Who would've thought? {A NamJin story}

{Namjoon's POV}

Well . Don't go to Mcdonalds on a Friday night. Today, I'm learning it the hard way.

So since I'm not a lazy person and I have time, I am currently making my way into the fast food restaurant. Yeah, I could have gone somewhere better and stuff but right now, Mcdonalds nuggets sound so good. Well I thought it was crowded on the outside but holy ! The inside is ridiculous! There is only two people in line but the tables are filled with screaming children and stupid couples. Even the outside tables are full. But there seems to be one spot. The only seat available is a booth with this one adorable guy, Just now taking his first bite of his burger. I wonder if he'll let me sit with him.

After my food took forever to come out, I adjusted my beanie, White beanie to be exact, And obviously picked up my tray. Since this guy looked interesting and he was cute, I figured I would make my way over there. Hey! Don't judge! Sure I'm gay. Deal with it. So stopping infront of the handsome boy, I put on my best smile. "Hey..Um..As you can tell, This place is crowded as hell. It's just me only and you look a little lonely...Mind if I join?" . That was terrible but he's smiling..And it's gorgeous. 

{Seokjin's POV}

Good lord this place is ridiculous, But lucky for me there is a seat available! Well..More like a booth but it's better than nothing. Honestly, I'd never think I'd end up here but I was craving a plain cheeseburger and of course like every town, Mcdonalds was the closet thing. A flashing white beanie caught my eye and I obviously looked over. Oh..He's handsome. Good thing I decided to come to Mcdonalds! But honestly Jin..The likeliness of him being gay or you even getting a chance to talk to him is so little. So giving a shrug, I started to eat my burger. Which by the way, Actually tastes good. 

I look up to see that guy, Smiling brightly. Oh god. He's totally hot! Why the hell is he here? Ah! I look like a mess. Screw it. I'm still eating my cheeseburger before he starts to speak. His voice is so deep and creamy. His lips are so amazing. "Hey..Um..As you can tell, This place is crowded as hell. It's me only and you look a little lonely...Mind if I join?" I couldn't help but smile. That was so cute. "Aww..That was so cute! Of course. Sit. I don't mind." AHHH! THAT SOUNDED TERRIBLE! But he only flashed his adorable smile and slid in front of me, Setting his tray down. His dimples are so beautiful! I hope I'm not blushing...


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hwasadal #2
wehey i like this
Lunarrp #3
I'm in love