To The Rescue

Wolf School 2

I'm back!!!

(sadly) My holiday is over but that means I can update this! Yay!

What happened after Chen was beaten up and Xiumin was kidnapped??? I've been waiting to write this for so long.


Chapter 39

Baekhyun's paws pounded against the ground as he raced to keep the car in sight. His heart was thudding in his chest and had been since he saw Xiumin being dragged struggling into the car. He had followed without thinking, knowing that he had to keep them in sight. He could call the others as soon as they stopped. He didn't know what he would after that.

It was a good thing that he was one of the fastest in his pack but even then he had to push himself. It was a relief when the car finally pulled to a stop and he skidded to a halt behind a low wall hoping that none of them had noticed a wolf had been trailing them.

He took a deep breath and shuffled forward to see what they did next.



As soon as e heard a familiar voice shouting his name Chen's knees buckled and he slid down the wall. Everything hurt. He remembered what had happened but wasn't sure how long had passed since he fainted and Xiumin was dragged away.

“Chen! What happened? Who did this?”

Kris's hands caught him and he wilted further. Tears began to prick behind his eyes. “I'm sorry.”

“Baby, what are you sorry for? Tell me what happened.”

He leant against his lover's safe, solid body and only just then became aware that they weren't alone. He turned his face, embarrassed, into Kris's body as Tao crouched down beside them.

“It was the pack Xiumin used to live with,” he sniffled. “I tried to stop them. I should have stopped them.”

“They attacked you?” The anger in Kris's voice was palpable. He was barely keeping himself together having seen the cuts and bruises on his lover's face.

“They took Xiumin,” he sobbed. “I don't know where they went.”

“,” Tao gasped under his breath. “What do we do? They could have taken him anywhere.”

“We need to get Chen to Lay and tell the others.”

Already Kris was helping Chen to his feet. He was having trouble standing up straight from where he had been kicked in the stomach repeatedly.

“I'll be fine,” he said. “Just find Xiumin. I don't know what they're going to do with him.”

None of them wanted to think about that. They had all, by now, heard about what that pack was like and now that they were older had been doing God knows what they didn't want to imagine how much worse they had gotten.

Kris was already pulling his phone out and about to call Suho when Chanyeol came barrelling towards them. “Kris!” he shouted as he ran.

He skidded to a stop, eyes wide in shock and then anger as he took in Chen's face. “What happened?”

“He was attacked by another pack. They took Xiumin somewhere. We need to find him.”

“I know where he is.”

Without taking a second to register their surprise he hurried on with what he had been meaning to tell them anyway.

“Baekhyun just called me. He saw Xiumin being dragged away by some other pack and followed them. They're at some motel nearby. He gave me the address and Suho is gathering the others.”

“,” Kris swore. “Take Chen upstairs and make sure he's...”


Kris looked surprised.

“Baekhyun's there. I need to make sure he's safe.”

Kris saw the challenge in his eyes and knew there was no arguing with him. He would have been exactly the same if Chen had been so close to danger. He was already angry at himself that he hadn't been there to protect him when he was trying to help Xiumin.

They all looked up as the rest of the pack reached them. Luhan's eyes were burning with anger.

“What are you doing standing around here? Chanyeol where is he?”

Chanyeol handed over the scrap of paper he had written the motel's address on.

“That's not that far from here,” he said already starting to move.

“Luhan, wait. Chen's hurt, we need to...”

“I'm going,” he called back over his shoulder. “You can follow whenever you're ready.” He shifted into his wolf form before anyone could argue.

“Kai, Chanyeol, go with him. Try not to let him do anything stupid before we get there. We don't know how many of them there are.”

A heartbeat later they were racing after him, their paws thudding against the ground as they tried to keep up.

“Someone needs to stay here with Chen. He's hurt.” Kris looked at Lay but it was Tao who spoke.

“What if we get hurt fighting? Xiumin already might be. We'll need Lay with us.”

It drove Kris crazy to agree but he knew Tao was right. They needed their healer with them.

“I'm fine,” Chen told him weakly as he tried to push away and stand by himself.

“You're not fine.”

“I'll call Jeonghan,” said Lay. “I'm sure he'll help.”

“Kyungsoo, help Chen get upstairs and make sure he's okay.”

Kyungsoo looked at his leader with reluctance but the expression changed in a split second. He knew someone had to take care of Chen and, as much as he wanted to keep an eye on Kai and not have to sit on the sidelines, he couldn't exactly leave Chen to fend for himself until Jeonghan got there.

Kris let Kyungsoo take his still protesting lover from him and shifted. The others followed close behind only Lay taking a moment longer as he hurriedly finished up his phone call to Jeonghan.

“I'll be fine,” Chen panted as Kyungsoo helped him upstairs. “As soon as I'm upstairs you can go after them.”

“No, you could have internal bleeding or anything.”

Chen groaned. His stomach was burning and he had to pause to catch his breath.

“See what I mean?”

He ground his teeth together fighting through the pain. Just as it began to ease enough for him to take another step someone came towards them.

“, what happened to you? Are you okay?”

Chen looked up to find Changmin, of all people, standing in front of them. He looked genuinely concerned and Chen decided without really thinking to tell him the truth. After all, hadn't he loved Xiumin too and he knew more about this pack than any of them. He deserved to know what was going on. And like he had said to Kyungsoo, they could use the help they could get.


Xiumin sat hunched in the corner of the motel room where he had ended up after desperately trying the window and finding it shut tight. There was no way to get out.

There was little in the room that could be used as a weapon either and he already knew he wouldn't be strong enough to overpower them anyway. Fear closed his throat tight and his breaths started to become too shallow.

What had happened to Chen? Was he still where they had left him? Maybe somebody would find him but how would they know where Xiumin was? Minseok had already taken his phone from him and nobody would ever think to look in some dead end little motel where he doubted many legal activities went on.

He tensed at the sound of voices outside the door.

“What do you want to do with him?”

“At least he's better looking than the other one.” That was Minseok. Xiumin knew the voice too well and it made him feel sick.

“Throw him in with Xiumin. He'll want to see his little friend and I'm sure he has some uses.”

The door opened and Xiumin flinched back as someone was thrown onto the floor and he looked away. The door shut again loudly and he jumped, startled. The body on the floor whimpered and when Xiumin finally looked his heart dropped.

He gasped and crawled hurriedly over to him, pulling him into his arms.

Baekhyun clung to him tightly.



Now Baekhyun's in the too but at least the others are on the way to save the day.

How has everyone been? I've missed you all!

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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over