Another Scent

Wolf School 2


Chapter 23

Finally Luhan had emerged from the bathroom, coaxed out by Kai and Kyungsoo, who had returned home to find his boyfriend in a panic. They sat him down between them on the sofa and started taking care of his injuries. Not long after, as he sat staring into space, Kris arrived.

“Sorry,” said Kai when Luhan looked at him in surprise, “I had to call him. You were in a fight.”

Tears sprung to Luhan's red eyes again when his leader moved the others aside and wrapped his arms around him. Kai and Kyungsoo quietly left them alone to talk. Maybe Kris would have more luck getting a reaction of him than they had.

“What happened?” Kris asked in concern.

Shaking, Luhan explained about the fight and how Xiumin had lied to him and how all of a sudden he had so many doubts and Kris listened without saying a word. When Luhan laid his head against his shoulder and nuzzled against him he finally asked, “And where is Xiumin now?”

Luhan shrugged. “I've got a pretty good guess.”

“Lu, you know he wouldn't cheat on you. He's crazy about you.”

He shook his head and wiped away the last of his tears. “Then why not tell me? I know he slept with other people before me but Changmin must have meant something special if he didn't want to tell me about it.”

“I don't know why he didn't tell you.” Kris a hand over his hair soothingly. “Maybe he thought it wasn't important or he was worried that you would get jealous.”

“Well I am! Changmin wants him back. He's made that pretty clear.”

“That doesn't mean that it's what Xiumin wants too.”

Luhan couldn't explain why this whole thing hurt him so much, it just did. He slumped back on the seat, deflated. “He just looked so guilty. What if something's already happened between them?”

“You're worrying over nothing.” Kris kissed his forehead and pulled him back into his arms. “He loves you and you should both talk about this once you've calmed down.”

That sounded like a terrible idea to Luhan but he nodded anyway. Right now he would probably say he didn't mean and he doubted he would believe anything that came out of Xiumin's mouth. He couldn't believe he had defended him. Changmin must be laughing at him right now, getting so angry over him lying when everything he said had turned out to be true.

He buried his face against his leader's chest and screwed his eyes shut, wishing this could all just go away.


Baekhyun was waiting when Chen got home. It was late and he hadn't been answering any of his roommate's messages so as soon as the door shut behind him Baekhyun was up off the couch. Chanyeol stayed seated, watching.

“Hey, where have you been? I tried to call you.”

Chen blinked at him in surprise for a second. “Phone's dead,” he lied. He had seen the messages and missed calls he just hadn't wanted to talk to anyone.

“There's some food left. Do you want something to eat?”

“Not hungry.”

He tried to slip past Baekhyun who came closer to block his way. “Is everything okay, Chen?”

“It's fine. I'm going to shower.”

He tried to slip by again, almost frustrated when Baekhyun caught him by the wrist. “Where were you? We were worried.”

Chen leant away slightly. “I was studying.”

He noticed a strange look pass over his friend's face and quickly tried to pull away. Baekhyun was quicker, wrapping him in his arms. He held him for a split second before Chen squirmed away.

“You know you can tell us anything right?”

Chen took a few steps back looking rattled. “Yeah, I know. I'm going to shower now.”

As soon as he was gone Chanyeol went over to lay his arm over his boyfriend's shoulders comfortingly. “You're really worried about him, aren't you?”

“This isn't good.” Baekhyun was still watching after where Chen had just gone.

“What do you mean?”

“You haven't noticed?” He turned to look up at Chanyeol with big, worried eyes. “He's hardly been eating lately, he's not talking to anyone, he's completely shutting off.”

Chanyeol frowned. “Do you think he was more upset about Kris sleeping with Luhan than he let on?”

“Maybe. I think it has more to do with him feeling unattractive.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Just something he said the other day.” Baekhyun thought back to the conversation they had had where he had tried to joke about Chanyeol finding him ugly but Chen had taken it seriously. He had looked so defeated even though he had known Baekhyun's couldn't possibly have meant it. Something about Kris refusing him during heat had brought up a lot of insecurities.

“I guess I didn't help make him feel any better about himself when I said that dream Ii had was just because his scent was mixing with yours.”

Baekhyun bit his lip. “Maybe. Doesn't he remind you more of when we first met him and he was so down on himself?”

Chanyeol thought about it. He certainly hadn't been himself lately and he and Kris seemed to be avoiding each other more than talking. It was like they both thought facing their problems might actually make the relationship fall apart.

“And there's something else.” Baekhyun seemed uncertain when he looked up again, almost scared.


“I'm not sure but… I could smell someone else's scent on him.”


Damn, this pack is so messed up. How am I ever going to fix them?

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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over