
Rush Hour Crush

After Jimin was sure the older boy was probably halfway down the street, Jimin put his fingertips to the cheek Yoongi had kissed and held them there for a few moments. It was like he was dreaming, as if no one else was in the room when infact it was a moderately full chain coffee shop on a Saturday afternoon. That realisation was when the paranoia set in. Did anyone see? Jimin wondered, but really did he care? Maybe a little. The skin on his right cheek felt as though it was tingling. Had Yoongi been wearing lip plumping gloss? Probably not. Was Jimin just burning up from the adrenaline? More than likely.


Jimin pulled out his phone to text Taehyung to tell him to order takeout and prepare himself for the big news. After what he considered a reasonable amount of time spent gazing out of the window and avoiding eye contact with the barista he got up from his seat and made his way to the subway station.


“You’ve got to be kidding me” Taehyung mocked. “One tiny peck on the cheek and you’re writing your wedding vows”

“What do you mean!?” Said Jimin, getting the feeling his friend wasn’t taking him seriously at all. After all they’d gone through the past few days!

“I’m just saying Jiminnie, a second date is hardly walking down the aisle” Tae said, softer this time. He probably realised his previous claims were a bit on the harsh side.

“Yeah well you weren’t there. You didn’t see how he looked at me” the shorter boy argued. There was no way his experience was getting downplayed by the over dramatic Kim Taehyung. Not a chance.

“Ya, you’d have to have your eyes open and uncovered to see his face!” Taehyung knew all too well how Jimin would have reacted throughout the date. Although he was open and playful with Tae, Jimin was known to his friends for having a bit of a shy, reserved, disposition. Especially around someone he had a crush on. Typical behaviour of a teen, right? Except they were in their 20s. Jimin figured was already worried he was probably always be this way with Yoongi...or until he loosened up a bit.

“I’m working on that” Jimin mumbled.


The boys sat at the table in silence as they ate their dinner. After a while Taehyung broke the silence.


“Look Jimin, I’m sorry ok?” He said.

“It’s whatever” Jimin mumbled again.

“I just wish you’d realise there’s nothing to worry about, clearly the guy was interested else he wouldn’t have given you his number.” Tae said caringly.

It wasn’t often the pair had a heart to heart about subjects of this nature but Jimin’s self confidence was lacking in the first place, and he definitely didn’t need it to dwindle any more.

“You’re smart, you’re funny, you’re cute as hell...I mean, why am I not dating you?” He added.

“Because you’re not gay, Tae” Jimin replied, this time his words were more pronounced and not what could be considered an ape language. Jimin was a mumbler when he was sulky and it made him practically incomprehensible.

“ you’re right..” Tae said, almost as if it was brand new information. He looked out of the window to see the city skyline. “I need to find my wife quickly if you and DJ Sugar are gonna be all about the place”

“Who’s prematurely walking down the aisle now heh?” Jimin giggled. “And he’s not a DJ!”


The following week at university seemed to be the longest week of Jimin’s life. Trying to focus in class when the professor was explaining new course material was laborious. Especially when all Jimin could do was daydream and try to recount the number shades of brown in Yoongi’s eyes.

The nights that should have been spent studying for upcoming finals and finishing homework were spent on Youtube trying to find footage of him rapping, as Suga. There were a few uploads of him and some guy who went by the name Runchranda but they were blurry and sounded like they’d been recorded in a tin can. Maybe he’d have to go and see him perform live for himself? Jimin wasn’t really into rap music but he was definitely into Yoongi.


The boys text each other from time to time but Jimin being Jimin was trying to play it cool, again. He made sure he waited at least 6 minutes before he hit reply even though his phone was practically glued to his hand in anticipation of the older messaging him. The texts were casual. Easy to reply to, right? Wrong.


“Tae how many kisses can you put on a text before you look desperate?” Jimin asked Taehyung at the dinner table.

“Hmm” he pondered, that imaginary beard once more. It was kind a trait of his these days, to slip into the detective character whenever a question required a bit of thought. “I’d say three, Why? How many have you been sending?”

“Five or six…” Jimin muttered and closed his eyes tight in embarrassment.

“Bro” Tae laughed “Then again, he knows you’re a total creep anyway so what difference does it make?....OW!”

Jimin had kicked him quite hard under the table.

“I’m not a creep!” Jimin scoffed, and then literally scoffed more than enough noodles to feed his feelings.

“...Anyway will you patch up my roots?I need to look good tomorrow” He continued nonchalantly, as if he hadn’t been an aggressive twit moments before.

“Aish…Fine and we’ll do something with that five o’clock shadow, too, Mr. I Don’t Stay Up All Night Facebook Stalking My Crush And Their Family”


Tae managed to convince Jimin if he was going to be pulling out all the stops to look radiant, regularly, he’d be better off as a brunette. He’d be bald if he was forever touching up his red roots since they grew out in what seemed to be hours.

“What if he doesn’t recognise me?” Jimin gasped, looking at his all new au natural self in the full length mirror.

“What, doesn’t recognise the hobo with bad roots he sees everyday on the train?” Tae grumbled and his hit arm. He was feeling as though his hard work was being unappreciated by his bratty best friend.

“No I’m just saying I look too good now, Tae” Jimin grinned. He was moving his face from side to side, letting the light hit his jawline in such a way it looked as if it could be used to cut glass.

“How can someone look too good, babo?” Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow in disbelief. This kid. First he has no confidence at all and now he’s full of himself.

“Like this” Jimin pouted at his reflection in mirror and ily pushed his hair back.

“Oh please.” Tae rolled his eyes and went to his room. Cocky Jimin was unbearable but also cute as hell.

Jimin didn’t even realise his friend had left the room as he was still basking in the glory that was his own reflection. The red hair had been nice but there was something about being au natural that made him feel more appealing .


“Red or black converse, Tae?” Jimin asked his half sleeping friend.

“What?” Tae mumbled as he lifted his head up from his pillow. Opening one eye to read the alarm clock. 7am. “Are you serious right now?”

“I need to look good Taehyung and you are the one who isn’t taking me seriously” Jimin complained, pushing his friend on to his back and pulling his eyes open like a kid waking up their parents on Christmas morning.

“Black” Tae snapped. He rolled back on to his front and batted Jimin’s hands away from his face sleepily.

“Why black? What does black say? What does it mean?” The brunette wondered. The years of spending too much time with Tae had probably rubbed off and was now paying off at the wrong time. His observation skills were usually lax but not today, oh no.  Not at 7am when his best friend was trying to catch up on sleep after he’d been kept up all night putting facemasks on his needy roommate.

“Black means do you want to die now or later?” Tae was having none of his metaphorical bull.

“Um..” Jimin whined.

“IT WASN’T A QUESTION GET OUT!” Tae leapt up, grabbed Jimin by the scruff of his neck and threw him out of his bedroom door.  

Wow, out of character much? Nah. Taehyung was prone to letting his emotion get the better of him at times. Acting student, remember? They teach these kids how to over act but not  how to calm the down.

Jimin didn’t really care though. All that was in his mind right now was what he should wear for the second date that was a matter of six hours away. Usually if he had someplace to be he’d sleep for another four hours.


But something about Yoongi made Jimin feel like his entire body was on pins even though the older boy seemed to be so relaxed. He had this energy about him that made him appear like he didn’t have a single care in the world. Maybe he didn’t. Maybe his life was totally chill. Right? Wrong? We’ll find out.


Taehyung finally roused around 11am and tapped gently on Jimin’s door.

“Jimminie?” He said. Tone sounding almost apologetic for the drama a few hours ago.

“Yes?” Jimin replied after a few moments, distracted by something.

Tae entered the room with two plates of eggs and bacon.

“Sorry for being a ” he said, smiling his boxy smile as he set one of the plates down to the side Jimin, who was seated at his desk. “I was dreaming we’d won the lottery, bought horses and I was set to compete in the Olympic equestrian”.

Jimin looked up from his laptop screen and made a good attempt of trying not to laugh before cracking up.

“Horses?” Jimin asked. “Why horses?”

“I dunno, I think a part of me has always wanted to ride a horse.” Tae shrugged, sitting down on the bed behind Jimin.  

Note to Jimin, horse riding lessons for Tae’s next birthday.


Jimin looked down at plate and noticed Tae had shaped the fried  egg into eyes and bacon into a smile. A god damned smiley face. Taehyung always did the ing most for him, especially lately, and he was starting to feel a little guilty. Another note to self, pick up some dumb souvenirs for Tae at the gift shop at the aquarium.


After the boys finished their brunch the subject of outfit choice was brought up, again. As if it hadn’t been the topic of discussion for the past week.

“Have you decided, then?” Tae asked and then shovelled in the last of his meal into his mouth.

“I guess. White tee shirt, red checked shirt, black jeans and some Timberlands maybe?” Jimin said, acting like the pile of discarded outfit choices (which was the entire bedroom floor) was nonexistent

“Sounds good. Glad you didn’t decide on the converse” Tae said semi smirking.

“Er, why the creepy grin?” Jimin asked his best friend, not knowing if he really wanted to hear the response but it was too late now.

“They’re really hard to get off, you know?” Tae winked greasily.

“YA! WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR?!” Jimin screeched “Now get out I need to change real quick before I leave, ert”


Jimin had arranged to meet Yoongi in the Rainbow Lounge inside the aquarium. He got there with ample time to make sure he had time to compose himself before the elder arrived.

Yoongi arrived shortly after 1pm, walking swiftly towards Jimin carrying a cup of coffee in each hand.

“Sorry I’m late” he said, handing a cup to Jimin. “There was a queue and I wanted to repay you for the other day…”

“Hello to you, too” Jimin smiled and took a sip of a coffee. “Caramel latte?”

“Yeah it’s one of my milder favourites” Yoongi smiled back.

As dark as it was in the room, the blue lighting illuminated Yoongi’s gummy smile whenever he smiled at the younger. He was so beautiful, Jimin thought. Radiant - in fact.


The pair wandered between the exhibits and observed the various sea creatures. Yeah, right. That’s what Jimin would have had you believe if he told you. In reality he was side eyeing the older each chance he got when he thought Yoongi wasn’t looking, to capture the expressions on his face.


“Hey, have you ever touched a starfish?” Yoongi asked in a childlike tone.

“Um, I guess not” Jimin said nonchalantly. Each time Taehyung tried to get Jimin to touch a starfish he would freak out and tell him there wasn’t a chance in hell he’d touch one of those salty creatures.

“Do you want to? I mean I never have and...I dunno...I think it’d be cool” Yoongi said, mumbling cutely.

“Yeah sure” Jimin said as he gulped back the fear of a creature likely to be as threatening as a bunny.

“They kinda freak me out a bit and I don’t know why, but the best way to conquer a fear is to face it, right?” Yoongi admitted. The badass rapper Jimin had seen on Youtube was turning into be quite soft and sweet. Not like he’d seemed any other way until Jimin binged watched his performances, on repeat, for the past week.


The boys made their way over to the marine touch lab where a tour guide was giving a talk about the creatures that were on display. They stood in the crowd of couples, families and school children on a school day out. This made Jimin feel better, being within a crowd as it meant someone else had to freak out about having to touch the crusty crustacean before he did, right? Even if said person was 8 years old and didn’t have their mom there to cheer them on.

The guide was explaining that the animals were very friendly and didn’t mind being touched when Jimin felt Yoongi’s fingers intertwine with his own. For a second there he didn’t know if he felt better or worse since his heart started to beat rapidly and his could feel the colour draining from his face.

“Hey, are you okay?” The blonde whispered into his ear with concern in his tone.

“I’m..I’m okay..” Jimin lied. I just haven’t eaten”

“We’ll grab something to eat straight after this, kay?” Yoongi assured him and gently tightened his grip on the younger’s hand.


Jimin opted to go first to get the whole ordeal out of the way. It wasn’t so bad. It felt a lot different to what he had imagined but he had no desire to do it ever again. Some things should remain unseen at the bottom of the ocean, Jimin thought to himself. Out of sight and out of mind.

Once he was finished he stood on the other side of the raised platform with all the other good children who had already had a go of meeting the creepy starfish today and watched Yoongi as he took his turn.


Yoongi placed his right hand on to the starfish and ran his fingers down its back. He turned to Jimin and squinted his eyes in displeasure as if to say “I’m brave, right?!” When he turned back to face the starfish and the crowd ahead of him, his playful expression was quickly replaced by a look of legitimate unease. He smiled at the guide, said a quick “Thank you” and made his way off the platform.

“Yeah can we move on now?” Yoongi said, irritation in his tone and his eyes were wandering around the room, searching for the way out.

“That bad huh?” Jimin joked, nudging the other gently.

Yoongi took Jimin by the arm and started to barge through the crowd to the next exhibit.

“Nah...Something...Someone..” He paused abruptly as he walked into a much taller boy standing in front of him, face first “...Else”.


“Min Yoongi?” The tall stranger asked knowingly. “Fancy seeing you here” His tone was saltier than the starfish Jimin had touched a few minutes ago.

“Hoseok?” Yoongi retorted, mocking his tone.

This wasn’t good, Jimin thought. Whoever he was, he’d pissed Yoongi off from a simple glance which earned Jimin’s defensive attitude towards him from the jump off.

It’s not polite to assume badly of somebody before you have had the chance to meet them and get to know them well enough. But there was something about Yoongi’s energy that was usually so calm and relaxed that made Jimin believe he wouldn’t be a prick to someone without a good reason.


“Can you move, please?” Yoongi said bluntly and motioned Hoseok to let him pass.

“But it’s been so long, Yoongz...Anyway who is this handsome guy with you?” Hoseok said, smiling. His tone was so sickly sweet and fake it made Jimin want to throw up.

Before Jimin could open his mouth to introduce himself Yoongi interjected.

“None of your business, Hoseok.” He snapped, trying to barge past him. More forcefully this time.

Hoseok was firmly standing his ground, though. He showed no intention of moving for the blonde, and his handsome friend.

“Don’t you want to meet my new girlfriend, Yoongi? She’d love to meet you” He said with a smirk. “Sooya! Come over here and meet my old...friend” He shouted to a girl in the huddle of people waiting to touch the sea demon.

“Not really…” Yoongi mumbled as the girl walked over to the boys, smiling sweetly.

“So, Sooya this is Yoongi and his...friend” Hoseok said, his tone turning slightly bitter on the last syllable of ‘friend’.

“Oh wow! I’ve heard so much about you, Yoongi. Hobi told me all about you. You’ve been such a great friend to him in the past, how come you guys don’t hang out?” The girl said. She looked so innocent. From Jimin’s perspective she was either stupid or completely blinded by Hoseok’s handsome features to realise her boyfriend was gay.

“Yeah nice to meet you, gotta get going though” Yoongi gave her a fake smile and then barged past Hoseok with more force.

This time the taller boy allowed Yoongi and Jimin to pass.

“Bye Yoongi! Great catch up! Bye, Yoongi’s...friend!” Hoseok called after the boys as they made their way out.


“I’m so sorry…” Yoongi said as they was making their way out of the final exhibit and into the gift shop.

“Don’t worry about it” Jimin smiled softly. “Help me pick out a gift for my friend, that might take your mind off it ”

“A friend?” Yoongi asked. The word friend was starting to leave a bitter taste in his mouth.

“Yeah, my roommate Taehyung. He’s been my best friend since we were kids” Jimin explained.

“Ah..That kinda friend. Not...that kind of friend” Yoongi was really caught off guard by the situation that’d occurred. It was troubling for Jimin to see, even though he had just only began to get to know him properly.

“Ew no.” Jimin laughed. “He’s like a giant child”

“Hence the gift?” Yoongi asked

“Kind of” The younger said, wandering around the stands of ridiculous souvenirs. He didn’t want to spill the beans about how Tae had pretty much been third wheeling the pair of them before they even met properly. That’d really put a damper on things. Or so he thought. Maybe he’d tell him one Tuesday afternoon they’d been dating for 8 years. Talk about jumping the shark, ay?


Speaking of sharks, Jimin picked out a cute shark plushie for Tae. He figured that might compensate for the attitude he’d been giving the past few weeks. Taehyung was a grown man but like hell would he give up his plushie collection, for neither man nor beast.


“We should go grab some lunch now” Yoongi said, realising quite some time had passed since the starfish incident. “You looked like you were about to faint earlier”

“Yeah we probably should…” said Jimin, totally forgetting it wasn’t actually the hunger that had turned him three shades whiter.


Jimin agreed to the first option Yoongi gave him when it came to where they were going to eat. He didn’t want to seem as fussy as he actually was when it came to food straight off the bat. That’d be annoying, surely? Ramen it was.

They strolled into the first place that served it that they came across and were met with prompt service. Nice. Jimin thanked his lucky stars since he was actually pretty hungry by now and the unexpected encounter had bothered him more than he was willing to admit.

The boys discussed their university courses some more and both admitted they wanted more from life than a petty degree and a whole load of student debt. It was so refreshing, Jimin thought, to finally meet someone who was as creative as he was. In a different respect, of course. But share a similar a brain that was driven by performance and emotion rather than academia, money and status.

As they were coming to the end of their meals Jimin asked the ultimate question. The one all graduates dread when their education is coming to an end, or what the annoying careers advisor asks you during your monthly visit.

“Where do you you see yourself in five years?”

“Probably working as an artist full time…” The older boy started. “Decent apartment, a car that will get me to the studio and back and maybe...with you”

“With me?” Jimin blinked and tried to clench his jaw shut so it didn’t fall open.

“Yeah, Jimin, I really like you” Yoongi confessed with a gummy smile.

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Chapter 7: this was unexpected :-) good to have u back author-nim !!
moonlitsky #2
Chapter 7: Gosh this is good~!! Can't wait for more~~
Chapter 6: Can't wait to read more :-)
baeksmanganerd #4
Chapter 6: uwu I love this so much <3
mdvlrs #5
Chapter 5: ahhh this is just so so so cute
taeyang818 #6
Chapter 5: Omg!! Yoongi is thinking far ahead pretty quickly damn. Also hoseok wtf
Banging_bangtan #7
Chapter 5: Confession of Min Yoongi is like a rush hour..
Bangtantown #8
Chapter 4: I love this! Its really cute!
exomaniacc #9
Chapter 4: Jimin is such a cutie and Yoongi is a cool cutie together they are cringy
Banging_bangtan #10
Chapter 3: Your late yoongi you !!!! /hehhehehehhhhehh/ so cute. Omg.