Who would've thought? {A NamJin story}

Namjoon's POV:

Jin is really comfy. I love this position so much. It feels really nice. I feel pretty ing old for not dating in a bit but screw it. I think this is going great except for the massive fail that I did earlier but I think that's fine now. It was about halfway through the movie and I looked over to that super handsome boy that I never seemed to be able to take my eyes off. He wasn't sleeping. Soon his eyes were up on mine and he gave me a small smile, enough that it could warm my heart. "How's the movie?" I asked, not knowing what else to say. I also gave a smile back because it's nice but... I suppose it doesn't really matter. I just felt like it okay? 

Seokjin's POV:

The atmosphere was really nice. Quiet and really comfortable. I snuggled into Namjoon just the slightest bit more, one of my hands settling on his thigh. I felt movement and soon looked up at him, giving a smile. "Mhm.. It's good. Previews were better but you know.. I'd much rather watch the full thing." I replied while my fingers danced on his thigh just the slightest. "True. They always cheat you and give the best parts in the teasers, anyway." He spoke as his fingers rubbed gently at my shoulder. It felt nice. I seriously have a really hard time with finding people that just like comfort rather than hardcore . I mean... It's nice but that's later in the relationship. Not day one. es. "Yup, pretty much."


The movie had eventually ended, causing the two to get up and lace their hands. Overall, they had a good time and that's all that mattered. The joined hands swung slightly as they walked, Jin's head once again resting on Namjoon's shoulder. "Definitely again. Something more exciting next time.. I feel like a pretty basic for deciding on a movie." Namjoon spoke with a small chuckle at the end, stopping at the road and looking left and right. Jin laughed along, his head sliding off of the other's shoulder. "I guess a basic technique won't work. I liked it though.. Something more exciting does sound better though." They soon safely crossed the road and hopped into the elder of the two's car. "My prince, help with directions." Jin said as he drove out of the parking lot, looking over to the younger. "Of course, my princess.. Take a left here." Such cuteness blossomed at this moment. (RIP 2K16 FOREVER ALONE.)

With enough directions, the two were at Namjoon's house in no time. 

"Alright then. Get out of my car." Jin hissed, shooing the other away. "Ehhhh I prefer not to. It's cold out there." He pouted, placing his hand on the handle. "I'm just kidding. C'mon lazy pants." Jin had hopped out of the car and even stepped around, opening Namjoon's door for him. "You're the real prince now." Namjoon chuckled, hopping out and closing the door behind him. "Ahh.. You're funny. I'm definitely a princess, just saying." Jin even added in a non-existent hairflip for effect. They both sighed and made their way into Joonie's house to get Jin's cooking supplies. "Here you go.." Namjoon picked up something only to have Jin immediately take it out of his hands and set it back down. "No, no, no, no. I don't trust you to hold anything." Swerving around, Jin placed a small kiss on the other's cheek while picking up the left over items. His cheeks burned in a reddish color and he smiled just the slightest. "Alright. One day though.." 

All of Jin's stuff was loaded into the car and now Namjoon had to make his move. Hell yeah, slick af. He held both of the older's hands in his and leaned forward. "Going for a cheesy kiss, huh? Cute." Jin smiled briefly and quickly leaned up pressing his lips against Namjoon's, their lips now moving in unison. It was a brief, sweet kiss but nonetheless enjoyable in both of their eyes. "Eh... I'd say more buttery from popcorn but interpret how you want." Jin shook his head and giggled softly. "Whateves. Goodnight, youngin." Jin smiled and decided that another kiss couldn't hurt. He gently pecked the slightly taller on the lips and let go of one of his hands. "Good night, old bean." 

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hwasadal #2
wehey i like this
Lunarrp #3
I'm in love