Caucasian Television

Rush Hour Crush


“…” Jimin started after 30 seconds of silence.

The older was smiling away, reattaching the door to the frame after the episode with the Incredible Hoseok.


Jimin wasn’t sure if Yoongi was just trying to make him sweat after overhearing the conversation or was busy concentrating. The butterflies were a sure sign of the former. Oops.


After a few grumbles and groans, Yoongi stood and batted the door gently between his hands. “That probably ought to do it…” he mumbled and turned to the younger.

“You were saying?”

Jimin had no words to offer him except “Um” and “…” before pressing his lips together and clenching his jaw shut. The embarrassment was real. If he didn’t say anything then he couldn’t make the situation any worse

“Dinner, that was it” The blonde said, as if he was remembering, but it was more than likely to save Jimin from further shame. That’d come later.


“I’m not much of a cook” Yoongi admitted as he walked towards the kitchen. “Or much of a host”

Jimin followed him awkwardly and stood against the counter as the older boy searched the cupboards for something to rustle up. Every cupboard he opened up was greeted with a sigh or a sound that probably meant he wasn’t up for whatever he was staring at.

“Yeah...I was supposed to be going to the grocery store this morning to pick up a few things for us but…”

“He showed up” Jimin finished his sentence.


“That’s okay, hyung” he smiled. “We can order take out”

“I’m really sorry” Yoongi said defeatedly. “I promise to do better next time”.


It wasn’t his fault, not really. The plans had been made just the night before and the unexpected visitor definitely threw a spanner in the works. Or a screwdriver, from their perspective.


Jimin offered him a shy smile to reassure him that the plans weren’t ruined. In fact, he was grateful for it, as this miniature blip took some of the attention away from the fact his plans for the evening had been announced. Were they his plans? Probably not. But now they kind of had to be.


“Since it’s a date hyung...we...I could set the table?”

“You’re the cutest.” Yoongi smiled. “I love how you’re assuming I have fine china, though”

He wouldn’t have been wrong to assume it. Yoongi’s apartment wasn’t a million miles from the condition of the apartment Jimin shared with Taehyung but it definitely had a certain je ne sais quoi. It was decorated chicly and there was no clutter to be seen. Was he even a student?

“You don’t?” the younger jested.

“Nah, but there’s some place mats and some nice-r cutlery over there in that drawer” he motioned.

Jimin opened the drawer and took out a couple of placemats.

“You throw dinner parties often?” he mocked

“My mom gave them to me so I could be civilised...she said”

The younger looked around the pristine cleaned kitchen in disbelief. He had to be kidding, right?

“Yeah you’re a total ape, hyung” he laughed.



Yoongi pulled his phone out of his back pocket and began to swipe through apps to find one to order some dinner.

“What do you wanna eat anyway, besides me?” he said conversationally, glancing up from the device.


“I said, what would you like to eat?”

“, maybe?”

There was a pause before the blonde burst into laughter.

“Meat, huh? Well okay, but what would you like for dinner, Jimin-ssi?”


Jimin felt like his stomach was gonna fall out of his . If only he hadn’t ran his mouth on the phone to Tae he wouldn’t have Yoongi making cracks about what he’d said in the heat of the moment. He was gonna have to grin and bear this one. That, or somehow get his best friend to text him, feigning some kind of emergency.


“I’m just kidding” Yoongi laughed. He walked opened a small drawer in the kitchen counter and grabbed a bunch of fast food leaflets. “Your choice” he said, still smirking as he handed them to Jimin.
“Yeah...Thanks...Yeah… Um, hyung...can I use the bathroom?” Jimin mumbled in a panic, taking the leaflets from the blonde and tossing them on to the countertop to stop the nervous tremble in his hands from dropping them on the kitchen tiles.

He felt as though the fire from the heated exchange with Hoseok had migrated from his chest straight to his cheeks.


“Sure yeah” Yoongi said, filing through the leaflets Jimin had seemingly discarded. “The master bedroom has an en suite”
“Back in a sec” Jimin almost lept from where he stood through the door frame, across the apartment and into Yoongi’s room.

His anxiety was doing a number on him today. Just a few moments by himself in the bathroom where he could collect his thoughts and splash a little water on his face would be all he needed. Or so he thought.


When Jimin reached the blonde’s bedroom it took him a few seconds to adjust to the visuals. The visuals were merely his own erted thoughts when he laid eyes on Yoongi’s king size bed. The hormones in this apartment were off the damn chart and Jimin needed to get it together or he was gonna explode. Yoongi’s bedroom looked like it belonged to an angsty teenager who had found out their favourite group had disbanded. The bed linen was strewn across the floor and the wardrobe had been ransacked. Considering the rest of the apartment was immaculate, the mess was likely a product of Hurricane Hoseok’s fury.    


Jimin shut the bathroom door behind him quietly and sat on the closed toilet seat. Huffing and puffing as he pulled his phone from his jeans pocket to text his best friend.


Jiminnie [14:05]

He heard the whole thing.


Tae-Tae [14:08]


Jiminnie [14:08]

He heard me saying I want to him off.


Tae-Tae [14:09]



Jiminnie [14:09]

You’re not helping. I need to leave. Should I say I’m sick and need to go home?


Tae-Tae [14:10]

If you don’t do it, don’t come back!


Jiminnie [14:10]

You’re a creep, Tae..


Tae-Tae [14:11]

If u text me again before you get some, I’m changing the locks before you get home


Sigh. It was either stick to his word or bail out and as nervous as Jimin was, mama didn’t raise a quitter.

“Whatever” he whispered to himself as he stood up from the seat. He looked in the mirror and smiled at his own reflection. The flushed cheeks he was sporting ten minutes ago had returned to his usual complexion and he didn’t look half bad. Tae had tweezed his brows for him a week before and thanks to a 12 step beauty regime, that was definitely exclusively for men, his skin looked poreless.


Tae-Tae [14:16]

Pics or it didn’t happen. JK


With his new found confidence Jimin smiled to himself, set the phone to ‘silent’ and put it back in his jean pocket. He didn’t need that going off again and ruining anything that was potentially going to go down.


It was only when he turned the doorknob he realised that he’d been in the bathroom for quite some time. That was awkward, or at least that’s how it felt. Being MIA for a while in the bathroom at your crush’s house after a provocative conversation and all.


He returned to the kitchen where Yoongi now was sitting at the table, still presumably scrolling through apps on his phone.


“You okay?” Yoongi said as Jimin set foot into the room. “You were gone a little while...Can I get you anything?”

“I’m fine hyung!” Jimin said, almost as if nothing had happened.

“You sure?” the older boy said, sounding unconvinced by the younger who’s attitude and expression had switched from deer in headlights to nonchalant and relaxed.

“Really I’m fine, just one of my contact lenses felt a little off and I had to fix it” he lied.


Jimin practically had 20/20 vision. He could be a pilot if he wanted to be, but a lie was better than explaining he was frantically sending distressed texts to obnoxious Taehyung.


Yoongi offered the brunette a half smile. It was obvious that he wasn’t so sure whether or not Jimin was telling the truth.

“Have you decided what we will eat hyung?” Jimin said, pulling out the chair besides Yoongi and taking a seat.

“I told you earlier, it’s your choice since you’re my guest” the older boy smiled, and waved his palm over the splayed out takeaway menus on the table.

“Meat skewers.” Jimin decided “Do you like those?”
“They’re good…”

Yoongi turned his head slightly away from Jimin’s gaze. he appeared to be fighting against a smirk that suggested Jimin’s choice of dinner had refreshed his memory of the conversation before Jimin fled to the bathroom.

“Yeah I want to do that too, hyung, but first I’d like to eat some meat skewers” Jimin said, almost assertively. “I mean...if you like them...I’d like them too...” he added instantly, remembering to show his respect for his elder.


Yoongi stood from his seat and put a hand on Jimin’s shoulder

“You’re adorable, you know?”


Yoongi called a kebab house he’d visited a few times with some of his course mates and placed their order.


“You might want to get comfortable for a little while, jagi” Yoongi said as he flopped down on the sofa next to Jimin.

“Whats up?”

Yoongi explained that the restaurant were currently out of some of the ingredients to make the order, so there was going to be a delay. Jimin suggested they ordered from some place else but the blonde was adamant the kebab house he’d called serves the best skewers he’s had since he moved to Seoul. And who was he to argue with that?


“Netflix and chill?”

“Sure” Jimin agreed. His heart rate was steadily becoming faster as the connotations of the streaming app and “chill” usually resulted meant 10% of the time watching something and 90% having . Was it going to this time? Or was Yoongi just innocently asking him if he wanted to watch tv to pass the time? Time would tell.


Jimin was surprised to see the current tv shows Yoongi had been watching according to his account. They ranged from Masterchef to Ru Paul’s Drag Race. Maybe he was bluffing about not being able to cook? And he really didn’t look like the type to enjoy drag but hey, he was still getting to know the guy.


“What do you wanna watch?” the older boy asked, flicking through the tv shows in the ‘recommended’ section.

“I don’t mind hyung” Jimin answered politely. It really didn’t matter what Yoongi put on the tv ‘cause he had a feeling regardless of his choice it’d end up being ignored anyway.

“Law and Order: SVU it is” he decided quickly.

Strange choice, Jimin thought. He hadn’t mentioned his English fluency and surely he wasn’t going to make him sit through the most caucasian tv show to exist - with subtitles. Especially on a date. Or was that his plan? Maybe it’d be easier to ignore if they couldn’t understand all the dialogue.


“Can I get you anything while we’re waiting?”
“I’m good” Jimin exhaled, and offered him a fake smile to compensate for the obvious sigh. Was he really gonna make him endure this?

Yoongi shifted his weight on the sofa to move closer to the disapproving brunette, draping his arm behind him to rest on the plush cushions on the back of the seat and hit ‘Play’.

Ten minutes had passed of Jimin attempting to keep up with the subtitles while inconspicuously side eyeing the blonde to see if he was still watching the show. He was finding it hard to maintain his semi-understanding of the onscreen dialogue when he began to feel the slightest touches of Yoongi’s fingertips start to gently graze against his arm. The repeated rhythm of the up and down his arms sent shockwaves throughout Jimin’s body. Did he really expect the guy who was smirking to himself about the conversation he overheard, to let him off so easily? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he was just being affectionate? He was just touching his arm god damn it, it was hardly fourth base.


It was only when Yoongi reached Jimin’s shoulder that the younger boy shivered against his touch.

“Cold?” Yoongi whispered into the boy’s ear.

Every last hair on Jimin’s body felt like it was standing on end as he breathed the last syllable.
“N-no” he replied sheepishly as he turned to face the other, gently in his bottom lip into his mouth as he willed it not to shake as his words stuttered.

Jimin’s eyes were fixed on the television across the room, he didn’t dare to allow his eyes to wander in case he caught a glimpse of the expression of the boy seated next to him. He forced his eyes to blink slowly to create the illusion that he was perfectly relaxed, and each nerve the older boy was brushing with his finger tips were not doing jumping jacks.

It felt like a good few minutes had past when in actual fact it was likely to have been seconds before Yoongi whispered into his ear again. His tone was satin smooth and if Jimin hadn’t have been on edge previously, he definitely was now.


The younger didn’t have the opportunity to utter a “Yes hyung?” as he turned his head sheepishly. Where had the confidence from the call with Tae gone?

“Jimin” Yoongi whispered once more. This time he pulled the brunette towards him with the fingers that had been tracing his goosebumps, coercing him to look at him properly.

Yoongi had a look in his eye that Jimin hadn’t yet had the pleasure to see. At first his expression didn’t seem to be out of the ordinary but the way his lips curled at the edges and how he seemed to be fighting a side smile told him otherwise.

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Chapter 7: this was unexpected :-) good to have u back author-nim !!
moonlitsky #2
Chapter 7: Gosh this is good~!! Can't wait for more~~
Chapter 6: Can't wait to read more :-)
baeksmanganerd #4
Chapter 6: uwu I love this so much <3
mdvlrs #5
Chapter 5: ahhh this is just so so so cute
taeyang818 #6
Chapter 5: Omg!! Yoongi is thinking far ahead pretty quickly damn. Also hoseok wtf
Banging_bangtan #7
Chapter 5: Confession of Min Yoongi is like a rush hour..
Bangtantown #8
Chapter 4: I love this! Its really cute!
exomaniacc #9
Chapter 4: Jimin is such a cutie and Yoongi is a cool cutie together they are cringy
Banging_bangtan #10
Chapter 3: Your late yoongi you !!!! /hehhehehehhhhehh/ so cute. Omg.