Never Was

Wolf School 2


Chapter 46

Everyone seemed to be in a trance. Stepping on eggshells as if they were afraid to make a noise.

Kris had asked Chanyeol how Baekhyun was and had been given a reply that didn't really reassure him. Mostly the omega had been quiet after his outburst the night before and seemed to be keeping his distance from everyone. Though he did let Chen hug him for a little while.

Chen wasn't doing great either. He desperately wanted to apologise to Xiumin for not protecting him better even though that was dumb and Kris had told him so more than once. In nicer terms than that of course.

Once they had eaten breakfast he gave in and took Chen, who was still moving so slowly and unsteadily that it made Kris hurt just to watch him, to see their packmates.

“Xiumin,” Luhan called gently when he opened the door, “Chen's hear to see you.”


Xiumin stood up quickly and hurried to meet them. His face fell at the sight of Chen's bruises and he stopped dead in his tracks. Tears were in his eyes instantly.

“Chen, I'm so sorry.”

Before Luhan could even tell him he had nothing to apologise for Chen was in his arms and they were hugging each other as tightly as Chen's injuries would allow. Kris shut the door quietly behind himself.

They were in there for almost five minutes with Xiumin and Chen clinging to each other and apologising and telling each other they had nothing to apologise for before the alpha took control of the situation.

“Come on,” he said with a hand on Chen's back. “Let's go sit down, you must be tired.”

“Why aren't your injuries healed?” Xiumin asked as he led Chen to the nearest couch and sat beside him.

“Lay was tired after healing everyone else,” Chen answered in a quiet voice. He shrank against Kris who now had an arm around him.

“What about Jeonghan?”

“He… umm...”

Xiumin narrowed his eyes at Chen but found Kris answering for him in a tired voice.

“He thinks he doesn't deserve to be healed because he couldn't protect you.”

“Chen,” Luhan gasped in a soft voice. “You didn't do anything wrong. Nobody blames you.”

“Exactly.” Xiumin clutched his hand tightly. “You were so brave. I was too scared to even change into a wolf. I'm so sorry. I should have fought with you then everything might have been okay.”

Chen was shaking his head hard at that. “No, you were scared. That makes sense you have history with them.”

“Look,” Kris cut in because he hated Chen excusing others while putting all the blame on himself, even if those others were his packmates, “how about we all agree that you were very brave and nobody except Minseok's pack did anything wrong? They're the only ones we should be blaming.”

Nervously Chen met Xiumin's eyes and found nothing but concern in them.

“Agreed,” said the other wolf. He leant in to hug Chen again and whispered, “Thank you so much, Chen. I'm so glad we're packmates.”


Xiumin nodded as Luhan reached out and squeezed his hand.

“Me too. Thank you so much for what you did for Xiumin.”

“I take it that means you two are okay again?” Kris asked a little unsurely. They seemed happy but he still had no clue what was happening with that whole Changmin situation. After all, Xiumin had been in heat all that time with the two of them alone in a room with him and they had all come out with their scents mixed together.

The two wolves exchanged a glance. “We're okay,” said Luhan, but he sounded a little tired. Like whatever they had been through had left a wound that was still raw and not entirely healed.

Some time had passed and Kris was about to tell Chen that he should be resting when there was a knock at the door. He sensed the tension as soon as the door opened.

“Hey, Luhan. Is Xiumin here?”

They all stiffened at Changmin's voice and Luhan's eyes shot to Xiumin. His boyfriend got up unsteadily and crossed over to the door.

“Can we talk for a minute?” Changmin asked.

Xiumin looked to his lover for permission but Luhan seemed too stunned and embarrassed as memories of the day before washed over him to reply. He nodded instead and stepped outside with his ex, pulling the door almost shut behind him.

Changmin cleared his throat awkwardly. “Are you and Luhan okay? I'm sorry if yesterday made things… awkward.”

Xiumin shook his head. “We're fine. We talked about it and I was in heat so...”

Wow, this conversation was even more uncomfortable with Changmin than with Luhan.

“Good, I'm glad.” Changmin swallowed again and pulled two folded pieces of paper from his pocket. “I wanted to give you this,” he said as Xiumin's heart beat irregularly. “I should have given it to you a long time ago but I was selfish and stupid and I hope you can forgive me. I only ever wanted you to be safe and happy, you know that right?”

“Is that…?”

He nodded and the next thing he knew Xiumin was hugging him tightly, his face buried against his chest. Startled, it took a second for Changmin to react.

They held each other for a while until Xiumin was sure Luhan would be starting to worry inside. He pulled away and accepted the two pieces of paper in trembling hands. He hated the tightness in Changmin's expression but something in his chest had loosened for the first time in weeks.

“I'll… um, see you around.” Changmin took a shaky step back. “I hope he takes good care of you and tell him I'm sorry if yesterday was weird for him.”

Xiumin nodded. Part of him couldn't believe it was ending like this, with Changmin just smiling at him awkwardly and walking away. But he was in too much of a daze to say anything more meaningful than, “Yeah, I'll see you later.”

Still a little stunned he stepped back into the room.

“What did he want?” asked Luhan. His eyes were wide with worry but he was clearly trying to control himself. He glanced down at the papers in Xiumin's hand. “What's that?”

Xiumin shut the door quietly and held them out to his partner, unable to look at them himself.

Luhan took them from his hand and unfolded them. His eyes widened suddenly. “This is...”

Xiumin already knew. One of the papers was the one he had signed along with Changmin agreeing to be his pet. The other one he didn't have to sign because Changmin owned him. Or he had, until he signed the second piece of paper.

“You're not his pet anymore,” said Luhan softly.

Xiumin shook his head. He couldn't help a little smile at the relief and hope on his lover's face. Now he really did belong to no one else but Luhan.

“I told you he would,” he said stepping closer. “He must have done it this morning.”

Luhan shook his head and held the papers out to him. “Look at the dates.”

One date he already knew having signed it himself but the second…

His heart missed a beat. It had been signed the very next day. Changmin must have gone back less then twenty four hours later and…

He looked up at Luhan in surprise and found his boyfriend smiling at him.

“I guess you never really were his pet after all.”


I just can't make Changmin a bad guy.

This story is winding down now in case you didn't guess but say hi in the comments and let's chat cause it's been a while.

*flirty wink*

Oh god, it's late. what is wrong with me?

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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over