The Journal


When he first bought the old looking journal from the odd store down the street, he didn't think much of it. But when he finally decides to write in it, he finds there might be more to this old journal than meets the eye and he suddenly can't get the creepy cashier's words out of his head -

"It's said that only two of these journals exist and if you wrote in one, it would appear in the other."

"So, it's like texting?" One of his friends ask jokingly.


He didn't like how the cashier's eyes seemed to twinkle in amusement nor did he like the odd tone in the cashier's voice.


Genre: ?

Characters: ?

Setting: ?

Other: if you've ever seen harry potter then you would know about the journal ginny gets, it's kinda like that (the fact that when she writes in it she gets a reply) but instead of one journal it's two journals that are linked together. 

Hopefully this makes sense, if not just ask and I'll try to explain better ^^;

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Don't mind me, I'll go through these to see if anything inspires me. I'm a masochist since I struggle to finish my fics, lol!
Chapter 6: I was just wondering, whats the story about the 3 ninjas stuck in an infinite time loop called? I think i wanna read it ^^
Chapter 38: Sorry for spamming with the comments... just really like your ideas. ^_^ though i cant foster any of em as I have my own library of ideas in my head,notebooks and laptop folders so... ^^"
Chapter 28: No wonder this sounds familiar... i went to a play once, based off of agatha christie' books. Mousetrap, it was amazing...
Chapter 17: Le gasp.......
Chapter 8: This one's rly cute XD
Chapter 28: Whoa this one is super interesting! I might snatch this after I complete the graveyard one (which is only at 15% so far otl)