Scent of a Man 남자의 향기


Taehyung sat in his car and drove through the night traffic of the city. The lights of the streets and other cars passed him and he passed them. He used to drive his capriole with the convertible top opened. Although he preferred his hair being perfectly styled, he liked the wind around his face. Besides that he liked the fresh wind waking him up, because after he saw Jungkook hugging the stranger, who suddenly had appeared, Taehyung quickly turned around and walked back to his car. He jumped inside and he left. He didn’t want to see a scene like this neither he wanted to hear how Jungkook begged the man not to go. The way Jungkook sat in the empty restaurant and cried, reminded Taehyung of his mother, because she used to sit alone in her room and cried the same way Jungkook did. Taehyung shook his head to let the thoughts of his mother vanish again then he suddenly looked around and turned the car completely around, changing the direction. He parked the car and got off. Taehyung walked a bit through the neighborhood, which was near the restaurant where Jungkook stayed at. The hurt and crying face of Jungkook made him feel sad and down. As longer as he thought of the young teacher as worse Taehyung felt, at the end his eyes even filled with tears. Taehyung stopped walking and took a deep breath looking up. In the building around him it was quite dark, once in a while there was a lightened up window. He pulled out his silk tissue from the chest pocket of his jacket and wiped his hands with it. Once more he sighed loudly and shook his head. He was angry. Who was that man and why did he claim to be Jungkook’s husband?

After he had wiped his hands with the tissue, he threw it angrily on the ground. He didn’t want to go home yet so he walked a bit more around. Taehyung remembered that Hoseok was working part time nearby in a coffee shop. He went there and sat down on a leather bench in a corner. He was still in thoughts and whenever Taehyung was deeply lost in his mind, he used the caress his bottom lip with his index finger.

As soon as Hoseok got some free time he came over and sat down to his friend. He bought a drink for his friend as well. Hoseok knew what Taehyung liked. Hoseok knew Taehyung in general. “What’s up that you’ve come all the way here?” Hoseok asked curiously.

“Jung Hoseok” Taehyung mumbled while looking ahead and kept caressing his lip, “About Intern… Is he a married man?”

“Jeon Jungkook seonsaengnim?” Hoseok asked surprised and chuckled, “No way! According to the rest he doesn’t even have a boyfriend.”

“That’s ancient history” Taehyung mentioned and sighed. Once more he thought about the scene he observed at the restaurant, before he turned back to his friend. “If somebody’s someone dies then that someone’s somebody cries while hugging someone else what is the relationship between that somebody and someone else?” Hoseok just let out a short laugher, because he never saw Taehyung thinking about something like this or anyone else’s personal matters. “Because Intern’s dad died, he was crying but then if some guy comes and hugs him, what is their relationship?” Taehyung asked annoyed.

“Well…” Hoseok titled his head and thought about the described situation while scratching his chin, “But rather than it being some kind of relationship wouldn’t it be considered consoling?”

Taehyung gave his friend a confused look. “Conso… consoling?”



Taehyung had thought about Hoseok’s words almost all night long but in the morning there was no time to think about it more. Like always he stood up after he was woken up by calm music and took a shower. After showering he got his hair styled and changed into his school uniform, which was freshly ironed by one of the maids. He put on his tie and fixed it in front of the mirror, where another maid waited for him. She held his jacket and some of his wrist watches to him, because Taehyung preferred to choose it himself. He didn’t trust in the maid’s fashion taste. When he had put on the watch the maid wanted to help him into his jacket but he waved her away to do it alone. As soon as Taehyung was completely dressed and everything was fixed, the maid held a tray with Taehyung’s perfumes and the young man chose one himself.

When Taehyung was done, he left his room and walked through the penthouse apartment. He also had to pass the room where his father used to receive his guests. Some of the company’s’ managers came to talk about the new project. “This time the noddle restaurant concept that we will be launching is fusion and luxury” Director Hyun talked and showed some pictures to the managers and to Kim Seongnam, “From a graduate of the most prestigious culinary academy the new innovative ambitious fusion noodle.”

“Dad!” Taehyung shouted in between without paying attention to the director who stood in front of the men.

“One can taste the dad… ehm” Director Hyun interrupted himself after he immediately recognized his mistake.

Taehyung stepped in front of his father, totally ignoring the other people around. “By any chance… Do you know how to do something like consoling?”

“What kind of consoling?” his father asked.

“You know like when someone dies or something” Taehyung said and looked awkwardly around.

“During times like those, you should send a condolence donation or flowers” the company’s accountant manager explained to the young man.

“No… no, not that kind of thing” Taehyung shook his head. He had something else in mind. “Rather than that, I thought about something more like doing and saying warm and kind things.”

“In that case, you should double the condolence donation and send the best flowers” the marketing manager spoke and Taehyung nodded smiling flicking his fingers.

“Why are you asking about this?” Taehyung’s father asked his son curiously.

“Eh? Nothing, I’m going to school” Taehyung talked and grinned brightly before he walked off.

The man all looked confused after the younger one and their president slowly turned to his assistant. “Director Hyun, that teacher is coming back to work from today onwards, right?”

“Yes. I’ve spoken to the school and he has be reinstated” the director talked.



Also Jungkook was getting ready to leave. He stayed at his father’s house overnight since the house belonged to him now. He dressed trendy with black suit pants, a well ironed white shirt and a gray cardigan. Since he had to apologize for hitting Taehyung with the volleyball and needed to go to the principal’s office directly, he wanted to look good and like a teacher that can be trusted. When he got off the house and walked to the sidewalk he noticed a dark gray and black striped, wet sock on the ground near the door to his house. The young teacher crouched down and picked the sock up. He looked at it. It was none of his neither he could explain why it laid near his house, Jungkook was sure it was one of his father’s. He shook he head and laid the sock on the ceiling of the stairs which lead down to the entrance of his home. On his way to school which he could take by foot now Jungkook noticed a silk tissue which laid on the ground. He was still quite close to his house and once again he picked it up. The tissue looked too expensive that people would throw it away just like this. Unlike the sock, which smelled badly, the tissue had a smell which was quite familiar to Jungkook. “Kim Taehyung?” Jungkook couldn’t explain why there was a tissue with Taehyung’s scent on is on the ground near his house. Neither could he explain why the student would be around in the neighborhood because this was absolutely not a place someone like Kim Taehyung would hang around. Jungkook couldn’t imagine Taehyung to have friends in the area either.

For having a breakfast Jungkook stopped at a coffee shop. He sat alone at a table and kept thinking about the apology which he had to write as letter in front of the principal, his responsible teacher and Taehyung. He wanted to become a teacher so badly. He wanted to be more than a simple worker. Jungkook kept looking on his name tag for a while before he decided to put it on his cardigan again. Now he had to apologize and he had to control his temper. Never again he wanted to let his anger win. He took a deep breath and wanted to start eating the small snack which he had bought before as the shop’s door opened and Jimin entered the shop with some of his friends. The young boy bowed deeply to Jungkook, who nodded awkwardly back.

Jimin who was on his way to school as well and wore his school uniform, apologized himself to his friends and walked over to Jungkook. “Excuse me” he said and Jungkook nodded, offering the student the empty chair. Jimin sat down and gave the teacher a smile. “I’m sorry.”

“What? About what?” Jungkook asked confused.

“It must be hard on you dealing with Taehyung” Jimin talked and sighed, “I’m really sorry.”

“Mr. Yellow Tulip, why are you the one apologizing for that?”


“Why are you apologizing for what Kim Taehyung has done?” Jungkook asked.

“If I have offended you…” Jimin talked and bowed while sitting, “I’m sorry.”

Jungkook didn’t really know what he should think about it but he kept smiling. “Your apologies seem to come very easily, Mr. Yellow Tulip.”

“By any chance, have I done something to make you dislike me?” Jimin asked and kept talking formally to the teacher.

“Yes, I don’t like you” Jungkook answered straightforward, “Truthfully, the issue with Yoongi is one thing, the way you are apologizing now is also another.”

“Why? Yoongi’s problems aren’t you problems and as for the apology, you can just accept it” Jimin smiled, “What is the problem?”

“It worries and frightens me when I look at you and Kim Taehyung. It is like you both don’t know what is wrong and right in the world.”

“In that case why don’t you take the police force entrance exam?” Jimin asked and although he still used formal language, he sounded stroppy, „I’m sure you did not take the teachers exam to meddle with these kinds of things. Isn’t it because being a teacher is a stable source of income for the rest of your life that you are putting up with this probation period? I heard about how you had to give up volleyball, although you wanted to become a professional so badly, so you should know how hard life can be. This is why I like Taehyung. Taehyung has the ability to make everything easy. So I think it is better for you to go and apologize to Taehyung. He is not someone you can hit as you wish.” Jimin looked over his shoulder and saw his friends who were done shopping. So he turned back to Jungkook and bowed while sitting again before he stood up. “For having to say such things to you… “ Jimin talked and bowed once more, “I’m really sorry.” Jungkook didn’t know what to say and just looked after the young man leaving.



Taehyung arrived early at school and sat on his chair in his classroom already. He was writing on envelope in Hangul, but then he struck the letters through again because he wanted it to look official. So he walked over to Hoseok and asked him to help him. Hoseok took the envelope and wrote in Chinese letters what Taehyung wanted to write in Hangul before. “Here you go. But who are you going to give this condolence to?” Hoseok handed the envelope to Taehyung again.

But Taehyung just smiled and waved with the still empty envelope. “Thank you” he said and stood up.

At the same time Jungkook was sitting in the principal’s office and read over the typed letter, which the principal and Taehyung’s teacher had written for Jungkook already. It wasn’t the words Jungkook had used but he didn’t want to get into more trouble so he just signed the letter. “Now all you have to do is apologize to Mr. Taehyung for making him look like a dumb ” the teacher said after he and the principal had watched Jungkook carefully.

“Dumb ?”

“About that” the principal bought himself into the conversation, “The director of Kimseong Company specified a clause stating that, ‘I’m sorry for making you look like a dumb ’.”

Taehyung stood in front of the classroom on the hallway where he pulled several 5000 won banknotes out of his inside pocket of his jacket and put it into the envelope. He looked proudly at the envelope and closed it as his teacher came down the hallway and rushed to him, while Jungkook and the principal followed him. The teacher pulled Jungkook closer, who tried to stay in the back but the men didn’t let him. “Mr. Taehyung, it is good that you are here. Mr. Jeon is looking for you because he has something to say” the older teacher greeted his precious student and Taehyung held the envelope behind his back. Taehyung shortly looked at Jungkook, who looked down while the principal and the older teacher walked off. But the responsible teacher couldn’t hold back and turned to the younger ones again, pushing Jungkook closer to Taehyung, so that the student couldn’t help but smile.

Taehyung turned to Jungkook looking at the teacher, who looked away and sighed. “You see, about that incident…” Jungkook started.

“Here you go” Taehyung interrupted the young teacher and held the envelope to him.

“What is that?”

Taehyung just smiled brightly and nodded. “Just accept it.”

Jungkook looked from Taehyung to the envelope and took it with both hands. He slowly turned it around and opened it to check out what is inside, while Taehyung just smiled proudly to himself. When Jungkook noticed the huge amount of money, he couldn’t believe his eyes. “What is this?”

“Condolence funds.”

“Condolence funds?” Jungkook repeated.

“Well… “ Taehyung scratched his nape then looked at Jungkook smiling, “Your father died, so that’s why I’m giving it to you. It’s like giving an employee condolence. Con…so…ling. You can accept it.” Taehyung kept looking proudly at the older one and squinted his eyes cutely.

But Jungkook sighed quietly and put the money back into the envelope. “Take it back, Mr. Taehyung” Jungkook said and held it back to the student.

“Why?” Taehyung asked surprised but Jungkook just looked at him, “Ah, is it not enough?” Taehyung pulled more banknotes out of the inside pocket of his uniform jacket. “Then again, it wasn’t the whole stack, so I guess it is insufficient.”

Jungkook shook his head. “Look here, Mr. Taehyung. Well… Taehyung-ssi.. I always…” Jungkook babbled but at first he remembered Jimin’s words and then his father’s words, so he held back and just wanted to apologize, “For making you look like a dumb , I’m sorry.”

“Here you go” Taehyung said and held more money to the teacher, because he hadn’t listened to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at the money and groaned. “Sorry my …!” Jungkook shouted and hit the envelope against Taehyung’s cheek. He hit the student so much that the whole money flew around in the hallway.

“Wow! Amazing!” a student yelled when he saw the money and quickly afterwards many other students ran out of their rooms and the hallway got crowded again.

“When referring to an elder, it is not ‘died’ but ‘passed away’. Do you understand that?” Jungkook talked strictly and looked at Taehyung, who stood in front of him with the envelope still sticking on his cheek.

Jungkook turned around to leave. “STOP RIGHT THERE, INTERN!” Taehyung shouted and ripped the envelope down throwing it away, before he walked over to Jungkook, “Intern, the first time was an accident, now the second time you want to get fired?”

“Fired? No. Who is getting fired?” Jungkook replied and ripped down his name tag from his cardigan, “Before that happens, I’m quitting.”

“Intern… Why in the world are you acting like this? I accepted your apology and consoled you. Then why again-“

“Did I hit you?” Jungkook interrupted Taehyung, who was talking himself into rage, “Are you only now curious why you’re getting hit?”

“I am curious! So tell me right now!” Taehyung shouted while Jungkook stays completely calm and all the other students were observing them once again.

“Fine. The reason you are getting hit” Jungkook talked and leaned closer to the student, “Do you think I will tell you?”

Taehyung looked shocked at the teacher. Never before someone spoke like this to him. Never before someone had hit him. Never before someone behaved like this in front of him. “What?”

“Of course I won’t tell you why. Live your whole life curious to your death” Jungkook added and Taehyung started breathing heavily, “Even if I were to say it, a thing like you still wouldn’t understand. If all that in this world is poop and soybean paste, you won’t know what is morally wrong. A person like you… Never!”

Jungkook sighed once more and passed Taehyung because he finally wanted to leave. “INTERN JEON!” Taehyung screamed and Jungkook stopped.

“By the way…” Jungkook spoke and held up his hand turning back to the student, while Taehyung’s friends looked closely what would happen next and Yoongi just grinned over the scene, “You look cool today, especially there where you got hit.” Jungkook pointed at Taehyung’s cheek where the ink from the envelope’s inscription could be seen. “Oops.” Then Jungkook turned around again and walked off.

All students couldn’t believe their eyes and ears, not even Taehyung’s friends. Only Yoongi liked what he saw. He liked it so much that he followed Jungkook, who had packed his stuff and left the school already. Yoongi ran after him and stopped at school building’s entrance, where he could see Jungkook walking down the street to the school’s gate. “Hyung!” Yoongi shouted over the street and Jungkook really heard him. The teacher stopped and turned around. “You are freaking awesome!”

After Jungkook had passed the school gate he stopped once more and took a deep breath. The air felt much lighter, the sun seemed much brighter and Jungkook felt unburdened.

But the bright feeling didn’t last long at all, because at the evening Jungkook felt down already. He had realized that he became jobless. Which school would hire him ever again? He had met with Namjoon at a street tent near the apartment where Jungkook used to live with Namjoon. They had ordered some food and drinks but Jungkook just wanted to cry. “What am I going to live on, Namjoon?” Jungkook whined loudly.

“Exactly. Just closing your eyes once and apologizing once would have solved it” Namjoon answered and shook his head while watching his friend, who was nibbling around on some meat, “Saving yourself by throwing away your pride just once… Why couldn’t you do it? Why?”

“You are right. Why my eyes didn’t close, I also don’t know. Eyes that normally close so well… What am I going to do now?”

“Well you could go to another school and do your probation there… although a teacher that got fired during his probation, which school would accept that kind of teacher?” Namjoon talked to himself while eating, causing Jungkook to whine around more, “Even if you got accepted, what you are going to do till next year? You lose one more year and what are you going to live on now?”



At the evening Kim Seongnam rushed back home after he got an emergency call from the personal doctor of the Kim family. Director Hyun was waiting for the president at their penthouse to welcome him. “What about Taehyung?” the older man asked as soon as he reached the apartment.

“He is back from the hospital. He was discharged from it” the director explained.

“Why was he at the hospital again?”

“As Mr. Taehyung has always been quite sensitive, one treatment wouldn’t suit him. He is here now but it seems that he will have to undergo a few more treatments” the man talked and Seongnam nodded in agreement.

“I’m glad the absence is treatable.”

“Excuse me?” the director asked confused.

“The absence of a person’s presence is something that follows you forever.”

Taehyung himself laid in the middle of his king size bed. He had his eyes covered with a sleeping mask. He was covered with the blanket and held a cool pack on his cheek. It was quite and in the corner a small light was on. Taehyung didn’t know how long he was laying like this already but suddenly he sat up. He ripped down the sleeping mask from his face which showed a funny face of a comic frog. “Jeon Jungkook… you will repent for what you did to me…”



On the next day Jungkook was walking around the streets. He was thinking of what he should do now since he couldn’t fulfill his probation anymore, but he had no idea yet. When he was on his way to the store to buy a newspaper, because he hoped for someone would look for a private tutor, his phone rang. Jungkook quickly answered the call. “Hello. Yes, yes, this is Jeon Jungkook. Father? Ahh… You are a father of a student. Right now? No, no, of course that is possible. I will be right over at the speed of an arrow.” And as Jungkook said, he did and he rushed over to the address he was told to come at. He didn’t know how the man who called him got his number since Jungkook just thought of starting to work as private home tutor. But yet there was no time to think about it.

Jungkook took a taxi and arrived at a skyscraper, which looked more like a company’s building than a place where people lived at. He walked to the reception where he was picked up by a man, who accompanied him to the highest floor, where Jungkook suddenly stood in a luxury apartment. Jungkook was introduced to the owner who was Taehyung’s father and sat down on a chair, while the man who had called for him sat down on a big armchair. “Thank you for flying over like an arrow as you said” the older man thanked Jungkook who nodded and offered the young teacher a cup of tea, “You’ve suffered quite a bit because of our Kim Taehyung, am I right?”

“Yes” Jungkook spoke quietly and tried to look around without being noticed, “But why did you want to see me?”

“Have some tea first” the older man ordered Jungkook, who took the cup of tea and blew on the tea lightly, “This is Pu’er tea. It has a wonderful fragrance.” Jungkook nodded and placed the cup on his lips to drink. “Go back to work from tomorrow onwards, Mr. Jeon.” Jungkook was so shocked by the words that the cup fell on the ground and Jungkook jumped up. “Are you hurt?”

“No, I’m not hurt. But that cup…” Jungkook babbled, while two maid already arrived and cleaned the broken up quickly.

“Don’t worry about it. Sit down. Sit down” Taehyung’s father told the young man, who felt bad about the broken cup, but Jungkook slowly sat down again. “The repentance letter, we will count it written. The apology for the humiliation, let’s just say I heard it. So that solves everything, right? Take a rest this weekend and start work next week.”

Jungkook looked down and poked nervously around on his fingers. “If I am allowed to give you my reply first, I don’t want to” Jungkook replied in the most formal way he knew because he didn’t want to sound harsh.

“Why? Why is that so?”

“Kim Taehyung” Jungkook started but quickly stopped himself because he forgot his formal speech, “I mean Mr. Taehyung. Did he ask that I be bought back to school? Me walking out of it on my own accord insult him, so he wants to fire me himself? I no longer want to play along with Mr. Taehyung’s games.” Jungkook looked at the man, who took a sip of his tea and Jungkook felt bad. “Then… about that teacup, either way I look at it, it seems precious, so I will compensate you for it.”

But Kim Seongnam just shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about that kind of thing.”

“No, I don’t think that is appropriate.” Right at the moment a maid came and handed Jungkook another cup of tea. Jungkook turned to her and whispered. “Excuse me, how much does this teacup cost?”

“Yes, even during sale period it was 3.58 million won” the maid explained.

“What?! 3 million…?”

“Don’t be frightened, we have plenty of cups in this house” Seongnam said to calm the younger one down again. The maid bowed to both of them and left the room again. “There is no need to be frightened by that. But rather than that teacup, in this house there is only one thing that cannot be broken… Kim Taehyung. Even if everything else were to be broken, our Kim Taehyung, not only his head but not even one of his fingers can be broken. That precious Kim Taehyung, you, Mr. Jeon, have already hit twice and caused distress. So that our Taehyung’s anger will be abated, Mr. Jeon you have to come back to school. Then for that, I can repay you as much as you want.”

Jungkook looked down. He felt bad. He hadn’t expected that he could hurt Taehyung with anything. “Repay… How are you going to do that?” Jungkook asked and looked back at the man, who just looked a bit confused at him, “I came out looking for a tutoring position. Can you help me?”

“Will that do? How much would be enough?”

Jungkook smiled awkwardly. It wasn’t the way Jungkook thought of it but now he understood why Taehyung was the way he was. Taehyung never had learned it in another way. At the end Jungkook rejected the offer. He didn’t really know why, because it was crazy to reject but it didn’t feel right to him.



“What?! He rejected it?” Taehyung shouted to the phone. He was actually sitting in class but like always Taehyung didn’t care. Neither he let anyone tell him what to do nor would he let anyone appoint him, not a teacher or his father. “Chairman Kim, are you really going to be like that? Bring him here. I said just bring him here! What? You don’t think you can do it? How can that be? Where in the world is a thing that Chairman Kim can’t get done. Where?!” Taehyung shouted more and ended the call pissed. He jumped up from his chair and realized how everyone was staring at him, but Taehyung didn’t care and walked off the classroom.

The student rushed to his car. He jumped in and started it quickly. From the car he called Director Hyun. “Contact my uncle and investigate Intern” Taehyung ordered while driving, “I want to see him immediately.” He listened to the answer of the director and sighed loudly afterwards. “If I knew where to begin looking for him, why on earth would I be calling the police?!” he shouted and stopped at a red light, “He doesn’t even have much abilities. He’s either going around looking around for tutoring jobs or just sitting in front of a convenience shop.”  Suddenly Taehyung stopped talking because while standing at the red light he was looking around and saw Jungkook sitting over some instant ramyun at a convenience shop. “Eating cup noodles probably…” Taehyung mumbled to himself.

Jungkook was about to start eating. “Hey, hyung!” a boy suddenly shouted and came over to Jungkook with two of his friends, “How can you hog this big table to yourself? Because of you, we have to stand around with our popsicles. If you’re only eating something like ramyun, you should just stand there and do it.”

“What do you mean something like ramyun?” Jungkook asked and looked up pissed to the boys, “Hyung is in the middle of the first meal of his day, so eating something like your popsicle just stand anywhere, finish up and leave.”

“Wow, this hyung is all tough” one of the boys mentioned and leaned down to Jungkook, “In that case, Hyung, mind getting us some cigarettes?”

“If you don’t want to get hurt, you’d better get your face out of mine” Jungkook grumbled loudly and faced all three boys, “If you bunch meet me in school one day know that you will land in detention.”

Jungkook turned back to his cup of ramyun but the boys didn’t leave him alone. “Wait. Hyung, you are a teacher?”

“I’m about to be a teacher” Jungkook sighed annoyed, “So just quietly leave.”

“What are you ordering us around?” a boy shouted and punched his hand on the table, which gave Jungkook quite a surprise. But right at the moment Jungkook wanted to stand up, suddenly a package of cigarettes landed on the table. The boys looked surprised from the cigarettes up to the man who had thrown it.

“Take it and leave. They’re the expensive ones” Taehyung said.

“They are premium brand” one of them mentioned while checking out the package, “Hyung, your boyfriend is awesome!”

Jungkook looked shocked at the boys, who ran off and Taehyung took a seat next to Jungkook. The teacher slowly turned to Taehyung. “What did you just do?”

“You don’t need to thank me” Taehyung said and waved it off, before he looked at Jungkook, “I did it because I don’t want anyone else touching my mosquito. So you left school and ended up sitting here?”

“How could you buy cigarettes for a bunch of high school kids? Seriously!” Jungkook shouted and jumped up. Taehyung didn’t know what was wrong again and just looked after the teacher, who was running after the boys. As soon as he had caught up with them he picked the cigarettes and threw them on the street, where several cars quickly overrun the package.

When Jungkook just wanted to walk off he heard loud screams and yelps. The boys started to chase him and Jungkook quickly started running. He didn’t want to get into a fight with three high school boys. He ran over the sidewalk but the three boys were getting closer and almost caught him as suddenly Taehyung appeared in his car next to Jungkook. Taehyung honked the horn and Jungkook rushed over and jumped into the car. The boys were about to reach the car as Taehyung drove off with squealing wheels.

Taehyung drove a while through the city and none of them said anything. He drove the car to the parking lot at the Han River where he used to drop Jungkook off once before already. Jungkook was just sitting quietly next to the student. “Intern, up till the end you” Taehyung started.

“Till the end you are still going to behave like this!” Jungkook interrupted the student roughly, “What are you that you go around distributing cigarettes to kids? What you want to brag that your father ones a cigarette factory?”

“Intern!” Taehyung took a deep breath and tried to stay calm, “Why are you so naggy? By shutting them up with cigarettes they would have just let you go? What is with all the nagging? You are really strange.”

“Because it is wrong… Because you cannot do that…” Jungkook said and looked away as soon as Taehyung looked back at him, “Listen closely, Kim Taehyung. I’m only going to say this once. Students cannot smoke cigarettes. Money cannot be used to console a person. And playing with a person’s feelings, playing with a person whom you don’t even have feelings for by throwing money at them, getting hit for that is not even enough.

Taehyung turned his head away and nodded. “In the end it boils down to that?” Taehyung mumbled quietly and nodded in agreement, before he slowly looked at the teacher again, “The person who hit me wasn’t Intern Jeon but Jeon Jungkook?”

“What?” Jungkook asked and looked at the student.

Slowly the younger one leaned closer to Jungkook. “The person who hit me was not an educator but a man?” Taehyung repeated his question with other words and Jungkook didn’t know what he should say. But suddenly Taehyung leaned over, trapping Jungkook on his seat. Taehyung got as close as possible and Jungkook gulped nervously. “That’s it, isn’t it? Because of the way I play with you, you are nervous, grieved and hurt. Because to you I am a man, not a student, therefore…”

Taehyung stopped as Jungkook suddenly laid his hand into Taehyung’s neck, which surprised the student quite a lot. The teacher moved his face closer to Taehyung’s and laid his head aside. Slowly they got closer and just some centimeters left for their lips to touch as Jungkook suddenly laid his lips on Taehyung’s ear. “You… smell really nasty” Jungkook whispered and moved back looking at Taehyung, who was indignant, “If you are going to hit on this hyung, change your perfume first, High Schooler.”

Taehyung fell back on his seat and Jungkook jumped off the car but Taehyung pulled him back. “You are really fearless now, aren’t you Intern? For someone going around looking for tutoring position, what are you relying on…?” Taehyung stopped himself again and nodded to himself because he thought he finally understood the man in front of him. “You’ve caught a man that allows you to not worry about the rest of your life?”

“What? A man?”

“Then… what was that thing you were hugging in the dark? Wasn’t it a man or was it a doll?” Taehyung asked and Jungkook thought about because he couldn’t remember that he hugged a man. But before Jungkook could answer, Taehyung pulled him closer again. “Why? Feelings, love…? Even in your late twenties acting all naïve but now that your façade has been uncovered, you must be embarrassed, aren’t you?”

“Fine, even though I don’t know who that man is, even so he’s probably better than you. Better than a high schooler who only smells of perfume.”

“You have continuously…” Taehyung mumbled and bit his bottom lip angrily, “Do you even know what kind of perfume this is that you are talking about?”

“There is even a name for that kind of smell?” Jungkook asked back and took Taehyung’s hand off of him, before he quickly got out of the car.

“Aish, seriously!”Taehyung shouted pissed and drove off as soon as the teacher got off.

He drove around for a while again until he got a call from Jimin. The two of them met near the dance studio where Jimin used to have dance practice. Taehyung parked the car at the street and Jimin sat on the seat next to Taehyung. But Taehyung didn’t talk. He was in thoughts again. He had his arm leaned on the side of the car and used his finger again to caress his lips. Jimin, who sat next to him, kept looking at Taehyung who didn’t even pay attention to the other one. “Is something troubling you?” Jimin finally asked after sitting in the car in silence for a couple of minutes. Jimin sighed because Taehyung wasn’t answering, he wasn’t even sure if Taehyung heard him. “There is something troubling me today.”

“What is it?” Taehyung asked without looking at the other one.

“Can’t you hold me for a while?”

Taehyung rolled his eyes but then he nodded. “I will give you a kiss.” He leaned over to Jimin, who had closed his eyes already and expected Taehyung’s lip on his. But Taehyung stopped in front of Jimin and looked at him. Some hours ago he was in the same position with Jungkook and it felt different. “Park Jimin, is the scent of my perfume that strange?”

Jimin opened his eyes and looked confused at Taehyung. “What?!”

Taehyung just sat back on his seat and scratched his head being back in thoughts.

Jimin was used to Taehyung being more focused on himself than anyone else but sitting there and getting absolutely no response from Taehyung, bothered even Jimin. So he decided to leave. After sending Taehyung off, he walked back. He felt like he wanted to see Yoongi and he knew where the boy used to hang out at the evening. Jimin walked through the streets and checked the places where he hoped to find Yoongi. After a while he was lucky and found Yoongi sitting on a balustrade near a convenience store.

“You said to come pick you up, how come you weren’t at the dance studio?” Yoongi asked as soon as Jimin was close enough but Jimin didn’t say anything, “Since you came back just fine on your own, that’s enough. I’m leaving.” Yoongi stood up and wanted to pass Jimin to leave but the other one stepped in front of him to block his way. Jimin laid his arms slowly around Yoongi’s hips and hugged him tightly.

“It’s Yoongi. This is Yoongi’s scent” Jimin whispered and Yoongi awkwardly hugged Jimin back.



When Taehyung arrived back at the company’s headquarters some of their personal members were waiting for him already. He stopped the car and while one man opened the car’s door for him and to park the car, Taehyung got quickly off and stormed into the house. He head hurt and he just wanted to get into his room, but he was called back by the man from the park service. “Young Chairman Kim” he said and ran after Taehyung. Taehyung turned around and the man held a pair of keys to him. “This fell on the floor.”

Taehyung looked confused at the keys but then he took it and walked upstairs.  He immediately entered his room and locked the door. He wanted to be alone. While sitting on his bed Jungkook’s words kept sticking in his mind. Taehyung didn’t know why but it hurt him when Jungkook said that the other man would probably a better man than him. His glance wandered to the keys which he had thrown onto his bed. He suddenly noticed that there was a pendant, which showed the man from the hospital, who had turned out to be Jungkook’s father and next to him stood a small boy.

Once more Taehyung left the house. He drove to Hoseok, who was working the late shift at the coffee shop again.  They sat together in a corner and Taehyung placed the keys on the table in front of his friend. “Do you know where Jeon Intern lives?

“Seonsaengnim? As I know after he quit working at the school, he has been living alone in the shop” Hoseok said.

“That is why you should make the trip” Taehyung replied and his voice sounded annoyed.


“You are the class monitor.”

“Well, that’s not difficult. But I’m on the night shift tonight, by the time I end it will be dawn” Hoseok explained.

“Go at dawn then.”

Taehyung stood up because he wanted to leave again but Hoseok who sighed loudly, stopped him from going. “This is a big problem. He can’t sleep outside just because he’s locked out. Just now I heard that tonight it would go down to zero degrees” Hoseok talked and looked at Taehyung, “If he sleeps outside on a night like this, he will freeze.”

Taehyung turned around and grumbled loudly before he grabbed the keys and put them back into his pocket again, which caused Hoseok to grin to himself. He manipulated Taehyung without his friend even noticed. “Ah… but does Intern really live alone?” Taehyung asked once more, “Doesn’t he have a hyung or someone?”

“Nope, he’s an only child.”



At the same time Jungkook sat in front of the door and looked for his keys. He unpacked his whole bag to search for the keys but he couldn’t find them. Everything he had in his bag was emptied on the ground and he looked through every single item. He checked all his pockets but the keys weren’t detectable. Jungkook slipped down on the ground and leaned to the wall. “Seriously… Like it’s said a person who has will always have, a person who doesn’t, never will…” Jungkook talked to himself, “I don’t have the keys and not even a hole I can squeeze in through. What am I going to do?! What am I…?”

He looked around and turned to the door, grabbing the door knob. He knew it wouldn’t help but Jungkook wanted to try it, so he the knob. Jungkook expected it to be locked like it should be but suddenly the door opened. He knew that he had locked the door in the morning, so he couldn’t explain why it was open now. Carefully Jungkook entered the house. He quickly noticed the smell of freshly cooked food. “Dad?” He followed the smell and stopped at the kitchen table where a prepared dinner stood. It was a bowl of rice and one with kimchi soup. Next to it were five small plates with kimchi and other vegetables.

Jungkook sat down and started to eat. He was sure Namjoon had passed and dropped it so he called his friend while eating but Namjoon told him that it he didn’t pass by. “It wasn’t you? Then some young man came by?” Jungkook mumbled while munching on his food, “I don’t know. When I came home the table was set. There’s even dad’s scent to it. No. I’m not eating it. Do you think I have gone crazy from not eating? I don’t even know what kind of person made this food. What would I be doing putting it in my mouth? Yes, don’t worry. I’ve thrown it all away.” Jungkook grinned to himself and kept eating the food because it was very delicious. “I will go and change the locks tomorrow. Bye.” He ended the call and enjoyed the rest of the food. He even stood up and got himself some more rice from the rice cooker. After Jungkook had finished eating, he went to take a shower and quickly went upstairs to his room, where he soon fell asleep.



Taehyung drove to the restaurant and stopped in front of it like before already. Unlike the last time when the shop was dark, this time it was lightened up. He got off the car and walked slowly to the entrance door of the shop.  He opened the door lightly and peeked inside. The restaurant was quite small, the tables and chairs looked old and used. The white walls weren’t as white as they once were. Here and there was a paper pinned to the wall telling the costumers about new offerings. Some of the papers looked nagged and ripped. The place looked like there weren’t many costumers these days. “Intern?” Taehyung asked quietly and walked carefully inside, “Hey, Intern.” When Taehyung came close to the kitchen a man stepped out of it. The man looked young. He wore an apron and had a bandana wrapped over his forehead to prevent his bangs to fall into his face. Taehyung looked closely at the kerchief at the man’s head until he noticed that it was the silk tissue which Taehyung had thrown away some days ago. “Is Intern around?”

“The hubby is currently in the middle of his rest” the man said.

Taehyung nodded and help up Jungkook’s keys. “Your hubby left some things behind…” Taehyung spoke and threw the keys on a table which stood nearby, “Pass it along.” Then Taehyung turned around to leave again but he wanted to say something more and turned back once more. “Ah and if what you believe in for the future is that shop it would be better for you to come to your sense now. If he doesn’t come back to school immediately, he will never be a teacher in Korea. Pass that along to… your hubby!” Taehyung gave the man a short and cocky smile before he looked pissed at the man.

The man sighed loudly when Taehyung was about to open the door to leave. “What a pitiful fellow…” the man said and looked down on the onion which he was holding in his hand.

Taehyung stopped and thought something was in his ear that he heard wrong but he ears were perfectly fine. “W…what?” he asked and walked quickly back to the man, “What did you just say?”

The man leaned forward and smelt on Taehyung. “Mhh just as I guessed, you have no scent” the man mentioned and made a grimace, “Even an onion has a scent, but you don’t, Park Taehyung.”

“What are you talking about, what scent?”

“The scent of home, food, a mother…” the man mumbled and looked on the onion in his hand, while Taehyung frowned. He hated when people talked about his mother in front of him. “Park Taehyung, do you even eat?”

Angrily Taehyung grabbed the onion and threw it on the ground. That was enough. He didn’t want to hear something as stupid as this anymore. “One blathering Intern is enough! And my name is not some Park Taehyung. It’s Kim! IT’S KIM TAEHYUNG!”

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Lukethms #1
Chapter 6: lol fighting authornim~!! I know you can do it :p *still fanboying*
Chapter 5: enjoying this story so far :333 fighting authornim!!!
neugdaewa #3
Hi! I hope I won't come out as rude but I think it's supposed to be "정국의" instead of "정국와" because "의" is usually placed after a noun to indicate possession (in this case, Jungkook's). Anyways, it's an interesting story. Keep it up!!
Shiningold #4
Chapter 3: I can't understand jimin.
Poor jungkook;_;
The man is jin pretty sure!
hannahjill #5
Chapter 3: Waah, who was Jungkook hugging???? And why is he claiming to be Kook's husband? Is he Jin (lol) xD (well, he's yet to appear in the fic so I'm guessing it's him). Taehyung should be jealous. HOHOHO

Thank you for the update! I really love your story!
Chapter 2: I wanted to shout 'taehyung,just date him' haha i've already finish reading this last night but there's no net signal bcuz of the bad wheather and i can't drop the comment right away but i'm right here as soon as i can..i've gotta say this is a unique story,their character surprise me
Oppa,good luck for your fanfic! :)