Marking His Territory

Wolf School 2


Drama ensues!  Hold onto your hats.


Chapter 21

Having spent the whole of the last day wrapping himself around Xiumin whenever Changmin was nearby (which he seemed to be with irritating frequency) Luhan was eager to leave more permanent marks on his lover. Luckily for him Xiumin seemed to enjoy all of his affection and had no complaints when Luhan dragged him straight to the bedroom after school.

He moaned as Luhan pushed him down onto the bed, his hands already exploring under his shirt. Xiumin lifted his body, pushing his hips upwards eagerly. He heard his lover give a little growl of approval as he tugged down his pants.

“Luhan,” he panted, nuzzling his hair. He felt a tongue trace his collarbone in a way that made him shiver.

It always felt so good with Luhan. He understood him so well. He had never thought he would find that again after Changmin.

Eager to show his appreciation, he pulled Luhan to him and kissed him hungrily. His hand slipped between their bodies to his length. Luhan gasped a little into the kiss but soon regained himself.

He found his way down to his neck, kissing and and biting at the tender skin. Xiumin's head fell back on the pillow. His moans echoed softly around the room and sent a reaction straight down Luhan's body.

“Lu, please,” he panted. He hadn't been touched yet. He needed to be touched.

Without leaving his neck, Luhan ran his hands down his body and slipped them between his legs. He a thumb over his waiting entrance teasingly, loving the way Xiumin whimpered and rolled his hips.

He pulled back for a moment to admire the reddening mark on his skin before turning to the other side of his neck.

“Luhan, please,” Xiumin demanded sounding more needy this time. And Luhan really never could say no to him so he spread his legs and began to push inside him.

Nails dug into his shoulder for a moment as he pushed past the tight entrance but Xiumin was ready and eager and he eased inside him painlessly. His lover moaned, his eyes falling shut as he bit his bottom lip in pleasure. It was almost more than Luhan could stand.

He began to roll his hips slowly in and out, teasing him, letting the pleasure build slowly. Watching the pleasure on his partner's face was enough to make him lose control quickly and he descended upon him again.

His mouth found his neck, his collarbones, leaving little red marks wherever he could reach. Xiumin's moans increased shamelessly until he was sure their roommates must have heard but neither of them cared.

Luhan's hips snapped back and forth as Xiumin clung to him. He felt him tense and knew he was getting closer. Hungrily he kissed him until they were both too desperate and panting for breath.

With one last trembling moan Xiumin came, Luhan not far behind him, and they collapsed in a happy, panting heap. Luhan looked over to find a wonderfully exhausted, satisfied Xiumin gazing at him with a little smile on his face and red marks all over his neck.


Chen was immersed with his phone, worrying silently over the message he had just received when e found a body suddenly in his way. He startled as he bumped straight into the body and almost dropped his phone.

“Sorry!” he exclaimed quickly and then paused as he realised who it was. “Jiho?”

The alpha of the Block B pack grinned at him. “Long time no see, Chenny.”

Chen looked around as if checking that he was still actually within the main school building. Then he realised Jiho was wearing his uniform.

“They let you back in?”

Jiho shrugged almost modestly. “Well, I was a very good little puppy at my new school and the pack has been causing some trouble around here without their alpha so the school let me back in. I'm under strict instructions to behave myself though. I think it was only ever a temporary suspension to be honest.”

“Well, I'm glad you're back.” He wasn't just being polite. The pack needed their alpha and hopefully their time away from him had taught them all a thing or two about not getting into too much trouble at school.

“So, how have you been? You still with Kris?”

Chen's shoulders drooped at the mention of his boyfriend. They hadn't been able to get back to normal since Kris slept with Luhan and Chen knew it was his fault. In the past maybe he would have talked about it with Kris but somehow the words just wouldn't come out now. He wasn't sure he wanted to talk to him at all.

“Come on,” Jiho sighed, seeing the expression on his face. “Let's take a walk together.”


Changmin had seen the marks on Xiumin's neck. Luhan was sure of it. He saw the way his eyes roved over his lover as they passed him in the corridor, noticing more than anyone else seemed to. Luhan couldn't help the smile that started the moment Changmin's eyes narrowed. At least now he knew who Xiumin belonged to, or so he thought.

Both he and Xiumin had football practice after school but Luhan had hung around to talk to their captain, Minho. Xiumin would have usually waited for him but Kai had already called them claiming to have burnt a food Luhan was almost certain was unburnable because that's what happened when Kyungsoo was out doing the grocery run. Xiumin had gone to save the day, or at least the kitchen.

That left Luhan alone in the locker room when Changmin walked in. The expression on his face soured as soon as he realised who was there.

Luhan didn't try to hide his dislike and purposely turned away to pack his bag.

“I'm looking for Junsu,” said Changmin stiffly.

“Haven't seen him.”

“He said he was coming down here.”

Luhan shrugged. “Don't know what to tell you.” He slung his bag over one shoulder and made to walk past the other wolf without even looking at him but clearly Changmin had something to say.

“I saw what you did to Xiumin.” There was almost a dangerous note to his voice that made Luhan stiffen. If he had been in his wolf form the hairs on the back of his neck would have been bristling.

“A little undignified, don't you think, to mark your territory like that? You must be feeling very insecure.”

He growled softly. “What's undignified is you sniffing around someone else's mate so obviously.”

Changmin snorted. He knew very well that Xiumin belonged to him. It was Luhan who was overstepping his bounds and if Xiumin would only be honest with him then he would have to eat his words.

“I knew Xiumin long before you did.” Changmin angled his body so that Luhan was trapped between him and the lockers. The shorter wolf glared up at him. It was almost cute, considering how baby faced he was.

“And I'm his mate. Look, Xiumin's too nice to say it but you need to back off.” He punctuated his words with a sharp shove that sent Changmin back a step. He came back growling a little surprised that Luhan managed to hold his ground.

“What if he doesn't want me to back off?”

Luhan's fists clenched. Whatever he was implying, he needed to stop right now. Xiumin would never cheat on him.

“He does,” he said through gritted teeth. “So you better leave him alone.”

Grabbing him by the upper arms Changmin slammed Luhan back against the lockers so hard it almost knocked the breath out of him.

“I'll do whatever the hell I want.”

“Fine, do what you want, but you'll never have him.”

Changmin bit out a laugh and leant in so close that Luhan felt his breath tickle his skin when he spoke.

“I already did.”

The words left Luhan breathless for a moment until he saw the smirk on Changmin's stupid, smug face as he pulled away and the challenge in his eyes. His blood seemed to boil and he pushed him away with a roar, shifting into his wolf form as he launched himself at Changmin.



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Chapter 50: Awww... I miss this story :/
Chapter 49: ahh ing my babies ♡
Chapter 49: Awwww! Sweet and spicy! God Xiuhan are so cute...
Chapter 48: Xiuharem season 3 has a green light from me!!
Chapter 47: Well damn, I sure as heck didn't expect that. Gosh, I almost feel bad being pissed at Changmin throughout this entire story:P More importantly though, it looks like things are finally turning right for Xiuhan and I'm so happy for it.

Why does Chen have to be so hard on himself? Why does he have to be so cute? And why does he have to be my bias:P That just makes everything that much harder. Ugh, someone heal his bruises please.
kakashilover #6
Chapter 47: Awwww ......changmin is good guy after all

And my poor chennnnnie. T_T
Chapter 47: Awww they're so cute and Changmin *sighs*

But someone better heals Chenchen quickly ^^
baozikm #8
Chapter 47: Awww~ Chen is too cute :3
And Changmin I'd such a sweet heart, I hope he finds his mate to make him happy ♡
This story is always keeping me on edge even when the fight is over