought and returned to clean the broom, “You are a student and I am a teacher. You are still young and I am an adult.”

Taehyung looked away and took his cloth tissue out of the chest pocket of his jacket to dry his hands. Then he turned away to leave again. “Excuse me, Mr. Taehyung” Jungkook said smiling and turned to the student, who looked at him with a blank expression, “Can we have a chat?”

Taehyung shrugged. “Okay, but I have to go to class.”

Jungkook nodded and followed Taehyung, who was walking back to the main building. “Some amazing kind of fate isn’t it that we meet like this again” Jungkook talked very formally.

“You don’t say, I didn’t know you were an intern at our school” Taehyung replied and they stopped walking at the entrance of the gym hall.

“Intern?” Jungkook titled his head confused while looking at the student.

“Ah… Probation teacher” Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded smiling, “Is there something you want to tell me?” Taehyung crossed his arms in front of his chest, while looking at the young teacher.

“Yes. You see you asked a very good question” Jungkook kept talking very formally to the student, “I think there is some misunderstanding between you and me that we need to clear up. I think we can clear up this misunderstanding very neatly.”

“What misunderstand?” Taehyung asked confused and looked curiously at Jungkook.


“Ahh, mistaking me for a university student? Or for calling me hyung?” Taehyung chuckled and Jungkook looked embarrassed away, “Or if it is neither of those, for asking to date me?”

Jungkook quickly hold his hand up to Taehyung’s mouth, to make him stop taking because Jungkook felt like he wanted to flee again. “Yes, that” Jungkook nodded and tried to keep smiling.

“Don’t worry about it, there will definitely not be any rumors going around” Taehyung said and kept his arms crossed in front of his chest.


“It’s not that big deal. I’m not a kid why would I go around talking about that?” Taehyung spoke, “I definitely don’t talk about the past.”

Jungkook looked at the student with sparkling eyes again. “A boy so cool like the wind” Jungkook thought.

“So don’t worry about things like that, just complete your probation period well” the student talked, “Apparently nowadays it is difficult for a teacher to become a permanent employee.”

“It is, it’s already difficult to make it past the probation period on top of that to be selected” Jungkook said.

“Cheer up seonsaengnim, isn’t our school an amazing place?” Taehyung talked encouragingly, “When you do your best in your given position, the opportunity will definitely come.”

“Thank you, Mr. Taehyung.”

“No problem!” Taehyung said and smiled brightly, then he patted Jungkook’s shoulder, “Work hard then!”

“Yes, I will. Thank you, have a good day” Jungkook spoke and bowed to Taehyung, who nodded and waved before he left.

Jungkook started mopping the floor of the gym happily. He felt light-hearted because there was no more problem about the misunderstanding, which he was afraid of so much. “Either way, everything turned out well” Jungkook talked to himself and smiled brightly.



Taehyung sat in the director’s office, because he was invited by the school’s director. The room was empty, because the director had sent away his secretary, only Taehyung’s class teacher was there, standing next to the director. The director wore a suit and sat in front of a couch table, where his coffee stood. “So, how was your first day? Is there anything that has bothered you?” the director asked, because he wanted to make sure that the most precious student of his school was feeling good.

“Well, not much” Taehyung answered and played with a pencil, without looking at the director or his teacher.

“Good” the director nodded and took a deep breath, because he was afraid of what he had to tell Taehyung now, “About the car, I think Mr. Taehyung driving to school would not agree with the other students.”

Taehyung turned slowly to the director and thought about the words for a moment. “Oh you mean, me personally driving to school would be a little unsightly to the others wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, so…” the director smiled, while he and Taehyung’s class teacher were nodding.

“But you see, my car doesn’t use a chauffeur” Taehyung talked, “Even in the traffic hell of Manhattan, I personally drove my car, you see.”

“But well you see it doesn’t look good for a student to be seen driving a car” the director explained and Taehyung’s smiles vanished.

“Is that so? If it were the Chairman driving would it be alright then principal?” Taehyung asked coldly.

“The Chairman?” the director asked confused and the teacher, who still stood next to him, titled his head surprised.

“When I graduate in May, I might immediately come back as the Chairman” Taehyung talked.

The teacher felt like there was a discussion coming up, so he stepped next to the student and faced the director. “To drive as a youth is very important” the teacher spoke to clear the situation calmly because he knew Taehyung better and he wanted to prevent any trouble, “It is unimaginable to get around without a car in Manhattan, isn’t it so Sir?”



When the afternoon class had started, Jungkook stood next to the class teacher again. He looked through the room, to check if every student was there, but the two teachers quickly noticed that someone was absent. “Class representative” the teacher called for the student and Hoseok stood up, “Is the crazy chicken absent again today?”

“Yes” Hoseok said after looking at the empty seat at the back of the classroom.

“This kid, this time I won’t let it go” the teacher mentioned while Jungkook looked at the empty seat as well like Taehyung.

After the class Jungkook went to the teacher, who took care of him and asked him about the crazy chicken. “Crazy chicken belongs to a gang and frequently runs away from home…” the teacher explained to Jungkook who listened carefully and thought that he knew the boy the teacher talked about, “…involved in violence and fighting, revengeful and destroying public property. In conclusion, a dark figure in our school. Recently it’s been quiet about him, but today included it’s been three days since he came to school. So today after school, Mr. Jeon, you will go and catch the crazy chicken and bring him back to school or he will be kicked out.”

“What?!” Jungkook shouted shocked.

“Bring him back by tomorrow if not it will be reflected on your evaluation also” the teacher added and before Jungkook could say something the other man kept talking, “You can start looking for him at the food stall in front of the school, it’s his regular haunt.”

Then the teacher left and Jungkook sighed. “Food stall…” he talked to himself. It was a place Jungkook knew well, but he didn’t go there for a long time.



The boy who was missing classes again was Min Yoongi. He was busy with some guys, who he had a fight with. The boy looked at three boys, who were bloody in their face and looked pissed at the blonde boy, who just grinned at them. Suddenly Yoongi pulled scissors out of the back pocket of his jeans and the guy, who crouched in front of him, looked shocked at Yoongi, because he thought the blonde boy was going to cut him. But instead of using the scissors for hurting his enemies, Yoongi pulled out some plaster, which he cut into smaller pieces and put it onto the bleeding wound at the face of the guy. “See, why did you come and bother me during my mealtime when you know I get violent when I’m hungry” Yoongi talked smiling and flicked the boy’s forehead. Then Yoongi jumped up and left the scene because he had an appointment for a meal. He rushed to the small restaurant, which used to be empty and without guests like always.

The restaurant’s owner was a man, who used to cook for the kids from the neighborhood even if they weren’t able to pay for it. This time he had invited the boys over and just had finished cooking his traditional Korean food for the boys, when Yoongi finally entered the restaurant. He sat quickly down to them and they all thanked the owner, who sat on a bench and looked happily at the kids. “Don’t just stuff yourselves with noodles, eat some rice and kimchi too” the man said while observing the boys, who ate quickly. The man poured some soju for himself and drunk it up before eating a bit, as he saw some other boys, who came and wanted to enter the restaurant, but when they saw Yoongi they stopped immediately. The owner stood up and knocked Yoongi’s head lightly with a pot.

“What?” Yoongi asked confused.

“Did you get into a fight with them today again?” the man asked with his dark voice and smiled at the boys, who waited in front of the restaurant and Yoongi nodded, “Go bring them in.”

“I don’t want to, it hurts my image” Yoongi sighed.

“The beating was given by your fist, why are you taking it out on sinless stomachs”, the restaurant’s owner talked and knocked Yoongi’s head again, “Still not bringing them in? Get moving.”

Yoongi sighed and stood up to bring the other boys in. When they had entered the restaurant, the boys sat on the opposite of the table, looking at Yoongi and his friends. After a while, when Yoongi and the leader of the other group had stared at each other, the other guy jumped up from his seat. “Either way I don’t think this is right” the boy said and pushed his hands on the table, “We will make a move first.” The boy wanted to leave and his friends stood up to follow him as the restaurant’s man came back in the room. He came from the kitchen and held a tray with more food on it in his hands.

“Hey, where are you going? The food is ready” the owner talked.

“For today we will just go to the convenience shop to eat, Ahjussi” the group’s leader replied.

The restaurant’s owner placed the tray loudly on the table and frowned. “You bastards!” he shouted and gave the kids a fright, “Aren’t you going quickly to sit down properly and eat!” The boys quickly rushed back to the table and took bowls of rice and other stuff and started eating. They thanked the man while munching on their food and Yoongi couldn’t help but smile over their shocked faces.



The small restaurant was empty when Jungkook had entered it. When he looked around, he noticed that everything was still the same like he was there the last time. After the owner came out of his kitchen, he was rubbing his hands on a towel. As soon as the owner noticed Jungkook, the man looked surprised, because he hadn’t expected the young man to come here.

Jungkook looked around to make sure that nobody was close to hear them.  There was an awkward silence between them and Jungkook tried to avoid the man’s glance. “Min Yoongi is regular here isn’t he?” Jungkook asked and talked formally to the man.

“Is that the first thing to say to your father after not seeing him in five years?” the man talked, who was actually Jungkook’s father, Jeon Gihwan.

“How is it in five years, I see you at the memorial every year” Jungkook answered snappishly.

“That is at your mother’s memorial site, it’s been five years since you came to the shop” his father talked back.

“Why would I come here? The reason I moved out was because I was sick of the smell of kimchi” Jungkook said harshly.

“I heard from Namjoon that you are teaching at Kimseong High” Gihwan spoke and sat down.

“Where is Yoongi?” Jungkook asked and crossed his arms, turning away from his father.

“He ate his lunch and left.”

“Are you a school or a teacher? Hiding and feeding runaways, you should stop doing that already” Jungkook talked.

“Kids that come to eat, what am I supposed to do about that?” his father asked. He loved to feed the people around him, especially when they couldn’t pay for it, “Whether they are runaways or gangsters, they’re customers. When kids stomachs are filled-“

“When kids stomachs are filled only then will they go home and go to school, won’t they?” Jungkook interrupted his father.

“You know that well…” Gihwan mumbled surprised and Jungkook just shook his head.

“Other than Eomma not being here, things are exactly the same” Jungkook said.

“How is your mother not here? Your mother is here” his father replied and pointed on his chest.

“Why are you acting like that Appa? Are you watching too many dramas?” Jungkook spoke and laid his hand on his chest as well, “Would a person who had Eomma living in here leave the house the moment he wakes up to go and cook? You don’t have Eomma living in here, perhaps soggy noodles and sticky rice.” His father looked sadly and hurt at his son, who sighed and turned around. “This probation period is very important for me, it has the power to change my life. So don’t make it hard on my Appa.”

Then Jungkook turned around to leave. “Go to the Jaehwa junkyard, he will be there” his father told Jungkook, who took a deep breath before he gave his father a cold wave and left the restaurant.



When Jungkook arrived at the junkyard, which his father told him, he found Yoongi quickly. He sat on a bucket in front of some other boys, who looked beaten up and behind Yoongi stood three other boys. Jungkook stood some meters away to observe the situation for a moment, before he wanted to talk to the high schooler. “In the Bible there is a saying, to give to the people that are hungry and sick is like giving to me” Yoongi said.

“Said in Matthew 25 verse 34” one of Yoongi’s followers added.

“Like you said the food is the problem” Yoongi continued talking and didn’t pay much attention to his friends. But he always kept looking at the boys in front of him, whose leader was sitting on a bucket as well while his friends stood behind him too. “People that know the taste of ramyun, kimchi, kimbap, bulgogi and everything else at that shop will find it hard to eat elsewhere.”

“So what are you trying to say?” the leader of the other group asked.

“Forget about going to other shops to eat, comfortable go and eat there” Yoongi explained, because he liked Jeon Gihwan, he liked the food there and he didn’t want the older man to get angry at him, because when the restaurant’s owner was angry, he turned out to have a really scary side, “Therefore, Kookie Food Stall is neutral territory, shared territory. You understand?”

The other boys just started laughing, which made Yoongi quite angry again. Yoongi jumped up from his bucket and wanted to punch the leader of the other group again, but suddenly something held back his arm. When he looked aside, he saw someone holding his arm and slowly Yoongi’s look wandered to the man. It was Jungkook. “What?” Yoongi asked angrily.

“You used to pretend to be a thug as a kid, but now you really grew up to be one” Jungkook replied with a pissed voice and observed the young boy, who looked at Jungkook’s hand, which kept holding the boy’s arm tightly, “Hey, what are you staring at, kid?” Jungkook pushed Yoongi down and slapped the back of the boy’s head, which caused all boys to get a fright.

But Yoongi just laughed and looked at Jungkook. “I don’t like hitting strangers. Let go of me” Yoongi spoke harshly and tried to free his arm, but Jungkook just tightened his grab and slowly pushed the boy’s arm down, which caused a light pain to Yoongi that quickly increased. “Jungkook hyung?”

Jungkook sighed and let go of the boy. “You finally noticed?”

Yoongi blushed because he felt embarrassed. He quickly told all the boys to leave and offered Jungkook a place to sit comfortably. When Yoongi came back to Jungkook, who sat on an old sofa, the younger boy handed him a small package of banana milk. “Hyung, hyung…” Yoongi said when he held it to Jungkook, who took it but gave Yoongi a reluctant glance.

“Spirit gang is not that bad but what’s with the name crazy chicken?” Jungkook asked after he took a sip of the milk.

“What’s wrong? Why are you acting like an amateur?” Yoongi asked back while sitting down next to Jungkook, “Ma Sung High’s Jeon Jungkook… the terrifying Jeon…”

But Jungkook quickly stopped Yoongi by covering the boy’s mouth with his hand. “Let’s bury those stories, alright?” Jungkook said and Yoongi nodded. Afterwards he let go of Yoongi’s mouth again. “You promised me, you’d obediently come to school tomorrow.”

Yoongi smiled brightly. “Of course I will be there, look at whose orders they are” the boy spoke and Jungkook patted his shoulder proudly, “Hey hyung, you’ve gotten a lot manlier.”

“Thank you. So what’s new?”

“Well… I have a boyfriend now” Yoongi answered happily.

“Really? Is he handsome? More handsome than this hyung?” Jungkook chuckled and hit the boy’s neck playfully.

“Ahh, that hurts. It really hurts. Are you trying to kill me?” Yoongi whined and rubbed his neck while pouting.

“I’m sorry, I still can’t control the strength on my hands” Jungkook apologized.

“Seriously what do I compare? Is he more handsome than you?” Yoongi mumbled to himself, “He, he is beyond the description of good looking.” Yoongi just smiled brightly and happily and turned slowly away from Jungkook after he noticed the older one’s surprised glance.

“Yoongi… you are blushing.”

The boy grinned widely and dreamed off while thinking of his boyfriend. “He is like a tulip, a yellow and bright wild tulip.”



At the same time Taehyung was on his way to a dance company. Quickly after he came back to Korea, he asked a friend to find someone for him. Of course he won’t look for anyone by himself. His time was too precious. After his friend called him, to tell him about the results of the search, Taehyung was surprised what he heard. “So where is he now?” Taehyung had asked on the phone and listened carefully to the other’s words, “Black White Dance Company.” Then he had asked for the time when the classes started, because Taehyung wanted to have enough time to change, before giving his friend a surprise visit.

In the building of the dance company, he heard music coming from one room. There the class must be. He stopped at the door to the room and looked through the small window into the room. He saw the boy, who he was looking for. The boy was dressed in comfortable clothes, which were good for dancing, because he was having a dance lesson. He moved to a slowly song but still it was powerful and full of expression.

When Taehyung finally stepped into the room, the boy quickly stopped dancing and looked surprised at Taehyung. The boy’s teacher looked confused at the young man, while the other pupils, who were also confused, looked more fascinated to Taehyung. Taehyung walked over to the boy without saying a word and just looked over the boy from tip to toe. The boy just smiled when Taehyung stopped in front of him. “Let’s go” Taehyung said and nodded lightly to point to the door.

“Excuse me” the teacher spoke and crossed his arms in front of his shoulder, looking at Taehyung, who just disturbed the lesson, “Can’t you see we are in the middle of class now?”

“I can see that” Taehyung answered coldly while observing the teacher, “Nice.”

“What? What is it?” the teacher asked confused.

“Collarbone, you have a really nice collarbone” Taehyung said and smiled before he left the room again. The boy, who kept standing at his place, just smiled and walked after Taehyung.

The boy quickly changed back into his school uniform, which was different from Taehyung, because he was visiting a different high school. The boy wore a dark red jacket, a dark blue tie with small yellow stripes, a white shirt and gray beige suit pants. His hair was orange blonde dyed and his bangs were up styled.

They went to a coffee shop, which was nearby. They sat outside in the sun and while Taehyung, who was leaning back into his chair and nibbled on the straw of his drink, he didn’t pay attention to the other one, who kept looking at him all the time. “When did you come back?” the boy asked after a while.

“You look nice.”

“Has it been about a year since we last saw each other?” the boy asked and smiled. He knew that Taehyung didn’t like it when people were asking too many questions to him, but he still wanted to know.

“Have you dyed your hair? You did, right?” Taehyung asked and the boy nodded, “Still superior I see Park Jimin.”

“Aren’t you going to ask if I have a boyfriend?”

“Well I’m not really curious. Why does it have anything to do with me?” Taehyung talked back and took a sip of his ice tea, which caused the other one to chuckle quietly.

“I see you are still the same.”`



A while later Park Jimin met with Yoongi at a small public park. They sat on a bench and like always Yoongi couldn’t help but stare at his boyfriend. “Hyung told you to practice in moderation didn’t I?” Yoongi said while looking intensively at Jimin.

“Hyung?” Jimin asked and titled his head.

“Of course! Since I’m older than you and our 100th day anniversary present from you was to call me Hyung, remember?” Yoongi pouted.

“You like being called Hyung that much?” Jimin asked and leaned his head on his hand, which he had stemmed on the backside of the bench and Yoongi quickly nodded crazily.

“Just by you calling me Hyung like that” Yoongi explained and emphasized the word ‘hyung’ a lot, “I can mow the entire hill behind the school in one day.”

That explanation caused Jimin to smile sheepishly. “Really? So if I call you Hyung, you would do anything I asked?” Jimin wanted to know and Yoongi just smiled. He was just head over heels into the boy who sat in front of him.

“Of course.”

“Hyung…” Jimin said cutely and Yoongi grinned brightly, while nodding, “We’re good friends right?”

Yoongi thought about it and kept smiling. “That’s right.”

“Taehyung came to see me today” Jimin mentioned.

“What?!” Yoongi shouted and the smile vanished from his lips, when Yoongi jumped up from his place.

“From now on I’m going to date Taehyung.”

“What? What?! What?!!” Yoongi shouted looking down to Jimin, who looked up to him like a lost puppy.

“Let’s continue being good friends.”

“This doesn’t make any damn sense!” Yoongi became more and more angry.

“I called you Hyung but you’re still angry” Jimin pouted and looked on his wrist watch, “I’m going to be late for my lesson.” Jimin stood up as well and took his back bag, before he waved to Yoongi, who was angry but speechless. “I’ll make a move first.”

“Park Jimin!” Yoongi shouted after the other one, who left without looking back. Then Yoongi’s phone rang and he pulled it annoyed out of his jacket’s pocket. “Who are you calling at this damn time? You’re going to die calling me now” Yoongi answered the call pissed, “Who did you say? Kim Taehyung?”



It was late and the sun had set already, when Jungkook was still sitting in the teacher’s room. He had to take care of some papers for the teacher, who was watching him at the school during his probation period. The light was turned off, just the light of the computer screen lightened up the area around Jungkook’s workplace. “Is an intern gum for him to stick here and there as he pleases?” Jungkook talked quietly to himself while he collected more papers and stitched them together, “Chasing a runaway student and sweeping the gym, now even preparing his lesson handouts! What does he think I am?!” He threw the papers angrily on the table and wanted to scream as the printer suddenly gave some noises. “What’s wrong with this?” The printer had stopped printing the next handout papers. “You can’t be like this now respected printer, please come back.” Jungkook laid the head on the printer but nothing happened, even if he kept pressing some buttons. “I see you have left.”

Jungkook wanted to bring the printer to the janitor’s office, where he could repair it early in the morning. But on his way to the office he quickly changed his mind. “It will be better if I hide it” he talked to himself while he changed his direction and carried the printer through the school building. Suddenly his attention was caught by loud noises which came from the class room of the class he was teacher at. He stopped and looked through the window. Jungkook was shocked by the view. He saw Yoongi, who was trying to fight Taehyung, but Taehyung was always able to sidestep and avoid Yoongi’s punches or kick. Taehyung even jumped over the tables to shun Yoongi. But still Taehyung kept teasing Yoongi, when he sat down on a table and waved to Yoongi to come over. Whenever Yoongi rushed over and tried to hit Taehyung again, the latter was able to get away. Yoongi shouted in anger, because he was annoyed that he couldn’t get Taehyung. Once more Yoongi tried to reach Taehyung, but Taehyung blocked him and trapped him on a seat, holding a table in front of Yoongi to prevent him from jumping up again. Both of them had pushed their foot against the table and stared to each other, while panting. Jungkook, who kept standing in front of the room, didn’t know what he should do.

“Hey Min Yoongi, is this how you greet a friend who you’ve not seen in two years?” Taehyung asked sarcastically.

“Friend?! If you are my friend then I really am not the crazy chicken” Yoongi answered angrily, “I will go crazy, you bastard. Shut up and take off your jacket.” Yoongi put off his jacket and threw it through the room on the ground, but Taehyung didn’t move an inch. “You hate getting your clothes dirty, right? Today I will break you into a million pieces, so hurry and take off your jacket you bastard.”

Taehyung still didn’t move and just rolled his eyes while shaking his head lightly. “Until when are you going to live so recklessly in the moment? I will recognize your Spirit gang, remove those honorifics you hate so much and of course sponsor snacks. So just come back to school. It should be a honor to you to be allowed to visit my school. You need to graduate to be able to get into somewhere next year, don’t you?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Stay away from Park Jimin!” Yoongi shouted and jumped up from the chair. But Taehyung was faster and kicked the table to Yoongi, which caused him to fall back on the chair.

Taehyung stood up and pressed the table closer to Yoongi, so that the latter wasn’t able to move anymore. “Was it you? The dude that dated Park Jimin?”

“No dated, it’s dating. Park Jimin is mine” Yoongi said and looked up to Taehyung.

“Park Jimin?” Jungkook mumbled confused to himself, while he kept observing the situation. When he remembered Yoongi’s words from the morning, Jungkook realized that it was his boyfriend, who they talked about.

“If you want to challenge me wait for three years” Yoongi kept talking, while Taehyung looked lightly angry down to him and crossed his arms, “Compared to a person like you, who has money and connections, the amazing you, then me who doesn’t have anything, I will definitely lose. Three years from now when I have made some then come and challenge me.”

Taehyung leaned down on the table, pushing it more into Yoongi’s stomach. “Three years from now. But will anything change in three years? In three years when you start making something of yourself, I probably won’t even have enough time to be concerned with your ” Taehyung spoke and let go of the table walking slowly through the room, “So even as you die trying to run and play catch up, I will already be flying. Even if you work yourself to death, with luck you will be a manager. And the money you will make won’t even be enough to buy a house. When you are a manager I will be the president, when you are renting a house, I will be living in a villa. Therefore if I am being delicate, I really didn’t want to go as far as this.” Taehyung walked over to the blackboard and leaned against it. “The gap between you and me is too big to catch up for you. A person that has will have till the end, and a person that doesn’t will not till the end.”

“You cheap beggar bastard” Yoongi shouted and jumped up from the chair. Right at the moment he wanted to punch Taehyung, who was able to get away again, loud noises, sirens and lights appeared from outside. Someone had called the police.



“Taehyung is not hurt” director Hyun told Kim Seongnam, who had called the police to look for his son. Like always the director had organized and monitored the situation for the chairman. It was his job to take care of everything that belonged to the company and the president. Whenever it came to Taehyung, Kim Seongnam often asked for the director’s advice, but at the end it was always the president, who decided on everything.

“You’ve worked hard, Director Hyun.”

“But president, there are two things I need to report to you” the director said.

“And what are they?” the old man asked without looking at the other man.

“First of all the food stall in front of Kimseong High is still not budging and secondly Mr. Taehyung driving to school is becoming an issue within Kimseong” the director explained.

“The food stall will soon budge and as for Taehyung’s car, leave it alone” the president spoke calmly.

“I don’t think that is a good idea sir. In front of the school there are many of Kimseong Group employees and if what happened today gets leaked out, it will be bad for the company’s image. I think it is better to forcefully take the car away from Mr. Taehyung” the younger man said but the president shook his head.

“We can’t do that. The care is Taehyung’s most beloved item, if I take it away he will not like me” the president spoke and shook his head once more, “I don’t like that boy not liking me. I’m afraid of that.”


Jungkook waited with Yoongi in front of the police station, when Taehyung came out of the police building along with the leader of this police department. “Send my regards to your father” the police department leader said and Taehyung shook his head.

“If I remember I will do that” Taehyung told the man, who nodded and walked back inside the office. Then Taehyung looked at Jungkook and Yoongi, while putting his hands into his pockets. He walked over to them and faced Jungkook, who looked back, while Yoongi sighed and just looked away. Taehyung titled his head lightly while looking at the young teacher. There was silence between them and nobody dared to say something, just at the moment Taehyung wanted to talk to Jungkook a taxi arrived at the police department and Jimin jumped off.

“Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?” Jimin asked Taehyung as soon as he stepped next to him.

“No, I’m not” Taehyung smiled. But then he pointed from Jimin to Yoongi, because he remembered Yoongi’s words. “Why aren’t you asking Min Yoongi that, I thought both of you are dating.”

Yoongi just frowned and Jimin turned slowly to the blonde boy, while Jungkook looked confused from one boy to another. “Are you alright?” Jimin asked after a moment of silence.

“Let’s go” Taehyung spoke and walked off.

Jimin looked sadly at Yoongi and turned away. He took some steps to follow Taehyung as Yoongi suddenly grabbed Jimin’s wrist tightly. “You can’t go” Yoongi said with teary eyes.

When Taehyung looked back, he took a deep breath. “I am still jet lagged, so I’m tired. Whether you toss it and come or step on it and come, it’s your , so do as you like.”

Jungkook was angry by Taehyung’s words and wanted to say something, be he held back his anger. At the same time Jimin took off Yoongi’s hand from his wrist. “Yoongi…” Jimin talked quietly, “Please stop making me a bad person. I will be going now.” Then Jimin walked over to Taehyung, who sat in his car waiting for Jimin. As soon as the boy with the orange blonde hair had entered the car, Taehyung started it and they drove off.

Jungkook looked confused and shocked after the leaving car. “That terrible boy, that’s your wild tulip?” Jungkook asked.

“Yeah… my wild tulip.”

“This stupid little…. Stealing a friend’s boyfriend furthermore so arrogantly in front of him like that… You thick skinned kid!” Jungkook mumbled angrily.

The two of them went to a street food stand, which was nearby, where they had sat down. Although it was night there were still some people around, but nobody paid attention to them, because like always everyone was busy with their own problems. “Hyung, you know how it finally came to that I managed to date Park Jimin?” Yoongi talked after he took a sip of his cola, “Every single day for one year I carried his bag to school and the dance school. I’m not saying that it is something incredible, but it was so hard I was going to die. Not missing one day, every day at the same time and place waiting for him.”

“I know how hard that is” Jungkook replied, “Waiting and marking each day off in the calendar. That’s almost like dying. That’s something Hyung…” His voice increased and when Jungkook noticed Yoongi’s confused look, the young teacher stopped himself. “How difficult it is I think I can guess.”

Jungkook poured Yoongi another class of cola, which the younger boy drank up quickly. “But that bastard appearing and my year worth of effort just disappears in one day. It’s been like that since middle school.”

“Even so, what do you guys know about relationships? You are still a bunch of high school kids” Jungkook said.

“Yes, I’m a high school kid. But that guy, he is a Hwanung. A Hwanung that a regular human like me can’t touch” Yoongi sighed.

“So? Hwanung ended up marrying a bear, didn’t he?” Jungkook mentioned and smiled trying to encourage the boy, who was like a younger brother to him. Yoongi nodded and took a deep breath. He needed some time.



On the next morning everything seemed to be normal to Taehyung. But it wasn’t. He got dressed with his freshly washed and ironed school uniform. He fixed his hair once more and added his typical perfume. But suddenly the morning which seemed to be normal like always turned into a bad morning for Taehyung. “President Kim!” he shouted when he arrived at the parking lot and saw his car, which was locked with a wheel clamp. He quickly took his phone and called his father. “President Kim, w-what’s this? What’s with my car?” Taehyung whined.

“I’ve ordered it and if you don’t respect it. I will let remove your tires and safely take them away” his father talked, who was sitting in his car, which was driven by a chauffeur, “Don’t worry, those are your words aren’t they, kid.”

“How am I supposed to get to school?” Taehyung shouted.

“Take a bus, or a taxi. If you take that car to school others will only curse you” the president added, which caused Taehyung to laugh and whine at the same time.

“What is this about all of a sudden? Since when have you cared this much? I will be cursed at and still live for a very long time so remove those wheel clamps immediately!” Taehyung yelped, waggling his hand quickly around in anger until he started to act like he cried and leaned against his car, “My stomach hurts, my stomach!”

But his father had already ended the call. Taehyung, who had no chance to whine around more to persuade his father, had rushed outside. Where he had looked desperately for an empty taxi, which was hard to find in the morning rush hour.  After he finally got an empty taxi, he sat down on the backseat. They drove for a while until the taxi suddenly stopped, because someone jumped in front of the car. When Taehyung, who had leaned on the window of the taxi and looked outside, turned his head slowly to the front window, he saw Jungkook. The teacher smiled awkwardly, while Taehyung looked coldly back and Jungkook entered the taxi as well.

There was silence in the taxi. The driver had turned off the radio and Taehyung just kept looking outside, while Jungkook looked at him once in a while. He wanted to say something about what happened the night before, but he didn’t really know what he should say. Besides that he remembered Yoongi’s words of Taehyung being a Hwanung, who Yoongi couldn’t be compare with. “This is not something you should be concerned with Jeon Jungkook” the young teacher thought, “Don’t get worked up and don’t be emotional, be cool. You really need to see your probation through to the end.”

Jungkook nodded to himself and took a deep breath before he turned to Taehyung again. “You aren’t driving to school today Mr. Taehyung” Jungkook spoke formally and smiled.

“It turned out like that” Taehyung answered bored.

“That is very mature of your, as your teacher I am very happy with your way of thinking. So with the other student…”

“There are some problems with it, but I will have it tomorrow” Taehyung interrupted Jungkook.

“Is that so…” Jungkook mentioned with a smile, although at the inside he wanted to scream and show the student his anger. But he had to stay calm and not lose the control over his emotions. “But why don’t you carry a school bag Mr. Taehyung?”

“It crumples clothing.”

“I see” Jungkook said and faked a light laugher.

“But why do you keep doing this?” Taehyung asked with a cold voice and kept looking outside of the window.

“Excuse me, what?”

“Ever since you got in the taxi just now you’ve been staring at me, it’s very burdensome” Taehyung babbled bored.

Jungkook pressed his lips together and turned away. “Oh… well… about yesterday…” Jungkook mumbled, “The boy that went off with Mr. Taehyung, from what I understand, is our Yoongi’s wild tulip.”

Taehyung frowned lightly and finally turned to Jungkook. “Wild tulip boy?”

“Yes, so in other words, Yoongi’s boyfriend.”

“Ah…” Taehyung nodded and fixed his jacket, “So?”

“You can’t take off with your friend’s boyfriend just like that” Jungkook talked and kept wearing his fake smile.


“Why? Why you say” Jungkook asked back and wasn’t sure if he heard it right, “I guess because it is a matter of human rationale, loyalty and friendship.” Jungkook waited for a reaction of Taehyung but the pupil just stared at the young teacher. “So what I’m saying is to give Yoongi and his wild tulip time to meet…”

Taehyung quickly nodded and showed up his hand to make Jungkook stop talking. “They are meeting. He is seeing both, Yoongi and me, that solves the problem right?” Taehyung said and turned to the driver, ordering him to stop, without giving Jungkook the chance the answer. The driver stopped and Taehyung held some money to him. “Thank you” Taehyung talked and quickly got off the car.

Jungkook was confused but quickly tried to rush after the student. He followed Taehyung up the hill and tried to catch up to him. “Mr. Taehyung, Mr. Taehyung.”

Finally Taehyung stopped and Jungkook could step next to him again. The young teacher checked the time on his wrist watch to see how much time was left. Then he looked at Taehyung and crossed his arms. “Will you have a short talk with me?”

Taehyung sighed and nodded. They walked to the school and stopped at the gym, where it was quiet and no other students were around. “What is this about?” Taehyung asked, while standing in front of Jungkook and both men had their arms crossed in front of their chest.

“Well you see…” Jungkook mumbled and pulled out some coins from his pocket, “Your change.”

But Taehyung just waggled his hand lightly. “Ah, you can keep it, Intern.”


“It will distort my pockets, you can just take it” Taehyung said and smiled lightly.

“But it’s quite a lot” Jungkook babbled but Taehyung just smiled more and Jungkook bowed lightly to the student, “In that care, thank you.”

“So what’s up?” Taehyung asked.

“Well, what did you mean when you said he’s seeing you and Yoongi?” Jungkook wanted to know and tried to look like a serious teacher, “So that wild tulip …” Jungkook quickly stopped himself and Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh lightly about the words. “I mean… boy, that boy is two-timing and you know and approve?”

“Two-timing?” Taehyung repeated, “Can you not use such an old-fashioned term? Open relationship, isn’t that a nicer way of saying things?”

“What do you mean by open relationship?” Jungkook asked and increased his voice’s volume lightly, “Is love some marketplace?” Jungkook took a deep breath to calm himself down again. “So what I am saying is, while Mr. Taehyung is young and might not know yet, but matters of the heart are not that simple. The heart does not have a swinging door that people can easily enter and exit.” Taehyung looked shortly down and back to Jungkook then, who just nodded lightly. “That is right, Mr. Taehyung is young and still might not know this yet but…”

Suddenly Taehyung pushed Jungkook against the wall behind him and trapped his teacher between his arms and the wall. The sudden move of Taehyung, gave Jungkook a fright, so that he let fall down the coins, which clanged when they hit the ground. Jungkook tried to breathe calmly and looked away because he wanted to avoid Taehyung’s eyes, which looked intensively at Jungkook. “What… what is the matter… Mr. Taehyung?” Jungkook mumbled awkwardly and tried to hide his shaking voice.

Taehyung slowly leaned closer to Jungkook and kept looking at the young teacher. “The last time when you asked me to date you, what did it mean?” Taehyung asked with a deep voice.

“T-t-that... that was a mistake” Jungkook answered with a thin voice and looked away.

“I don’t think it was a mistake” Taehyung said and Jungkook looked slowly to the other one.


Taehyung’s eyes wandered over Jungkook’s face and he slowly laid his hand onto Jungkook’s cheek. “Do you know that you are really good looking?” Taehyung said and moved steadily closer to Jungkook, who nervously gulped and closed his eyes. Taehyung’s lips came closer to Jungkook’s, so that they were just some inches away from each other. When they were about to get connected Jungkook started to hear the bells ringing again, but instead of kissing his lips, Taehyung placed a soft kiss on Jungkook’s forehead. As Jungkook closed his eyes again, Taehyung was smiling sweetly at him. “Did you see your heart’s feelings?” Taehyung asked.

“Yes” Jungkook answered quietly with a small nod.

So Taehyung let go of Jungkook and leaned his hand against the wall next to the teacher again. “It’s easy and simple, isn’t it?”

“Yes” Jungkook said and nodded again but then he suddenly realized what happened, “What?”

“Our Intern, who hasn’t been dumped for more than a week by the water balloon guy, is already doing this with me, don’t you?”


“Having feelings! That’s the easiest thing to have in this world” Taehyung talked and suddenly his voice sounded cold and distant again. But the student leaned close to Jungkook’s ear. “If you just close your eyes once, it will open. Not opening like a swinging door but like a carousel” he whispered and leaned back, looking at the teacher, “It’s something that everyone can share and enjoy.”

Jungkook pushed Taehyung gently away to free himself and took a deep breath. “Mr. Taehyung! What are you trying to tell your teacher?” Jungkook asked, but Taehyung pushed him back to the wall and got even closer than before to Jungkook.

“Therefore, if you bother me again, then I will really!” Taehyung talked loudly, but then smiled at Jungkook again, “Just date you!”

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Lukethms #1
Chapter 6: lol fighting authornim~!! I know you can do it :p *still fanboying*
Chapter 5: enjoying this story so far :333 fighting authornim!!!
neugdaewa #3
Hi! I hope I won't come out as rude but I think it's supposed to be "정국의" instead of "정국와" because "의" is usually placed after a noun to indicate possession (in this case, Jungkook's). Anyways, it's an interesting story. Keep it up!!
Shiningold #4
Chapter 3: I can't understand jimin.
Poor jungkook;_;
The man is jin pretty sure!
hannahjill #5
Chapter 3: Waah, who was Jungkook hugging???? And why is he claiming to be Kook's husband? Is he Jin (lol) xD (well, he's yet to appear in the fic so I'm guessing it's him). Taehyung should be jealous. HOHOHO

Thank you for the update! I really love your story!
Chapter 2: I wanted to shout 'taehyung,just date him' haha i've already finish reading this last night but there's no net signal bcuz of the bad wheather and i can't drop the comment right away but i'm right here as soon as i can..i've gotta say this is a unique story,their character surprise me
Oppa,good luck for your fanfic! :)