Who would've thought? {A NamJin story}

{No POV}

Namjoon hadn't set an alarm. He had free time all day until six. But he knew he wouldn't sleep past 10 so he just decided to sleep till he felt comfortable which was at exactly 9:45AM. As usual, he looked like a hot mess when he woke up. But like..Actually hot. He was pretty much dying of heatstroke before he immediately threw the hot blanket off of him. He let out a small sigh of relief before going to get some food. He had a small house. Two bedrooms and one bathroom. But it was nice and he tried keeping it somewhat clean and organized. He pulled down a bowl and spun around to grab the cocoa puffs before dumping a full bowl in and pouring a lot of milk in. He stuck in a spoon and sat on the couch in front of the TV. There wasn't exactly much on except for the news and stupid shows. So he settled for the news which he wouldn't end up watching anyways. 

Time skip to 12 O'Clock..

He decided that even though his house was somewhat clean, it could be wayyy cleaner so he decided to clean up because he knew that it would take time. "Ugh..Cleaning is seriously a pain in the ." He made sure all of the dishes were washed, dried and tucked neatly into his cabinets. He made sure the counters were clean, which they usually were because dirty counters grossed him out. The floors were swept and mopped, stove was cleaned, bathroom was clean, and his bedroom was cleaned. The other room was used for stuff he didn't really want. But he could officially say his house looked perfect. Namjoon loved the satisfaction of a clean house but he hated the work to achieve it so he didn't do it often. It was now 3:31 and he was checking through his messages to make sure he sent the correct address before he hopped into the shower. After about 30 minutes, Namjoon got out of the shower and dried himself before looking through his clothes, talking to himself as he did so. 

Over at Jin and Yoongi's house

"It's 4:16 Yoongi! Help! What do I wear?" Jin was being pretty frantic. His day hadn't exactly been the best. He woke up at 10 only to find out that it wasn't the correct time and it was actually already 4. His date was at six and he still had to take a shower, find clothes, get the proper ingredients for dinner, brush his teeth, do his hair. So much still left to do! As Yoongi said he would be doing all day, he was studying and he had just woken up from his second nap. "Well you are only going to the movies and you aren't going to a fancy restaurant so just wear something casual." He suggested as he flipped the page of the large textbook. The older gave a slight nod before looking through his options in his dresser. He soon found a nice flowy, grey, see-through T-Shirt and nodded with a smile. He then made his way through his pants and picked out a pair of plain, light wash blue jeans. "Perfect." He then quickly stripped and hopped into the shower. 

Back to Namjoon at 5:50

Namjoon looked pretty cute/hot? (Pretty much he dressed like he did in "I NEED U" which can be taken as both) He was pretty much ready except for doing a couple final touch-ups on his hair and adding cologne. He plopped onto his bed and pulled out his phone and checked the time. 5:55. He proceeded on to looking through Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. 

Knock Knock Knock.


{Seokjin's POV}

I almost thought I was going to be late but it just so happened that I wasn't because I cannot screw anything up more than I already probably have. I think I look good and I smell good. Great. I kinda had to set the supplies on the ground because I had quite a bit and I had to knock. Please don't let me screw this up!

{Namjoon's POV}

..He's here. Okay..It's been a while since you've done this. Well actually not that long but it feels like a while. Everything looks good and I think I'll be fine. Quickly rushing to the door now because I took a bit on my phone. "Coming!" 


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hwasadal #2
wehey i like this
Lunarrp #3
I'm in love