Jungkook Ramyun 정국 라면 (Alternative title: If it’s Jeon Jungkook)


In the morning the alarm clock rang stridently and loudly. The sun beams strongly shined through the window and lightened up Jungkook’s room. Like always he used to lay on the ground which was the traditional way of sleeping for Koreans. The thick underground blanket under him was blue and comfortable. While he had put his hands under his head laying on his back, he still had his eyes closed and his body was covered with a thick yellow and warming blanket. Although he was using his old room, which he used as teenager, the furniture was quite traditional and old-fashioned and on his desk Jungkook had put the photo of his father from his funeral. The alarm kept ringing until Jungkook his stomach and looked sleepy around until he found the alarm. When it finally was quiet Jungkook sat up and ruffled his hair. He smacked his lips before he yawned and slowly he stood up. He fixed his sleeping pants and put on his slippers before he walked into the open kitchen. He stepped to the dining table where a bottle of water stood. He grabbed it quickly and drank while he was still half asleep.

“Don’t you have another towel?” someone asked from behind.

“The cupboard, first drawer…” Jungkook answered without thinking until he realized that he wasn’t alone, which was impossible. As soon as he understood the situation, he turned around with wide eyes and saw a man, who was and had a towel wrapped around his hips only. The man walked back to the bathroom when Jungkook spit out his water, which dropped on the man’s back. The man turned surprised around to look back at Jungkook and used another towel which he had laid over his shoulders to wipe the spit out water. “Who might you be?” Jungkook asked surprised.

“Who?” the man asked back while Jungkook stared at his face. The teacher didn’t dare to look at the man’s body, which was quite well built and trained, so that Jungkook just stared at the man’s face, which was also really good looking. “Wow, this is upsetting. You don’t recognize the man whom you’ve been with for four nights?”

“Four… Four nights…?” Jungkook mumbled confused and the man nodded. Jungkook didn’t remember that he was with someone, especially not with a stranger. He slept alone every night. But the man didn’t lie, he was at the house for four nights already, but Jungkook never noticed him because the stranger used to sleep everywhere in corners hidden behind packages, furniture and other stuff.

“W…who are you?” Jungkook asked again and stepped back until he bumped against the kitchen, “How long have you been here?”

“How long?” the man repeated and looked up while thinking, “So the first day I got here was the night we drank a lot of alcohol and we…”

“Alcohol?” Jungkook babbled and the man smiled shyly, while hiding behind his second towel.

“Ah… thinking about our first night so early in the morning…”

“First night?”

“I’m getting excited” the man grinned, “But good communication is needed in order to have a healthy couple relationship.”

“What?! YOU!” Jungkook shouted and leaned forward to have a closer look at the man’s face. He didn’t remember that he ever saw the stranger before. “You… You are the pole that I saw at school!”


“What are you?! A stalker?!“

„Stalker?“ the man titled his head and then he shook his head frowning, “But we came in here, holding hands and we even did love shots together. This kind of zaoshang hao (good morning in Chinese) is upsetting.”

“Held hands… Love shots…” Jungkook shook his head quickly, “That can’t be! So really, who are you?!”

The man gave Jungkook a bright smile and sighed. “Okay then… How we came to be a married couple is… but wait…” The man smelled on the towel which laid around his neck. “This towel is really… cozy. It’s soft like silk and fluffy like a feather. And this delicate scent is my scent. Oh, I love my smell so much.” The man kept babbling to himself and Jungkook observed how the stranger slowly crouched down and kept smelling on the towel. Then the man slowly sat down on the ground and laid down. Jungkook kept looking at him and it just took some seconds until the other one had fallen asleep.

Jungkook finally wanted to know what was going on so he quickly woke the man up again. He ordered the stranger to get dressed and so the man did. When he was done the two of them sat down at a table in the restaurant where Jungkook asked him once more to explain him how the man ended up in his house. “So you’re saying…” Jungkook talked while thinking about what he heard, “That you are the son of Yujun, who was my father’s friend and your name is Kim Seokjin.” Jungkook looked down on a paper which the guy gave him. The paper said that the stranger was the heir of Jungkook’s father’s restaurant. “And you are now the owner of this shop. And my father left the store to the son of his friend, not to his own son but to his friend’s son?” Seokjin nodded smiling while Jungkook turned the paper around to point on the lines he wanted to talk about. “And my father also said that you can have me as husband and to live happily together?”

“Wow! How do you know everything that I was going to say? They do say that married couples think alike” Jin said and Jungkook smiled awkwardly because he didn’t know if the man was serious or just trying to troll him. When Jungkook sighed loudly the other guy stood up and patted Jungkook’s shoulder. He leaned down to Jungkook and grinned. “Since we’re up, why don’t you just be my hubby?”

Jungkook looked confused at the man but immediately turned back again. This situation was too awkward. He looked around and noticed a smashed onion on the ground. “Oh…”

“Oh, yeah… Cho Taehyung stopped by” the man mentioned.

“Cho Taehyung?”

Seokjin sat down again and told Jungkook what happened the night before when he was in the restaurant’s kitchen. He told Jungkook how Taehyung appeared and that he explained the younger one about the scent of an onion which the boy didn’t have.


“What are you talking about? What scent?!” Taehyung had asked pissed.

“The scent of home, the scent of food… the scent of a mother…” Seokjin had said, “Park Taehyung… Do you even eat?”

Taehyung had grabbed the onion and had thrown it angrily on the ground, where it got smashed. “One blathering intern is enough! And my name is not some Park Taehyung. It’s Kim Taehyung!” he had shouted and the two men just had stared at each other until Jin couldn’t hold back his chuckles.

“Kim Taehyung… Park Taehyung… Is that really important?”

Taehyung couldn’t believe his ears and rolled his eyes. “Of course it’s important. Choi Taehyung and Park Taehyung are just names, but Kim Taehyung isn’t.”

“Then what?”

“Manhattan, Paris, Berlin…” Taehyung had spelled it in English but the other man just had looked at him without showing any reaction, “Is English too hard for you? Then Republic of Korea, Seoul, Dongdaemun, Namdaemun, the Han River, the Tripitaka Koreana and Kimseong.” But Jin still hadn’t shown any reaction. “You still don’t understand? Kim Taehyung is a proper noun. There’s the brand name Kim in front of it. So you shouldn’t definitely call me that.”

Seokjin had given the younger one a simple smile. “I guess you didn’t study any grammar. All names are proper nouns. And that brand ‘Kim’… From what I think it’s a fake anyway.”

Taehyung had kept staring at the other one, who grabbed another onion. But once more Taehyung had ripped it out of Jin’s hand. Playfully Taehyung had thrown it up and caught it again. “Hey, you simpleton, check this. Should I spell it out for you to understand? My name is Dokdo (an island in dispute between Korea and Japan). If you mess up even one letter, you’re banished from the Republic of Korea. Got it?” He had kept playing with the onion before he had turned around and while leaving the restaurant, Taehyung had thrown the onion backwards over his head, which Seokjin had caught easily.

Jin’s look had followed Taehyung until he was out, then he slowly had looked down on the onion in his hand. “If must have been painfully for you.”


When Jungkook had heard the whole story he stood up and walked to the table where Taehyung had put his keys, which the teacher had lost in Taehyung’s car. “Kim Taehyung came all this way just to return this?” Jungkook talked loudly to himself, while Jin was standing in the kitchen cutting vegetables, “Why? Why? Why?”

“If you pick up an item it’s one’s duty to return it to the owner” Seokjin replied without looking at the other one.

“Duty?” Jungkook asked and turned around looking at the other man, “That punk is not a person who knows about duty. If it’s Kim Taehyung…!”

Seokjin listened and stopped his work to look at Jungkook. “If it’s Kim Taehyung?”

“That jerk knows nothing about duty! He doesn’t even know this kind of duty. Dog Taehyung, that jerk…! Well, either way, he’s not that type to do that…” Jungkook talked angrily and Jin couldn’t help but laugh about the other one, who was getting angry as soon as they talked about Kim Taehyung.



After Taehyung had left the store he jumped into his car. He drove through the night of the city because he wanted to clear his mind, he tried to think about something else, but nothing helped. Even on the next day he still couldn’t stop thinking about that man and what his and Jungkook’s relationship was. It bothered him. It really bothered him. But he couldn’t say why it bothered him so much. It drove him crazy.

In the morning he had met with his friends at the natatorium where they used to train and to use the chance of impressing girls, who watched them. The boys did lap while Taehyung was just diving all the time. He thought it would help him to clear his mind if he stays under water, but even when he just concentrated on being under water he reminded the man’s words over and over again. He reminded how the man always called him Park Taehyung, Cho Taehyung and other names, but then he also felt like he was hearing Jungkook shouting his name.

Two of his friends were swimming against each other, while the others and some girls stood at the edge of the pool cheering for them. But suddenly Taehyung went up, which blocked his friend and while the other one reached the end of the pool and his team mates cheered for him loudly, the friend who got blocked by Taehyung just looked disappointed at him. “What?” Taehyung asked annoyed while the other boy just pushed his hair out of his face.

They all left the pool and stepped to a small table which was nearby, where they had some European like breakfast. “What’s with him?” the friend who got blocked asked the others while Taehyung went back down under water.

“I don’t know” one of the boys answered while the girls in the background kept cheering for the one who had won.

Hoseok looked back at Taehyung who kept staying under water as long as he could, before he turned to his friends. “Yesterday, Taehyung’s car had a flat tire. He must be pretty upset over that” Hoseok said and tried to encourage his friend.

While being under water again Taehyung thought about Jungkook’s last words to him. How cool Taehyung looked, when Jungkook had hit him with the envelope which left the black mark of the ink on Taehyung’s cheek. He also remembered that Jungkook thought Taehyung would smell nasty. Nobody ever before told him that. But what bothered him more was that Jungkook thought a man, who he didn’t know, might be probably better than Taehyung. He remembered every time Jungkook said his name in a really angry way, every time Jungkook hit him, every time Jungkook told him someone else would be better than him. Suddenly Taehyung felt like he couldn’t breathe, he lost orientation. He looked around but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get up.

“Seriously…” the blocked friend groaned angrily and drank a whole glass of champagne, “I gotta hold back it’s not worth it.”

“You are holding back because you’re scared” the boy replied who won against him.


“Stop. He’s already mad that he lost unfairly…” Hoseok said and stepped between his friends, because he didn’t want them to fight. But suddenly Hoseok felt like something is wrong and he heard babbling and loud splashing. He turned around and saw Taehyung, who had troubles to get up and was about to drown. “Oh! Tae…Taehyung!” Hoseok shouted and one of the four boys immediately jumped into the water. He quickly swam to his friend, pulled his head out of the water and swam back to the edge of the pool, where the others pulled Taehyung completely out of the water.

Taehyung laid on the ground and his head was put on his friend’s legs, while the others sat around him. “Ho… Hoseok…” Taehyung mumbled and groaned in pain, while he laid his hands on the left side of his chest, grabbing it tightly, “Here… Take this off…”

“Take what off?” Hoseok asked confused, “There’s nothing there.”

“Then why does it feel suffocating here?” Taehyung whined weakly, “Here… I feel like something’s stuck. It’s that man.”

“Who?” Hoseok asked and exchanged confused looks with his friends.

“That man… That man’s arm is taking control of me, right here!” Taehyung talked and kept holding tightly on his chest, while coughing.

The boys quickly called an ambulance because for them Taehyung was talking nonsense. Maybe he hit his head when he was about to drown? The ambulance arrived the natatorium some minutes after they were called. Taehyung was lifted up on a barrow. The ambulance men put an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth so Taehyung could breathe better again. He got a blood pressure monitor and was covered with a blanket which warmed him again. “Hey do you think after that hit from Intern, he has lost his wits?” one of the boys asked the others quietly because he didn’t want Taehyung to hear him.

“Seriously... What’s he talking about getting something stuck?” another boy asked Hoseok, who stood close to Taehyung and looked worried at his friend.

But Taehyung had heard their conversation the whole time and he couldn’t bear it anymore. He sat up on the barrow facing his friends. “Did you ever get hit? Not one single pimple in my whole 19 years, then he plants a mark on me! That man…! The man who got his by him ended up with a flat nose!” While Taehyung babbled more to himself his friends exchanged looks because they were still surprised about his friend’s reaction who usually always was very cool and didn’t care about anything. “With arms like his, he could block a manhole cover. If it’s him, he can do it!”



At the same time Jungkook was thinking about how to solve the issue with Kim Seokjin who was now the official owner of his father’s store, although Jungkook thought he would be the heir. He wanted to let the paper, which Seokjin gave him and said that he will be the owner after Jeon Gihwan’s death, get checked by a lawyer. So Jungkook quickly took a shower and got dressed casually with black pants and a blue hoodie while Jin was working in the store. “Until I can check this out, stay right here” Jungkook told Jin when he came back in the store. He grabbed the paper and pushed it into his rucksack, “Don’t even think about running away with the shop.”

“Why would I run away with the shop?” Seokjin chuckled and leaned closer to the teacher, “It would be a different story if I was to run away with you.” Jungkook frowned lightly and titled his head. He didn’t know what he should say about this. The two of them walked out of the store and stopped in front of it. “Look! An ufo!” Jin suddenly shouted and pointed at the sky, causing Jungkook to look up like a curious little boy and Seokjin used his chance to grab Jungkook’s hand tightly.

“If you keep trying to get closer this way…” Jungkook quickly said and tried to free his hand. But when Jungkook noticed that Jin had laid something into his hand, the teacher got quiet and looked down. Slowly he opened his hand and saw his teacher’s name tag. “Why do you have this?”

“I picked it up while cleaning” Jin explained and smiled, “But instead of doing that to become a teacher, I think it would be more fun if you become my hubby. Think about what I said one more time. Okay?”

Jungkook rolled his eyes lightly and put the name tag into his bag. “But hey… That other night, we didn’t do anything, right?”

“Thing?” Jin replied and thought about it, until he smiled shyly and covered the lower part of his face with his hand, while he giggled like an embarrassed girl. “Truthfully I don’t really like that thing. It’s sort of annoying. It’s annoying enough already to take off my own clothes. So to take off mine and yours as well…”

“Stop right there!” Jungkook interrupted the other one. He didn’t want to hear more. Although the man claimed to be his husband, the guy didn’t even intent to get closer to him. Jungkook turned around because he finally wanted to get his things done.

“But with you it would be different” Jin shouted after the other one, so that Jungkook’s eyes grew round and causing him to blush and the teacher slowly turned back, “It would be different with you, even if it all becomes annoying, I think we can do it together… if it’s with Jeon Jungkook.”



At the evening Jungkook met with Namjoon at a restaurant. He needed someone to talk to. He needed someone who would listen to him, because Jungkook didn’t know what to do anymore. He met with a lawyer because of the paper but the man didn’t have any good news for the young teacher. The two friends sat together with their drinks and waited for their ordered food. “So you are saying this is real?” Namjoon asked and leaned against the back of his chair.

“Yes, according to the lawyer this contract is completely valid” Jungkook whined and laid his head on the table, “And to add to that my father even had it notarized seven years ago…”

“That’s strange. He didn’t even leave his only son a cent and then he gives away the only thing he had to someone who isn’t even blood relative” Namjoon talked while nibbling on some bread and noticed Jungkook’s dark glance, “Truthfully you really disliked the shop. Remember how you’d avoid looking at the sign all the time…”

“Isn’t there a single person in this world I can trust?” Jungkook shouted pissed and clenched his first. He was mad. He was angry with his dad. He was angry with Seokjin. He was angry with Taehyung. He was angry with anyone.

“Why do you trust people? Why?” Namjoon gave his friend a serious look, which gave Jungkook a little fright, “The only thing you can trust in is money and the source of your income. How many times do I have to tell you that? How many?! You have no man to lean on, no source of income and now you have even lost your house! Where will you live now?!”

“There’s still my room at your house…” Jungkook mumbled quietly and Namjoon just sighed.

They talked about many things while having their dinner. Afterwards the two of them went to a karaoke bar which was close to the restaurant. They wanted to sing. They wanted to have some fun. They wanted to forget every bothering thing for a little while. After a while Jungkook was at the restroom and while sitting on the toilet, he heard a song which was sang in a room close to the restroom. It was about missing someone the singer lost contact to and suddenly Jungkook had to think about the first time he met Taehyung. The time he was at a restroom too and Taehyung rushed into his cabin, pinning him to the wall. It was the first time he heard the bells in his head. The young man quickly shook his head to forget about the thoughts. “What are you thinking about? This is all Kim Taehyung’s fault anyway! Okay, I will refreshingly flush this all out and refreshingly wash him away as well!” Jungkook talked to himself and he imagined how he flushed and went back to school where he looked for Taehyung. In his imagination he finally wanted to end things with the student and start a life without Taehyung, because it was Taehyung’s fault that all his efforts of being a teacher were wasted.



After Taehyung had finished his check up at the hospital he was taken back home, where he stayed in bed all day long. He got freed from school for the day. The father ordered the doctors to give him a day off, so his son could recover. But Taehyung kept having bad dreams. He dreamed about Jungkook returning to the school and instead of fighting with him again, the teacher grabbed a stick and started to hit Taehyung’s over and over again. Taehyung was sweating and moving a lot around while dreaming. His bangs stuck to his forehead. The student woke up from his nightmare with a loud scream. He was panting and looked around. His room was dark, just a small light next to his bed was lightening up the area next to him. Besides that his pillows were messed up just like his hair. Next to his bed stood a drip which Taehyung was on. Taehyung looked tired and leaned on his legs. He tried to take deep breathes but nothing helped.

“What did Dr. Yoon say?” Taehyung’s father asked his assistant, while they were at the office which was next to Taehyung’s room.

“Well, looking at all the symptoms that Taehyung has…” director Hyun talked and opened a leather folder with all notes from their private doctor, “Loss of appetite, disturbance of sleep, shortness of breath and especially a suffocating feeling in the chest, there’s a possibility it could be a sudden change in his levels of serotonin. Looking at all the medical possibilities after many test such a magnetic resonance imaging, electrocardiogram and blood tests the illness that Taehyung has right now is…”

The director looked at his chairman, who looked curiously up to him. “The illness is…?”

“Due to repressed anger…”

“Anger?” Seongnam asked surprised. As suddenly Taehyung crossed the room without paying attention to them, both older men looked after the youngling. “Kim Taehyung, where are you going?”

“Why are you asking?” Taehyung asked back and rubbed his chest. He looked tired and sick.

“You are sick. You can’t go out. You should eat” his father talked calmly.

But Taehyung shook his head slowly. He looked very absent. “I’m not sick” Taehyung said with a thin voice, “I’m going out. I’m not going to eat.”

“Loss of appetite!” director Hyun mentioned.

“Dr. Yoon said, you shouldn’t be moving around much. And I’m also banning you from driving for now” Seongnam ordered and turned to two men who worked as the personal security men for the Kim family, “Take his keys away.”

“Don’t you dare” Taehyung groaned and stopped the security men before he turned back to his father, “Chairman Kim. This isn’t a problem that Dr. Yoon can solve! That man’s arm… is holding me tightly right here!”

“Megalomania, the delusion about one’s power or importance” the director mentioned again.

“I don’t need you anymore. I’m going to solve this on my own” Taehyung mumbled to himself. He turned around and wanted to leave but the security men wanted to block his way. “Do you want to get hurt or fired?”

The men bowed and each of them grabbed one of Taehyung’s arms. “Give him some medication and put him to bed and to make sure he doesn’t catch a cold, tuck him in” the chairman ordered and the man carried Taehyung back to his room.

“Let me go! I said, let me go! Seriously!” Taehyung shouted and tried to free himself but he was weak and got carried back.

“And make sure he doesn’t go anywhere for now” Seongnam added to the director who nodded in agreement and bowed deeply to the chairman. “But… Instead of saying his stomach hurts, why is he saying it’s his heart?”



On the next morning Jungkook stood up early. He wanted to work out a bit. He dressed up in some sport’s clothes and left the house for jogging. Jungkook liked to do some sport in the morning when the air was still fresh and a bit cold. In the morning there weren’t many people around and the traffic wasn’t bothering too much either. When the young man got back to the house he noticed that Jin was already working in the shop. Jungkook slowly entered the store and Seokjin gave him a smile as soon as he noticed the other one. “Oh! Morning!” Jin said and pointed at a table where he had prepared a big breakfast for them. “Here.” The man put a pot of freshly cooked rice on the table and sat down as well.

“It’s a good idea for you to find a lawyer” Jungkook talked and crossed his arms like Seokjin, who just looked at him, “Although you have ownership of the shop, it’s a different story with the house. After talking to a lawyer who works at Korean’s number one law firm…”

“How about we eat first?” Jin interrupted the other one and smiled.

Jungkook bit his lip and nodded. He was hungry. “That’s a good idea.” Jungkook took his chopsticks and tried one of the dishes. It was the most delicious thing Jungkook ever had eaten before.

“Don’t you want to live with me?” Seokjin asked, but Jungkook didn’t answer. He just kept eating and Jin liked observing Jungkook who really seemed to like Seokjin’s self-made food.

After Jungkook was done with eating he quickly looked up at the other one again. “So what I was going to say was, as the former owner’s son I have the right to live in my own house. If you don’t like that, then hire a lawyer and let’s go to court and battle…”

“Live here” Jin said and Jungkook looked confused at him, “You got fired from your teaching intership and have nowhere to go. It’s a bad habit to use separate rooms as newlyweds, but let’s figure it out one step at a time!”

“Look here. How can I live with a man whom I’ve only just met? Listen carefully, the shop is yours and the house is mine. That’s fair. Okay?” Jungkook said but Jin just looked at him without saying anything, “W…what?”

“You don’t even know me… yet you’re entrusting the shop to me?”

“That’s because the contract…”

“Does this shop really mean nothing to Jeon Jungkook?” Jin asked.

Jungkook gulped. He didn’t know what he should say. “This shop…” Jungkook mumbled and for a moment it was quiet, “It means nothing to me. That’s probably why my father gave it to you. Because if it was mine, I would have sold this tiresome shop immediately.”

“Okay. You keep the house and I will sell this tiresome shop” Jin talked and stood up, leaving the young teacher behind.

Jungkook sighed. He left the shop to pick up his last stuff from Namjoon’s place. Now the house was completely his so it was time for him to move in with everything he had. When he came back to the house he saw Yoongi who was standing in front of the shop and danced around. “Hey! What are you doing?” Jungkook asked as soon as he reached the student, “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“What? No” Yoongi babbled. He was actually quite happy because he was able to be with Jimin in the morning and Jimin even gave him a smack on Yoongi’s cheek when he left for school.

Jungkook invited Yoongi in and the student sat on the ground at Jungkook’s room munching on chips, while the teacher unpacked his suitcase and travelling bag. “What’s wrong? Why are you like that?” Yoongi asked after a while because he wasn’t used to Jungkook not talking.

“What about you? Why do you always catch the pebbles he tosses your way?” Jungkook replied, “Don’t you know he’s only toying with you? Do you not have any sense of shame?”

“Because it’s Park Jimin” Yoongi spoke and Jungkook looked at the younger one, “If it’s Park Jimin, I’m okay with whatever he tosses my way. I don’t care about the shame if it’s Park Jimin.” Jungkook nodded. He didn’t want to have a discussion with the student right now. He just didn’t want Yoongi to get hurt. “Wow! Hyung! You still have this?” Yoongi suddenly yelped and held up Jungkook’s old volleyball jersey, “Hyung, when you wore this you were the coolest. You know, I’m only saying this because you were fired. But when you turned up in school, wearing a suit I was really shocked. You were so awkward!”

“Min Yoongi… You are attacking me while laughing? Am I not allowed to wear a suit and get a steady salary? Am I not allowed to wear suits, maybe meet a decent guy and live happily just like other people? If I had just let go of that Kim Taehyung incident, I could have lived like other people…”

“You can’t live like that!” Yoongi interrupted the teacher roughly, “Especially you! If it’s Jeon Jungkook, you have to live differently than other people. Even without a lot of money, you have to live a cool life, retain your pride and dignity and have attitude!”

“Why are you yelling at me like this?” Jungkook asked surprised back.

“Instead of begging to Kim Taehyung in your nice suit, you would have been so much more awesome when you had worn your volleyball jersey… If Park Jimin is a god to me, then you are my hero! Do you understand?!”

“I understand” Jungkook nodded awkwardly.

“Are you really going to sell the shop?!” Yoongi kept yelling.

“Just stop it now!” Jungkook shouted back and Yoongi pouted. The student just didn’t want to lose his most favorite place on earth. But instead of talking back to Jungkook he just sat down again and kept on munching his chips.



At the same time Taehyung wanted to leave. He didn’t want to be trapped in the house any longer. He had dressed as one of the cleaning personal and hid his face behind a cap. Like this he was able to leave the apartment and reached the elevator which took him down to the lobby. He peeked around and left the elevator slowly, while pushing the cleaning cart through the lobby while he kept hiding his face. It was hard when everyone knew his face because he was the chairman’s son and heir of the company. But there was someone who would always help him. She was a worker at the company and she had a huge crush on him. As long as it was helpful for Taehyung, he would use his chance. He pushed the cart out of the building and to a corner, where the female worker waited for him already. She was holding one of his suit’s jacket. Taehyung took of the gloves and cleaning uniform, which was hiding his button-up shirt and vest. She smiled brightly when she could hand her crush his jacket. “I will remember this kindness in your performance evaluation” Taehyung said while putting on his jacket. The woman smiled more and gave him his car’s keys. “You are pretty.” He smiled and gave her a wink before he walked off.

He drove to the store but the door was locked. When he looked through the window he couldn’t see anyone. Nobody was there. He walked around the corner to the outside area of the shop. There stood some chairs and tables but nobody was there either. Taehyung noticed the stairs which led down to the entrance of the house and so he walked down. He kept looking around and stepped slowly closer to the door. He kicked against it. “Intern!” He kicked the door once more while rubbing his chest, which was still in pain. “Intern!” Taehyung waited for some minutes but nobody replied. But luckily Taehyung got Jungkook’s number and chose it on his phone. It was ringing but nobody answered the phone either. “Ah! Seriously” Taehyung talked pissed to himself. He put his phone back and pulled his silk tissue out of his jacket’s chest pocket. He wrapped it around his hand and knocked loudly on the door. “Hey, Intern! I know you are in there. Do you think you can avoid me?”

Suddenly his phone rang and annoyed he pulled the phone out of his pockets. “What now?” he talked to himself, while checking the screen of the incoming call, “Hey, Hyundo. I told you to watch Intern… You saw Intern?” Taehyung was told that Jeon Jungkook was seen at the school’s gym. So Taehyung quickly rushed over to the school. He didn’t pay attention to anyone else. He was just immediately heading to the gym.

“Intern… So, you fearlessly come to a picnic in the tiger’s den?” Taehyung talked to himself when he was standing in front of the gym, he fixed his jacket and frowned, “I will settle this right now.” He entered the gym and was looking around. It was quite dark inside there so he didn’t see Jungkook at first. Suddenly he heard a loud bang, which gave him a fright. “What’s this?” he asked himself and looked around. He saw Jungkook at the other side of the gym. The teacher was wearing a sport’s uniform and focused a ball which laid in his hand. Then he threw it up, he jumped and blared the ball against the wall, which caused a loud bang again. “Intern, what are you doing over…?”

Taehyung went upstairs to the tribune and sat down. He was observing the other one very closely. He was fascinated by Jungkook. How he blared the ball through the hall. Taehyung stared at him so that he noticed every single detail. Every breath of Jungkook was ringing in his ears. Every drop of sweat which ran over Jungkook’s neck was sparkling to Taehyung’s eyes. He noticed the bruises on Jungkook’s legs and knees. Although Jungkook was tough and showing a hard side, it was the first time to Taehyung that the other one looked hurt. He didn’t know how long he was watching Jungkook but suddenly Jungkook wiped the sweat of his forehead away and turned around. “Let’s go…” the teacher said calmly, “Kim Taehyung…”

“What? He knew I was here?” Taehyung asked himself confused.

It got dark outside already when Taehyung ran after the other one, after Jungkook had changed back into his clothes. “When did you know I was there?” Taehyung asked when he was still after Jungkook, but the teacher didn’t answer so Taehyung ran faster and stepped in front of Jungkook blocking his way, “Answer me.” Jungkook turned to Taehyung and faced him. ”You did that knowing I was there?”

“Kowingly did what?” Jungkook asked quietly back.

“Did what?! You don’t know? Huffing and puffing, your body glistening with sweat kept twinkling in front of my eyes…!” Taehyung talked but stopped when he noticed what he was talking and how Jungkook looked at him. Taehyung cleared his throat. “So, Intern… you still don’t get it? You still don’t get why I am here in front of you?!”

“You probably came to eat me up because I am your prey” Jungkook talked calmly and sounded kind of sad.

“Because of you I’ve got this disease which is unexplainable by modern medicine” The uncivilized anger management disorder. Me… this Kim Taehyung!” Taehyung shouted.

Jungkook shouted and looked down. “Is that true? Should I introduce you to someone I know? There’s someone called Madam Baek in Noryangjin, she even predicted that I’d get fired.”

“Are you kidding right now?! Intern, your arms are stuck right here” Taehyung explained and knocked gently against his chest, “My heart is suffocating to death and I can’t even sleep at night. Doctors, medicine, counseling… They’re all useless…”

Jungkook laid his hand on Taehyung’s chest. He felt the heart beating strong but calmly. Taehyung slowly looked down on the hand on his chest, before his glance wandered over to Jungkook. “I had no idea it was that hard on you. I must really not deserve to be a teacher.” Jungkook looked sad, which hurt Taehyung but when he saw how Jungkook tried to keep smiling, it was even more hurtful. “For hurting you here, I’m really sorry, Kim Taehyung.” Jungkook looked up into Taehyung’s eyes and Taehyung looked back. Those eyes of Jungkook were piercing him and at the same time they looked warm and were deep, so that Taehyung could lose himself into them. Jungkook sighed and pulled his arm back. “My arms really aren’t much. So you will get better soon.” The teacher put his hand into his pocket and pulled something out. He grabbed Taehyung’s hand and laid it into his hand. “Live well, Kim Taehyung. Just like now… Like you’ve got the whole world in your hands, keep living like that. I’m sorry for crossing the line. We won’t see each other again.” Jungkook walked off and Taehyung looked after him. The student didn’t know what he should say but he felt hurt, depressed and down. He opened his hand. It was the name tag, which Jungkook had placed in his hand.



When Jungkook got home he took a shower and changed into casual clothes. It was late already but he had some things to do. He left the house again and laid his old study books in front of the shop. On his way to the bus station the teacher’s phone rang but he didn’t feel like answering it or talking in general. He put off his phone’s battery. He took the bus to Seoul main station, where he bought a ticket. He sat on a bench and was waiting for his train. But suddenly his stomach hurt. He had that before already but this time it was different. He went over to a pharmacy shop.

“Welcome. What can I get you?” the shop assistant asked. But Jungkook didn’t want anyone else to hear so he leaned over the counter and whispered to the shop assistant. “Oh, yes, yes.” After he got the medicines he wanted, he paid quickly and walked to the platform where his train was departing. He entered the train and always checked his seat on the ticket until he found the seat which was booked for him. He sat down and looked around. He didn’t want to take the meds in public, nobody should notice it. Jungkook pulled it out of his pocket and got his water bottle, but right at the moment he wanted to open the medicines other people were walking along the gangway, so he quickly hid the meds again. When Jungkook looked ahead he suddenly noticed Seokjin who was sitting in front of him.

The train started to move and the two of them were just sitting awkwardly in front of each other without anyone saying anything. Jungkook wanted to take his meds but he wanted to do it alone, so he acted like everything was alright. The two of them were watching at each other once in a while during eating snacks. “Why are you going to Nakgoldang?” Jungkook asked after a while.

“I have to say my final goodbyes to Boss before I leave and to apologize” Seokjin explained, “To say sorry for not keeping my promise. Sorry for not saving the shop. Sorry for not being able to be with his one and only son. Sorry for not being able to persuade that one and only son. That one and only son who sold off his father’s final inheritance so he could live selfishly… that ungrateful son…” Jungkook suddenly coughed. He just wanted to make the other one stop from talking about him being a bad son and Jin handed him a bottle of water. “Sorry for all of that.”

“But how did you hurt your hand?” Jungkook asked when he stopped coughing. He had noticed the bandaged hand of Jin before already but he didn’t have enough courage to ask the other one about it.

“Boss is too heavy. I scratched it when I piggy-backed him.”

“Then… the person who found him at the hospital…”

Seokjin nodded. “Yeah. It was me. I am cool, right?”

“What was your relationship with my father?” Jungkook asked, “It’s strange to say, he was just a friend of your family…”

Jin just looked at the young teacher and grabbed his hand. He placed Jungkook’s hand on his chest. “This kind of relationship. After his mom died and dad left, a kid who used to sleep all day came back to life after eating your father’s food. He said that boiling ramyun was like boiling a person’s heart. He said that I could do that. That kind of relationship…” Jin explained while holding Jungkook’s hand tightly.
Jungkook gulped and pulled his hand back. He stood up and walked to the restroom.  He looked at his hand. Although Jin held it tightly but gently it felt totally different from the way Taehyung held his hand before. He remembered Yoongi’s words of him having to live a different life than others and he also remembered the words of his father, that he should do what his heart tells him. Jungkook leaned against the train’s wall. He actually wanted to use the restroom but on his way he got lost in his thoughts. After a while Seokjin came and smiled at him. “Excuse me” Jungkook held Jin back from going to the restroom, “About the shop… don’t sell it. Let’s cook together.”

Jin smiled brightly and patted Jungkook’s head. “Take good care of me.” He grinned more and walked ahead, leaving Jungkook behind, who kept leaning against the wall. He suddenly remembered that he was still in pain. Now it was his chance to take the meds. Once more he checked out if nobody was around, as soon as it was safe he pulled out the green package of his meds. He opened the small package and was about to swallow it.

“JEON JUNGKOOK!” Taehyung suddenly shouted and grabbed Jungkook’s wrist as tightly as he could, so that the teacher let the meds fell down.

“Kim Taehyung!” Jungkook looked surprised at the younger one, “W…why are you…?”

Taehyung laid his hands on Jungkook’s cheeks and pulled him closer. The student was looked deeply into Jungkook’s eyes. “Are you crazy? I said, are you crazy?”

“Hey! Park Taehyung!” Jin smiled when he came out of the restroom and saw him.

“What’s with you?!” Taehyung shouted and let go of Jungkook. He turned to Seokjin and punched him directly in his face. Jin fell backwards on the ground and held his cheek, which hurt him.

“What’s wrong with you?!” Jungkook asked shocked.

“Hey, what’s this?” Jin pouted and rubbed his cheek and the corner of his lip, “Oh, blood!”

Jungkook looked angrily at Taehyung and stepped over to Jin, who was still sitting on the ground. He handed the other one a tissue for his wound. “Put pressure on it, okay?” Then Jungkook stood up again and faced Taehyung. “Aish! Taehyung are you crazy?!”


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Lukethms #1
Chapter 6: lol fighting authornim~!! I know you can do it :p *still fanboying*
Chapter 5: enjoying this story so far :333 fighting authornim!!!
neugdaewa #3
Hi! I hope I won't come out as rude but I think it's supposed to be "정국의" instead of "정국와" because "의" is usually placed after a noun to indicate possession (in this case, Jungkook's). Anyways, it's an interesting story. Keep it up!!
Shiningold #4
Chapter 3: I can't understand jimin.
Poor jungkook;_;
The man is jin pretty sure!
hannahjill #5
Chapter 3: Waah, who was Jungkook hugging???? And why is he claiming to be Kook's husband? Is he Jin (lol) xD (well, he's yet to appear in the fic so I'm guessing it's him). Taehyung should be jealous. HOHOHO

Thank you for the update! I really love your story!
Chapter 2: I wanted to shout 'taehyung,just date him' haha i've already finish reading this last night but there's no net signal bcuz of the bad wheather and i can't drop the comment right away but i'm right here as soon as i can..i've gotta say this is a unique story,their character surprise me
Oppa,good luck for your fanfic! :)