
Rush Hour Crush

There was a brief moment of silence and Yoongi’s smile fell from his face. He laughed. Jimin’s eyes had been everywhere in the room but on the blonde, was he scared? A bit.


“I’m totally kidding” he smiled reassuringly. “Like sure I like you but the rest of it... I was yanking your chain”

Jimin realised his dear caught in headlights expression was plastered all over his face and quickly replaced it with a false smile. He’d thought about a future with Yoongi, but daydreams are more than just a stones throw from reality.

“Oh I knew that” he lied.

“Yeah sure” Yoongi said, raising one eyebrow.

“Sorry I’m just...Who was that earlier?” Jimin asked and tasted the immediate regret as the last syllable left his lips.  

This lunch date was turning into a rollercoaster of emotion and anxiety for Jimin. The atmosphere had gone from burning hot to a stagnant lukewarm.


“Sorry it’s none of my business, hyung” Jimin started as he got up from his chair and grabbed the pair’s drinking glasses “I’ll go get us some refills!”


Jimin stood at the soft drink dispenser and put his head against the cold ice maker. Second date and it was already becoming awkward. Great. He couldn’t remember what Yoongi had been drinking since the whole date had become a blur after he’d announced his alleged 5 year plan. “It was a joke” he repeated over and over in his mind.  It wasn’t the commitment that scared Jimin. It was the idea of someone getting close, again, and leaving him. Was he even ready for a new relationship? Maybe but his anxiety was telling him otherwise. The handsome stranger in the Aquarium instilled all kinds of feelings of paranoia and jealousy into him that he didn’t know existed til today. He had to be Yoongi’s ex, surely? After a few minutes of deliberating over what drinks to get he decided on lemonade. Simple.


He returned to the table and set the drinks on the table in front of the older boy.

“Ah I haven’t drank this in a long time” Yoongi smiled as he took a sip.

Jimin returned the smile and started to play with his hands under the table.

“He’s my ex” Yoongi said. His words sounded dull but it was clear to Jimin that he seemed almost embarrassed.

“That explains it”

“Explains what?”
“It explains why he was so rude and offhand with you”

“That’s kinda his gig”


The waitress interrupted the awkwardness as approached the couple’s table with two more steaming bowls of ramen. Thank god, Jimin thought.

“You ordered more?”

“Yeah, I don’t eat out very often and you looked pale earlier...I want to make sure you’re well fed” Yoongi smiled shyly.

The temperature began to rise again.

“Thank you” Jimin said, dipping his head slightly and smiling.


The conversation turned to their hometowns, favourite animes and then eventually the weather.

“It’s pretty cold outside” Jimin sighed. “I can’t wait for cherry blossom season”

“Me neither” Yoongi agreed. “We should go for a picnic sometime”

Jimin hadn’t been on a picnic since he was a little boy back in Busan with his parents and younger brother.

“Sure! I’ll pack us a nice lunch” he said excitedly, his eyesmile making a long awaited reappearance.

“It’s a date”


The conversation eventually switched to how dark it already was outside. They’d spent the whole day sitting in the restaurant, much to the dismay of the servers who wanted to give the table to other couples but hey, they had a bottomless mug policy. Each time the waitress would look over at the boys and look at the clock, Jimin would flash her his adorable eye smile. She’d roll her eyes and smile. It guaranteed them an extra half an hour of guilt free table hogging.


“Do you want me to walk you to the subway station?” Jimin asked the older boy, trying his damned hardest not to sound patronising.

Yoongi looked like a badass rapper on stage but it was Saturday night in the capital city.

He laughed.

“You serious?”

“Maybe I just don’t wanna say goodbye yet?”

“You’re the cutest”


They reached the subway station after a very slow walk. The city hadn’t looked as bright until this night with Yoongi. Cliché and tropey as hell, right? But that’s how it was. Even the constant buzz of the traffic and loud groups of friends congregating before their night on the town seemed almost pleasant. Jimin did his best to hide the blush that cast across his cheeks when Yoongi grabbed his hand as they crossed the busy streets.


“Hey, I know I always leave this until the last second but..” Yoongi began.


“How about I cook dinner for us tomorrow night?”

“You cook?”

“I can try”

“Ok hyung.. but your train is here” said Jimin, fake pouting, releasing his fingers from of the older boy’s.

“I’ll text you my address!” Yoongi said, kissing Jimin quickly on the cheek and then ran towards the soon to be departing train.


Taehyung had been rehearsing for a new performance at university all day and night so really wasn’t in the mood for Jimin’s new, ridiculous drama. Especially not in the mood since he was greeted with it the second he set foot in the apartment.

“Jim, let me sleep” Tae grumbled as he barged past Jimin to get to his bedroom.

“Tae you don’t understand” the shorter boy whined.

“I understand perfectly, you’re neurotic and I need to rest cause we have rehearsals all day tomorrow”

Jimin admitted defeat, returning to the couch where he’d sat waiting for his best friend since he returned home. To stew in both his anxiety and excitement for tomorrow.


After a few hours Tae stumbled into the living room with a glass of water to see Jimin, fast asleep with his laptop still on, resting on his chest.

“Jiminnie, time for bed” Tae said softly, nudging his friend awake and lifting the laptop from him.

As he put the computer down on the coffee table he noticed a Facebook profile of a person he hadn’t seen before. “Who’s Jung Hoseok?” he thought.

Jimin wasn’t budging so Tae nudged him again, a little more forcefully. The brunette finally opened his eyes.

“So you’re allowed to sleep but I’m not?” he groaned.

“Who’s this?” Tae said, gesturing towards the laptop screen.

“Who’s who?”

“Jung Hoseok”

“Oh, doesn’t matter” Jimin lied.

Tae could see though Jimin as if he was made of glass and Jimin knew that all too well. Lying to him was futile.

“What was so important, then?”


“If you say so” Tae sighed, knowing he’d get a full, detailed run down of why his friend was upset in 5….4….3…

“Ok he’s Yoongi’s ex”

Jimin may as well have been made of glass. He was so transparent, especially to Taehyung.

“So why you playing Nancy Drew, Nancy?” Tae sat down next to him on the sofa and slung an arm around his wallowing friend. As much as he thought he was overreacting, Jimin needed to be comforted.

“I saw him today and he gives me the creeps” Jimin mumbled. He put his head in his hands and sighed.

“Why’s that? His smile looks like the human embodiment of sunshine” Tae said. He liked playing Devil’s advocate all too often and wasn’t treading as lightly as he probably should have.

“That’s the problem.” he mumbled through his palms.

“Hey if blondie is going on dates with you, I doubt this guy is in his life any more”

“How’d you know?”

Tae sighed.

“I’m not a psychic Jimin but people generally don’t go on dates with others in broad daylight if they’re already in a relationship”

“You’re probably right”

Tae pulled Jimin in close with his arm and hugged him tightly.

“You’re too soft sometimes Jiminnie, but that’s you. Don’t ignore your gut though”

“There’s something about him that makes me feel weird” he mumbled into Tae’s arm.

“Yeah, he’s your new bae’s ex, duh” Tae said in his high pitched girly voice.

“Did you…” Jimin stuttered trying to not laugh at the absurd noise coming from his best friend and the word ‘bae’.

“It’s what kids say these days babo”

“Yeah...right, fellow kid” Jimin cackled, pushing Tae off the couch.


The pair headed to their bedrooms and said their goodnights.

The hug and chat with Tae held Jimin over until the second hour of laying there staring at the ceiling.

It was like he was anticipating the absolute worst although the rest of the day he’d spent with Yoongi had been great. I mean, asides from the awkward phases that occurred when Jimin brought him up but, yeah. Why did this stranger have such a hold over him after less than a two minute encounter?  And why hadn’t Yoongi text his address yet?

The feeling in his chest didn’t show any signs of letting up any time soon. As it was just about becoming normal, he fell into a deep sleep.


Around half 9 there was a buzz from the bedside table.

It was a text from Yoongi.

“Sorry I fell asleep til 10 minutes ago…x” it read.  

Jimin, who had no chill even moments after just waking up, responded right away.

“No problem hyung :)! When’s dinner? x” he replied. Too quickly, god damn it.
Yoongi usually took his time with replying but not today, it seemed as though he was well rested after his ten hour plus night’s sleep. Odd, but pleasant.

The older boy told him to arrive at around 2pm and gave him the address.


Jimin didn’t know what he expected prior to being text the address. Finding out that Yoongi lived in some of the apartments that were on the more expensive side of university campus made him curious.

He figured his parents must be rich or maybe his rapping was earning him some decent money. Youtube Adsense an all. I mean, he had quite a few thousand subscribers so he must have a large audience.

Jimin knew it was bad to make assumptions and presume things about people but there was something about that Yoongi that made him curious and curiouser.


He spared Taehyung the earache of whining about not knowing what to wear and showered quickly. The warm water hitting his skin distracted him temporarily from the all too familiar feeling of butterflies within his stomach. The butterflies weren’t their usual excited selves today. It almost felt as if they were nipping away at his stomach trying attempt to escape. Very uncomfortable.


For the next couple of hours he tried  to study for finals. For whatever reason he felt the day seemed to be one of those that went by slower than usual. More than likely was due to the conflicting feelings of excitement and anticipation. It was pointless. He had studied the curriculum to death and he was probably going to pass with flying colours. He always did. Education didn’t phase Jimin one bit, people on the other hand were often enigmatic…Except Taehyung. He was pretty easy to read. Kinda like an animal in the sense that  if he cries he’s probably hungry.


Jimin asked if he needed to bring anything along on his way. No response. Must be busy cooking, right?

“Can’t wait to see you! Xoxo” Jimin text the older boy as he was leaving the apartment. He felt a little iffy double texting but the excitement was building.

After a few minutes he received a simple “See ya then”

Jimin knew little about Yoongi but the blunt response triggered the butterflies to behave as if they were in a blender. Gross, I know. Yoongi didn’t strike Jimin as the hot or cold type but something felt off, almost as if he had a reason to feel the way he did.

It was just a text. Who can really know what tone to read a text in? Maybe he didn’t even realise he’d messaged him the previous time.. Jimin scolded himself.


He arrived at the blonde’s apartment block twenty minutes ahead of schedule. Punctuality was something he prided himself in and  he presumed he’d be there way before lunch was prepared anyway. Assumptions, again, Jimin!? He’d only been late once before. The stairs looked like the best option to kill some time before he turned up early until he realised he’d have to walk up 10 flights.


Out of breath from the unexpectedly steep stairs, he made it to the 8th floor and walked what felt was half a mile of carpet to apartment 101. The door was slightly ajar. “West building, 8th floor, apartment 101” the text had read. As Jimin raised his hand to tap on the door he could hear raised voices coming from inside the flat.


“Where is it, then?!”
“My Supreme snapback”

“Should be in there somewhere”

“I want it back Yoongi”

“Find it then!”


It was Hoseok inside, with Yoongi. Jimin’s heart sank. As he dropped his hand the door in front of him opened quickly.

“Oh...Jimin” Yoongi said, a black refuse sack in his hands. His face was red and his hair was disheveled.

“I’, bad time huh? I’ll just-” Jimin stammered and turned to walk back towards the stairs.

“Not a great time but come inside, please” Yoongi pleaded.

Jimin had showed up a tad early but judging by the blonde’s expression, he hadn’t planned whatever was currently happening.

He came behind Jimin and guided him inside the threshold with a hand at the small of his back

“This was just leaving...apparently I’m withholding his belongings without his consent” Yoongi spat, loudly so Hoseok would hear him from the bedroom.


“Can I get you a drink or anything? You look a little warm” Yoongi said caringly. Jimin was warm. But the warm feeling he had felt a few minutes ago had been replaced with a feeling that had him at almost boiling point. His bad feeling had turned out to be right and at this point all he wanted to do was throw Hoseok out of the window.

“Water, please, if you don’t mind” he smiled sweetly, not wanting the older to know how pissed off he actually was.


A few moments after Yoongi had disappeared into the kitchen, Hoseok emerged from the bedroom, still whining about his hat and clocked Jimin sitting on the sofa.


“Oh.” the taller man started “Didn’t realise you would be so quick to replace me, Yoongi!” he shouted through to him in the kitchen.

“HA!” The blonde screeched, irony in his tone.

He came back into the living room and set the glass of water on the coffee table in front of Jimin.

“Replace you? We’re over Hoseok. Find your ing snapback and get the out, please”

“We were on a break” Hoseok shouted back. He went back to ransacking the cupboards for his precious snapback.


Jimin, who had been staring at the ground for the past few minutes, lifted his head and glared at Yoongi.

“Don’t listen to him...He’s talking . He’ll say anything. WON’T YOU, HOSEOK!?”

Yoongi was furious. Hoseok clearly had a bee in his bonnet over his belongings but there had to be more than that.

“He’ll be gone soon” Yoongi sighed.

He sat down on the space next to Jimin on the sofa.

“Did you find my place easy enough?” He said, tone considerably softer than the one he’d been using towards his unexpected visitor.

“Yeah” Jimin mumbled. He sipped at his water to hold him back from saying what he really wanted to say to Hoseok.


Hoseok came back into the living room, wearing his previously misplaced snapback and sat on the sofa in front of the two boys.

“Well this is cosey, isn’t it?”

“I told you to leave”

“It’s nice here isn’t it, Jimin, is it?”

Jimin didn’t reply. His eyes fixated on the coffee table.

“Bourgie...I think, Yoongi like expensive things”

“Clearly I had a taste for cheap things once too”

Hoseok smirked.

“The key word in that sentence was taste, Jimin”

“Who the are you speaking to?!” Yoongi stood up.

“I’m speaking to him” Hoseok stood too. Towering over the blonde.


Bzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Jimin’s phone rang in his pocket. His savior. Or Hoseok’s savior depending on where you were standing in the room.

“Got to get this.” he said bluntly, leaving the apartment.


“What do you want, Tae?” Jimin asked as he pulled the door behind him, leaving it slightly open to keep an eye on the current situation.

“Ooh am I interrupting something babo?” Tae cackled down the phone.

“Not what you think” Jimin sighed.

“Oh, go on”

“His dickhead ex has turned up...wait a second” he said, moving to the side of the door frame. It sounded like the argument within was diffusing.


“I’ll be back soon for the rest of my things” Hoseok said.

“You’ll be lucky, now get out of my house”

Hoseok threw open the apartment door and it slammed against the adjacent wall where Jimin was stood.

“You’re welcome to him, but I want my I WILL be back, Jimmy.” he snarled at Jimin before he left the block.


“Jimin?” Tae asked with concern.
“What was that?”
“Dickhead ex just leaving.”

“What happened?! Spill!” Tae sounded like a teenage girl.. He really was a messy who lived for drama. Literally.

“Came over for some of his things and implied some things about Yoongi…”
Silence from the other end of the receiver usually indicted Tae hadn’t heard enough and wanted all the details.

“Ugh” Jimin started. “He said he has a taste for the finer things” he said, making sure to add emphasis on the word taste.

“Then give him what he wants”

Jimin choked.

“Bit soon, Jiminnie” Tae laughed like a maniac.

“You’re ridiculous, Kim Taehyung.”

“Do you wanna though?”
“Yeah. and I will. I’ll taste him better than that son of a ever did”
“Go get it!”
“Yeah now you’re making it weird...I’ll talk to you later, Tae”


The brunette turned back to the door that may or may not have been off its hinges by now to see Yoongi crouched at the bottom of the door. He was holding a screwdriver and reattaching the screws that had flown off in Hoseok’s rage.


“Sorry, I er, my roommate called” Jimin said embarrassedly. Had he been there the whole time?
“I heard” Yoongi grinned.

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Chapter 7: this was unexpected :-) good to have u back author-nim !!
moonlitsky #2
Chapter 7: Gosh this is good~!! Can't wait for more~~
Chapter 6: Can't wait to read more :-)
baeksmanganerd #4
Chapter 6: uwu I love this so much <3
mdvlrs #5
Chapter 5: ahhh this is just so so so cute
taeyang818 #6
Chapter 5: Omg!! Yoongi is thinking far ahead pretty quickly damn. Also hoseok wtf
Banging_bangtan #7
Chapter 5: Confession of Min Yoongi is like a rush hour..
Bangtantown #8
Chapter 4: I love this! Its really cute!
exomaniacc #9
Chapter 4: Jimin is such a cutie and Yoongi is a cool cutie together they are cringy
Banging_bangtan #10
Chapter 3: Your late yoongi you !!!! /hehhehehehhhhehh/ so cute. Omg.