Sudden Desire

Wolf School 2

It's guys.  It's just all


Chapter 31

“Xiumin, slow down.”

He couldn't. It felt too good and he said as much to Chanyeol through his panting. His hips rolled wildly as he rode him, his packmate's large hands trying to control his hips but failing. Chanyeol's head rolled back over the arm of the couch as he let out a long groan.

He had just been innocently sitting there, watching TV when his packmate approached him. The scent of his heat was overwhelming and the way he had ground up against him with those whimpery little moans had just been too much. They hadn't even made it back to the bedroom.

He growled now, fingers digging into Xiumin's hips uselessly. His shirt was damp with sweat but he could feel himself getting closer.


Baekhyun's voice shocked him into movement.

With some last reserve of energy he pulled himself quickly upright, his arms going around Xiumin who made an embarrassed whining sound but couldn’t stop his hips from rolling. His teeth met in the skin of his partner's shoulder making him hiss.

“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol panted. He hadn't thought about it too deeply – it was hard with Xiumin's needy scent confusing his senses – but he and Baekhyun had slept with Xiumin before so he figured it was alright. Before Baekhyun could question anything Chanyeol held out his hand to him.

“Come here,” he ordered. “He's in heat.”

Baekhyun's feet led him over but he still looked confused. He hadn't even reached them before there was a sharp, “Oh!” behind him and Chen appeared.

He barely caught a glimpse of what was going on before Kris's hadn was over his eyes and everything had gone black. He stumbled, confused, and heard his boyfriend growl. The next thing he knew he was being dragged somewhere and the sound of Xiumin's heavy breathing faded.

Kris didn't uncover his eyes until they were safely in their bedroom.

“Kris, what...”

His words were abruptly cut off by a mouth crashing against his own. It took him a second to realise what was happening but when he did his arms instinctively went around his boyfriend's neck.

Hands exploring possessively, Kris backed them up to the bed and pushed Chen down onto it. His lover's legs opened easily and he tugged at his clothes. Xiumin's scent had filled the room as they passed by and already his mind was full of images of Chen down on his knees surrounded by his packmates.

Kris growled as he dragged down his mate's pants and ground up against him. His mouth found the sensitive spot on Chen's neck that always made him tremble and he set about making him moan. He couldn't believe how easily undone he could be in just a few minutes.

“Kris,” he whined. His fingers traced the hard plains of his lover's body, loving the heat of his skin.

With his lover rolling his hips up into him Kris was already hard and wasted no time in pushing himself into Chen's waiting entrance. A loud, keening moan came from his lover and he watched as his eyes screwed shut and his chest rose and fell heavily until he had adjusted. It only took a few moments and then he was loud enough for everyone to know what they were doing.

Kris into him wildly, spurred on by the sounds he was making. He adored all of them. Why had he never made him moan like that before?

They had been so hungry for each other, so lost in the moment, that it didn't take long for either one of them to .

Kris lowered himself, panting heavily. He back Chen's hair and was pleased to see him smile a little and turn his head towards his hand.

“Wow,” he sighed softly.

Kris chuckled a little and eased himself out. He saw the wince on his lover's face but it was gone in a moment. They could still hear coming from the other room but where they were everything seemed peaceful and quiet now after the rush of desire had ebbed.

“That was unexpected,” Chen whispered with a little smile.

Kris made a sound close to a purr and nuzzled against his hair. He smelled wonderful, even more so than usual.

“Did it hurt?”

Chen tried to contain his smile and glanced over with a playful twinkle in his eye. “I liked it.”

Kris laughed, a deep rumbling sound in his chest, and slid an arm over his waist. “Naughty puppy,” he murmured as he brought him gently closer.


In the other room, Xiumin was by this time on his knees with Baekhyun beneath him and Chanyeol behind. He felt like he had lost all control, overwhelmed by his heat. Through a haze he seemed to hear the deep grunts of Chanyeol as he in and out of him roughly and the breathy, desperate whines of Baekhyun who clawed at him desperately.

“Chanyeol,” the omega whimpered in a shaky voice. His hand reached up and was caught by Chanyeol's who held it tightly. Baekhyun squeezed his fingers as his head tipped back.

Xiumin a line along his throat and felt him tremble. A moment later Chanyeol pushed deep inside him. He let out a long groan. Baekhyun gave a high pitched whine and scratched at his arm, the only part of him he could reach. He turned his head away with his eyes tightly shut as he felt Xiumin inside him.

Exhausted, Chanyeol came with a groan and pulled out. He took the now limp body of Xiumin and pulled him away from Baekhyun who now lay spread-eagled on the coach, still hard and panting for breath. Chanyeol reached for him, His lover whimpered and feebly tried to push his hands away but as soon as Chanyeol touched him he was writhing and squirming up to meet him. He came with an almost relieved whimper.

The air in the room was warm, filled with the sound of their heavy breathing. Sticky with sweat, Baekhyun shifted himself upright. His legs were trembling but he forced himself to stand on them.

“I need to shower,” he panted. Pushing his damp hair away from his forehead he left Xiumin lying on the floor and Chanyeol slumped on the couch, gasping for breath.


Phew! *fans self*

These dirty boys


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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over