Who would've thought? {A NamJin story}


The cooking didn't last ridiculously long but it felt like it because Namjoon hadn't eaten pretty much all day. It smelled amazing and Joonie really just wanted to dive in and eat it all but it was still flaming hot when his princess Jin had served it. The two sat at the table and made small conversation while they waited for their food to cool.

Seokjin's POV

Things were slightly awkward, I'd say. Mainly because we are sitting directly across from each other and looking at each other blankly but..I could be wrong. I decided to say at least something because it was seriously killing me and we were on a date? So..Of course you ask questions! ^^ "So...Before this gets any more awkward, I should ask some questions!" I know that sounded stupid but it couldn't be any worse than him dropping my stuff earlier. "Uhm...What's your favorite color?" I questioned with my eyebrow arched up. I'm not really sure what to do in this kind of situation considering my usual dates didn't go like this. "Black and pink, of course. And you?" Black and pink...Huh. What a mix. "I fancy pink myself. It's a pretty color."


After a while, the food had cooled and the two had both eaten. Quickly at that. After about 40 minutes of eating at least two bowls of rice and noodles, they had finished and were now completely stuffed and ready to go out to the movies? (Its been so long, I'm not sure of these things. ^^') Namjoon huffed and slid into his bedroom for a quick second to grab his keys to his car. "I'm driving!" He shouted and slid back out, twirling the keys in his fingers. "No..You aren't. Not after you dropped my plates. I'll drive, sir." The older stated, playing with his keys in his pockets. The arguing went on for a short amount of time before Namjoon gave up. Now, the two were making their way to the movies while apparently jamming out to hate from 4Minute. They had parked and stepped into the theater, already getting a bit comfy. Namjoon decided it was okay to be a bit smooth and wrap an arm around Jin's shoulder, earning a light blush and an adorable smile from Jin. Namjoon decided to pay, telling Jin that it was only fair since he was driving. Of course it wasn't complete without snacks. The two decided on a small popcorn and soda, considering they were already full from Seokjin's wonderful meal. Eventually, they were cozy in the 4th row from the back, legs propped up on the empty seats in front of them and eyes on the screen. It was still previews but there still wasn't that many people in there. Maybe 7? And by cozy I mean that the two had already gotten comfortable. Seokjin's head was rested on the younger's shoulder and Joonie had an arm wrapped around Jin's shoulders. It was extremely cute and I wish I was here to witness it but obviously not.

Namjoon's POV

This is so perfect!

Seokjin's POV

Who would've thought Mcdonalds could do this for you..

I am so happy I got a chapter in!!! Please forgive my long wait and please continue to look out for new updates!!! I love you all and hope that you never have to wait that long again ^^'


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hwasadal #2
wehey i like this
Lunarrp #3
I'm in love