Exo problems


Ever wonder if your members find out that you had with the same person... well for Suho and Baekhyun who managed to get Aiylanna pregnant with their ...

Now that Baekhyun has Taeyeon as his girlfriend things got wilder and as well Suho had Jessica as his girlfriend now Aiylanna has to face this for herself not to get into anymore problems but for the rest of the boys which they have girlfriends including your 2 friends now with you left alone...

Still had help from Baekhyun's girlfriend Taeyeon who won't leave you even for a second as Aiylanna said " Taeyeon unni you don't have to worry bout me i will be fine" Taeyeon " no sweety pie i will take care of you and little baekiie inside of you"...

Baekhyun faced palm himself on how Taeyeon acted sweet with Ailyanna as Baekhyun said " Taeyeon sweety lets leave Ailyanna alone for awhile" so with that they both left the room and went into their room leaving her alone with tears streaming down as she put her hands on her little growing stomach and said " mommy will take care of you little baekkie"...

 The leader of TVXQ Yunho came in and said " time for my little sister to go to the hospital" as she got up Yunho helped her as he opened the door Changmin said " ready?" She just nodded as they walked to the hospital Baekhyun and Suho looked at each other and feeling bad for doing this to her when she needed them the most as they felt pain they couldn't control it....

will they end up hurting her more or will they end up hurting themselves???

Well they kept asking themselves for the 19th time and still they decided not to help her but let Yunho and Changmin in charge...pfft...Suho and Baekhyun just wanted to be there for her...Yunho stared back at them like 'I will kill you' look...

Baekhyun and Taeyeon had a little date at a park which they settled to as both can't wait to finally be boyfriend and girlfriend...which on the other hand...Suho wanted to take a moment and think about Ailyanna and the child she's going to have soon...Suho felt like his heart is torn in pieces of how he acted in front of her...

Baekhyun was getting himself ready to meet with the only one he had eyes on...yes...Kim Taeyeon...the love of his life...well admit that he still feels like a jerk for leaving Ailyanna...which he still loves for eternity...Baekhyun pushed that memory away and only focus on his relationship with her...

Suho couldn't take another pain as he gathered himself and headed to the hospital that Yunho texted him to go as he quickly grabbed his jacket and keys for the house as he ran towards the door locking it and closing it...the next thing he saw was Baekhyun having with Taeyeon in the park at night as he clearly was hearing her moans even far where Suho is so he shook his head and ran towards the hospital...

As their make out ended...Taeyeon said " Baekiiee I think we can't continue with our relationship!" Baekhyun said " why?!?! I still love you!" Then she said " Baekhyun is because you ignored Aiylanna and had with me which I thank you for it but really you should be with her...by her side giving her strength to move forward...not like this"....

Taeyeon is right...Baekhyun is ignoring Aiylanna by loving Taeyeon more than her...Baekhyun wanted to be by her side forever...

Will he???

I had to update since it was short...


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murnilan_98 #1
Chapter 15: Well..not bad..it's fun..
Chapter 1: Hi guys cutegirl23 here...I updated my story so that you can read it more understandable and just to let you guys know that the ideas came from my head as i was writing it so please comment if you guys can read it and understand cause I had ideas...this story took me awhile like 4 days to updated it so please enjoy this story as much as you like so that you let me know if it's missing something or fix it i can do that...
So keep reading if your interested in reading this
Bye-bye (waving*)