A Line in the Sand

Wolf School 2


Chapter 29

“Do you think they made up?”

Baekhyun stepped carefully one foot in front of the other as he balanced right on the edge of the kerb. He twisted his ice cream cone, it almost all the way around.

“Chen said they already made up.”

“Yeah, but I mean did they make up.” Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making his boyfriend laugh.

“I hope so. It was much more fun at home when they were getting along.”

He reached out to pull Baekhyun away from the kerb as a car went by. He tucked him safely under his arm instead while Baekhyun giggled. He thought it was cute when Chanyeol was protective, as if that car would even have hit him. .

“You hardly made it any easier,” he teased, “with your dreams.”

“It was one dream.” Chanyeol's face fell a little. “And you know it didn't mean anything.”

“I know.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes and focussed on his ice cream. He had only been joking. He didn't mean to bring the tone down. “They were having problems and you wanted to protect and make him happy and he smelt like me. I get it.”

Chanyeol had finished his own ice cream and now set about taking bites out of the cone. They were silent for a little while before he pointed out, “I wasn't the one who kissed him.”

His mate's head shot around. His lips were red and shiny from the ice cream and it made Chanyeol smile. He leant down to kiss him, feeling their cold touch but Baekhyun could even complain properly.

“That's not funny,” he pouted as soon as Chanyeol straightened up again. “Don't tease me.”

“Is he a good kisser?” he asked with a grin.


The wideness of his smile had Baekhyun pouting even harder but he didn't mind how his lover pulled him closer and gave him a reassuring little squeeze.

“It's okay, baby. He's our packmate. We both just want to make him happy.”

“I want to make you happy more,” Baekhyun said quietly.

Chanyeol kissed him on the head. “I know, baby. Me too.”

As they approached the dorms they saw a short figure up ahead, slumped on the ground by the gate. It was hard to tell in the dark but as they got closer the shape became more familiar.

“Is that Xiumin?” Baekhyun asked.

“I think it is.” Chanyeol called out and Xiumin lifted his head but soon looked away when he saw who it was. He hunched up smaller, pulling his legs closer into his chest.

Baekhyun dropped to his side. “Minnie, what's wrong?”

Xiumin sniffed and rubbed his sleeve over his eyes. He had thought he had cried enough but as soon as Baekhyun showed him a little concern he felt himself break apart again. He hadn't known where to go – although he had thought about going to Changmin and maybe he would have if he hadn't already handed his collar back to him. Luhan's words were still circling in his head anyway and it had made him feel too guilty.

“Did you have another fight with Luhan?” Chanyeol asked gently.

Xiumin gave a sad little nod. He hated arguing with him. They never argued and now his past and his lies had made Luhan hate him so much. He felt sick just thinking about it.

“Hey, why don't you come stay with us?” asked Chanyeol Xiumin's arm. “We'll look after you.”

Xiumin nodded again and let them help him up. Between them he trailed back into the dorm. He didn't want to have to explain what had happened to anyone after the way Luhan had reacted. Suho had been fine with it but that didn't mean everyone else would be as understanding. He just couldn't face it.


Upstairs they found Kris and Chen cuddled up on one of the couches, watching TV. They looked surprised to see Xiumin there.

“What's wrong?” asked Kris. Chen blinked up at them from where he was tucked under his arm.

“He had a fight with Luhan but he won't talk about it. We found him outside,” Chanyeol told them while Baekhyun took Xiumin into the kitchen.

“Again?” asked Kris tiredly. “Is it still about Changmin?”

Chanyeol could only shrug. “Probably.”

Kris groaned as he shifted to get up. “I'll call Suho and see if he knows anything about it.”

As soon as he was gone Chanyeol sat next to Chen and looked at him expectantly.

“What?” Chen asked, wary.

“Did you and Kris…?” His voice was quiet, as if anyone was listening in.

A slow smile grew on Chen's face and he looked away, embarrassed. “Maybe…”

Chanyeol made a strangely high pitched noise and hugged him tightly. Chen protested but couldn't help smiling at his friend's embarrassing enthusiasm. He just wished Luhan and Xiumin could stop having problems so that everyone could be happy again like he was.

Kris returned a few minutes later. It turned out that Suho did indeed know what was going on. Xiumin had left his phone at his dorm and when Kyungsoo had called more than once Suho had picked up and found out everything. Kris was explaining everything quietly to Chen and Chanyeol when Xiumin appeared in the doorway. His face had paled and he looked almost terrified.

“Xiumin.” Kris stopped as soon as he saw him. He saw his packmate's throat bob nervously before he spoke.

“You know?”

“It's nothing to be embarrassed about,” Kris said a little unconvincingly.

Xiumin's head dropped and his cheeks turned suddenly red. “I'm sorry,” he whispered.

“You don't have to be sorry.” Baekhyun, looking worried, wrapped his arm around him. “You're still our Xiumminie.”

He gave him an encouraging smile but Xiumin barely returned it.

“Come on,” he said, “let's go and get you sorted out. Maybe a shower will help make you feel better.”

Xiumin knew that nothing would but at least it would get him away from everyone's eyes for a little while so he let Baekhyun lead him away.


Chen looked up at Kris when he put his hand on his knee.

“I know it's not great timing but Suho wants me to go over there. There's something we need to do. Promise I'll be quick.”

Chen nodded and smiled. He had wanted to spend the night snuggling with his lover and hold onto how perfect their night had been for as long as possible but the pack came first. He leant forward so Kris could kiss him, his eyes falling closed as he forgot Chanyeol was watching them with a smirk.

“I won't be long,” Kris promised again.

“Don't be,” Chen replied, smiling.


It was Jaejoong who opened the door when Kris knocked. He knew immediately who they were looking for.

“Is Changmin here?” asked Suho.

Jaejoong nodded. Changmin had barely left his room since Xiumin had returned his collar and Junso and Yoochun had at least once had to restrain him to stop him going to find Xiumin and convince him to give them another try. That had resulted in some shouting before the bedroom door slammed behind him and he ended up hiding in his room again.

“I'll get him,” he told them, leaving the door open but not inviting them in. They exchanged a glance and waited. Changmin didn't look happy to see them.

“What do you want?”

Kris's eyes narrowed. He didn't enjoy being talked to in that way but he knew they had to play it carefully with Changmin. He held too much power over Xiumin right now.

“We need to talk about Xiumin,” said Suho evenly. “He told us that he's your pet.”

“He did?” Changmin was a little surprised. He had thought Xiumin was ashamed, that he didn't trust his new pack to still care about him when they found out the truth. It hurt to see him feeling like that when he hadn't felt bad about it at all when they were together. They hadn't thought of it as something dirty or wrong but now the way Xiumin talked about it…

“We want to know what you plan on doing?” asked Suho.

Changmin raised his eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

“Are you going to claim him back?” Kris demanded.

A lump formed in Changmin's throat. He had thought about it plenty of times. It wasn't that he didn't want him to be happy and in a pack but the idea of him making love to someone else left him feeling sick.

When he didn't answer Kris told him, “If you do try to, just know that we're willing to fight for him.”

Changmin's back straightened. Was that a threat? Sure they had a big pack but the Dong Bang Shin Ki pack were strong. They had fought and won against bigger packs before.

“He's my pet,” he said, trying to gauge their reaction, “you have no right to fight for him.”

“But we will.” Suho didn't even blink. “You left him here when you went to Japan and we accepted him. He's a member of our pack as much as anyone else and he's in love with Luhan.”

Changmin looked away finally, not wanting them to see the pain that he couldn't hide in his eyes. He knew he shouldn't have left Xiumn behind. He should have fought harder for him or come back sooner when Xiumin started to ignore his messages.

“You might not like it,” Suho told him, “but it's true.”

He took a step back, Kris following suit.

“Let us know when you've made a decision.”

Changmin didn't call them back or try to say anything else. He had too much to think about but he had been thinking about it ever since Xiumin had returned his collar. Now Xiumin's alphas had drawn a line in the sand and he knew he wouldn't be able to avoid it much longer.


I wanted to finish this and post it yesterday but I didn't.

I guess I was too overwhelmed by Monster and Lucky One dropping. lol


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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over